22513633? ago

Q3634: Coincidences About Meng Wanzhou, CEO of Huawei at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3658426/

22513362? ago

Good news. Looks like Trump is Draining the Swamp on all fronts.

22512941? ago

It’s as if trump is literally destroying China right now.

22511244? ago

One of the reasons we had to lay people off. Good thing we have a good economy so those people should be able to find other jobs.

22510154? ago

WAIT! Wait just a damn minute!!!

TV box told me conspiracies never happen.

22510089? ago

This is a massive development. Ten times bigger than anything Trump has done so far.

22509616? ago

Arrest the US politicians that helped Huawei

22508990? ago

Bring on the 6G!!!!!

22508478? ago


22508101? ago

Winnie the Poo says "Pssshh, all your base are belong to us"

22506636? ago

This is a major happening.

22506371? ago

FOR THOSE WHO DON'T KNOW: huehueway (huawei) is chinas 5G network people.... They want to cover the world in THEIR 5G so that they can use it to spy on everyone, including in other countries.

22513251? ago

5G Cause Mass Insanity

5G radiation causes BEHAVIOR changes in humans, causes ion potentiation poisoning of brain cells, leading to mass insanity.



22526170? ago

Spooky as hell

22513245? ago

5 Minutes Video Veteran MD Drops Bombshell At 5G Hearing https://youtu.be/1Qt5B39LB7c

Dr. Sharon Goldberg, an internal medicine physician & professor gives her testimony regarding the dangers of electromagnetic radiation. She says: “Wireless radiation has biological effects. Period."

Read more about it here: https://www.collective-evolution.com/2018/10/26/veteran-md-drops-bombshell-at-michigans-5g-small-cell-tower-legislation-hearing/


22526176? ago

5G is scary, they don't do enough to protect us.

22507321? ago

As I understand it, 5G is defined as a new kind of radio.

"spying" as we know it is largely a matter of software and is done over any medium, including any "G" as well as wifi, bluetooth, land lines etc.

I don't see how 5G enables any new manner of spying. Do you know?

I think that to get to the matter of what makes 5G so special, we have to talk about how these extremely high frequencies (72GHz) might be able to react with materials in ways we have never seen before. Can it rearrange molecules, maybe interact with this coronavirus, or affect gene expression and protein formation, for example?

22509772? ago

new 5G is important to them, because they want to utilize it specifically for a greater and more dangerous level of spying, and the control of information. Who can see what.

22509975? ago

How does 5g enable “greater and more dangerous” spying?

22511051? ago

More b/w

22513885? ago

What needs more bandwidth is your thinking!

22514597? ago

Nope ..yours.

22508173? ago

From what I read, the old 5G yes.

22507317? ago

I believe the correct pronunciation is "Wah-Way" (like "blah-way")

22505976? ago

Guess who's gonna to bring China in as a hot potato during Congressional testimony?

22505941? ago

China is asshoe

22507393? ago

Me Chinese, me play joke, me put corona virus in your coke

22505888? ago

don't ask me why but i have a sneaking suspicion that Huawei and Coronavirus are connected.

22507914? ago

Huawai and Kung Flu connected you say. Someone did say that they were testing 5G in Wuhan, dont know if this is a fact but it could very well hurt the peoples immunine systems.

could very well be. we know big pharma, Gates and the globalists are probably responsiblity. they have the most to gain.

22505988? ago

I agree. My guess is that the virus can be programmed by 5G signals. Potentially allowing them to program specific persons for extermination.

Hence Trump wanting Apple to deploy 5G domestically, so we can counter the Chicom's signals.

Maybe Apple hardware that is already in the field can transmit the necessary signals?

See this tweet:


And search the qmap for corona... there were several posts about "now offline" and "re_route"

22506845? ago

Ties to lifebook building 8? +Grusome, start leaving phone home.

22506472? ago

I don't know if our domestic 5g will be designed as protective but i do think China's is designed to be weaponized. seems like the only defense necessary is to keep the Chinese tech out.

22506391? ago

Just in case but is there any relation to this info?


22512803? ago

big fail, raccoon has TWO C's...

22526181? ago

Oh... poor baby, so lets just throw away everything... Suddenly lets just ignore what's obvious!

22530364? ago

Oh, right, so obvious typos aren't obvious.

22533802? ago

Guys holy fuck, 1 letter is missing, but it still spells the same thing! Now we should stick our heads in the sand!

nothing to see here! just swamp gas guys! Uhhh ohhh ummmm weather balloon!

22534984? ago

Yes, let's keep screaming like a shill, because you can't spell.

22538050? ago

You're literally sitting there telling people to disregard a shit load of good information because a single word is slightly misspelled. You disgust me.

22542533? ago

Yes, let's tell me that I am saying "DISREGARD EVERYTHING DUE TO ONE MISSPELLING" you shill. I never said that, those are your words, and now it's 3 days after the article was posted and you're STILL shilling it? Well, enjoy the shekels!

Regard everything except the misspelling. How's that sound now, brown cow fart?

22546236? ago

Damage Control detected. "Guys I wasn't trying to uhh. I mean... I was just pointing out the misspelling.. uhh...."

nope. Nobody will fall for it.