22726495? ago

Dig into this, anons. A friend of mine knows someone who witnessed those tunnels and the closed rooms during parties several decades ago. That person said they saw under aged prostitution occurring.

22730027? ago

LawFirms founder is a celeb lawyer who owns property ... Firm across from restaurant called Rabbit Hole...an unknown number of tunnels https://i.postimg.cc/LXnVfvGc/01.jpg Beau Biden defends judge who gave DuPont heir probation... DuPont tunnels. Check out the pizza express there and also the Hampstead children cover up. https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=OST9Y9W7uNk L.A Tunnels, Sleazy Spooky Hotels, Players Club, Chateau Marmont...... Sunset Boulevard https://voat.co/v/QRV/3622060 Considering the Epstein tunnels beneath the island and ranch, perhaps we should revisit G. Warren Shufelt's 1934 map of tunnels beneath Los Angeles. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3565987/21756445 Pearson Holding Co Inc List of subsidiaries. Epstein connection? Constructed tunnels. Samuel Pearson and Son. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3582807/21908116

22738544? ago

Thank you.

22724457? ago

Playboy founder Hugh Hefner’s FBI file released: Here’s what the documents reveal



22724434? ago

22720795? ago

I remember the Playboy mags from the '50s my uncle had in a box in his basement. You didn't see anything in any of them that you wouldn't see today at the beach. This was when married couples on TV shows slept in separate beds and the word "pregnant" was deemed too offensive to use on the air. I don't miss that kind of control over my life.

22722147? ago

That's why they had to transition to better methods of control over people. Things such as pedophilia, Jeffrey Epstein's kind of operation. Nothing you'd do at the the Playboy mansion would be shocking and blackmail material in today's depraved world.

22720727? ago

The FBI Vault you supplied say nothing about any tunnels. Your title suggested that it might, or did.

22724443? ago

Related news about the alleged tunnel at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3683615/22724434/

22720699? ago

Hugh Hefner, Al Goldstein, Bob Gucci one and Larry Flynt will all burn in Hell for the degenerancy they brought upon the world.

22720043? ago

Man, we need more people [patriots] who 'accidentally' redact incorrectly.

22719492? ago

Any man who looks at pornography has a SERIOUS mental and personality defect.

22720847? ago

The fact is after a couple has been together for a long time things get stale. Not a problem if your libido isn't very strong any more, but if it is you have to deal with it. Good sex is important to a healthy relationship, some more than others. Some people get into swinging (a very bad idea that rarely ends well) , some get into BDSM, some just watch or read pornagraphy, which is probably the most innocuous of the 3. The problem these days is porn is absolutely vile and abusive to women. There's no soft eroticism, everything is hardcore. For the written word, most erotica is incest, cuckold trash and interracial propaganda. I feel like our empire is approaching the end, like the Weimar Republic and the Roman orgy days. And we all know (((who))) brought this plague upon the world.

22721031? ago

And then, for reason at all...

22719868? ago

How do I fix it? My wife gets swimsuit magazines and I browse thru them sometimes.

22719935? ago

That's not porn.. but the question is what is wrong with your wife? If you aren't attracted to her why marry her?

22720191? ago

She got fat

22719468? ago

Hugh Heffner was a jewish infiltrator specializing in the trafficking of young white women, and blackmailing of our politicians. He is also the father of the jew Bill Maher who is a known member of the red shoes club. Like most jews, they are both blood drinking non human pedovores.

22719535? ago

What is the real religion? Masonic musician Pink' aka Alecia Beth Moore ... A famous Masonic Satanist hung out with the Broadmoor Ripper, the famous Mason was Knighted alongside Mugabe, Fred Goodwin, Kevin Spacey, Ceausescu ... jimcannotfixthis blogspot , The BBC Top of the Pops ... Was he a Jester, KnightsMalta? did he pray with Shriners to Lucifer? They have a Funeral Mass seems normal, 'Satan' they believe a fallen Angel....Broadmoor Ripper Who is the guy Mike Tyson boxed? endless ritual BS the tv shows, the super bowl, the music awards, the movies symbols ... and Madonna at Eurovision? ... are they followers of the Occult https://files.catbox.moe/2h3pfz.jpg

22720165? ago

Didn’t Madonna speak out about the Jewish canal that runs the world 20 years ago. About the time her career started slipping

22720710? ago

She starting practicing Kabbalah to show her servitude.

22719541? ago

Jews follow the talmud and are satans children. All of them.

22724384? ago

Jews follow the talmud and are satans children. All of them.

I disagree

Synagogue of Satan

The synagogue of Satan is not to confuse with Jews. Most Jews do not support the synagogue of Satan. The synagogue of Satan is trying to fool you into their lie that all Jews support the synagogue of Satan. In other words, people supporting the synagogue of Satan are bad people, compare to the majority of Jews who are good people.

For those interested in the Christianity topic. Such as Christian Bible, Jesus Christ, God. Here are two related extracts:

1 . Revelation Chapter 3 Verse 9

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

2 . Revelation Chapter 2 Verse 9

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.


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22719137? ago

Every single person who works for the FBI deserves to be shot by a firing squad.

22724397? ago

Every single person who works for the FBI deserves to be shot by a firing squad.

I disagree. I suggest to ignore this call for violence.

Is someone trying to manipulate and deceive you into violence? Related sticky discussion about ignoring calls for violence at https://voat.co/v/QRV/2806951/

A call for Equal Justice Under Law is not to confuse with a call for violence

22721526? ago


22724402? ago

I reported too

22720027? ago


22719528? ago

You CANNOT join the FBI unless you are a degenerate pedophile. They MUST keep their rank and file in check... but how do they do it? BLACKMAIL. Your first assignment as an FBI agent is to rape and kill a CHILD. This is recorded. This is used to blackmail the agent into servitude and keep them in check. Anyone from the janitor to the director MUST go through this process... In the old days it was mostly homosexuals, but that is no longer a big deal... so now they are ALL pedophiles. The FBI PURPOSEFULLY chooses people with this predilections. You MUST be a pedophile to be in the CIA/FBI and they have ALL raped and killed children. THIS. IS. FACT.

22719301? ago

Not all bad people, but co-opted from within without.

22719483? ago

look into the Shirners also connected to Masonic Jesters

22719382? ago

The FBI murders, lies, and sets innocent people up for crimes THEY committed. They trick retarded kids into accepting a bomb and then arrest the "terrorist." when the Civil War starts the FBI will be the first ones getting shot. Fuck them.

22719422? ago


create crime

cover up own crimes

destroy evidence

manufacture false evidence


22718918? ago

Anything involving pornography involves Human Trafficking.

End of story. It’s that simple. You don’t keep the RATT lines going without trafficking the naive into servitude. Playboy used NDAs and binding contracts to turn women into whores.

22722974? ago

The more redaction's, the more WINNING! We don't need to know the really bad stuff.

22719131? ago

Not to mention Hugh = CIA and the mansion had cameras literally everywhere. Traps. Easy power.

22722095? ago

It was no different than the Lolita Express/Orgy Isand and Jeffrey Epstein. These are the obvious operations, I'm guessing there are more out there that aren't so obvious. Maybe many small operations like Comet Pizza, and then again, some may be rabbit holes that go nowhere.

22723399? ago

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22720649? ago

Ask Rod Rosenstein's brother in law, Michael "Baran" Barsoomian. He was the Playboy mansion photographer for a while. Very small world.

22719657? ago


Anyone who profits on sex profits on misery no different from someone selling Heroin.

22718799? ago

oldest and most successful entertainer blackmail entrapment service ever devised

22719508? ago

Easter, Famed music festival, 2 separate compounds. Expensive to rent off season, nerve center of Bohemian Grove. There is a tunnel...a good half mile apart, fully lit, runs between locations ... lots of events in Commiefornia there's Beach Arts and Music fests, Hoodoo and Voodoo, LesboGay art events, Coachella on Easter Sunday for the diseases and HIVs .... Griffin Merv, Marc/Seacrest, are Weinstein or Kevin Spacey types the "regular". They say faggots from the CIA, Saudi, Jews and Freemasons are involved? Merv Griffin's former desert retreat renting for $6,000 a night, it includes an ugly Shriner Jihad style site, includes a 6,000-square-foot Moroccan-style house, movement of money, he sold his anus to an Arab for a foreign race horse, "Jeopardy" and "Wheel of Fortune." ... its possible they allowed Alex in, Jones films something gives out a few bread crumbs ... maybe something more weird is going on. Some say Commiefornia police are corrupt and in on it... Underneath Tokyo Tower in Japan you have this Egyptian Pagan Babylon crap. Shibakoen under a Watkin 1st Baronet Tower, Lahore Paki Fez Tower. An Ugly version of the Eifel Tower hides a Mason Temple ... why the weirdass creepy tunnels, fags flown into Commiefornia and burning rituals with elites from around the world hanging out in the forest, Nixon has audio tapes talking about them and he never liked them?

22719644? ago

Have you seen the "freedom tower" ?

22719989? ago

Geez I’d never seen that shot before. Not surprised in the least though

22719971? ago

You mean the ONE WORLD trade center. And the weird skeleton/baphomet mall in front “THE OCULUS”

Put the two together and you have the EYE/RIFT in front of the repeating inverted pyramids.

Then right off to the left you have the MASSIVE inverted black cubes.

Such a dark atmosphere, pay attention to the street “art” and names around the tower. EYES and symbols painted all over everywhere. Then the worst part of it all is the disrespect a lot of visitors show and the touristy consumer nature.

22720958? ago

Unfortunately I have to see that shit all the time, and the golden calf just down the block too.

22718588? ago

Go back to reddit if you want censorship @Splooge