22789098? ago

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22652842? ago

"0-0" Y

Kek Pepe Shadilay 688 888 148 59 > NOTABLE


22652923? ago

Gotcha! ;)

22646859? ago

If white hats are willing to use bio-weapons, they aren't white hats at all.

22647501? ago

If China was planning to use the virus on the US as I suspect, then it makes perfect sense to cause the release from the facility in China first. POTUS is waaay too cool over this Corona Virus issue, and seems to me like he knows more than he's been letting on.

China just capitulated on trade, and it happened just after the release of the virus.

22693085? ago

You might be right, but to suspect is not to know. Especially without evidence. It's hard for me to believe that Coronavirus is a bioweapon without evidence, but I'm open to the idea. I'm not trying to be a concern troll or anything like that, I've been in since day one. I need to see something tangible ya know?

23326743? ago

So what do you think now a month later...?

23371768? ago

A month later I'm even less willing to believe that Covid is a white-hat operation. Here's what I see:

I've lost my job, my girlfriend has lost her job. My Dad is out of work. Everyday our liberties are eroded more and more. We weren't allowed to go to church today. Neighbors are reporting their own neighbors to the police, who seemingly grab more power every second, for having Easter picnics. I just see more political postering, more state power, more feeble-minded sheep bleating to the powers that be to "save them from themselves", to steal more of our freedom, to control every aspect of our lives, from God-given rights to the way we make our living.

I could see Covid being a bioweapon, I'm inclined to believe that it is, but releasing it on the world was no white-hat op.

22693110? ago

Then riddle me this: >

Why does the virus have a SARS like backbone?

Engineered using a form of Crispr technology.

It's too perfect and controlled.

It's going to bring back jobs locally very quickly.

22720180? ago

I don't know,

Do you have a source for this I'd like to read about it.

However my main point is white hats don't kill innocent people with bioweapons.

22645045? ago

Fuck you and your satanic gematria shit.

Gematria is an alphanumeric code of assigning a numerical value to a name, word or phrase based on its letters. A single word can yield multiple values depending on the cipher used. Gematria originated as an Assyro-Babylonian-Greek system of alphanumeric code or cipher that was later adopted into Jewish culture and has roots in witchcraft. Disregard it. This has zero to do with the Bible.

Now about the mark of the beast and why I believe it refers to "Islam" Islam is 100% antichrist. The 3 symbols we see in Revelation refer to Islam, not the numbers 666. The symbols are Arabic words not letters and not numbers as was poorly translated. Gematria is not Jewish. The book of Revelation was written in Greek not written in Hebrew. There is no correlation between the two. listen to Walid Shoebat explain cleary in this video. Islam teaches the exact opposite of what Christ teaches. Islam is the Antichrist. Islam is the mark of the beast. In simple words Islam is the beast. So who then is the false prophet? Who is trying to join the two? Who lives in Rome? Pope who? There is your false prophet.

22645304? ago

What are you prattling on about Bot?

God created Gematria, and you fear it's Power.

Now fuck off idiot.

22645998? ago

So you don't like being called out as a satanist. You can call your evil mumbo jumbo whatever you like, but it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the God of Christ. Now, since you obviously worship at the alter of your god satan, go back to hell and take your gemartria devil speak with you where you belong.

22646827? ago

Hi, not the op, but Satan himself. Really there is no "Satanic" religion.

Stop saying there is. Don't blame me for their actions.

22646139? ago

Fuck off idiot.

I am a Disciple of The Lord Jesus Christ, and you are projecting. I work for Almighty God, so be careful what you say to me.

You know as well as I do, I am doing Military grade cryptology and Signals Intelligence, which is why you are trying to discredit my work. You are a Glow Fag. A Clown.

These are the comms. Q has asked us to learn.

Otherwise you've clearly got no fucking idea Pal.



Bye Felicia!

22646312? ago

LOL. Go wallow in your feces lined kingdom of hell.

You are a delusional fucktard. I Do not need to "try" to discredit your work, you discredit all by your satanic little evil filled self.

Q NEVER asked any of us to follow satan or satanic scripture. You took that dive into hell upon yourself to follow satan and push it out as the Word of God. Shame on you.

You can threaten me to your black hearts content. I do not fear you or the evil that you spew with your mixed up fucked mumbo jumbo satanic words.

Buh Bye son of satan.

22644720? ago

Thank you for your continued hard work anon!

22644858? ago

Thank you so much. It's not done yet, but I will finish it after work. I did this in an hour.