22494306? ago

Not sure what small stuff you are referring to.

22494100? ago

Um, if the children were raised for that purpose (or legally purchased for that purpose) then that is entirely different. It’s a big world with a lot of different beliefs. If you think otherwise then it is you who are the problem.

22493707? ago



22493673? ago

I'm guessing this is a passive-aggressive Nazi who is too ashamed to suck Hitler dick in front of everyone so he just wants you to guess that's what he's referring to.

i.e. small stuff = saving the world from the cabal, whereas he expects everyone to start throwing sieg heils and also start posting passive-aggressive anti-Jew shillery as the "big stuff".

22494376? ago

Im guessing you are a jew that belongs in a gas chamber. Please escort yourself.

22494386? ago

Oh look I was right.

22493169? ago

You're not saying anything we don't already know. Continual drip>flood. Carry on.

22493113? ago

Did you post in the wrong subverse? lol

22493176? ago

^ Somebody hasn't taken THE Red Pill