22517468? ago

Stop fucking shilling, cunt.

22517269? ago

Most likely your initial approach is fucked up.

Why not try something like "reading the drops" instead of asking some anon to prove to you what 100's of q proofs should have.

Start at the beginning, get your info up.

22517258? ago

You are mistaking Q followers and Trump supporters with the shills that frequent this forum to make people like you make comments exactly like this. They are the opposition plain and simple and use the QRV anonymity to pass themselves off as Q supporters. Do not be swayed by the noise in here.

22517161? ago

Those are the ROLCONs.

They do it to make it look like Q followers are rude and unpleasant.

22517120? ago

Don't avoid the question. What does Q mean?

1. allow for public dissemination of critical facts [possible unseal(s)-declas] prior to world televised sit down....

...necessary forum to update the American public.

22517090? ago

You behave as if you don't know that the Q movement is often targeted for harassment. If someone tells you to fuck off then you probably said something to elicit it. Q followers are persecuted.

22517121? ago

I gave a link of replies I got. Posted in thread. I don't appreciate being met with hostility, especially as Q is supposed to be making the world a better place.

22517424? ago

Go to prayingmedic.com if you want to learn about Q. It's safer.

22517238? ago

There are so many shills here that you simply can't be sure that those messages were sent by Q supporters. Haven't you seen the daily gay porn and fast food orders that are posted here? The place is clearly being brigaded by somebody, so it's fair to say that you don't know who is a Q supporter and who is not. Do you believe that Q supporters are the ones posting all the anti Q messages that flood this board? Obviously not.

22517038? ago

when they can't defend their larp? They call names.

22516989? ago

Doesn't sound like Q folks to me. Trolls are here, homie.

22516968? ago

It depends what is being answered. Replies like you are mentioning are for gay porn posts and other nonsensical bot posts.

22516943? ago

I think it's mostly in QRV, however you can go to v/greatawakening and @crensch will ban you for wrong think

22516927? ago

Those are the socialist shills.

22516844? ago

Yeah that’s probably after you act like a total faggot.

22516868? ago

You know you're not inclining me to Q? Keep doing this and your movement wilk destroy itself. You won't need the FBI subverting you, you'll be doing it yourselves.

22519912? ago

We aren't here to "incline" or convince you of Q. We are here to warn you.

22516802? ago

Because those are not Q followers, those are shills trying to create disruption. But you probably know that.

22517122? ago

Because most of them are simple-minded women.

22516907? ago

Its incredibly naive to think that its only shills. There are plenty of real Q followers who get downright apoplectic if you tell them their pet theory might be wrong or disagree about what a drop means.

22516980? ago

That's what I fear. I thought Q people would behave better than shrieking, swearing liberals.

I know it's anonymous here, but I'd rather people explain their position, or discuss it, than namecalling.

22517396? ago

true conservatives don't 'namecall', unless there's a reason...

22516768? ago

Because some people are assholes.

22516738? ago

aka shills and bots lol

22516722? ago

Fuck off cunt

Kill yourself and eat shit

22516720? ago

Those are not Q followers. Are you new here?

22516726? ago

No, they are.

22516759? ago

This is no place to be sensitive, but firm - and just don't reply to statements like you mentionned. Talking from experience.

22516748? ago

Show me.

22516780? ago


The whole thread is pretty venomous actually.

22516960? ago

Yes it is. But unfortunately many who followed Q in the beginning took Q literally, and although QAnons and Autists do puzzle out proofs, these poeple that post vile crap like that feel that Q is a psyop now....and Q followers all being sheepled into a malaise about the TRUTH.

I've seen posts that read like a true Autist work in the beginning only to have the last few words negate Q.

All the rest are shills and trolls, or those who bash Q followers because they feel duped. Especially from the "Arrests or GTFO" crowd.

It's your choice to deal with it, or complain. Don't engage with them IMHO.


22516905? ago


22516934? ago

No, I'm disappointed that you behave exactly like liberals.

22517218? ago

It's a world-wide zoo here. Especially Friday nights when the Brits are totally sloshed and the Americans are peaking on their meth.

22517022? ago


22519969? ago

Yes and decorum has gotten us far to date, eh?