22526082? ago

Satan runs for president every election, and on both sides. There's a reason he was able to offer/tempt Jesus with earthly kingdoms, that's his domain.

22526010? ago

Not trying to steal any thunder, so do NOT upvoat me for posting this! but this is extremely related! PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD TO NORMAL PEOPLE WHO DON'T UNDERSTAND!



22525737? ago

Except he means "communism", as socialism is a very good thing, especially in a capitalist system.

22525147? ago

Pretty sure Satan is a tad more conservative than this.

22525722? ago

I was going to say that I didn't think his would be as bad as that.

22524185? ago


22524176? ago

It turns out the real #WalkAway platform is that Democrats commit crimes, and then just #WalkAway.

22524151? ago

You forgot disarm all whites and put them into death camps.

22523777? ago

I hear so many walking away

22523705? ago

Truly captured!

22523698? ago

My platform ? Kill every fucking one of um. I'm old so I don't know how to meme but not to long ago their was a comedy called mars attacks and in one scene the aliens walk peacefully walk into congress and kill every fucking one in congress ,a dream come true , someone could make this into a great meme !

22523415? ago

satan might want more guns actualy

22523393? ago

Love that guy who owns this twatter account. Thanks.

Also would add - "Cancel anyone and everyone who doesn't agree with them..." and "Violence is the only way to discuss policies and politics."

22523167? ago

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the locust ARMY (Bible). Niggers, feminists, parasites and their fans and supporters. On the EXPRESS train to hell.

22523003? ago


22522948? ago

22522719? ago

I remember when they kicked God out of their convention, I knew that was the end of their party.

22522707? ago

Basically, yeah.

22522618? ago

You forgot to add: Increase foreign aid.

22523712? ago

Increase foreign (back to my family) aid.

22522495? ago

Forgot roll out red carpet for millions upon millions of "immigrants".

Breed out of existence all caucasions.

Destroy family unit.

Continue dumbing down school system.

Memory hole any unapproved history.

Encourage incest.

Summon Satan's minions.

Hail the Dark Lord unto his new throne.

22522286? ago

Boomerang time.

22521821? ago

Reproductive rights.

Build a sufficient safety net.

Open up our country to cheap labor and new ideas.

End useless wars.


That's what Trump did to Ivanka.

Get guns away from crazed right wing freaks.

Make the economy work for people other than the elite.

I like this platform!

22523238? ago

Funny, its ALWAYS the Left who are killing people. You people are the brainwashed shooters for EVERY false flag staged by the Democrats. You people try to normalize pedophilia because the entire left screws anything and anyone. You are all fucked up in the head with no family. Mental institutions will need to be reopened to put all you sick mutha fuckers back.

22522944? ago

End useless wars? Name a President with less conflict.

22522619? ago

"Reproductive rights" what a fag. Killing children isn't a right.

22525606? ago

Nor reproductive.

22522503? ago

Hijo de la gran Puta!

22522469? ago

Reproductive rights. Be a cum dumpster, keep legs open for all cummers. Fixed it for you.

22522210? ago

democrats are such fucking faggots

22521816? ago

This guy is a kike and faggot

22521654? ago

Name the damned Jew.

22524842? ago

Came here to say that,

Jews = Satan.

22524220? ago

Brandon Staka is a Jew and pro-Anal violence

22525094? ago


22528664? ago

Straka stands with Q