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22720286? ago

When dealing with unadulterated TRUTH, no self deception can be present. ANY self deception will result in something unforeseen happening, especially if you are operating a "time machine" (Duh, water is wet.). That's why [they] used children for more real-world accuracy in prediction, because children have less emotional baggage to deceive themselves about. Apparently that's NOT what happened when [SHE] got a hold of the technology. (Thank God!)....

"They never thought she would lose"~Q

My Guess as to WHY: Because [they] let [HER] use it! Who would dare defy the [queen of Arkencide] (and live to tell about it ) ??? [She] got her grubby self deceiving hands on the Looking Glass tech and promptly started planning her future presidency because it showed her what [she] WANTED to see, and not the actual truth. Either that, or it showed her the actual truth and [she] took it to mean something else.

IMHO this was a failing of the political elitists to follow their OWN satanic ideology, they allowed themselves the WEAKNESS of self deception. The satanists believe themselves to be superior because they supposedly aren't held back by morals we Humans hold dear, which [they] consider self-deception. Well, it looks like, [they] just forgot to "Think Mirror". (In more ways than one.) This is just an EPIC case of "Be careful what you wish for..."

[They] wanted to be stronger by ridding themselves of caring about others so [they] can "Truly Live" a life without self deception or weakness. Well, now [they] have a giant opportunity to be honest with themselves, and whoops its the LAST thing [they] want, huh. Strange how that works isn't it?

Things are the way they are, no skin off the average person's back, but its the end of [them]. [They] judged themselves "un-worthy" when [they] rejected reality. By [their] own rules [they] are being punished for failure to be strong enough.

Self honesty is a strength not a weakness, and a certain level of it is required for continued survival. Nature doesn't favor the animal that ignores harsh realities, not even if that animal can make it look like you killed yourself after murdering you.

[She] can try but [she] can't Arkencide Reality! Nothing can stop what is coming, not even if every living thing in The Galaxy is put to Arkencide, we'll just have "The Great Awakening" in Heaven.

22723456? ago

The Cult Runs the World