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22403079? ago

I see you ≤

22403155? ago

Can you see me on 8kun 'o-o' <

Been sending messages over there today.

I posted some Gematria links on there too.

I like it over there.

Maybe I will get Qd'!

22403333? ago

kek, would love to see that!!! I might try 8kun, never got the hang of the chans but I think Voat gave me some up-to-speediness. :)

Give me links to what you posted, if possible? I'll check them out!

22403578? ago

I posted these there >

LSU Tigers Do The Get The Gat Challenge At The White House

Kobe Bryant > Ritual Sacrifice > 654 > 1854 > POTUS Tweet - Get The Gatt > Decoded

Time to Blow your Minds... > POTUS Instagram Post days before Kobe Bryant's death > POTUS knew

And I just posted this here >

Deleted Trump Tweet: "What Really Happened" Timestamp 10.28

22403791? ago

kek, read two of them already! (the middle two.) Will read the others, thanks!