22620589? ago

If you need a physician that is the BEST at High Dose Vitamin C Infusions ----> https://www.facebook.com/WardDeanMD/

22620579? ago

If you are in need of a physician that is the BEST at High Dose Vitamin C Infusions ----> https://www.facebook.com/WardDeanMD/

22441407? ago

Linus Pauling was all over this 60 years ago.

btw, anyone going through CA treatment should also be getting IV Vit C in high doses (starting at 50-75mg drip) per the Riordan IVC Protocol. a reputable naturopath or md should also know to run a G6PD Deficiency Blood Test which is a marker that makes high dose IV vitamin C potentially dangerous as it can cause red blood cells to rupture.

Also, not many are aware, but 95% of Vitamin C is produced in China. check the sourcing of your supplements. **

22439242? ago

lymephotos.com whole cure is vitamin C and salt

22439098? ago

"micro ingredients" on Amazon sells a kilo of pure vitamin C for under $20

22436047? ago

Look up Dr. Linus Pauling. He discovered this in the 1970's, and they ruined him for it.

22435680? ago

It’s a fungus. Cannot exist in an alkaline environment. Stop eating sugar!

22433270? ago

Can I use a lecithin that is not soy?

22432752? ago

It would probably work for the Corona virus but nobody is even thinking of trying it. Vit. C attacks a virus and oxidizes it and it dies.

22434061? ago

Chicoms cant into medicine. They'd rather deny, confiscate, incarcerate, tranquilize, abduct, and lie to avoid revealing their incompetence. Saving face is all about pretending to appear intelligent, but they're little more than insects in bipedal form.

22432467? ago

You can make it yourself. Have been for years. Have not had a single cold/flu since. Search Liposomal C and you'll find the simple recipe. Only 3 ingredients and one is water! Ascorbic acid, Soy Lethicin, Water mixed in an ultrasonic cleaner(most important part) PM me for details.

22432880? ago

Soy Lethicin


22432098? ago

Now that too many people are on to the Natural News domain name, they hide behind Youtube videos?

22432043? ago

Linus Pauling

Nobel awards.

Most primates make their own vitamin C. Humans do not.

This info is just hidden. IV high dose Vit C cures cancer and Ebola.

Ebola is basically acute scurvy.

22431775? ago

So much winning lately, I guess there's room for cancer in here.

22431447? ago

Liposomal Vit C us way to go. https://products.mercola.com/vitamin-c/

22440510? ago

I recently started using Mercola Liposomal Vitamin C 1,000mg once to twice daily. Much, much better form of Vitamin C than any other kind I have taken.

22432884? ago

us way to go or US way to go?

22430918? ago

Here's a good overview and some precautions:

Vitamin C

22430645? ago

Is it better to get Vitamin C from food sources or supplements? What is the best and accessible source to get it from?

22432888? ago

Fresh oranges. Eat 50 a day. (Keeps you regular, too.)

22430587? ago

What's old is new again. Imagine eating they way we used to before that gov food pyramid, when obesity was rare.

22430467? ago

You idiots. If they had the cure don't you think John McCain and other elites would've gotten it?

22432902? ago

There's no cure for John McNoname's execution.

22435183? ago

oh secret tribunals kek


22434398? ago


22429969? ago

That’s probably what RBG takes now.

22429842? ago

I am a huge fan of eating fruit and eat as much FRESH fruit as I can candle. Its also great for regularity.

22429708? ago

Seriously? Sorry, OLD news.

New breakthroughs outstrip this in spades.

What may come next, I pray Trump and team reveal, will change Everything.

22432369? ago

New For some of us

22429695? ago

Vitamin C produces hydrogen peroxide. Cancer cells are much less efficient in removing hydrogen peroxide than normal cells.


22429604? ago

Vitamin C is one of the leading causes of anal itching

22430284? ago

Try the oral vitamins next time... Vitamin C suppositories are overrated.

22429409? ago

When HuffPoo is telling us a story why the dairy industry "voluntarily" adds Vitamin D to all milk, it makes me question it the same way I question the fluoride in our water. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/why-vitamin-d-in-milk_n_58da7a68e4b0286e65b5de62

I remember hearing a few years ago that milk can't be labeled as "milk" unless it has been "fortified" with calcium and vitamin d. Makes me wonder. And then there's the whole issue of feds raiding raw milk producers, and pouring it down the toilet. https://www.mrctv.org/blog/massachusetts-senate-committee-pushes-back-against-fda-busybodies-favor-raw-milk

22429347? ago

Been taking Vitamin C daily for decades. 1,500 mg per day and in the winter 2,000 mg. Pee out what my body does not absorb. Since I started that regiment, I rarely ever get a cold and never a bad cold. We understand consequences on this board and have not had the flu or taken any flu shots in 25 years.

22429241? ago

IS the Devil IN you?

The Ferment

pre requsite


Fermetned foods fight the devil bugs inside of us, did somebody say nano bots?

the bugs who eat AL ?

dlive 1:52:00 guy sas boom with two QQ :)


A CROWNED serpent running rampently on earth Y

$atan ^

https://nexusnewsfeed.com/article/human-rights/german-doctor-links-nano-aluminum-glyphosate-and-parasites/60% down photo of tape worm head

DR Klinghardt https://browse.startpage.com/do/show_picture.pl?l=english&rais=1&oiu=https%3A%2F%2Fklinghardtinstitute.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2015%2F06%2FHOME-PAGE-The5LevelsofHealing2.png&sp=47996a67b32b756c8e9591765751a208&t=default

search on wiki lead me to another klinghardt

Runs an institute name Sophia !

break down of Sophia








all roads lead to relgious text

Matthias Klinghardt



The Case Against Q this form 2002?

and its BIBLICAL





22437799? ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#90876) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

22435444? ago

So in a nutshell, what you are saying is that the government uses airborne poisons (specially designed nanoparticle heavy metals) that attract parasites which our body normally rejects, but because the poisons feed these parasites, our body fails to eliminate them. These parasites, then excrete various chemicals into our bodies, the result of which is that the parasite can influence and in some cases, take control over our body (in the past, this was called 'demonic possession'). It is even possible that these parasites operate via some kind of neural network throughout the world in order to allow some kind of 'alien mind' to control multiple human bodies if those bodies have the 'correct' genetics to allow for this, in the same manner as a single radio station can control the sound produced from many different radios.

tl;dr: science has demonstrated most jews are possessed by demons who are hell-bent in taking control over the world by genocide the white race.

22437765? ago

The orthadox jews spend 3 weeks over the holiday each burning the counter tops for 2 days straight with a torch they have stainless countertops. Hmmmmm

22437748? ago

You have got the basics. It ends up being those bugs might actully be nano bots they eat Aluminum the word means to illuminate. And then it lead me to this https://vridar.org/tag/matthias-klinghardt/

Which this hole thing then becomes biblical with the lettter Q invovled as a diciple or a book in the bible left out? https://vridar.org/tag/matthias-klinghardt/

22435843? ago

possessed are


22432898? ago

That was all very random. Wanna try again - in English sentences?

22432970? ago

ITs called research numbnuts raw data if you cant follow it it wasn't meant for you. odds are you couldnt find your way out of a wet box.

22434016? ago

Insults are convincing. Definitely not deflecting.

22437827? ago

Heres a insult for ya sense all your lazy ass could do was say some shit about english cause your too stupid to actually look into somthing.

And how about go fuck yourself you prissy faggot. Or you could of just asked for help and got some explanations. But no you chose to shoot the messenger dipshit.

22429147? ago

Cancer is a fungus there are literally hundreds of cures.

22439196? ago

Fungus hates magnesium and sulfur... use it.

22439241? ago

No thanks. I will stick with what real Oncologists recommend.

22433192? ago

I agree with you but I hate the alkaline water logic, not all acid is bad! The stomach is acidic and drinking alkaline water will only dilute your stomach acid. The goal is to consume alkaline-forming foods which are actually considered acidic to us, like lemons, watermelon, etc.

22438839? ago

The top foods for high pH are.







GAH I always forget one, anyway there are 7 major ones and quick search will inform you

Cucumber I just remembered (Edit)

22432849? ago

Dr Max Gerson was curing dozens of diseases including diabetes in the 20's with juicing vegestables

Ironic that he died of cancer.

22438857? ago

He died of arsenic poisoning, at least that is what they claim in the documentary about his daughter moving to Mexico where it is safe to cure people.

But I have no first hand knowledge and I don't believe you do either. So it's just hear say bleh.

22434003? ago

He was poisoned by Rockefeller's Big Pharma.

22431710? ago

Italian doc:

Cancer is a Fungus: A Revolution in Tumor Therapy

amazon dot com/Cancer-Fungus-Revolution-Tumor-Therapy/dp/8887241082


Dr. Tullio Simoncini

22439200? ago

fuck that guy

22429484? ago

So maybe that's why they pushed sugar cereal and soda pop on us all these years. Keep Big Pharma healthy.

22435734? ago

Well documented in the movie “sugar coated” .. check it oot, it’s on netflix.

22429631? ago

Yeah. Could it be they want everyone to get cancer and they decide who gets to live while the only treatment they allow is to expensive for anyone to buy.

Any new cancer treatment must be given in conjunction with chemotherapy before the FDA will allow it. Doesn't make any sense at all unless you realize big pharma is protected in lieu of Americans.

22429064? ago


My great uncle was a great man called Linus Pauling. His major achievement for humanity, other than his involvement in the Manhattan Project of which he was not proud of, was finding the true purpose and legitimacy of Vitamin C.

He said that people need to find their tolerance. First take 100mg of VitC. Next two days, double it. Then double it. Double it again. When you are taking enough of it to start making your stomach hurt and it gives you the shits, stop there and drop the mg dosage by a small factor—and that’s your personal tolerance.

Take your tolerance every day and you will only die from natural causes.

22439186? ago

I ate 2.2 lbs of vitamin C in August, it didn't cure me of anything.

22432660? ago

The amount of vitamin C your body can take fluxuates with how sick you are.. The sicker you are the more you can take....

22431737? ago

I remember Linus Pauling - from school books as a kid. Indeed very famous. Wonderful that you are related to him. I will take to heart your advice!

22430061? ago

It makes me bullet proof?!

22434069? ago

A bullet is a 'natural cause' ... fyi

22430276? ago

You can also stop speeding trains using only your face.

22434283? ago

You first.

22430438? ago

I've heard that but I don't want to try. I'm afraid of breaking my glasses and then I couldn't see.

22428786? ago

Just FYI, this also prevents urinary tract infections. I used to be chronic but starting taking 2000 mg/day years ago with no problems. I had one of the few doctors at the time that believed in nutrition to systemically treat the patient.

22435812? ago

Also, D-Mannose powder will clear UTI. 1 teaspoon/day.

22428644? ago


22429495? ago

I'm one my one day weekly fast right now. Gives the body a chance to reboot some things.

22429450? ago

Hmm. Is that why a person loses their appetite when they get cancer, it's the body's way of trying to make you fast and heal?

22428685? ago


22428601? ago

Breakthrough? My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer a couple of years ago. They wanted to give her chemo and radiation. She started taking 1,000 mg of lipospheric vitamin C instead, and is cancer free.

22435318? ago

Sugar feeds cancer cells and can literally block vitamin receptors. Take vitamins without any sugar added and don’t count any vitamins in food if sugar is in there or the sugar will win and you’re wasting vitamins and their potential

22434760? ago

Just to add that natural occurring Vit C is far more powerful then synthetic ones. One of the best foods for this is Amla (Indian Gooseberry). You can also get this as dried powder.

22432050? ago

Liposomal? Or lipospheric?

Which brand?

22432450? ago

I just read they are the same thing

22431714? ago

Astonishing! I just ordered some didn't even know it existed.

22430881? ago

Good news huh!

22430105? ago

How do you get that ?

22430969? ago

Ups, fedex, usps, just maybe dhl.

22429907? ago

Wow! That’s fantastic, congrats.

22429499? ago

how long did she take it for? Also was it just the tablet form?

22429455? ago

Awesome to hear. God bless.

22429030? ago

Great news

22428364? ago

That's why the FDA made IV vitamin c illegal.

I watched a video about a cancer patient being treated and healed for cancer with IV vitamin c, and the patient suffered no side-effects, even after receiving one kilo of vitamin c a day!

I had always used chewable vitamin c for oncoming colds, and especially, sore throat. We had a bottle of 1000 mg vitamin c that my ex bought by mistake, and after watching the video, I thought I might as well take them - it can't hurt. So, I took about 3000 mg a day, regularly.

I'm also an avid mountain biker, and around this time I finally made this extremely steep hill on my ride. Well, a couple weeks went by before I was able to get back on my bike. I did the same loop, and summited the same hill, that I had barely made two weeks ago, without missing a beat. Even more noticeable, to me, was after the long lay off, I didn't experience any soreness from the lay off.

This experience made me a believer in vitamin c, which is very valuable for your body doesn't produce vitamin c, and it helps your cells rebuild, and produce collagen.

I fully expect that Rush is getting alternative cancer treatment and his full and total recovery will be spotlighted, nationally, bringing more to the great awakening.

The best is yet to come.

22429463? ago

I rarely get sick. When I get the cold, I just start eating 4 vit c tablets twice or three times a day and usually stop after two or three days as the cold starts to go away

22429324? ago

I’ve heard large amounts of C can make your butthole itch, is that true?

22432940? ago

Maybe you can get a pointer from Butt edge edge on proper technique for Vitamin C suppositories. Good luck don't use Chinese KY Jelly you will have more than itchy Ass Syndrome. Per RENEGADES advice also stock up on Depends Mike agrees.

22432689? ago


22432491? ago

If you're taking straight Vit C pills, most will dispose of the C through gastrointestinal distress. :( - C is a water soluble and therefore VERY little actually gets absorbed by the gut and even less to the cells. Lipo C encapsulates the C particles with soy oil and then it's easily absorbed by the gut and then into the cell membranes.

22430901? ago

Excess vitamin c can cause taint-rash. Rubbing your nuts with half a lemon won't make your ball-sac that much hairy-er.

22430577? ago

stop licking your fingers.

22430378? ago

You won't get itchy butthole if you followed your Mom's lessons in butt wiping when you were a kid.

Also, stay away from bumfuckers.

22430246? ago

Try taking it orally.

22431742? ago


22431393? ago

Top kek you bastard. Sitting here in bed and kekd outloud.

22431519? ago

I try.

Much kekkings to you this fine eve.

22431154? ago

Why I love Voat

22429428? ago

Are you serious?

22429553? ago

Yes I’m very serious

22431535? ago

Okay, I've never heard that, or experienced it. I have heard that if you take too much vitamin c orally, it can give you the runs, but you just back off.

I take a measuring tsp, about 4.5 grams, without any issues, and my mountain bike times keep improving at 58.

22430136? ago

It’s gives you diarrhea ... but the key when you are sick is to find the right amount just before the ‘rea ... 2k mg or more

22432341? ago

Similarly, I've learned that up to 3500mg of fish oil is okay for me daily. If I bump it up to 4, any unexpected cough could be a disaster.

22428657? ago

I hope and pray so, im not a Rush fan, but heres to him. A Speedy Recovery...

22435596? ago

Rush has good info within the Overton window. I was a Rush listener back in the early 90s on. But in early 90s he took a 'comped' trip to Israel! I seriously believe he got Absolutely compromised during the trip. He came back singing he praises of Israel and ZIONISM! But, knowing That, I still listen to Rush because there is still very good information. Just mentally edit out the Zionism.

22437219? ago

Yes, i agree hes 96.5% right....


My grandmother and i would listen to rush in the afternoons in his early years. And there have been other times when i was an avid listener. Ooo G.Beck a.m. Rush p.m. Im not going to turn him off certainly, when im scrolling through the radio i will always stop and listen for a few minutes. I dont listen no where near enough to really know but Ive always seen Rush as more of a Repub mouth piece and not an inde voice.

Hes got this. Hes too awnry to let it take him down.

22439129? ago

I listen to Chris Plante now instead of Rush, at least Chris calls Mike Obama a man on national radio!

22441277? ago

Chris plante, illl look, see whats up.

22429431? ago

You may have a few more red pills to swallow.

22434782? ago

Naaa, i just dont like Rush. I dont mind listening, but for the most part hes a self absorbed blow-hard, dont believe me just ask him, hell tell ya the same just a little differently.

22434272? ago

You may. Rush still has a slobering love affair with the Bush's.

22433645? ago

I remember listening to Rush when I was a child riding with my grandpa in his truck. Everytime we would go fishing early in the morning. I always found his voice soothing.

22428107? ago

This has been known since the 1980s. The FDA squashed the MD Andserson research and threatened the researchers. Vitamin treatment was approaching chemo success.

Once this was known, they changed how they calculate success rates, survival starts, and overnight, they had a "new and improved" chemo protocol.

Which means, even if you believe in chemo, it us unethical and immoral to not include vitamins in all chemo and cancer treatments.

22428577? ago

So are the rumors i ran across of the feds trying to make Vit C a prescription are probably true.......

Mother Fuckers.........................

22428244? ago


Fructose has to be cut from your diet simultaneously. It's the fuel for cancer cells.

And of course, everything has HFCS in it now.

Almost like it's a plot as well.

22431621? ago

my integrative med doc said no white sugar, lyme and cancer like it.

use stevia, yeah doesn't taste as good maybe but look around. I found organic stevia that wasn't half bad

22439170? ago

lyme is a bacteria, lyme promotes candida, a fungus. Your doctor is an idiot.

22429789? ago

In reality, all glucose must be cut. Those foods that begin as glucose and those that breakdown to glucose.

Cancer lives on glucose.

Its absurd that when you receive Chemo, you are offered cookies/candy/doughnuts. As you kill off many of your healthy cells with the cancer, they offer you food for your cancer cells to multiply.

Death sentence.

22430394? ago

You forgot to mention the fact that chemo kills at least as many good cells as bad ones.

22429596? ago

All carbohydrates you eat are broken down to simple sugars in the intestine, where they are absorbed into the blood, increasing blood sugar levels. Getting rid of sugar is no more important than getting rid of carbohydrates if you have cancer. The body will get its fix of glucose to feed itself if it needs to process stored fat and muscle tissue. That is why people lose weight when they have cancer.

By making simple changes to help keep blood sugar and insulin levels in a healthy range, you can make positive improvements in your diet and to your health period regardless of cancer. .

22439151? ago

gay reply, body-made sugars are different than shoveling it down your gullet.

22440234? ago

All sugar is the body is body-made. The body processes all food that you eat including sugar. Fiber is the one thing the body can't break down because it lacks the enzymes to do it and it passes through the body.

22433993? ago


22432806? ago

It'll help, but I think the main culprit is fructose, since the big idea is that cancer thrives on fructose more so than glucose. Or, it's that the cancer cells can survive on fructose while healthy cells can't.

22434348? ago

The three types of carbohydrates are sugar (frutose) starch and fiber. During the digestive process, both sugars and starches are turned into glusose that the body uses for energy. People lack the enzymes needed to digest fiber, so it passes through the digestive tract without turning into to glucose. Frutose is just a compound sugar and the body breaks it down to simple glucose just like nuts and pasta.

22436002? ago

There are many forms of sugar, not just fructose. Glucose is sugar. Fructose is not a "compound" sugar, it is a monosaccharide.

22437743? ago

Fructose is a simple sugar. Your monosaccharide is the most basic form of carbohydrates with the ability to combine. Fructose needs to be converted into glucose by the liver before it can be used by the body. Fructose is a slightly different molecule than monosaccharides which requires a specific enzyme to be broken down in the liver. Glucose is one of the most common monosaccharides in nature, used by nearly every form of life.

Getting back to your original starving cancer. You can’t starve cancer from the point of not eating sugar. Your body has ample ways of feeding the cancer cell. It can convert stored fat and muscle tissue to glucose for energy. That is why a 250-pound man becomes a 90-pound man when aggressive cancer cells are growing.

That is why you can reduce your carbohydrates in a diet and the body starts processing the fat supply in the body. Even with that you need to be careful not to start losing muscle mass.The body will get its energy to survive or if it can't you die.

22428104? ago

Sooo eat moar citrus? I've been doing herbal teas with honey fresh squeezed lime juice every night for a bit now, helps with colds, sleep, and mental clarity, that's just my own experience.

22430184? ago

Not being an ass, but getting into this lately, fruit has a lot of sugar, right ? So to starve cancer, cut out the sugar including fruit ?

22439230? ago


22436071? ago

Fruit also has a lot of fiber that slows down the rate you absorb the sugar.

22432234? ago

I am not a doctor or anything, but yes fruits have lots of sugar, but it is probably the last sugar you want to cut out. Fruits have important vitamins and minerals and other nutrients that are critical for health. Grains and processed, highly refined sugars are the first sugars to deal with and are not providing high levels of nutrients like fruit. But if you are trying to eliminate 100% of your sugars i don't think you can eat much at all. Meat and water?

22428022? ago

People are so caught up on bioweapons and viruses that they don't realize that human beings have a broken gene which prevents us from producing Vitamin C on our own like other mammals. Our immune systems have basically somehow been neutered and we're dependent on corn for adequate amounts. Sounds deliberate, no?

22439210? ago


are you retarded?

22429531? ago

Is there a way to make our body to start making vit C?

22435055? ago

Is there a way to make our body to start making vit C?

Actually, yes. You can use a virus to edit genes. If you could isolate the broken gene, you could repair it. It is certainly possible, and they have probably already done this for the elites.

22430198? ago

I wish I knew of a way...

I often wonder in what manner the gene is "broken". Through epigenetics or something more direct. I'm leaning towards the belief that it's being inhibited by something. It's likely vaccine damage that they lied about and much more recent than assumed.

22434250? ago

Apparently, we lack an active form of the enzyme in our livers that can produce vitamin c ... L-gulonolactone oxidase

22428524? ago

A broken gene you say....

Just makes me think of Sitchin. I know people say he was a shill with his wild correlation theories and there is no way of really knowing solid translation and his speculation. In those writing Thoth withholds a key gene that is quoted as essential for life.

22433946? ago

Sitchin is jewish and jews lie about everything. Enjoy wandering in darkness for following devil offspring.

22434907? ago

Who said anything about following, i mearly mentioned his translations. He is still some kind of educated and knowledgeable man or something. His interpretations may be cucked but nof all information is going to be cucked, any con-artist must establish some basis of credibility for their cons to work. Granted im not one to sufficiently dtermine fact from falacy but keepingbthe ideas in mond doesnt hurt, if only to isolate where the shills take their tangent conversations.

22432426? ago

He was bang on. Find the book ' Lost book of Enki '.

22434925? ago

I think ive read that one. When Nibiru appears innthe aky we'll know for sure, if that isnt what chemtrails and false suns are hiding......

22428211? ago

Sounds deliberate, no?

Sounds retarded.

22427897? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=Vv-SJn3CRmo :

Vitamin C breakthrough discovery proves that nutrition can halt the growth of cancer - YouTube

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