22675348? ago

Kek is not christian

22671036? ago

very cool

22665674? ago

Those are EPIC DIGITS my friends!

22665664? ago

That's a pretty good get, but it's probably not divine intervention.

22665522? ago

Numbers are starting to fascinate me. I can't explain it but I see this shit everywhere. It's always 11:11 or 222, 333, 444 and so on. It used to weird me out. Now I laugh and point it out to everyone. My boss will call me over and I will point out the time is 1111 or a client will call and it will be 222. I will get a text from a friend and it will be 444. It's like clockwork...

22701546? ago

pray and ask the holy spirit for more of it -- worked for me!

22665422? ago

Yes wow

22663306? ago

The universe, the people of earth and a large band of helpers from here and there are busy working with SOURCE at co-creating a NEW Earth, clean and lovely.

22663268? ago

pairs, trips ... octs?

22661904? ago

God is real.

22661840? ago

Saw it in real time it was an honour and privilege to see it, blew me away!!

22661692? ago

Trump is a dipshit that we elected so that he could shit on career politicians and fuck the system. Nothing more. He turned out to be the biggest jew dick sucker of all time

22661621? ago

ID # ends with QEK

22701538? ago

right? sounds like "kek" -- and has a Q embedded! :)

22661256? ago

In the New Testament the number seven symbolizes the unity of the four corners of the Earth with the Holy Trinity. The number seven is also featured in the Book of Revelation (seven churches, seven angels, seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven stars).

22661528? ago

...and the Book of Revelation is unfolding as we speak, some has already happened...

22660782? ago

I love you Corona-Chan

22660596? ago



22660225? ago


22660568? ago

2+2+6+6+2+2+5 = 25,



22660173? ago

Is there a link to the "original" 8Chan or 8Kun post? Or archive of the post?

22660434? ago

The post was 06/19/16 and just stated Trump will win!

There is a fuller image about 1/3 way down https://pepethefrogfaith.wordpress.com/

I've had no luck finding an archive on archive.is

22659888? ago

Do that again!

22659916? ago


No u!

22660403? ago

? means you never know.

22659655? ago






... Total coincidence. KEK!

P.S. Digits Confirm the digits confirming Trumps confirmation. chek'd. (Not tired of winning yet.)

22660564? ago

freaky shit

22659680? ago

5:5 o7

22659650? ago

7 is God's Divine number!

22661682? ago

The earthly god.

The master number, the number that rules over the others, is 9. Any number added to 9 is itself, so 9 is nothing. On the other hand, the other numbers added up equal to 9, so 9 is everything. Nine is the Divine Number of the physical and non-physical dimensions.

22663490? ago

3, 6 , 9 = Non physical

1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5 = Physical

22664186? ago

Two worlds overlapping, superimposed. Two completely separate systems helically woven together. The base 10 system is not one system.

When you separate them you no longer get approximations, non-repeating decimals, you don't have to round up or down because it's a whole different way of doing math.

Marko Rodin (Rodin Coil) does an excellent lecture on the 3, 6, and 9.

22665261? ago


And yes I am very familiar with Rodin.

22662081? ago

Nine is an inverted 6

22663496? ago


22662284? ago

Six is an inverted nine.

22659611? ago

Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail, Kek!

22660077? ago





Shadilay! Shadilay! Aww Naww! (kek)

22663383? ago

I see you. <

22661722? ago

22 66 00 77

omg kek

its all real

22662209? ago

OP got a triple!

22659590? ago

Lets try it here. If God exist this post will end in 7.

22659618? ago

As I’m looking at your post it’s 1.7 minutes ago

22659539? ago

Best story ever. I fucking didn't believe it when my old computer buddy told me about all this shit happening. Now, he can't keep me from looking for every post like this.

22659475? ago

Mad Times

22659443? ago

Great Keking Day

22659332? ago

Also, if you haven't seen it, check out the proof of God 4chan posts. I can't find it with a search right now, but I'm sure it will come back. A bunch of anons posted saying God doesn't exist if the ending numbers are 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9 and like 10 times in a row it posted correct that god exists.

22659949? ago

Sorry, Dude, there is no "proof" of God, only a crazy little thing called Faith.

22662031? ago

Faithis the substance of things hoped for, yet unseen.

Here is an inverted quote from John Lennon:

“Faith is a response to evidence, not a rejoicing in the absence of evidence.”

I never did like the Beatles.

22662642? ago

Little satanist club

22660165? ago

Golden Ratio is known as the Fingerprint of God for a reason Faggottini. Faith in the existence of a Prime creator stems from Ignorance of our reality, you don't need Faith, faith assumes it is real but cannot prove it is real. There is an abundance of Evidence of the Prime Creator out there in nature.

22660256? ago

Oh ye of little understanding: any god that can be "proven" is not God. Pray for a clue.

22659433? ago

Here is the short version, there is one where it goes on way more:


22666255? ago

Thanks for that, I hadn’t seen that one before!

22662647? ago

I'm cackling, over here! Praise God!

22659179? ago

check your own trips faggot! holllllllly kek!!!!

22659166? ago

Why did eight 7s indicate a win?

22663459? ago

7 X 8 = 56

5 + 6 = 11



22660668? ago

Repeating digits in trip codes was a sign of significance before this happened. Then, when an anon predicted Trump's unlikely win (media reported it was all but impossible), the significance became solidified. All 7's seemed to be divine insight, or a divine blessing on the prediction.

22659382? ago

Because gematria dictates

22664695? ago

math and number dictate

they rule the world

22659078? ago

7 is God. God wins.

22659531? ago

7 is the number of creation. 7 colors in the light spectrum, 7 notes in an octave, 7 densities in the Law of One, 7 days in God's creation, 7 chakras. 777 is the opposite of 666. It is the number of ascended man.

22667461? ago

Indigo is a lie.

22661573? ago

Erm. There are 8 notes in an Octave.

22661800? ago

A note repeats in an octave tho, just different pitch. 8th note is start of the next octave

22662321? ago

True that

22661379? ago

And 777 days after 5/31/2017 is 7/17/2019!

Genesis 5:31

22659254? ago

God or the Mother creator would be 9

22662057? ago

9 is a repeat. Going in the other direction.

22658963? ago

This, and subsequent events reaffirming it, eventually lead me down the path from atheism to occultism and eventually Christianity.

22669882? ago

If you're not leading yourself, someone will always be able to lead you.


how much longer Bob? When do they all see the truth?

22662373? ago

top kek, anon. I rejoice with you!!!

22662048? ago

7 is the number of God. This is honestly amazing, like it was meant to be. If this doesn't show people that God is real I don't know what will. It's incredible.

22661622? ago

You’re not alone.

22661096? ago

I'm a Christian but I chalked it up to coincidence. I see now that I was quite wrong. Something far bigger is happening.

22661070? ago

Sorry to hear that. You went from Jewish moral nihilism to Judaism for Gullible Goyim.

22660988? ago

Reposted the image on 8Kun, thinking this is one Q should repost... let's see what happens...

22660970? ago

Kek is an Egyptian God, how the fuck did you go back to judiasm? lmao

22661473? ago

That's what I'm wondering.

"Kek led me to Christianity." There's something really off about that. Pepe is laughing somewhere. So am I.

22662835? ago

That means they think their god Yahweh was pretending to be another god, which is blasphemous to the highest order, lmao.

22663228? ago

Yup lol

22660635? ago

True christianity is all about the 7 chakras aka the 7 spirits of God,

Chakra = wheel

Church = circle/ wheel

Wheels within wheels.


The biggest secret hidden in plain sight

22663327? ago

All over it Sir.

22668655? ago


22669944? ago

Define light...

The only thing that allows us to see the physical is sunlight, without it, we would be blind.

The sun wears a corona (crown), aka a crown of thorns or rays.

The word Ray comes from Ra, the son god. Covered in gold.

The sun projects light. Creates the hologram we see in 3d. It's literally a projector.

We have energy centers in our body tied to every major system that allows us to live.

The 7th is the crown/corona. Its our direct link to THE Corona.

Corona offline? Corona virus?

These people are sick? Indeed. Sick in the head! Lousy connection to source.

When the 7th seal is opened, (hint, someone already opened the door of doors) then the arc of the covenant is opened in heaven.

Define enlightenment. Define 'opening of one's mind'.


"And in the end many shall look here and there and knowledge will increase"

But you Daniel, "Go your way, in the end many shall shine like the sun, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever".

Peace and love patriot

22672454? ago


That is beautiful Sir.

And I get this totally.

How can this be happening?

The witnesses there to open the scrolls. I'm trying to ascertain exactly where we are in Revelation.

I want to see changes everywhere, and also in my own life.

22674167? ago

The 2 witnesses are your eyes

The scroll opening / rolling up represents timelines & again, vortexes (circles/chakras/churches/wheels within wheels) Macro/micro. Time isnt linear, its an illusion. Time is perpetually cyclical, past and future dont exist, only the moment, and everything that has, or will ever happen, happened in one moment, now. We live in a 3d quantum hologram and everything, like a hologram, is encoded in the substrate. Only the perspective of the conscious observer gives the illusion of time and movement. Mind blown yet?

The 7 seals on the scroll is the 7 chakras 'igniting' (again, the ACTUAL meaning of church is the same thing), its about the BODY of Christ (the annointed body / rainbow body / transfiguration / enlightenment / resurrection from spiritual death, etc)

Also represented as a 'lamp', or rather THE lamp... the Menorah, which physically represents one lamp with (normally) 7 'lights',

The light emmanates from little tubs the ancients called both 'Bowls' and 'Trumps' (because they looked like little trumpet/horn mouthpieces)

When the 'Seals' are opened, the '2 witnesses' are given POWER to PROPHESY (Project into reality) a NEW WORLD (New Jerusalem) Because to witness, you dont just SEE (observe) you TESTIFY / MANIFEST something into reality via THOUGHT/INTENT.

HIstorically, people who were 'Disciples of Christ' or (people who sought out anointing from God) would be said to breath fire (speak truth) and fire is judgement (for the enemies of humanity)

SO.... when WE THE PEOPLE resurrect from spiritual death and speak the TRUTH against [THEM], we are breathing FIRE on the world, BUT....

We must be lamps filled with OIL.... (we must be anointed / Christened) think... the foolish and wise virgins parable. The virgins with no oil in their lamps 'never knew Christ'... well duh.. goes hand in hand, right? Because oil IS Christ. Same meaning. Different word. Like Dinosaur / dragon, Alien / Angel, chakra/church, etc.

If our lamps are FILLED, then....and ONLY then, can the trumps 'sound' (again, trumps are not literal trumpets, but the little cups/bowls of the lamp) and when they 'sound', they ignite. All represents spreading and speaking TRUTH and fire pouring out of our mouths in judgement against the enemy who HIDES truth and works in the shadows.

Now... after the trumps, the 'BOWLS' (sometimes called vials depending on translation)

Again, same thing as trumps. ANd what are the bowls of Gods wrath filled with? FIRE. And its poured out on the ones with the 'mark of the beast' (juxtaposed to the mark/ seal of God) SImply put, those aligned with God destroy evil by speaking truth fearlessly against those NOT aligned with God. At some point it wont be safe for them to walk the streets.

People just dont realize just HOW Biblical this all really is. Q isnt kidding. Wait till people learn who the Q team is... wait till they learn WHO POTUS REALLY IS. Some already know....

7, Biblically, means 'maturation' or 'perfection'. Why is the book of Revelation of Jesus Christ (THe book of revealing the anointed) packed full of 7's? Those with eyes to see, and a deep understanding of ancient Hebrew / Greek idioms / allegories as well as near eastern understanding and extensive knowledge of the modern occult (hidden things) understand the language.

I have put stuff out there in the past like this and have been threatened by Freemasons on this very board.

Q mentions Thundercats. Once. HUGE tip there... characters? Powers? Intro scene? gear?... Means more than you realize.

For more 80's references, how about carebears? Kingdom Chums? God... the list goes on.

THe truth has ALWAYS been out there. And hidden in plain sight. This is WHY symbolism will be their downfall.... because we are awakening.

Peace and love patriot

22674755? ago

That's perfectly explained, and I am on the same page 100% Sir. Amazing.

22674872? ago

Fantastic! Thanks. Glad others can see

22660473? ago

Yep, similar path. I'm concerned about intentional deception within the bible (by baal?) and religions of course.

22659638? ago

I always suspected there was an underlying order being masked and over-ridden. I now believe it to be true.

22661121? ago


22659504? ago

Agreed. I was never a spiritual person, mostly because I had most of my religion dictated to me by other people who kept constantly telling me that I would fail. Weird, how for a lot of us, the journey that you mentioned happened when we came to the internet to find truth, and found what we didn't expect instead.

22659876? ago

ok boomer

22659927? ago

Wow, deeply contemplated reply. We're not worthy.

22659210? ago

eventually lead me down the path from atheism to occultism and eventually Christianity.

So many of us right there on the same path with you!

22663703? ago

course a lot of Christians get their draws in a wad over mystical stuff - kind of ironic given all the things that surround its origin - from the happenings in the tomb to the experience of Saul of Tarsus

22665105? ago

to the experience of Saul of Tarsus

Who like most jews was likely a disinfo agent who never really converted (at least according to most serious Scholars)

If you really want to go down a rabbit hole check out

Atlantis Edda & Bible by Hermann Wieland (1925)

22666446? ago

I read serious scholars on the subject and there's nothing like "most" that hold such a view among serious scholars in the field (as in any that hold department chair positions). The conspiracy theories that envelope Paul into them are definitely a fringe position in the academic circles of the field

22670021? ago

The conspiracy theories that envelope Paul into them are definitely a fringe position in the academic circles of the field

Hmmm. Just like Q.

Paul is Jewish misinformation - consider that it's basically "Paul's" words being used to foster unnecessary guilt in white Christians and get them on board with their own self destruction.

22679867? ago

Paul says a lot of things that line up with other early writers of Christian text that wrote independent of him. In the New Testament text scholars can tally up on the order to 20 to 30 independent sources - only 2 or 3 are either explicitly aware of Paul or it could be inferred that they were aware of him. (By mid 2nd century, then pretty much all the text would have been known, so is different for writings of that century.)

An example is that the Christ poem that Paul recites in Philippians lines up very comparably to the high Christology of Gospel of John, chapt 1 Christ poem. So Paul writing in the 50s espouses a high Christology that comes off like the high Christology being espoused by a near end-of-the-century text, the Gospel of John. The two are independent streams of early Christianity development - no redaction between them, as certainly Paul was not aware of the future Gospel of John, and the latter does not have awareness of Paul and his epistles (nor is the Gospel of John aware of the Synoptic Gospels, for that matter).

Of course, the cool kid Gnostics, like the Valentinians of the 2nd century, claimed lineage from Paul, while also holding the Gospel of John in high esteem - the first commentary on a gospel (of the New Testament canon) was written in the 2nd century by a Valentian Gnostic Christian, commenting on the Gospel of John.

22661630? ago


22661866? ago

My sentiment, exactly! :)

22661015? ago

Same! I went down a similar path!

22659529? ago

Yep, im with you, i used to be an atheist and anti theist but now have different doubts.

22662423? ago

Trod various paths for decades. Deep stuff not namby pamby light weight new age crap but ageless "teachings". Various initiations. Long story short, finally at the bottom of the pit I called out to God and Jesus Christ showed up. I did not earn it, did not have necessary "knowledge", did not deserve it. But He came for me. He said: "Why are you struggling so hard when you are loved just as you are?" I immediately flipped to the true Light. Been an awesome adventure ever since.

22667180? ago

Welcome home bro!

22668242? ago

ThanQ, anon. Thank God for Home!

22663572? ago

That's just beautiful

22662875? ago

Good for you brother. Welcome!

22663759? ago

Happy to be here w/ my "fam".

22664622? ago


22659509? ago

They attack and harm my people and there is no justice. They take our land and rape our women and there is no justice. They invade our places of worship and burn our holy places. They wish to kill us all. To have faith is to know God will protect us and with his right hand know we are an instrument of his will. God does hate and despise those who harm the helpless and children. May we stand for the oppressed and be his instruments. May evil flee in the face of his glory as we stand. It is our duty to protect our families. And, if a brother cannot protect his own I will stand in his place.

Deus Vult, amen.

22665070? ago

Gods will....

22658812? ago

Praise Kek, and may he once again grace us with his presence here in 2020 - let the chaos commence:)

22661054? ago

Christfag boomers are trying to subvert our movement and saying their god was just pretending to be an Egyptian frog god.

22661524? ago

They'll figure it out lol it's that ole' cognitive dissonance. It's hard to admit you've been bamboozled so hard for so long over your ever-lovin soul!

22658744? ago


Digits confirm.

22660502? ago

heh, I see 44 for you, with 4 points, posted 40 minutes ago.

22666852? ago

This comment was linked from this v/theawakening comment by @Dao-it.

Posted automatically (#93831) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

22659195? ago

this man notices!

22658687? ago

And I say it again: Shadilay!

22659334? ago

Greatest song that was actually real!

This proved meme magick was real.

22660299? ago

You cant make this stuff up! Reality trumps fabrication.

22661491? ago

Your get agrees haha

22663743? ago


22658611? ago

Good times.

More information on the strange 4chan synchronicity Storm:

The Truth About Pepe The Frog And The Cult Of Kek

22663741? ago

one day that document will be regarded as a kind of Holy scripture per the happenings of the current age

22663341? ago

That's hectic.

22661941? ago

I think the 777 breaks the curse of the 666. 🐸

22663610? ago

natural evolution and graduation

22663376? ago

Yes and the difference of 111 is super significant.

Crazy Gematria as 111 simple also = 666 english.

That's the longest series of results on the Gematria.org website, along with 444.

22661908? ago

I remember reading that would be Trumps age on his first day in office. At that moment I too knew something bigger than us was in play. 😇🐸

22661674? ago

Thanks for that link. Watch this for extra info too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaG23Zv_-_8 Who is KEK? Memetic Magic, Chaos & Twin Particle Accelerator Facilities Mandela Effect 2017

This world is not how they 'taught' us in school aka brainwashing

22664300? ago

I had no idea it was so involved. I just thought using magic against magic was the only way to go and out of chaos comes peace. Thanks for the bit of history! The particle accelerator stuff is pretty interesting and thought provoking. Especially while the magnetic pole is shifting and the earth's resonance is rising.

22674885? ago

Yes indeed. This world is not as they taught us at school.

I heard that the Earth is changing its frequency. Those that dont resonate with the new Earth will not be able to survive.

This is a good site. On right hand side, find a topic you are interested to know https://unveiledsecretsandmessagesoflight.blogspot.com/2010/08/grupo-elron.html

22675394? ago

Particle accelerators might be responsible for the Shumman resonance going wacky. It could possibly effect the magnetic poles too. I really don't know. Chemistry and physics would suggest it could.

I'd be cautious about mediums. That's always a red flag. We can prove that it's scientifically doable but we can't prove the info is true or false only that it's possible.

22660337? ago

digits again

22687147? ago

taking an extended break, ignoring replies