22506096? ago

Memes John Bolton The WARmonger & MONEY-Servant









What Is The Military–Industrial Complex?

For those not familiar with the Military–Industrial Complex (MIC)

a three-sided relationship termed an iron triangle. These relationships include political contributions, political approval for military spending, [corporate] lobbying to support bureaucracies, and oversight of the industry; or more broadly to include the entire network of contracts and flows of money and resources among individuals as well as corporations and institutions of the defense contractors, private military contractors, The Pentagon, the Congress and executive branch.


What Are Corporate Lobbyists?

There is general consensus that lobbying has been a significant corrupting influence in American politics


The general concern of [the Corporate Lobbyists'] revolving-door activity is that elected officials—persons who were supposed to represent the interests of citizens—have instead become entangled with the big-money interests of for-profit corporations and interest groups with narrow concerns, and that public officials have been taken over by private interests.


22505592? ago

Just redpilled a Pro-GW Republican. Sent him some stuff that blew his mind

one at a time, one at a time

22503946? ago

Just goes to show how easily manipulated most of you are.

You are brainwashed, it's a permanent condition.

22502333? ago

If you're really woke, you'd see [[[them]]] around you especially if you live in a large city.

[[[Spies...]]] 1 out of 20 citizens?

22502193? ago

Nobody objects to a Country going to War to fight an Evil Dictator / Government. But the Wars we have fought have all been manufactured by those that want to rule us.

Peace Y

22501651? ago


22501352? ago

I am in the same situation. The sad thing is when I talk to my friends who used to tell me I was wrong about Bush, they have zero self awareness that maybe they were wrong about Obama/Kerry/et al.

22500754? ago

Agree 100%. My husband was a 1st responder that Tuesday morning. We lost many friends on 9/11 and since because of the toxic air we all inhaled. I was angry and wanted war. I look back on what I believed then....now I too have my eyes wide open.

22500641? ago

When they started the Iraq war I just couldn't follow the reasoning anymore. That's when I started to doubt.

22500537? ago

I appreciate your candor. There are a lot of people who could say the same.

22500522? ago

We say, welcome brother

22500496? ago

that was me 1994.

had a shirt that said 'this scud is for you!'

what a fucking idiot i was.

22500450? ago

Attacking Afghanistan was legit. Iraq was a con job.

22501753? ago

Lol. Not.

22502537? ago

Not an arguement. Go back to reddit, loser.

22502573? ago

“Afghanistan was legit”. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

22503888? ago

That's not an argument either dumbass.

22504010? ago

Well, there is a rule of thumb....... u can’t debate with stupid. And your initial starting point makes it so that there can not be a legitimate conversation, dumbass.

22504249? ago

Ah, the "I'm an uninformed democrat and I am frustrated by your lack of thinking what I think" defense

22500182? ago

You were a fucking brainwashed, cuck!

22500116? ago

We are living in a special time in the history of our great country. As slow and difficult as this rebirth has been, we should savor every detail so that WE can tell the story correctly for future generations. This should never be taken for granted or forgotten. Our President and the Patriots/Military surrounding and supporting him are warriors (including the digital army, doing our part). We are taking part in freeing our world of corruption. I don't think that this has happened in modern history. A true gift. I pray that this president is blessed for all time and that God watches over and protects him. I also pray that all of those who are ready to hear the truth and be set free, wake up as well. God Bless you Anon AND Congratulations!

22499742? ago

Amen brother!

22499738? ago

It's nice to know you were apart of the dumb fuck boomer crowd that got us into Iraq.

22499511? ago

That's most of us likely.

22499413? ago

Me at 2004 - Fuck Bush. That treasonous bastard helped pull off 9/11.

Me in 2016 - I can’t believe I thought Obama would hold anyone accountable. Turns out they are all in on it.

Me now - All those people I thought were in on it really really really hate Trump. Maybe he’s on to something.

22499261? ago

No more wars for israel!

22507647? ago

We almost nuked the world for them in 1973. Yom Kippur War.

22499106? ago

You thought everything was a conspiracy including 9/11 but you were pro-Bush? Does not compute.

22498535? ago

I bet you still are not woke.

Do you want Trump Jr in 2024 and Invanka in 2032?

I bet you say yes.

22498393? ago

Mixed War.

22498321? ago

Same. Voted for Dubya and McCain. Fervently supported the Iraq war.

Then Ron Paul red pilled me in 2008. Haven't looked back since. Q took it to another level!

22498236? ago


22498117? ago

Same here! I was so brainwashed.

22498045? ago

You've come a long way, baby!

We all have

22498013? ago

Lol I've always been on the right side of history so far. Welcome aboard

22497980? ago

Don't be too hard on yourself. I voted for John McCain.

22497915? ago

Probably a lot of us. Don't feel bad...

22497676? ago

Me @ 4pm Sept 11 2001: Turn them all to glass.

Me today: do we have enough rope for the pedo traitors to hang?

22497664? ago

So happy to hear. I developed anti-war sentiments through Ron Paul and being raised by a liberal Mom.

22497628? ago


22497581? ago

I've always been anti-war and always into woo woo stuff. I've learned way more, and become more spirit-filled than ever just by following Q and hanging with you all, though. Glad we're here.

22498646? ago

Me too Brother.

22497532? ago

I think a lot of people were thinking this way. I was a Democrat, still hate Rinos, and now I'm a Trump fan through and through!

22497525? ago

Im.sure that was the sentiment for a lot of us back then.

22497507? ago

That is exactly how I feel.

22497475? ago

from: doglegwarrior

umm is op retarded? the deep state was the bush crime family with dick chenny and the cast of pieces of shit with the help of mossad and the clintons supported by the walmart owners and other 1% type deepstate fucks?

am i missing something about what op said?

22501791? ago

The only ppl who are retarded are ones that come into an anonymous board and type their stooopid moniker prior to posting their comment. They are faggot, namefags.

22502012? ago

from: doglegwarrior

no retards worry about small things like an autistic fucktard who cant look people in the eye. me using my voat name does nothing to you. anons act like jews personaly attack someone instead of discussing the comment.

fuck off nonamefag

22502028? ago

Go back to reddit, famfag, nobody cares what you have to say, your posts are ineligible to begin with. You’re obviously a low IQ individual. Gtfoh!

22497395? ago

I hear you loud and clear, patriot. I proudly voted for W, held my nose voting for Trump. Wow was I messed up or what?

I thank God daily I he stumbled me onto Q in December of 2017. Now I have to prepare for when I meet up with my dad upstairs when my time comes. He was 100% right. I was 10% Oh wow is he going to laughing his head off.

22499350? ago

Maybe you were thrown off when he said he'd "date" his hot daughter?

22497389? ago

If you were a Democrat you would still love W.

22497338? ago

Same for me!

22497302? ago

Time wounds all heels

22497290? ago

Well, when you think about the fact Saddam invaded Iran, invaded Kuwait, gassed Kurds with an extermination campaign, why couldn't Europe do something about him? Of course Bush is an evil scumbag, and he certainly invaded Iraq for evil reasons, but after thinking about Saddam's many warmongering aggression and crimes against humanity, somebody needed to right the wrongs done by the CIA who installed Saddam and take that fucker out, i mean if some Iraqi had killed Saddam with a suicide attack that would have been a heroic deed.

22501736? ago

You’re so new that u haven’t figured out that saddam Hussein was a cia asset and was told/forced to invade Kuwait? Just like he was told/forced to invade Iran a decade earlier.

22501866? ago

yeah i admit that im new and also ignorant, i dont know as much about Saddam as I should, but don't you think that CIA assets like Saddam need to be overthrown? Thats Make Earth Great Again. I concede and insist on the point that George Bush invaded Iraq for purely evil reasons, and that it was all a disgusting "show" but don't you agree that CIA assets like Saddam should be taken out?

22502009? ago

Yes anon. I apologize but I hate seeing the brainwashing, it makes me want to scream when I think of what they’ve done to us.

22515482? ago

Yeah, i hate the brainwashing too, I used to be something of a Bernie Supporter although I was always redpilled about people like Linda Sarsour, and I was redpilled about Clinton's emails at all times, so Bernie pushed me away pretty fast and now I support Trump. But damn, I used to say some stupid shit about Trump and Trump supporters, the brainwashing is bad.

22498686? ago

Yeah, The [DS] funded and backed all these crazies like:



The Mujaheddin in Afganistan (see Al Qaeda).



Now Obama was around all that time, doing very dodgy shit in the background, and personally paid Osama Bin Laden for the execution of the 9/11 attacks in 2001.

Of course all connected to Israel, and likely Saudi Arabia AND Iran.

Can you say "Obama Bin Laden"?

22502174? ago

Someone just recommended the book "the looming tower" to me. Sounds like it's about this whole chain of events.

22504204? ago

I'm putting all this together myself.

I have not read that book.

Thanks, I will read it.

22497107? ago

In a way, it kind of sucks being 'awake' in a blue pilled world. When I'm stuck in traffic on my way to work, I feel depressed knowing what I know. I know I'm going to spend 8 hours at the office wishing I was doing something else. Life is so meaningless being in the rat race of a 9 to 5. It really is an awful feeling knowing that the whole reason we're all at work is to distract us from figuring out what the cabal is doing to us.

22499308? ago

I know I'm going to spend 8 hours at the office wishing I was doing something else.

And people wonder why the jews refer to them as cattle. I was thinking of saying I don't understand people, but I understand all too well.

22501487? ago

You get trapped. It's by design, they want you trapped.

22505308? ago

Tried the 'job' route as a kid, and wasn't impressed. Had one for a year or so around 2000, but was the 80s since the previous time.

22508072? ago

What do you do then? How do you earn a living and support a family?

22508334? ago

That's all gone now, but had businesses and projects that put me into the 1% at the time. It's easy to do when you're motivated and willing to work. An employee is essentially a paid servant who helps you fulfill your dreams and goals instead of their own.

If you're still young, and not too dumb, you could 'very likely' find a way to make millions. But you have to want to, firstly. There's more, but you can learn all that stuff.

22508383? ago

Well I have all the tools to start my own contracting business, and I also have an investment property. I plan to buy more of them but what's holding me back is my wife's willingness to see the big picture. Just getting the first property was 2 years of pleading lol.

22508874? ago

what's holding me back is my wife's (un)willingness to see the big picture

Take responsibility for yourself and your results. You've either chosen poorly (which I won't address), or you're failing to be the man of the family. Said another way, you're failing to make a convincing case to your wife that you can be trusted, that you'll succeed, or something else.

If it's your deficit - not doing sufficient research, presentation, or whatever - fix that. But this is going to be a major problem for you that has to be fixed first if you want to succeed. It's a bad sign that you're currently going different directions. Take my advice that divorce after having children is a path you want to avoid.

As a final word, just note that many or most of the 'redpill' claims about women are true.

22509594? ago

Well it's more of a difference in opinions I think. She sees life as short and that you should live it to the fullest, like every day is your last. I see life more about leaving a legacy and something of value behind for my descendants, both monetary and knowledge.

In other words, she wantd to take multiple vacations every year while I want to build assets.

You're right though, I need to put my foot down and make her follow my master plan.

22498719? ago

Yep. Now be 51 knowing this. Will I get to enjoy a life without constant work, debt, and Spending a lot of my time just recovering from exhaustion… I want my life back!! There are millions and millions like me.

22499158? ago

Focus on your niece and nephew, and any other young'uns. They will have kids too, and then after them.

The utterly best thing we can do with our lives is leave a legacy for our young'uns that is freedom from the Cabal, a real shot at life.

That heart can carry one through a lot of depressing realities. And its worth it.

22498820? ago

Yeah I hear you. I have an exit strategy and could live off of some real estate investments if I only I could get my wife on board.

What's exciting though is that it's really going to be a new world, with a more Utopian life. Yes, we're still in capitalism, which we won't be able to deviate from, but working 40+ hour weeks will hopefully be a thing of the past. It's crazy that we're more productive than ever before with technology, yet we work even more hours. It's ridiculous!

22500212? ago

They say that since the 1950’s, with the tech that’s been hidden, we would only have to work one or two days a week. This assumes free energy, which then gives one free food production. We would all have more time to do what they don’t want us doing. Getting in touch with our source.

22497610? ago

Nice to know I'm not alone. Just wish my wife would wake up.

22499224? ago

Hang in there. This is my situation as well. They will come around eventually.

22496909? ago

I was around where you were then. Also awake.

22496857? ago

Good, now apologize to all of us who new the Iraq war was a bullshit Kike lie

22497787? ago

Don't be stupid bro, you weren't always awake.

22498297? ago

True story, when I was in 3rd grade I was suspended for creating a WW II era German flag over the classroom flag of the USA. I grew up in a town that was 35% Jew

22497903? ago

I wasn’t dumb enough to fall for Iraq though.

22498530? ago

Fair comment.

Neither was I.

I member.

22497979? ago

Fair enough, even I thought something was up with that, what a stupid illegal war.

22496787? ago

2030 you...


22496761? ago

Once your eyes open they can never close again. There is no going back. You can never unknow what you know. I am a happier and kinder, gentler person now than ever before in my life, yet I have less financial means now than ever before. Money and the Matrix will never make you happy. My life is the proof for me.

22504021? ago

Hope we arent saying this about trump in 20 years, that it was a giant psyop all along

22498928? ago

You think Jews run China, and as evidence you point toward dubious claims of something that happened 80 years ago.

Interestingly communist brainwashing is similarly irreversible, except communist brainwashing anchors a fantasy narrative to one's psyche. We're going to have to open the eyes of kids, via our education system, to really protect ourselves from subversion in the long-term.

22504286? ago

More than that, we're going to have to make communism more than a bad word, we're going to have to make it illegal for any organization to organize or promote it, and make the penalties for it very harsh. We're not curtailing individual liberty, we're simply taking away the tools to promote it Its the most dangerous mass weapon on earth, we don't allow individuals to own nukes and communism needs to be put in the same shackles.

22500185? ago

You’re wrong.

22503145? ago

Not according to Bezmenov.

22499007? ago

Lots of work ahead and school textbooks to write. Our movement and Q team will be written about and maybe by one of our own. Anyone outside the movement just wouldn't get it correct.

22502069? ago


22498286? ago

Sabbatai Zebi Masons, 1666 London burns, England and Dutch House of Orange? The Great Plague - "The Black Death killed 100,000 Londoners in 1665 - one in three of the people living in the city. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3636106

22497344? ago


22496673? ago

Sounds like you’re easily influenced by right wing propaganda!! Congrats! You’re special!

22497118? ago

Fuck off. Fucking Snopes ass loser.

22496670? ago

...well, in your defense everything IS a conspiracy.

We just realize they are real now.

22496577? ago

I used to consider myself a hawk. I see other people from my circle still stuck in that track. They are cheering on fucking up some insert special villain with the make their land a glass bed thought process.

I just realize I finally woke up to the lies. Once the awakening starts it doesn't take much to get it rolling down hill and gaining speed. I have helped a few see the truth, and others just seem to be endlessly stuck in stupid.

22496911? ago

Unfortunately the Illuminati (Talmudic) Jew controlled USA is the villain, and has been since 1913

22497427? ago

Don't let yourself be blinded by the Talmudists into missing the Vatican connection.

The rabbit hole ends at the Vatican.

22498544? ago

And the Luciferians and Satanists.

22497359? ago

Not for long.

satan loses

God wins

22497520? ago

I wish he'd win a little faster.

22498561? ago

God does things according to his own Divine Timetable, not yours Anon. He knows what he's doing.

I feel your frustration, but this is only going to go down once, so I'm certain God wants it all to be just right.

Patience is a Virtue.


22496609? ago


22496562? ago

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.

22506292? ago

People spend their adult lives trying to unlearn their childish ways.

22498905? ago

I still play like a child. It's fun

22497925? ago

Excellent response to this thread

22497814? ago

Thanks for using the KJV, much appreciated.

22499291? ago

Some heathen downvoted you. +1

22507944? ago

How many witnesses are required to establish a matter?

So why should we rely on a single flawed translation because you're erroneously taught it is the only true version?

You're taught to use only the KJV for the same reason the Catholic church insisted on latin, it's easier to control what you teach people things mean.

The Word of God is alive.

Those who insist on the KJV are idolaters.

22508250? ago

So why should we rely on a single flawed translation

Because it's more accurate than the other versions? Are you suggesting that the intentionally corrupted versions "are alive"? Anyway, you should argue with someone else about this. I'm not a bible scholar.

22508616? ago

No it's not more accurate, it's flawed and people's understanding of it is flawed.

Moses being/not being the accuser is a good example.

NIV: ""But do not think I will accuse you before the Father. Your accuser is Moses, on whom your hopes are set."

KJV: "Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust."

You're taught that the KJV means the accuser "even" accuses Moses, and the other translations are wrong.

Also KJV:

"I, even I, have spoken; yea, I have called him: I have brought him, and he shall make his way prosperous.

"I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour."

Are you sure "even Moses" means what those who push KJV only have taught it means?

According to the bible, Moses was a single witness to a law that requires 2 or more witnesses. The law that condemns to death. The law Jesus came to fulfill.

He was a murderer and a liar, and was raised as the grandson of Pharaoh.

The yeast of the pharisees is hypocrisy.

Did you ever notice the similarity in Pharaoh and Pharisee?

Whose seat did Jesus say the Pharisees sat in? Moses.

Jesus Christ brought a Sword.

The beast survived a fatal wound from the Sword.

The beast is alive and well.

I listen to the Word, not those who exalt themselves as scholars and teachers of the Word and I suggest you do the same.

The bible is not alive, the Word is alive. There is a big difference.

Jesus Christ is the LIVING WORD.

God Bless.

22509957? ago

NIV: ""But do not think I will accuse you before the Father. Your accuser is Moses, on whom your hopes are set."

KJV: "Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust."

You're taught that the KJV means the accuser "even" accuses Moses, and the other translations are wrong.

I don't know what you're smoking, and I've never been 'taught' anything about that, but I can read English text pretty well and your understanding of that line is completely wrong. It clearly says: "even Moses accuses you."

I'm not sure what you're trying to say after that, but at least part of it is based on your misunderstanding of English.

22510424? ago

Many Christians are taught that Moses is not the accuser because of the KJV wording, and they teach that the KJV is the only real version because of it.

22510617? ago

It's my belief that 95% of people calling themselves Christian, are not. (Catholics, "modern" Christians, etc.) But I wouldn't expect them to be using the KJV... I mean, you can just read that and see what it means.

This may make me sound a little opinionated, but I might attribute that interpretation to one of the predominant characteristics of the lower 90%.

22510684? ago

I've heard that interpretation a lot, especially from baptists who insist on KJV only, so I automatically get irritated when someone insists on the KJV only.

22511239? ago

The irritation makes sense, but at least in that case, it's them, not the KJV.

22508281? ago

No it's not more accurate, it's flawed.

You're deceived.

A bible scholar is supposed to impress me? lol.

I listen to the Word, not those who exalt themselves as scholars.

I suggest you do the same.

God Bless.

22502641? ago

lol yep...I always defend the KJV

22496710? ago

...but the greatest of these is charity

Love, not charity.

22497803? ago

Charity is the KJV and fine with me. What does love mean?

22501523? ago

My Grandaddy used to always say that charity starts in ones own home. I’ll never forget it. 😊

22500196? ago

Charity kek

22497968? ago

Ah yes KJV only idolatry.

How many witnesses are required to establish a matter?

Yet we should rely on only one translation right?


John 15:13 KJV

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

That's not charity, that's love.

22498056? ago

Charity is fine, they translated it that way for a reason, it's what they preferred for that particular context, but it's not a secret, other translations show the Greek and can be used, referred to.

Not idolatry, just much preferred (KJV).

I use the Amplified a lot to view translations (I don't know Greek but theologians I know do).

22498213? ago

No it's really not, but to each their own.

God Bless.

22500514? ago

What's wrong with it?

22503941? ago

Charity does not equal love.

Many give for recognition rather than for love.

I'm not talking about you personally, this is just an example.

If you're walking down the street and see a hungry child, do you give to them because it makes you look good and God will reward your charity, or because you love that child and can't stand to see them go hungry?

BIG difference.

22507232? ago

KJV doesn't say charity = love. See KJV 1 Cor. 13:3

22507694? ago

Again, the proper translation is Love. The KJV is a very flawed translation, especially now since most don't understand the language used like they think they do.

1 Cor. 13:3 is a good example of it being flawed.

The greek word used here was elsewhere translated in the KJV as love.

"And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing."

Just as Paul said, a person can give without love.

You can give everything you have in charity, that doesn't mean you have love.

Imagine 2 men walking down the street see a hungry child ask her mom for something to eat, and the mom cries as she tells the child no because she doesn't have any money.

The First man pulls a $5 bill out of his wallet filled with $100's and tosses it to her as he walks by, saying to himself "God will reward me in heaven for that".

The second man pulls a $5 bill out of his now empty wallet, and tells her he wishes he had more to give her. As he walks away he says to himself "It's ok I don't need lunch today. God please Bless her".

Both gave charity, but only one gave out of love.

Matthew 22:36-40

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”


22510351? ago

I get that you don't like the translation. I'm just saying that most people - pretty much everybody I went to Sunday school or Bible study with knows what is meant by "charity" in that chapter. Honestly, if I'd been in charge of the translation, I'd have used the word love instead of charity.

I don't want to get into a big thing with you over it and I respect your faith, but consider that a lot of good Christians have come to the Word through the KJV, have a soft spot for it, and don't deserve to be called idolaters for it.

22510482? ago

It's not that I just don't like it, it's being used to purposely deceive and taught that it's the only true version.

Many "Christians" are flat out wrong and under the deception of the beast.

Anyone who insists only the KJV is to be used or that the bible is the living word is an idolator.

Jesus Christ is the Living Word, the Way, the TRUTH, and the LIFE.

22496448? ago

that stuff is a "conspiracy",

its just that you've been conditioned by NLP to associate "conspiracy" with "theory", and "theory" with "crazy" etc

9/11 is a conspiracy

the holocaust is a conspiracy

22499339? ago

Sorry, but John didn't switch to training at the CIA until the early 90s.

22497406? ago

Lol. By now, intelligent people have figured out that what is labeled, "conspiracy theory," means, "look here!"

22497320? ago

The test run is Britbong, Frogistan, Sweden? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3654983 , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ijhh5J48X9k

22497062? ago


The C_A had an operation to attach the term 'conspiracy theory' to crazy people after the JFK assassination. I'd say it worked amazingly well, however the brainwashing is wearing off!