22876462? ago

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22712190? ago

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22362773? ago

Look at pictures of the Salt Lake City temple, and you'll find Freemason symbols all over it.

Mormons teach that God was once a man, just like you, but by living a perfect life obtained Godhood over this world. And if you life a perfect life, you get your own world to populate with your spirit children, as he did to this one.

They worship the God of this world.

Problem: The Bible was clear on who that was, aka the Prince of Air.

22359246? ago

When you realize the "Mormons" control one of the most strategically advantageous places on Earth, it seems a bit suspicious. Especially when you look into Mittens and some of his connections.

22361143? ago

Also they might have tried another game, the brother was once in a Jewish style fraternity, ... See skull n bones for what these types connect to .... anyways he, Fred became an alcoholic, dies young, they probably tried to blackmail the family, he was supposed to take the Empire.

22357936? ago

As a Mormon myself I can tell you, we don’t view Mitt Romney as an “elite”. Mitt is a joke. A lot of people here in Utah have changed their views on him since he was elected into the senate.

22358330? ago

They know something .... WTF? https://voat.co/v/theawakening/3568387/21776908

22357021? ago

the more I hear about Romney, the less I like him (I don't like him). I NEVER hear ANYTHING redeeming about that asshole.

22356682? ago

Good looking woman.

22355969? ago

Mitt is only playing his part in the Global Elite Structure. He's a captain in an army with five star generals.

Mitt is a paper tiger.

22355528? ago

Robert maxwell the multi millionaire who, disappeared. Mysteriously.

Left his daughter ghislaine everything (hidden)!but known

22719480? ago

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22358315? ago

Mormon Church to Remove 400,000 Children From Boy Scouts Amidst Widespread Allegations of Child Abuse https://bigleaguepolitics.com/mormon-church-to-remove-400000-children-from-boy-scouts-amidst-widespread-allegations-of-child-abuse/

22358075? ago

Sauce please. I thought he drowned. That's not disappearing mysteriously.

22354975? ago

Deceptive headline. Romney holds no ecclesiastical positions in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He is a rich Momon, but has no standing any more than any other rank-and-file member. He served in local leadership positions before his political career took off. My suspicion is that Romney is Cabal member who was given the mission to infiltrate the Church. So far, he has not been successful.

22356492? ago

Wrong. The Church is crawling with criminals.

22356618? ago

Be a good anon and back up your claims with some sauce.

22356473? ago

He was a bishop before he went into politics. Look up his bio. He's proud of it.

22358878? ago

As a Mormon I will tell you that being a “bishop” isn’t that great. That’s not an “elite” position. Tons of members are bishops.

22356535? ago

That's what I said, He holds no ecclesiastical position now in the Church. In our faith, a bishop is a lay leader. Bishop's preside over a congregation for a period of about five years or so. They do this as a volunteer. They do not leave their careers. Personally, I served as a counselor to a bishop and as a branch president (which is what we call the leader of a congregation of less than about 100 people). I did that while I continued to work in my profession. It's a lot of extra time and it takes lots of devotion, but it isn't a calling for life and it isn't a paid position. It isn't within the hierarchy of general church leadership. The calling is like those bishops and elders that are referred to in the Bible which is not at all like modern Catholic or Anglican bishops, and nothing like the hireling clergy of the Protestants.

22355734? ago

I’ve met very wealthy, successful mormons that come pretty darned close to “worshipping” Romney.

22356316? ago

Jesus said, "For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." That goes for us Mormons, too.

22354665? ago


22354470? ago

They’re allllllllll connected.....

22354400? ago

LDS is a Zionist doomsday cult, this shouldn't be news to anyone.

22354933? ago

I left the Mormon church after using my brain to research and think for myself. A saying among Mormons is “when the prophet speaks the thinking has been done for you”. Evil runs deep in LDS leaders.

22356573? ago

That means that the doctrine is settled. It doesn't mean you have to believe it. A person always has his freedom to believe or not believe. What you say is intended to instill prejudice and paint a false picture of latter-day saints. You left the Mormon Church--we didn't stop you. Why do you persist in attacking it? You just can't get over the fact that it carries on just fine without you. Hateful apostates are like a spurned woman.

22354285? ago

Dammit can someone pretty please loan me a few million dollars so I can get started in the financial business!?!?!?


22355278? ago

No because that’s not what happens. OP is posting fake news

22354835? ago

Claim your a foreign immigrant of color and the government will help you.

22355928? ago

worth a shot

22353752? ago

Lmao this shit was debunked yesterday. Shills purposely posting fake news on QRV. What’s new?

22354940? ago

Debunked by a comment? Snopes? LMAO. Who is the shill?

22354966? ago

Dude. Bain & Co provided the initial seed funding for Bain Capital. Not Robert Maxwell. Maxwell didn’t “loan” money to Romney. He invested in a Bain Capital fund.

22357077? ago

If Romney landed the Maxwell money...

22356289? ago

Same thing stupid.

22356519? ago

That’s not the same thing retard

22353675? ago

They're all crypto kikes

22358297? ago

They want Open Borders for the USA, Jacinda Ardern, the gun control ex Freemason Eastern Star Rainbow girls Prime Minister of New Zealand, formerly a Mormon? She was raised in a Mormon family but as she got older she wanted to collect some dyke homosexual gay votes? https://www.bitchute.com/video/F7dwtwo0m84f/

22353734? ago

Trump especially

22353655? ago

Theirs got to be more to this because Mittins hates Trump! Romney being a moron probably got fucked by Trump on a business deal or Romney tried to get Trump to invest in one of his schemes and Trump told him to get fucked . This seems personal .

22355699? ago

It seems that Mormons are into human trafficking. Trump vowed to go after all forms of human trafficking. Maybe that’s what makes it personal to Mittens?

22356894? ago

Naw, thats not it. If it was you'd have more than Mittins fighting against Trump. This is personal.

22356607? ago

Again false. Where is your "sauce," anon? Let's see evidence that the actual church is involved in human trafficking? Your hearsay isn't worth a crap and anyone who believes it is not using the logical thinking Q asks us to use.

22367743? ago

How many children did Brigham “likes em” Young sell off to other members for marriage rape?

22371223? ago

None. However, we did castrate a federal governor who accosted our women.

19th century Mormons in Utah were more like Old Testament prophets. Liars, criminals, and apostates were dealt with.

They were among the most moral people you would ever find. Most of them were very Puritanical in their beliefs.

Every thing you said is backward from the way it actually was. That is the very technique the Dems and the Cabal use.

Anti-Mormons serve the Cabal's master--the devil himself.

22353746? ago

Doubt a company like Bain would need money from a millionaire like Trump

22353754? ago


22353757? ago

So he claims

22353846? ago

So you claim.

22353860? ago

Trumps stated that his net worth depends on whatever he feels like his brand is worth. He’s literally making it up

22353994? ago

There it is folks, irrefutable proof! I bow to your wisdom and logic, but how the hell did he pay for his Presidential campaign without accepting contributions? Magic? Try a little harder huh. His wife is a billionaire as well. I found it ,you can to! I have faith in ya!

22354677? ago

LMAO. If you believe he paid for his campaign in full without donations, you’re as smooth brained as it gets!

22356872? ago

Get your "facts" together dick head. Just curious ,how much does media matters pay their shills these days?

22353514? ago

Well, Trumps Father gave his son 1m and Teump built jobs and buildings and a better life for others. The democrats barked.

Now we know that Romney gets 2 mi from a gangster and owes his whole life to the cabal and did nothing good with it except to do more corruption, lie, cheat and steal.

22355191? ago

You really have to wonder what's going on with this. Trump's buddies with Epstein and Maxwell, Romney got his start in business through Maxwell.... could the whole 'Trump vs Romney' thing be a load of bullshit for the public?

22354244? ago

When did a father giving money to their son a bad thing?

22354986? ago

What do you call the recinding of the "death tax?" Families leaving assets or giving money to their children. It belongs to the family not the government. Taking money from gangsters for personal gain is a whole nother subject.

22354347? ago

I didn’t mean it as bad. I was saying that Trump did good with what he was given and Romney got his money from a gangster and hasn’t done any good with anything.

22354390? ago

TIL: Bill Bain is a gangster

22354264? ago

It’s not bad. But he lied about how much he got. It was 68 million. Not a $1 million loan

22355632? ago


22354905? ago

Not a Trump thread retard.

22354913? ago

Literally replying to a comment about Trump lying about how much he got from his dad. Try to keep up.

22361474? ago

Literally laughing at what a loser faggot you are, try to fall further behind.

22354341? ago

How did it become any of our business to know how much a father gives to our son? Why haven't we questioned all these candidates so called "humble" beginnings? Embellishing is normal. To lie that you lived humbly while living in excess is worse.

22354375? ago

Just don’t want other researchers repeating his lie like the truth. Makes us look smooth brained.

22355637? ago

Not sure that you aren’t the one lying.

22353722? ago

Didn’t Trump get something like $400 million. I know for a fact the $1 million loan story is a lie

22355029? ago

Once again another genius who has had access to Trump's bank account and starts spewing numbers as fact with no citations.

22354911? ago

Not a Trump thread retard

22354926? ago

Calling out Trumps lie goes against the agenda.

22361464? ago

posting dick pix doesnt keep you busy enough?

22355019? ago

Shills are out.

22355043? ago

Amen. People here are repeating easily debunkable lies to make us look bad.

22353666? ago

Trump literally tried to kick minorities out of housing

22355564? ago

Maybe they weren’t paying their rent?

22354367? ago

That was fake news a long time ago.

22354397? ago

A settlement and fine for not renting to minorities is fake news? LOL

22354694? ago

Settlement in civil law is not an admission. It is mostly of paying an extortion fee to get the problem off your desk.

22354697? ago

Uhh huh.

22359656? ago

I do. Civil law is complex.

22354822? ago

And I bet your ass has never been taken to court

22354836? ago

Remember when he paid off Pam Bondi and she dropped the suit in FL? Destroying the lives of hundreds of his victims

22355575? ago

No. Tell us about it, please.

22355993? ago

He donated $25k to Pam Bondi. Then the case in FL was dropped. Then he hired her into his admin. Blatant corruption all around

22356278? ago

I didn’t know that. I do know she has been a long time supporter of Trump. I think they are old friends.

22354258? ago


22353759? ago

You say that like it's a bad thing.

22353698? ago

got a source?

22353718? ago


1973: The US Department of Justice — under the Nixon administration, out of all administrations — sued the Trump Management Corporation for violating the Fair Housing Act. Federal officials found evidence that Trump had refused to rent to black tenants and lied to black applicants about whether apartments were available, among other accusations. Trump said the federal government was trying to get him to rent to welfare recipients. In the aftermath, he signed an agreement in 1975 agreeing not to discriminate to renters of color without admitting to discriminating before.

22353807? ago

Thank you for the source. It's possible that DJT did not want to accept welfare funds. If so, that would make perfect sense for someone who thought government was evil. That fact that those funds were tied to people of color predominantly is unfortunate. We cannot know what is in someone else's heart, but Vox assumes they know.

22353837? ago

If he thought government was evil, then why was he donating money to Hilary Clinton's senatorial campaign kek?

22353937? ago

Good question. This one is not so easy to explain away. Maybe, just maybe, it was part of a strategy to stay under the radar. I can imagine that when a powerful player asks for a donation, you would be hesitant to say no. It's also possible that it was a donation to gain access to the inside. Who knows for sure. When I look and DJT's track record, it looks like the track record of the first decent person that has held the office in my lifetime. I think he's a good guy.

22354023? ago

The simplest answer is usually the correct one. Trump didn’t want nigs in his buildings. It’s logical.

22354059? ago

Heh, maybe. However when people have a track record of good behavior and courage under fire, we should consider benevolent motives to be more likely.

22354072? ago

Good behavior? Was cheating on his pregnant wife with a prostitute, good behavior?

22354116? ago

Don't know, and don't care if that is correct. His personal business is his personal business, not mine. The track record that matters is his public record. It's been good. Not perfect, but good.

22354127? ago

Is a long history of stiffing mom and pop contractors good behavior?

22354180? ago

As if "mom and pop" contractors are mixing it up in the Manhattan construction industry. Those "mom and pop" companies probably strong armed the media to get such stories published.

22354256? ago

Uhh huh. Is it good behavior to bankrupt multiple casinos and putting 100s of people out of work? All while taking tons of money OUT of the business?

22354350? ago

Simply being in the casino business is a concern. That and using eminent domain to evict a property owner are 2 of DJT's most questionable actions.

Perhaps both can be explained by being a part of an FBI sting... But I don't know for sure.

Here's the thing - if DJT is a bad guy, we are in a fucking horror movie. We'll soon be trapped in a prison planet. surveilled 24/7, healed, immortal, maybe uploaded -- as slaves for all eternity. DJT is our last chance to stop that from happening.

22354364? ago

Is rampant Nepotism at the highest levels of government good behavior?

22354440? ago

Not usually. Kushner is a highly competent individual. His back story reminds me of The Omen.

22354456? ago

What about Barr and Jewliannis kids?

22354516? ago

The same could be said about all top positions in the gov't. They are all connected through blood and marriage. Was it Comey's daughter in charge of the investigation against DJT?

22354531? ago

I don’t approve it when demoncrats do it and I don’t approve it when RINOs like trump do it.

22354583? ago

It's even simpler for me, I don't approve of government. Government may be a necessary evil, but I'd like to see it cut until we can't cuts no more. Government is always used against the people to control and extort. We are better off with anarchy, also known as freedom.

22354709? ago

Would you say defrauding people desperate for a better life through a fake University is good behavior?

22355321? ago

No. Was he charged with fraud? Failing in a business venture is neither good nor bad behavior. It's human.

Do you think DJT's list of positive accomplishments outweigh the negative?

22355334? ago

Would you say paying off a certain FL state AG to drop the fraud charges, then hiring her into his administration is an example of draining the swamp?

22355442? ago

In your opinion, is DJT just as evil as Obama-Bush-Clinton-Bush?

22355524? ago

Yes. They are all the devil. The above situation involving Pam Bondi was a disgraceful example of outright corruption

22355763? ago

If Trump is the devil, we've lost. Soon we'll be stuck on a prison planet for all of eternity.

22353816? ago

If he thought the government was evil, why take all those tax abatements?

22353838? ago

Makes perfect sense. If you think government is evil you want nothing to do with them. Including supporting them with tax dollars. So of course you would limit the amount you pay them as much as possible. I wish everyone would stop paying government.

22353873? ago

So money from the IRS good. Money from welfare blacks bad?

22354005? ago

Does the IRS donate their money to us? Do you believe that all taxes BELONG to the IRS?

The IRS are the collection thugs of the FED. The FED is controlled by the BIS. Income taxes are the key component of our debt slavery. We are born into slavery just as every generation before us. It's just hidden better today than during ancient times. It's just one of the many illusions we live under.

22354351? ago

Nice tangent. I think the conclusion is that trump didn’t want niggers lowering his property value

22354424? ago

That seemed to be the conclusion of Vox. I think DJT is more complex and better than that. Yes, I could be wrong. But if I am, we are in a crisis few can imagine.

22355654? ago

When property owners rent to low income people (HUD housing; Section 8) they have to go through excessive red tape, inspections, etc. only to have the subsidized tennents destroy and devalue the properties. The only landlords that want that “guaranteed” government rent check are slumlords that never do any tennent improvements.

22355730? ago

If you object to all of those headaches - you must be a racist!

22353612? ago

Actually it was $68 million. The equivalent to $400 million today. Whoever wrote the article thinks giving money to an investment advisor is a loan. LOL

22355011? ago

Sauce? When you make statements that take on the appearance of fact you need to cite your sources.

22353506? ago

The Old Testament (of Jesus Christ) is the story of the early Christian church when the anticipated Christ was prophesied of as the Messiah.

Hebrews were not Jews, nor did they practice Judaism. One of the Messianic Hebrew tribes was the tribe of Judah, and its nickname was "Jew."

Judah was the tribe that held the keys of the priesthood, which would include the symbology; stolen, corrupted and passed down through Freemasonry.

The last Messianic Hebrew tribe of the House of Israel to be scattered was the tribe of Judah (Isaiah 11:12)

Christ came and fulfilled the OT prophets' prophecies of the coming Messiah.

Then He was crucified, and eventually, all of the disciples were also murdered.

The church continued, but was leaderless.

The Roman leadership recognized an opening and Constantine rejected paganism to make Christianity the state religion.

The Roman Universal Church began laying the deception that the OT = "Judaism."

Around 610 AD, the Vatican's scam was bolstered by King Bulan's conversion of his people to "Judaism."

Israeli geneticist, Dr Eren Elhaik found that the vast majority of "Jews," are not Semitic (Ashkenazim), but descendants of Ishmael are.

Around 740 AD, the Vatican created Islam, according to former Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera.

The Vatican continued corrupting the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The advent of the Gutenberg press put Bibles in the hands of the common man which inspired the Protestant reformation, which the Vatican has never forgiven.

Protestantism gave birth to America in pursuit of religious freedom to worship Christ freed from the Vatican & Church of England.

America's downfall began, and accelerated with waves of Catholic immigration that continues today.

Now, we are seeing the second phase of America's destruction with waves of Vatican Islam invasion of our political system.

Only one world wide Protestant sect does not trace its origin back through the Vatican, and it observes today, the traditions and ordinances of the early OT church, including those that have been corrupted by secret societies & Freemasonry.

The taking down of Romney is an attempt to damage Christ's restored church with one highly visible man, but in no way reflects the church over all and most fair minded Americans admit this about Mormons.

22356893? ago

So much is wrong here I don't even know where to start.

1. "The Old Testament (of Jesus Christ) is the story of the early Christian church when the anticipated Christ was prophesied of as the Messiah."

Correction: The Old Testament is the story of the Jews and their persistent refusal to heed God's laws. It is the story of the cycle of being tested and found not worthy of God's favor and so - banishment from their home and enslavement by people who worshipped idols.

2. Protestantism did indeed give birth to America but it was the Lutheran protestants and their variants that settled here. They did not bring the tenets of Catholicism, they brought a re-translation of the Gutenberg Bible that was so threatening to the power of the Vatican.Martin Luther was a strict leader in the Christian Reformation Church. He would tolerate no "secret societies". I feel confident that the Holy Spirit motivated Luther and one could do no wrong in returning to that point in Christianity to find God's restored church.

3. Mormonism is not a Protestant sect. It was conceived in the fevered Christ-hating minds of the idolotrous Jews in Israel as a method of creating a new church which used Christianity as a cover to be accepted as legitimate when its purpose was to sully the Christian church by re-inventing Jesus as the "real" church of Christ.

4. "The taking down of Romney is an attempt to damage Christ's restored church with one highly visible man, but in no way reflects the church over all and most fair minded Americans admit this about Mormons."

This ludicrous statement speaks for itself. Many readers would laugh til their sides hurt if the sentiments were not so corrupt.

22354661? ago

Mormon church is not Christ’s church. It’s polygamist Freemason occultist Joe Smith’s abomination of Christ’s church. It is outside the realm of Christianity as it has as its main doctrine polytheism. Christianity is monotheistic as God says in Isiah that “before me there are no gods, nor after me. I know of no other Gods”. So if your a Mormon hanging your hat on becoming a god with multiple wives living on your own planet with bodies of flesh and bone having eternal sex with multiple wives that somehow pop out spirit babies in need of a body so you create another planet for the purpose of those spirits getting a physical body....it just gets more and more ridiculous. With their polytheistic belief system the Diety of Christ as God in human flesh is denied. You won’t find a cross in or on their church. Run don’t walk to the nearest exit if you find yourself in one of their meeting houses.

22356794? ago

Typical anti-Mormon tropes. This is what I call a "list" or "shotgun" attack against the Church. Every single line here is a twisted misrepresentation of beliefs, once you heard them in the context and saw the Bible passages that relate to them, seem harmless. It's an example of the same kind of tactics Dems do about abortion, gun control, immigration, etc. They twist the conservative position and then blast it out in the MSM. That's what anti-Mormons do. They use bigotry to bully the weak-minded into submission, to prevent them from finding out where the Church of Christ is to be found in modern times.

Just think for a minute--I'm going to use the Q approach, with some questions.

What happened to the 12 apostles of Jesus?

Where did the "keys of the kingdom" he gave them go when they perished?

When did Christians stop believing that God would give further revelation?

Who was Montanus?

Who was Marcion?

Why was the Protestant Reformation necessary?

Why couldn't a branch of a corrupt tree be cut off from its trunk and become "pure?"

Why are there 3,000-plus Christian sects today,

When Jesus said, "Be ye one."

Why does the Bible teach of "one Lord, one faith, one baptism,"

Yet there are thousands of Christian churches who contradict one another?

Is baptism necessary for salvation?

Who has authority to perform it?

How should it be performed?

When should it be performed?

Can you enter the kingdom of God without it?

Did the Catholics have the authority?

If so, how did the Protestants get it, after being cut off from the "mother church?"

If the Catholics didn't have it, where did Protestants get it?

Is your baptism valid?

Can you go to heaven with an invalid baptism?

Where are the apostles of Christ?

What did the Lord mean when he said he would do nothing without revealing it to his prophets? (Amos 3:7)

What is the "restitution of all things" mentiond in Acts?

What book did the angel bring to the apostle John in Revelation?

What is the "sealed book" or Isaiah?

What are Jeremiah's two "sticks" that would be bound together in God's hand?

When did Elijah appear in fulfillment of the prophecy in Malachi?

To whom did he appear?

Which Christian church teaches that revelation continues, and has twelve apostles to lead it?

Dig anons. Are you true anons? Then find the answers to those questions. You will know for yourself.

22367765? ago

^^^this guy is literally defending his church’s “false prophets.” Men that raped children and murdered American Christians out of bloodlust

22371177? ago

No, I'm calling your claims false. You still haven't provided any sauce. Just allegations. Sounds like a Dem kind of thing to do.

By the way, answer those questions above. If you dig for answers, the way an anon would do, you would find some truth.

22353558? ago

i believe this in no way reflects our own personal relationship with God and the church body. but i am skeptial now of many church leaderships. we know JW, mormoms, Catholics and others use NLP, to control the masses and get their money. All in the name of God.

Freaking scary and demonic.

22356808? ago

Again, show me some sauce, anon.

22353448? ago

What a small world...This piece of the puzzle unlocks Mittens' unusual rise to wealth, fame, and politics.

22712175? ago

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22355678? ago

Mittens was already a wealthy & powerful family when he was born. At one time, controlled the politics of the auto industry. Not to take away from the $2million Maxwell stunt — perhaps trying to buy in to Mittens’ family political power.

22353495? ago

Mormonism is Freemasonry but gayer.

22354848? ago

They way they gladfist each other is certainly gay.

22353186? ago

No coincidences. Ever.

22358158? ago

Also Cheats, Mormons accused of stockpiling billions, avoiding taxes

22355401? ago

Mormon push incest, fucking your own cousin and inbreeding, the Jews do it a little also, some extreme Jews are terribly perverted and push all kinds of fucked up rituals including gential mutilation, the moslem faith the islamics also support Large 'Harem' of people marrying your own cousins, you can imagine how within a few generations an entire society quickly becomes very inbred, a passing on of inherited diseases, inbred genetic faults and DNA illness exploded, its what a Big Corp Phrama medical company would love, inbred fucked up needy people, the prophet of islam was a jihadist, an inbreeder a terrorist and the prophet and founder of islam mohammad was also a pedophile who married a 6 yr old named 'Aisha'. I'm not sure about the connection between the Freemason Shriner groups and LDS or Mormons. @Chad_Stethoscope @darkknight111 ? @Blacksmith21 @con77 some pizzgate conspiracy people know these old religious cults

22377003? ago

Freemasons are occult. Shriners swear an oath to allah. Mormons are lying devious perverts that put on a front and everyone thinks theyre holy because they dont drink

22808219? ago

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22808299? ago

All cults under the Antichrist

22363991? ago

You earned some downvoats for that comment. All religions are fucked up. You forgot the Vatican.

22360085? ago

Am mormon. Sadly this is true

22358838? ago

Lol, this is COMPLETELY false.

22356584? ago

False, false, false. There isn't a true statement in any part of this. By the way, liars go to hell.

22367721? ago

I grew up in the mormon church and everything the above poster says is True.

22371233? ago

I reiterate, liars go to hell. Repent.

22353532? ago

TIL: Investing Money with a money manger is a loan! Also this story is fake news. Romney started his career at Bain Capital which was funded by Bain & Co.

22353008? ago

Wow. Thanks for posting.

22358184? ago

Mormon "prophet" and Bush performing a Masonic handshake to verify identity. https://pic8.co/sh/9VcdCP.jpg

22353821? ago

It’s fake news lmao

22353301? ago

Family connected with media. Why did British put their White European brothers into concentration camps in favor of Bantu invaders from the Congo and Niger? https://www.thetanster.com/blog/2019/2/2/examples-of-media-social-engineering Her daddy vanished at sea, he was a media man, supposed to be British but then it was found he had a very European Jewish name, buried at the highest point in Israel.

22352997? ago

The Mystery of Iniquity.

22358215? ago

There is a website that helps people leave the Mormon Church-- they are tax dodgers, some are traffickers and criminals, Joseph Smith had 30 wives, and one of them was 14, and he was marrying married women

22356595? ago

That refers to Roman Catholicism.