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22516720? ago

Those are not Q followers. Are you new here?

22516726? ago

No, they are.

22516748? ago

Show me.

22516780? ago

The whole thread is pretty venomous actually.

22516960? ago

Yes it is. But unfortunately many who followed Q in the beginning took Q literally, and although QAnons and Autists do puzzle out proofs, these poeple that post vile crap like that feel that Q is a psyop now....and Q followers all being sheepled into a malaise about the TRUTH.

I've seen posts that read like a true Autist work in the beginning only to have the last few words negate Q.

All the rest are shills and trolls, or those who bash Q followers because they feel duped. Especially from the "Arrests or GTFO" crowd.

It's your choice to deal with it, or complain. Don't engage with them IMHO.


22516905? ago


22516934? ago

No, I'm disappointed that you behave exactly like liberals.

22517218? ago

It's a world-wide zoo here. Especially Friday nights when the Brits are totally sloshed and the Americans are peaking on their meth.

22517022? ago


22519969? ago

Yes and decorum has gotten us far to date, eh?