22509606? ago


22506977? ago

Mini Mike



Phase One 259 498 83 567

Burisma 412 498 83 263

Cinderella 187 498 83 252

Election 232 498 83 243

Nexus 635 498 83 237

The Donald 232 498 83 211

The Owl 1083 498 83 149

Rapist 340 498 83 145

Michael Obama 160 498 83 108

Warlock 1064 498 83 103

Movies 884 498 83 92

Due Date 319 360 60 8

Decode Man 142 384 64 12

Gestapo 313 498 83 90

Lets Dance 268 498 83 83

Grenade 142 324 54 7

Prepared 295 498 83 74

Unveil 974 498 83 74

Spells 285 498 83 74

Death Dealer 233 498 83 70

Shadow Al 1074 498 83 68

Jack Reacher 796 498 83 58

Demon Obama 213 498 83 56

K Clement 213 498 83 55

Eyes On 590 498 83 52

Wicked Man 1002 498 83 51

Bnai Brith 251 498 83 50

Red Alert 295 498 83 44

Giant Bomb 241 498 83 44

Real Time 250 498 83 44

Bonesman 258 498 83 38

Jussie 994 498 83 36

Covert 938 498 83 36

Big Show 1066 498 83 34

Branson 303 498 83 32

Filippo 214 498 83 30

Great Again 251 498 83 30

Horse Head 251 498 83 30

Black Eyes 536 498 83 28

Barrak Obama 258 498 83 25

Fire Pit 269 498 83 24

Hoonigan 205 498 83 24

Q Family 536 498 83 22

Infants 286 498 83 20

Golden Game 169 498 83 18

Loaded Gun 331 498 83 18

Bad Actors 331 498 83 18

Obama Being Dead 161 498 83 18

Manic Panic 196 498 83 18

It Is God 269 498 83 18

I Jesus 994 498 83 16

Frederico 242 498 83 16

Bernie Baby 546 498 83 12

The Breed Mc 242 498 83 6

Find The Q242 498 83 6

22507684? ago

Faggot bullshit

22507085? ago

^^^Germatira is satanic

22507120? ago

No it is NOT.

22507536? ago

said the satanist

22507593? ago

Projecting much?

22507166? ago

It's also heeb garbage

jewish bastard.

22507234? ago

NMBRFG is not Jewish you retard.

And people say I'M the retard.

22507266? ago

Gematria is jewish you hebe sack of shit.

22507300? ago

No, it's God's sacred language of letters and numbers, and You Satanists and Hebes STOLE it!

Been hiding it forever you have.

I see through you Pal.

22507418? ago



Gematria originated as an Assyro-Babylonian-Greek system of alphanumeric code or cipher that was later adopted into Jewish culture

22507513? ago

Do you think the Assyro-Babylonian-Greeks invented The Alphabet and numbers do you?

That they invented the alphanumeric code?

Boy are you deluded.

They noticed and exploited it like everything else.


Next you'll be telling me you invented The Internet, like that idiot Al Gore.

Now fuck off fool.

22507522? ago

I'm not interested in your lame excuses, you rat faced bastard.

22507350? ago

You make me sick. Germatria is retarded. It’s pure Hopium used to mislead Patriots. When has a germatria prediction EVER come true?

22507396? ago


All NMBRFG Decodes in one post by The NumberFag - As requested - 5:5 - D5- 'o-o' <


All NMBRFG Decodes in one post by The NumberFag - As requested - 5:5 - D5 - 'o-o' < > VOLUME 2




22507489? ago

Fake as fuck.

22507534? ago

Shills be scared.

22506725? ago

Trump calling out the jews while being immune to their counter attacks

Love it

22508703? ago

Trump once again sucking nigger cock.

I'm starting to believe ve he's really just a jew at this rate, all I hear is how good he is for nigger, niggers never had it better, nigger unemployment, point me to A SINGLE time where he stood up publically for whites.

I fucking dare you.

22508780? ago


Please escort this rat to the nearest mustard gas chamber.

22508803? ago

Not one instance then?

Okay thanks for proving my point

22508842? ago

You do not reason with jews. Nein.

You gas them.

22507172? ago

Yeah, he's soundly beating them in the nigger ass kissing contest.

22506424? ago

He calls himself the "unTrump."

More like bloomingidiotberg.

22506287? ago

Why would someone vote for a man with zero presence, zero passion and that used to be a republican and is a billionaire? Mini Mike will have to cheat to win.

22505729? ago

What is Trump afraid of? Like everyone doesn't know that Trump was involved in his own scandal against black folks RENTING from them lollollol

Fair Housing Act Anniversary: Trump and His Father Were Sued for Racial Discrimination, and These People Still Want an Apology.

22505930? ago

Let everyone know once you dug yourself out shill.

22505990? ago

22506091? ago

Although some of the allegations were damning, the majority of those interviewed in the investigation said they were unaware of discrimination, according to Politico.

Trump eventually filed a $100 million countersuit, accusing the government of defamation, alleging that they were saying “such outrageous lies.” Trump said that although the company wanted to avoid renting to welfare applicants, he’d never discriminated based on race.

In 1975, Trump agreed to a consent decree, whereby no admission of wrongdoing would be given, however, his management company was ordered to take out ads telling ethnic minorities that they were welcome to seek housing at Trump properties.

Read your own article next time idiot.

Now shill your headlines into the pit you dug!

22506131? ago

He settled. He ran ads. Admission in plain sight. He also lost his counter suit. Buwahahahahahaha

22505643? ago

https://archive.ph/wip/ShWRg :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Mini Mike Bloomberg is a LOSER who has money but can’t debate and has zero presence, you will see. He reminds me of a tiny version of Jeb “Low Energy” Bush, but Jeb has more political skill and has treated the Black community much better than Mini!… /JVXX6FiKJv"

This has been an automated message.

22505498? ago

They mention what Bloomberg said about blacks but remain silent on what he said about rural whites.

22505367? ago

reminds me of a tiny version of Jeb

lmfao! I always knew the Bushes were jewisish!

22507072? ago

How is he a loser? Isn’t he worth like 10x what Tubby Trump is?

22507675? ago

Hes a jew. That means hes worth significantly less than piss covered dirt and going to hell. What are you fuckin retarded??? Jews have no worth.