22359335? ago

Fuck you, go back to reddit.

22358207? ago



22358668? ago

read the Quran or Koran, it is a crazyass religion and wants worse than just money. Read and find out what kind of person this so-called Prophet moohammad was.

22358146? ago

That's the same god that Christians worship

22358520? ago

This Al Lah is a pedophile Moon god, most of islam is outside Christian and Jewish continuity and theorfore non-con. For thousands of years moslems would scream a Warcry of Al-Lah Hu Ackbar, claiming the Moongod Al-Lah was greater than the Gods of Christians or Jews or other faiths, the low IQ inbred psychopaths they would scream this cry as they beheaded 'infidels' claiming the mohammedan religion was greater. The original god Al-Lah was called Al-Lat and was female and maybe from Babylon or Caan or Egypt. The male camel jackers of Arabia the Quraysh criminals, Hashemite savages and Bedouin raider worshiped a more demonic version of this Al-Lah, a male version of the Moongod, the name of Moohammad's family means slave to the Moongod Al-Lah. This islam is a confused mix for theives, killers, rapists, lairs and raiders, some of the people around mohammad were educated but most were low IQ inbred criminal bandits who could not read or write, this islam also mixes and confuses texts from Arab paganism, Sabaean Kingdom, Nabataean people, the Aksumite, Sassanid culture, Indian vedic religion, old Persian faiths, Christianiaty, Judaism, a bunch of Egypt stuff and Babylon stuff, this 'Al-Lah' as a written god is a god who picked an illiterate terrorist mad man to be his prophet, the prophet mohammad once thought himself thought he himself was possessed by demons or djinns

22358536? ago

Allah was a moon god, but they eventually adopted Yahweh, but mixed the two.

But both are the god of abraham isaac and jacob

23234038? ago

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22358222? ago

No Christians do not worship Allah.

22358408? ago

Allah = Yahweh the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob....the same one which Christians worship

22359353? ago

If that were true you're a heretic for not being muslim.

22359145? ago

Surah 5:73

They have certainly disbelieved who say, " Allah is the third of three." And there is no god except one God. And if they do not desist from what they are saying, there will surely afflict the disbelievers among them a painful punishment.

Even the Quran disagrees with you.

22359501? ago

Do you believe in the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob?

If the answer is yes, then you all believe in the same god

22360947? ago

Al Lah is a jihadist, pedophile god and powerless against people who play Dice, read those shit islamic texts and discover the books are nonsense

22361016? ago

The Christian God literally murdered his own son, muh dicked a virgin, and encourage Lot to have a 3some with his daughters

22364578? ago

Were not talking about Christian God or the Jewish thing or Buddhism we are talking about islam you terrorist apologist faggot, why are you defending jihadists?

22358601? ago

its not the same one, the shots and chants opf Allahu Akbar is Arabic for 'the Moon god Al Lah is greater' or Moongod Al Lah is superior to the God of Christians or Jews, even today you can go on Liveleak and watch crazyass terrorist moslems going rat a Tat tat tat with AK-47 killing Jews and Christians and killing Yezidi claiming their gods is greater than the god of Christians or greater than other peoples gods.