22427368? ago

I notice 9 ha's.

22422750? ago

The very few,

meant to be with the One

from the beginning of time, before time began

will repent.

22421372? ago

18 people to be put to death for treason over a 2 week period?

22421163? ago

Wasn't Q aaying something about the first arrest shocking the world?

Does Q 3599 come into play here? Is this about Hunter?

"The Harvest [crop] has been prepared and soon will be delivered to the public for consumption.

A Higher Loyalty [Y].

Hunters become the Hunted.



How do you remove a liability?

Six o' clock can be dangerous.

Family proud?


22420632? ago

I like to think of the HA's as the error screen from Jurassic Park. HAHAHA HAHAHA HAHAHA


22424035? ago

It’s a Unix system... i know this!

22420498? ago

Wasn’t that ha ha ha ha ha part from something? Didn’t one of [them] say something along those lines and then Q threw it back in their faces.

22420721? ago

David Rothschild on Twitter tweeted out hahaha... & said no one will remember Trump's SOTU speech tomorrow.

The next day (his tomorrow), the train carrying Republicans to a retreat crashed into a truck that stopped on the tracks. The train had supposedly known to slow down due to drone surveillance; if it hadn't stopped, we'd have had huge number of R politicians dead. This is what Rothschild seemed to be implying - the news would have all been about how R's were literally wiped out.

Q came back @ Rothschild - and added one more "ha" to the string that Rothschild had. Q team knew & prevented a disaster.

22421681? ago

That’s it! Thanks for refreshing my/our memories. It’s wild how long this stuff has been going on, you forget so many instances and scenarios.

22420270? ago

If we are doing a suicide dead pool my pick is Hunter Biden.

22422489? ago

Plus the Heinz kid and Whitey Bulgers nephew

22420713? ago

Heck, why not Joe?? They don't want him in any way being he nominee.

22420476? ago

Tragic overdose...

22420380? ago

my brother and I were just saying the same thing. They would spin it as drug problems and public pressure. They would then say cant go after Joe this is the 2nd child he has lost

22421469? ago

And then the Biden's will blame...wait for it...President Trump. Biden will play the "whoa-is-he" card and will get sympathy votes and rise in the polls. (Never let a crisis go to waste.)

22422897? ago

Ah, the old sacrifice your kid to Chemosh play.

22422036? ago


22420113? ago

Q699 was linked and a set of tweets around the slaying of Soleimani (linked with text and post time v. [2y]

I do agree though - there’s a reason to correlate the 2 year deltas, especially Red October.

22419874? ago


I hope they start killing themselves, live stream it faggots!

22419987? ago

Harsh, but I like your attitude.

22420130? ago

Harsh? They have killed millions of children. They have slaughtered our ancient history, making us believe we are pathetic, lowly humans, they have hidden countless truths about our shared history, what you think is real and not is insignificant compared to all that has been shrouded.

They deserve far more than a simple suicide weekend.

22420297? ago

Yeah, retard...I agree with all of that. Put your fucking tampon back in...

I was talking more to the normies reading all of this than you, dumbass...I was trying to help their cognitive dissonance by allowing them to "agree with me" that...while harsh...your statement has exactly the right attitude. You're welcome...

22420748? ago

kek, nice return

22425677? ago

I love you all!

22419620? ago





22419607? ago

I hope. [Mitt]

22420394? ago

that would be the best.

22419575? ago

Why are the Ha ha’ highlighted? Are they in the original post, or was that from searching for them?

22419606? ago


22420119? ago

So 5 ha ha’s are highlighted in one and 5 in the other. 5:5?

5 suicides 10 suicides? 5 in the house 5 in the senate? Man this has me pumped! How many head of chairs did the dems use in their failed coup attempt? Don’t really have to answer just thinking out load.

22421490? ago

now, not sure where the highlighted came from or why (not in the original) but i did confirm these posts are true and correct.

22421740? ago

Thanks for clarifying.

22422584? ago


22419499? ago


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

[Next week]

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

We warned you.

You are stupid.

Can you sleep?

We can help.


22419615? ago

9 ha ha x2


for post 699


and your DIGITS ARE 9499 KEK

22419698? ago


22425661? ago

In addition to the other response, NMBRFG has been doing awesome work here showing the "hidden comms". Both white hats and black hats are using gematrix.org to communicate. It is fascinating! I have even bought him a laptop to help his efforts, I find them so compelling.

This use of gematria is not "prophecy" or "make me more powerful through dark arts"; it is "merely" looking at their comms.

Q has said, "learn our comms" and I am certain that NMBRFG has done so. I want to also write some software to help him with his efforts but day 7 of the fast started a half hour ago (I think I can make it past 3 pm tomorrow, meaning it'll be a new record!) and I'm a little spacier than normal.

First couple days give a ton of energy but I have a side project I'm helping with and they ran into a snag -- but the awesome part is, I figured out a way to eliminate this snag moving forward! I just need to get past this fasting, and maybe a couple days to recover while slowing working the food intake back up, and I'll finish it.

His output is not "for the masses" but I definitely appreciate being able to look "behind the scenes", at the wizard behind the curtain as it were.

God bless.

22431575? ago

How are you digits? Sounds like the path to holesomeness. Kill those devil bugs me fren kill them good. Try cloves and mint theres a reason cloves were with pork and and mint with lamb all this time. Sincerely !^

22435103? ago

kek, thanks for the recognition! :) In keeping of which -- 575 nice Digits! :)

I bought the Thieve's Oil at a recommendation here. It contains clove oil, as well as cinnamon, eucalyptus, lemon, and rosemary. Not sure if I should take it internally though, the packaging says not to.

Watched a video recently about fasting, which was comparing parasites to demons. Neat synchronicity in your comment!

Really like the cloves and mint explanation -- we ate that way growing up! Although I'm going to try to avoid pork, as well as raw foods (like sushi, one of my favorites) after researching parasites... God bless!

22445416? ago

and with the crystal blue eye we lift the veil for all to see,

and the stone left from the mouth of the cave as if a tractor moved it !


22448851? ago

Was reading about Noah last night. Very interesting analysis. They were on the boat for over a year, only adults entered and only adults left. So, nobody was pregnant, or, if they bore one or more children on the Ark, then they died while on the Ark.

Also went into how fatherhood begins at conception, and the difference between "years of life" and "years after birth".

22453465? ago

Very kool my fren.

The bible or something else?

22454711? ago

Tips hat. Gooday fine Sir !

22437790? ago

Dont forget to research. The end is biblical. It always is ! You can rewind and watch vids after you see the articles and read the clues.


22439482? ago

Thanks, really enjoyed that video and sent it to my wife! (She really needs to stop the sugar intake...)

22420148? ago

It's not Jewmatria for fucks sakes. The "Chosen People" were gifted this ancient knowledge in a Post Deluvian World.

Catch up.

Gematria transcends religiosity, ours is a Universe rooted in Numbers.

22425245? ago

Im glad you educatd the young.