22718000? ago

Does Steven Spielberg focus much of his fantasy life on young people? Did he portray children wallowing in sewers filled with fecal matter in Schindler’s List?

That ended differently than I was expecting! I haven't seen that movie; but I have seen The Goonies, which features a similar scene; and, sure enough, Spielberg wrote it. Initials "SS", thinks that make you go "hmm"...

22716619? ago

Interesting he worked with former preteen coke addict (now clean) Drew Barrymore on the Charlie's Angels movies. She became famous as a child in ET....

22716583? ago

"It's it"

"What is it"

Epic. Great song.

22716073? ago

Why does that end with "Buy clomid online"!?

...that was fucking weird.

22746887? ago

I think that was just the site that this was posted to, and an offer to buy the transcript (who does that....maybe old?)

22715739? ago

Both. Glover was doing drugs and Spielberg is the Jimmy Savile of America.

22816336? ago

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22719894? ago

James Alefantis = Jimmy Saville

22714065? ago

Steven Spielberg .... https://imgflip.com/i/3r0dx7

22713815? ago

I think this blind from CDAN is about Glover. If so, he's a damn hero.


22713555? ago

He blew up his career with this piece (and knew it, but he'd likely amassed sufficient "fuck you" money before doing so).

22712994? ago

Crispin is a fucking weirdo. Love him.

22746874? ago

I remember how odd he was when he appeared in David Letterman - it seemed like he was on drugs and was just "out there". He was talking about how he knew martial arts and he did a practice kick towards Letterman's head....they went to commercial right after that and he.was.done.

Now I'm reading this and thinking the guy was a genius, maybe a crazy one or maybe they huffed him up for a fall. Either way, thanks for sharing...very intriguing.

22711735? ago

(((Spielberg))) pimped out his daughter. No wonder she's in porn now.

22713563? ago

He's such a piece of shit that he probably did it without her even knowing... letting his buddies know where she'd be physically to abduct her, etc. I hate these cowardly weasels.

22712022? ago

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22711478? ago

I'm going with the Saville simile...

22720804? ago

there were rumors on crazy days website https://voat.co/v/news/3683009/22714761

22711464? ago

Why not both?

22711355? ago

Steven who?

22712043? ago

Steven Jewberg.

22711000? ago

I believe I can answer his inquiry, I believe I know, at least in part, what it is.

It is, what we are told it is. It is he who listens without contempt for lies, who sins against us all.

The believer, this is the enemy, not of gods and devils, but of men.

The believer lives in us all, and wants to believe, wants to always know he is surrounded by allies, but the believer is a damn fool and remains blissfully unaware that he is surrounded by those who wish him harm for no greater reason than the mere possibility of a small profit from the assault. The believer needs BIG REASONS to believe a deception has occurred, and will not accept that simple pride and greed remain the primary motivating factors, and require no grand circumstances to be exploited. Furthermore the believer will NEVER BELIEVE that the sort of people who deceive frequently, are talented at it and recognize the believers social cues and can identify weakness like a well trained sniper. The believer, believes none of this, but its all completely true and easy to verify.

Once a man ceases to believe what he is told, the believer dies, mourned only by itself, and the cynic rises to take his place.

Beliefs cause the mind to stop functioning, a non functioning mind is clinically dead.

Beliefs are dangerous. Believe nothing. THINK.

22716640? ago

What Is It?

It's it.

What is it.

"Epic"- Faith No More. Google the lyrics

22713598? ago

those who wish him harm for no greater reason than the mere possibility of a small profit from the assault

A bit of research into Judaism shows there's a bit more at play than a mere profit motive. Judaism is a supremacist ideology masquerading as spirituality.

22711241? ago

I believe I can answer his inquiry, I believe I know, at least in part, what it is.

Followed by...

Beliefs are dangerous. Believe nothing.

22711601? ago

barkin up the wrong tree, but you enjoy yourself

22711813? ago

Why are you wasting your time?

Because you want power to influence people to walk away from faith and truth.

I'd say kill yourself but the devil will just move onto the next weak and vacuous mind.

Better would be for you to take care of yourself and stop ehatever you're doing that is creating your demoralization spiral. Then your demons will leave you.

22711849? ago

You're the only one trying to demoralize anyone, you could have just as easily disagreed and stated your case.

It seems clear anyone who converses with you truly is wasting time.

If you have a point to make, why not make it?

22714316? ago

I did. Your sickness creates the blind spot that keeps you from comprehending it

22717531? ago

Yea, thats exactly what happened.

Cool story bro.

22710919? ago

Holy hell, we have one that can see.

22714464? ago


22711292? ago

Why do shills always post a show approval after their initial shill?

22711593? ago

u wrong tho

22711765? ago

Lol. I'm right. Both responses written consecutively.


Do I really have to teach you how to shill better?

22711955? ago

ur wrong, I'm not the OP or an OP alt, is no one allowed to think the piece was interesting?

I posted twice in the same thread so that makes me an op alt? So did you!

I also noticed the concurrence and accurately forecast that the only dickface around had hit both my long and short comment.

I freely admit both those are me, anyone could tell this, it was not hidden. But you glow brightly, you pursued me, I did not seek you out or interfere with you, you came @ me for expressing my thoughts of the moment. I understand what you are trying to imply but you are wrong and your 'shill detection skills' are laughable and additionally paint you as the prime suspect in the shillery that once again, only you are engaging in.

I see your RESPONSES to my comments and I click to reply just like you moron, which naturally allows both of us to notice this if both still checking for new.

But lets get back to who the shill is, you're making such a good case.

tldr - go fuck yourself

22710673? ago

Yes I remember, he really did hijack Kubrick's legacy as a "hope apologist" back then, didn't he.

22711491? ago

Kubrick's legacy? You mean gaslighting the entire planet into thinking we went to the moon?

22746904? ago

Don't forget Eyes Wide Shut which seemed to be his way of telling the world about the satanic cabal. Y'know, the movie he filmed on Rothschild property behind closed doors.....the one that released shortly before his sudden death?

22710563? ago

This is excellent....and true.

22713940? ago

I agree.

The light being shone on this crypt creature will destroy him and his minions.

22710212? ago

Excellent read, thanks for posting....