22458582? ago



22458173? ago

22457414? ago

LOL Justice! Oooooh!!!

What a joke

22456946? ago

Why hasn't Q mentioned Corona Virus? Is this what was prevented from happening in the US when those helicopters flew in and extracted something/someone from downtown LA?

22456663? ago

no luck molluk must of got a facecard today]

22455767? ago

I vote for Nancy to have ass arrested.

22455596? ago

The simple reality, the one we have to make good with is that the America as we knew, basically all our lives, will not exist anymore. One has to remember the Deep State has ruled this nation, the nation of infinite war, since ww2, hell since the Great Depression at least. There is nobody alive who really remembers the USA before the Deep State took over.

The order of the USA as it existed in the 19th century died with the Great Depression and was replaced with the very liberal New Deal economy. Post WW2, the CIA and ONI were created, as intelligence was moved away from the military into shadowy government agencies who operated independent, answering only to the president. One needs only eyes to see to realize by the Mid 1960's they has seized control of the USA, and likely did so only 10 years after their creation...given Eisenhower's infamous speech, which was a DIRE warning nobody listened to.

And its come to a head. Trump is the first president in our lifetimes who wasn't approved by the CIA/NSA/FBI "alphabet soup." He is the first president willing to tackle the DNC's carpet bagger cabal made in collusion with the richest people in the world to loot the middle class's share of the wealth into their already bulging coffers. He is the first one to survive their attempts to eliminate him.

This is a new, uncharted way foward, a chance to actually return to a constitutional government, and the function of the USA the way it was written on paper, not the Deep-State controlled arbitrary puppet government, or the DNC's loot-machine that aims to reduce Americans to starving sharecroppers in a wealth concentration that would have made Czar Nicholas envious.

We enter a new future starting now. The Dems played their nuclear option. They have nothing viable left. Now Trump is free to act.

22458603? ago

Amen....well said

22455260? ago


22454974? ago

Q drop # 309 - 12/9/2017 - JUSTICE.

Same Drop!!

22458476? ago

Looks like Q accidentally outed himself as a fraud (again) today. Do not expect your information to gain any traction in this forum.

22459714? ago

Hey, jew.

22457428? ago

Shut the fuck up! This time he means it!!!

22454876? ago

Half the people involved are going to jail = Trump team members going to jail, because Democrats don't face justice.

22454799? ago

I think it’s safe to get your hopes way way way up, guys.

22455607? ago

The only emotion that is stronger than fear is "hope". Someone said that today.

22457189? ago

Here's one for you.

What rhymes with hope? Cope.

22461611? ago


22455987? ago

Don’t forget the feeling of Qs dick up yer arse

22454639? ago


22454363? ago

Your doing, Q?

https:// www.cbc.ca/news/entertainment/oscars-2020-red-carpet-arrivals-1.5457751?cmp=rss

Hope there’s more than this to rain on pedowood’s parade!

22453941? ago

22453430? ago

According to Senator Lindsey Graham, "Half the People Involved in the Russian Investigation Are GOING TO JAIL". See list of people & watch Graham's video at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3649895/

22454314? ago

The other half... to be executed if there is justice left in this country.

22453068? ago

There's a lot of info and memes about the Jewish Peril on /qresearch/. I really hope we can eliminate the Jews from the planet when all this goes down. They are a menace to the human race.

22453550? ago

Sliding much? Shill much?

22453759? ago

Fake fiat currency, debt slavery, dumbing down of academia, male genital mutilation, Adrenochrome harvesting, fomenting revolution, treason, fake Holohoax...Chist killing parasites.

22453462? ago

There's a lot of info and memes about the Jewish Peril on /qresearch/. I really hope we can eliminate the Jews from the planet when all this goes down. They are a menace to the human race.

I disagree

Hundreds of Patriot Orthodox Jews Chant “USA”, “Four More Years” at Trump Rally in New York City

Organized by philanthropist Lazer “Louis” Scheiner, the audience cheered “Four More Years” and “USA” as Trump took the podium.





22453583? ago

Trojan horse. They worm their way in by gaining our trust. Then they subvert our society from within.

Usury, child sacrifice, abortion, Loxism, feminism, multiculturalism, pornography - including CP; - transgenderism - including putting small kids on sex change hormones;- communism, gun control, slumlording, rent seeking, wars for Israel, fake news media, Hollyweird degeneracy, Babylonian Talmudism, organ trafficking, bootlegging, spying, censorship... This is just a small list of what we're up against.

22456704? ago

How could anyone downvoat this. Absolute truth.

Wake the fuck up QRV. You guys have barely dipped your toe into this battle.

Or chose ignorance and continue to watch as all hope for a decent future for white christian children dissolves right in front of your clueless faces.

(((They))) want you divided by race gender religion etc. (((They))) know that divided the Goyim cannot wield any power. Individual Goyim groups like white christians are the biggest threat to the kike way so by creating a Goyim melting pot you reduce strong goy groups to the common denominator. We lose our identity and with it any means of protection for our future generations.

22453108? ago

Fuck off, nazi. As a Jewish Patriot, I am more American than you filth.

22460721? ago

You are no different than a so called muslim patriot who doesnt openly stand against the islamic extremists.

Until you stand as a group and openly fight against the Zionist you are still one of them.

22456513? ago

So did the holocaust happen or not?

22454551? ago

Thank you, Jewish Patriots. Glad to Stand By Your Side.

22456520? ago

You belong over on Reddit if you are this niave

22454419? ago

Never mind the trolls Jewish fren, they are scared and trying to keep patriots and newbies away. WWG1WGA

22454220? ago

well maybe you should talk about how Jews own just about 100% of all media, the degenerate music and movie industry, world banks, the board of every major corporation and look what they are doing with it. Many dual citizen traitors in office as well. But no Jew ever speaks against it. They put themselves in power and are actively trying to destroy us. It's illegal to even question their narratives in many many countries and some US states. But nobody is ever allowed to talk about this.

22455138? ago

Normal American Patriots have nothing to do with that shit use your brain dude.

22455935? ago

I know this, but you do have to look at those in power and what they are doing and the fact that they are almost all jewish.

22453495? ago

I'm sorry for what you have to endure here. So much hate.

To lump a whole group of people together is a shame. I'm glad to be on your side.

22454148? ago

The problem with the Jews is that they are genetically wired to destroy white people by promoting diversity. Jews are “herders.”

22453523? ago

Thanks, Patriot.

22453159? ago

I'm not American, but the Jews will have to go, sorry. We've had enough. Humanity deserves better.

22453165? ago

You won't get rid of us, Nazi filth.

22453044? ago

BOOM [DS] motherfucking boom time...

22461277? ago

To be fair, Q posted “Justice.”, same as Q309 Dec 9 2017 and it’s been over 2 years, we haven’t seen it yet.

22454670? ago

Yessir!!! Popcorn is on the ready!!! This is the real deal this time: https://mobile.twitter.com/GregRubini/status/1226193709886320641

22455726? ago

Don't like his datefagging. I thought better of Rubini.

22454510? ago

wtf is going on?

Details please

22455112? ago

Look at the Presidents latest tweet

22455752? ago

Nothing extraordinary about his latest tweets. He says that all the time.

22455381? ago

Tell us the President'slatest tweet!

22452962? ago

Woooow wow wow wow!!

I say this every time there are new drops but I really think this is the one that proves Q is legit and it’s definitely happening soon maybe!!

22453539? ago

You failed math and were never so good at critical thinking skills and it shows.

22454282? ago

He simply pointed out the obvious. You are the one who can't

22454325? ago


says jump off fly your shit stinks!

22452953? ago

Nothing will happen..

22452924? ago

What the fuck ever, Q.

22452921? ago


22454049? ago

That’s a nice thread but Lindsey has constantly cried wolf and there has been no action. Just saber rattling. I hope some arrests are coming. Lindsey was also butt buddies with No Name so fuck him.

22454270? ago

Today it was revealed on Sunday futures that Graham is now saying those investigations will have to be conducted by another dept.