22414907? ago

Sure he does it's just covert instead of overt.

22407223? ago

Damn. Feels weird, doesn't it. No coup going on? Does that mean we can actually deal with the problems in this country?

22406609? ago

... that we know of.

22405482? ago

hahahah - Patriot I had the same thought, but we both know it's not over with these fucks. I'm not worried about the U.S. anymore. I'm worried about Canada. Trufaux is turning it into a fucking communist gulag as we speak. They're our closest neighbors too. He'll flood that fucking place with illegals and make free speech next to impossible. Canadians by and large are so cucked that they'll go along with it eh? Then we'll have to deal with that. And Europe? Well thank god the UK got out, but the rest of those fuckers are yet to see justice. They're fighting back but I fear for them. I was really hoping to see Macron face the guillotine at the hands of a yellow vested mob. We have to keep praying, and keep fighting, but damn it feels good to have a victory for the ages under the belt. This is truly a magnificent time we're living in.

22404493? ago

Until the next charge they try to impeach him for. They attempted this one in less than 3 months. Divide that by the 10 months left in the year. They'll have 3 more chances to try again. Don't get comfortable. Expect these bitter, hateful, treasonous, Trump haters to keep trying.

22403966? ago

I wish Q would say something about coronavirus. I mean, is this the cabal's last attempt to create chaos to save itself? Are patriots in control here?

22403903? ago

Now the fun begins...

22403694? ago

Also noticed Durham is back in the news cycle again.

22403505? ago

Revelation 2:9-13

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

10Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

11He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.

12And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges;

13I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.

22403430? ago

Nadler’s in the kitchen . . .

22403681? ago

Yeah, he was trying to get Wray to say that someone had asked him to investigate the Bidens.

22403213? ago

The democrats have destroyed themselves with this "bull shit" and then the Iowa caucuses and acquittal ,clock work precision. Everything they have done to Trump has made him stronger ,it's fucking incredible!

22403078? ago

Don't worry, they will make something else up soon.

22402994? ago

The hell he doesnt lol

22402752? ago

give it a day... they aint done yet.

22402566? ago


22402414? ago

Public dissent is a manufactured illusion. For it to be a Great Awakening, you have to Wake Up.

The accident was thirty years ago. It wasn't your fault. Please. Wake Up.

22401986? ago

There is no step five.

22404489? ago

Stormy Daniels?

22401694? ago

Nah.. the witches are all around the pot cooking up something...but now he can fight back and fight back hard...and he will. .

22401639? ago

They can try whatever they want to try. President Trump's approval ratings are currently at an all time high. If they want to push his approval rating higher then they absolutely should launch a new attack.

22401468? ago

The night is young. Give them a few minutes...

22401416? ago

the Coup hasn't ended, hit a holding point maybe but they had their next plan ready when Nancy changed her story about impeachment.

22401335? ago

The Dems will come out with some new charade.

22401138? ago

This isn't true. Bolton is being subpoenaed by the House.

22401509? ago

For what? The Trial is over.

They lost

22401941? ago

You and I know they lost. They haven't figured that out yet. They want to know what Bolton knows, so they can create new articles of impeachment.

22401005? ago

Well it took two days after mueller to come up with the Ukrainian cal, so it’s still early

22400887? ago

"It's like fucking vietnam nam, eh slick!"

22401549? ago

I wouldn’t know sir. I was a child in 74 when my father got back from his 12 month deployment.

22402104? ago

haha close: " i was in junior high, dickhead"

22403116? ago

kek, so the "12" fits anyway!

22400843? ago

They cried wolf too many times. Nobody will believe anything they say. Nobody of consequence, I mean.

22400749? ago

They're still cooking. They have already subpoenaed John Bolton. I hope he tells them the opposite of what they want to hear. Fuck them.

22400661? ago

The House Dems are already saying they are going to subpoena Bolton. They will never stop until circumstances demand it.

22400514? ago

They will never stop

22400482? ago

Till tomorrow ... dems are insane

22400359? ago

Rogue terror attacks are still in their pocket.

Any plot to incite a war

Corona virus and manufactured crisis

They have more ammo don't get too confident

22400165? ago

They have FAILED! Their ammo is sparse and their remaining powder is wet! Must be getting close to suicide weekend.

This was a victory for POTUS, Q and the team. But it's also a victory for all Americans and the world, some just don't know it yet. God bless the USA and patriots everywhere.

22400104? ago

We just got a 30 second time out. @ commercial break. Hopefully we're approaching the 2 min warning. This game isn't over, the uglier part will start soon.

22399827? ago

Just wait a couple days before the next false accusation is trumpeted by CNN.

22405998? ago

last week it was some cum stained dress .... they must of been awake all night thinking up that one

22399434? ago

It is time to start the round up and arrests before they start the second round of impeachment or some other long drawn out bullshit. Strike now before they recoup for the re-coup.

22399892? ago

I think that’s the plan.

22401353? ago

Why now though? Could have done some major damage during the Senate hearings.

22399382? ago

Give it a week!

22399249? ago

Wait until tomorrow. They are already talking of a Bolton subpoena. It will never end until people are in jail.

22399196? ago

The coup is still being levied against him. It will not stop until the perps are arrested.

22399687? ago

I think Term Limits MUST be brought back immediately....is it too late for the 2020 federal election?

22401432? ago

Term limits could never become a reality this year. The GOP needs to take back the House first.

22399110? ago

No, you can bet that other plans are in the works. This is not the end of anything, the Demwit Party will keep trying to relitigate the 2016 election.

22407226? ago

True. But we can enjoy a few coup-free moments.

22403079? ago

I see you ≤

22403155? ago

Can you see me on 8kun 'o-o' <

Been sending messages over there today.

I posted some Gematria links on there too.

I like it over there.

Maybe I will get Qd'!

22403333? ago

kek, would love to see that!!! I might try 8kun, never got the hang of the chans but I think Voat gave me some up-to-speediness. :)

Give me links to what you posted, if possible? I'll check them out!

22403606? ago

Nice Digits BTW. <

22403799? ago

Back atcha! :)

22403578? ago

I posted these there >

LSU Tigers Do The Get The Gat Challenge At The White House


Kobe Bryant > Ritual Sacrifice > 654 > 1854 > POTUS Tweet - Get The Gatt > Decoded


Time to Blow your Minds... > POTUS Instagram Post days before Kobe Bryant's death > POTUS knew


And I just posted this here >

Deleted Trump Tweet: "What Really Happened" Timestamp 10.28


22403791? ago

kek, read two of them already! (the middle two.) Will read the others, thanks!

22403340? ago

It's so weird that I call my[Edit: self] Digits, look at that! You got a dub, I got a quad, wow :)

22399022? ago

OK Olivia

22399308? ago

Let me hear your bible talk. Your bible talk.

Age has not been kind to her.

22398980? ago

the coup jews are still there

22398918? ago

Pray for his safety. They will come after him with everything now more than ever.

22403484? ago

Agreed. Also, eyes open for FF's in the coming days and weeks. Remember, they are after us and POTUS DJT/Q-team are standing in their way. They may activate sleepers to carry out FF as retaliation to the public for our support of POTUS and our reborn America first mentality. Just be cautious and keep your eyes open. We are winning; they are getting desperate.

22398917? ago

naaa Mad MAX says shes still got investigations going......

22398976? ago

Not that I've heard. Nothing official. Besides, she's toast.