22366648? ago

Fucking scary.

22363035? ago

Great break down

22362974? ago

Should we write to our senators and let them know this isn't cool? I really hate to think they're doing this to us just to experiment.

22365721? ago

They're doing it for population control and it began decades ago. I believe there is actually a current investigation into the origins of Lyme

22362906? ago

Not directly related but does anyone know what causes anxiety (GAD) and perhaps found treatments?

22363205? ago

If you're suffering, try Nigella seed oil. Half a tea spoon in the morning, nothing more. It's dangerous to overdose. Look it up, it helped me. It's known to kill all diseases.

22368192? ago


22368886? ago

You're welcome - you can also see people on YT talking about it ;)

22362712? ago

Try pure biotin.

Bulksupplements Pure Biotin (Vitamin B7) Powder (10 Grams).

Even 1% biotin will make a difference.

Read the reviews. People are using it to fight chronic fatigue and multiple sclerosis.

Also be sure to get enough Vitamin D3/K2 (Mk7).

22365756? ago

Thank you, I've been on a regimen of vitamins/herbs. It does help but the main issue for me is that our area is RAMPANT with ticks and every single time i get bit i begin having symptoms again. That doesn't even logically make sense if Lyme was exactly what the doctors tell us it is but it's my experience nonetheless.

22366349? ago

Do you live in NE US?


No direct experience with Lyme, but have read CBD oil helps.

22367450? ago

Yep, i'm in that area. I've thought of giving CBD a try. I'll look more in to it, thanks.

22362427? ago

I have Lyme and have had it for 4 years now. Because of my own dissatisfaction with the medical communities answer to chronic Lyme symptoms, i began digging. I found this information 3 years ago and since hearing about Corona virus' genetic expression linked to HIV i realized right away what the major connector was. Hope this helps someone out there and fuck these assholes for ruining so many lives.

22686786? ago

Chlorine Dioxide.

22364794? ago

Carnivore diet cured Charlene Andersen of Lyme in 8 months. See her story on www.meatheals.com!

22365785? ago

I do eat a keto diet most of the time and notice that the symptoms get much worse if i binge on carbs for even a few days. i know i should stick to it more.

22384121? ago

Have you looked into PEMF technology like the AmpCoil? I’ve met Lyme recovered people who have no symptoms now. Look into it.

22364524? ago

There's a lot of information out there about a carnivore diet helping the body heal from Lyme disease. At the least give it a try, it's helped me in a short time with many inflammation related problems. It has its own challenges, but you may realize that carbohydrates do a substantial amount of harm to the body. Our body's built to eat animal food. Focus on red meat with a lot of fat, but do you research first. Hope this may help guide you through these atrocities thrown upon us.

22365810? ago

I agree totally and i try to stick to that. my issue is that there is a plague of ticks here and i get bit repeatedly and ALWAYS begin having the inflammation and issues back every single time. i can't even figure out how all the ticks here are infected. it makes no sense as far as what they tell us about the disease.

22364921? ago

Amen. I had triglycerides in the 900 range. Pre diabetes. High blood pressure. Body aches. Did the keto diet and cut out all carbs. Quit all of my medications. 6 months later my doctor asked me what the hell I was doing. Everything normal now. Pissed that we are all being slowly poisoned and are misinformed or downright brainwashed.

22362786? ago

Excellent research anon. More than half of people suffer from one of these, or another crippling disorder. They are being engineered.

22362763? ago

What are you treating it with anon?

22365845? ago

i try to stick to a keto diet, take high doses of vit C, b complex and D3. it does help a lot but i have a crazy theory that our area is a zone they experiment in. so many ticks and i have been bitten many, many times. i'm just not sure what to do about that.

22370105? ago

Welp, if you are one of the experiment areas, you need silver anon. Just make sure to get low particle size, its the huge particles plus salt that turn ya blue.

I had Lyme before I knew about silver, garlic, olive leaf etc, and I cured it with six months of dxycyclene. Not pleasant, but it worked. I would do it much differently now.

22371057? ago

i did silver for a little while but i was uneasy about what nano metal could do in one's body so i didn't keep it up. i've heard good things about it, i just always wondered how the body handled that in the long term. What i really wish i had was something i could take internally that would ward them off in a serious way.

22373945? ago

Silver in low particle size can be taken for years and not turn anybody blue unless its mixed with salt before drinking it.

But Silver, well, a little goes a long way. I've seen people get over a flu with one dose. Rule is use smallest dose that works. Large doses are usually handled fine, but your kidneys might complain for an hour or two with big doses.

tldr Use droppers full, not shot glasses, low particle size is safe.

22364597? ago

I'm not him. When I first had it I noticed before it was diagnosed that antihistamines relieved the symptoms. They treated me with antibiotics which were hard on me. Since then to combat the left-over symptoms, I use a generic of Clariton Clear, and LDN (Low Dose Naltrexon) https://www.skipspharmacy.com/wplog/services/low-dose-naltrexone/. My left over symptoms are painful joints and stiffness. I take LDN and 1 clariton per day. I also just started using a heating pad as well on the joints and that gives some relief.

22362336? ago

Pure evil.

22361863? ago

chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia are diagnoses given to annoying histrionic women so they can be pacified because someone gave their fake disease a name

22362910? ago

People with CFS and fibro have measurable abnormalities in proteins that participate in oxidative metabolism like pyruvate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase and pyruvate kinase and they also have abnormal dopamine and serotonin urinary metabolites like homovanillic acid and 5-HIAA.

22363177? ago

CFS is the same as ME.

ME - Encephalitis - brains inflammation is a symptom and not a cause.

I have MS. My understanding is that ME is a singe phase attack of Mutiple Sclerosis.

MS is not likely to kill me, when I die I am expecting to die with MS.

22419476? ago

22362534? ago

Us gulf war vets came back with it. They tested us for mono, denied its existence, and offered us prozac.

Hell, even the guys who did not go came down with gulf war syndrome.

22362472? ago

Not sure this is true... I was misdiagnosed with fibromyalgia. I had to fight for 6 years with doctors and specialists to finally get a correct diagnosis. Turned out I had several rare genetic disorders that all the "standard tests" never bother to check for (including juvenile arthritis, pernicious anaemia, and a smooth muscle disorder that causes my joints to dislocate without traumatic cause). I have read this same story from many people diagnosed with "fibro". I'm honestly starting to believe it doesn't even exist... It's just a misdiagnoses given when doctors can't be fucked doing their job.

22362703? ago

Its caused by improper diet. Lactose builds up in the muscles and doesnt release. Diary is a main culpret and also glyppsate and weat. Anemia is lack of b12. Some of this is caused by vaxx and some from the round up. Eat grass fed organic meat. And mushroom, any fermented food will also get you back on track we make our own kombucha, sour kaurt. And kefer from organic milk. Raw if you can find it to make the kefer. Once milk is fermented it is no longer dairy. The enzymes eat the sugars. Sugar is the enemy.

22384184? ago

Amazing that your awesome post was downvoted. Lol. Over the target. Or just fucking pure retards.

22419446? ago

look below kek iknow

22444282? ago

Fermented foods are where it’s at. Have you followed the Weston a price foundation? They’re fighting the evil with real good food. Aka raw milk. Fermented everything. Real fatty meat. Butted. Saturated fats. Boom done. Time to run a farm assholes.

22362759? ago

Lactose intolerant and a celiac as well to top off the whole "oh it's just fibro" thing... I really got the shittest genes ever tbh. Have to be very careful with what I eat. Mostly fruit, green veg + carrots. Sugar is the worst, yes.

22362721? ago

And just saw this on other post here. Says vit b is a multiplier to the gene fighting it. ;)


22362780? ago

Now that is interesting... the gene that causes my childhood arthritis is called HLA-B27. I also can't absorb B12 (part of the pernicious anaemia and celiac disease). I wonder if there is a correlation.

22369954? ago

you can absorb it just not in your gut so well but you need it closer to your brain so i suggest.

the dr know this they are lying to try and help kill off the planet why else do this on such a huge scale?

40 %




22362621? ago

Absolutely true. A doctor told me once it just means muscle pain with no known cause.

22362768? ago

Replace "no known cause" with "we can't be fucked finding the cause" and you are right on the money anon :) It wasn't even muscle pain in my case and the STILL went with fibro. Total ignorance, laziness, and stupidity.

22361741? ago

Common Disease Agent Weaponised

There are 200 species of Mycoplasma. Most are innocuous and do no harm; only four or five are pathogenic. Mycoplasma fermentans (incognitus strain) probably comes from the nucleus of the Brucella bacterium. This disease agent is not a bacterium and not a virus; it is a mutated form of the Brucella bacterium, combined with a visna virus, from which the mycoplasma is extracted.

The pathogenic Mycoplasma used to be very innocuous, but biological warfare research conducted between 1942 and the present time has resulted in the creation of more deadly and infectious forms of Mycoplasma. Researchers extracted this mycoplasma from the Brucella bacterium and actually reduced the disease to a crystalline form. They "weaponised" it and tested it on an unsuspecting public in North America
