JOHN.B.WELLS - Ghislaine Maxwell's father (Rob) loaned Romney $2 million got him started in "finance" business. Elite of Mormonism, Shriner Freemasons, Jewish Occult... connection? Mystery Babylon? (
submitted 5.1 years ago by 3638405?
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22357936? 5.1 years ago
As a Mormon myself I can tell you, we don’t view Mitt Romney as an “elite”. Mitt is a joke. A lot of people here in Utah have changed their views on him since he was elected into the senate.
22358330? 5.1 years ago
They know something .... WTF?
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22357936? ago
As a Mormon myself I can tell you, we don’t view Mitt Romney as an “elite”. Mitt is a joke. A lot of people here in Utah have changed their views on him since he was elected into the senate.
22358330? ago
They know something .... WTF?