22364368? ago

Let me make this clear, the earth is ROUND, ok? BUT….

The flat earth thing has a unique value, in that it challenges one to know the difference between what one believes, and what one knows.

I believe the earth is round, but I’ll never know it until I can see it from space (or do the math like that greek dude did).

Same goes for everything else. We go through life believing what we’re told, but knowing very little…

22362818? ago

Let me help you here

Evolution is absolute bullshit (macro)

There was really a global flood with geological evidence to prove it, including fossil records

Dinosaur / fossil fuels are total fabrication, bones in museums are not actual fossils

There were ancient civilizations that utilized vibration and frequency to draw power from the Earth which is what the Egyptian pyramids were used for

There is no outer space with planets

Tesla created technology that would have been able to produce free energy for the entire world

The elite have covered this information up for years because obviously free energy would be problematic for them and their use of fossil fuels to control the societal structure

Everything owes it's existence to vibration, sound, and frequency.

When the Bible says God spoke the world into existence that is meant literally.

The globe model that we currently have makes no sense mathematically as we are able to view objects at distances that we should not be able to see based on the established curvature math.

22355070? ago

Watch this. Thoroughly researched and backed up by scientific fact https://m.youtube.com/watch?list=PLHSoxioQtwZfY2ISsNBzJ-aOZ3APVS8br&v=jTUJ7GtEx0Y

Ties in with why elites are Focus done and arctica, Greenland, bunkers everywhere, small city under DIA, etc. Also ties in with revelation, as well as ancient statues, hieroglyphics, ice and tree core samples... https://m.youtube.com/watch?list=PLHSoxioQtwZfY2ISsNBzJ-aOZ3APVS8br&v=jTUJ7GtEx0Y

22355045? ago

I always go to a famous quote by Ben Rich, head of the Skunkworks. I think it says it all, and this was decades ago, let your imagination run wild. https://files.catbox.moe/o0gips.png

22353896? ago

Example; Cabal found out that they were secretly controlled by God when not aware.

22353728? ago

Dark matter.....we cannot see it but it is there..... LMFAO

22353486? ago

Which came first the chicken or the egg ?

22353028? ago

The lies are about 6 layers deep. I've been trying to figure out a way to explain it but it's so complex. Here's my best attempt.

So we say that celebrities should shut their mouths because they don't understand the real world. Except they do understand the real world, they're part of the Cabal. So they stand up there and pretend they're ignorant because they want us to believe they're ignorant to sell us the lie.

You see how many different twists and turns it takes? Very complicated.

22352854? ago

With science one thing that I've noticed is that the majority of what they dictate as fact in some assholes THEORY. And factually a theory is a thought and stated to be fact by consensus UNTIL IT IS PROVEN NOT TO BE. Therefore a theory is a bunch hookey bullshit dreamed up by a shitload of assholes.

22353751? ago

Any idiot can come up with a theory.

22352829? ago

War on Terror -> FAKE

Global Warming -> FAKE

Foreign Aid -> FAKE

Birth Certificates -> FAKE

Terrorism -> FAKE

Wars -> FAKE

Vaccines -> FAKE

Fiat currency -> FAKE

Evolving from monkeys -> FAKE

Energy scarcity -> FAKE

Charities -> FAKE

Child resuce -> FAKE

Amber Alert -> FAKE



Education -> FAKE

Government -> FAKE

(insert boogymam) -> FAKE

We live in a slave garden. Time to all wake up and break the walls.

22356044? ago

There was ONE; then ONE became MANY.

ONE remains forever. He has many names in many different languages.

And more...

22353279? ago

All GAY too

22352684? ago

Vaccines are good. Vaccines save life. Vaccines have been proven to work.

See here, that's science, according to what the cabal tells you. Because they love you so much.

22352545? ago

TBH I would prefer to start with just getting some of the truth on this planet. Let's start with the truth about 9/11 first. I think once we get that and we hang some people the rest of the truth will flow.

22352507? ago

Imo the big redpill is that Tesla solved unified field theory and they went and locked that shit up.

All this "dark" whatever means is that the theory doesn't match the observation. Instead of finding theory that matches observation, they make shit up to fit the theory.

Here's the thing. Tesla, relatively cheaply and easily, could create devices that could induce Tunguska style (and maybe even THE Tunguska) events. Cause massive earthquakes, maybe even crack the earth in half.

That is far too powerful to just be out in the open.

So it's kind of a double edged sword.

On a side Tesla note, wireless transmission of electricity at an industrial scale would have so much electricity in the air that it'd fry microchips. So no electronics.

22353404? ago

All this "dark" whatever means is that the theory doesn't match the observation. Instead of finding theory that matches observation, they make shit up to fit the theory.

100% correct

22353330? ago

Was Tesla really that far advanced in his thinking or what's the deal with him? I have a decent understanding of what likely kike media has told me, but you sound like you're educated on Tesla.

Anything most people don't know about him or how he was on such a different level?

Wasn't he the time travel guy? Could he have caught a glimpse of future that inspired his thinking?

Or is that all fake and gay too

22352078? ago

Well wgTever is going on us definitely biblical. Obviously, we know we are in a war of good (God) against evil (Satan), and we ultimately know who wins. What people don’t realize is how close to the end we are. The great awakening is God’s last effort to wake People up and give them a clear choice of what is good and what is evil to allow them to choose good, before he takes the staple that and then this happens. By the way this explains not only revelation, but our leaders fascination and focus on Antarctica, trump mentioning green land, the underground bunkers, etc. there’s so much that we don’t know and that they’re keeping from us. I fucking hate them here you go: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jTUJ7GtEx0Y&list=PLHSoxioQtwZfY2ISsNBzJ-aOZ3APVS8br

22352074? ago

They have corrupted the Queen of all Sciences , Astrophysics. We live in an Electric Universe. No Big Bang , No Black Holes. Electromagnetic Forces rule the Universe , not Gravity. Serious studies , Information are available at The Thunderbolts Project and Adapt 2030 on You Tube and suspicious0bservers.org are excellent sources of Cited Information.

Peace Y

22354872? ago

I'm not endorsing, but I am interested in this topic so I thank you for the leads.

22352072? ago

I look at the Geocentric model developed after telescopes were invented. Telescopes destroyed the perception that the earth was the center of the universe. So the church hired some guy that ended up developing a model that could accurately explain planetary movements. However this new model still showed earth as the center of the universe. So I use this as an example of how you can still achieve accurate and verifiable results but be so fundamentally flawed in theory. I relate that to modern science. (((Enstein))) denied the existence of aether and Tesla insisted on it's existence. One went off into mathematical gibberish that they are still trying to figure out, the other used experiments to develop their theories and ended up with over 700 patents worldwide of which none of us now couldn't go 5 minutes of our daily lives without using multiple of these patents. You do the math.

22351951? ago

How far back do you want to go? "Blood libal"

They Jews really did poison Europeans drinking wells, could Christian alive, and kidnap and sacrifice European children.

They say they are all lies in euro media that they own, but then they write proud histories of their crimes in Hebrew.

22352321? ago

Where can people search this?

22354349? ago

You can learn Hebrew and read their books about it or look on WN and natsoc websites where these things are researched to exhausting detail.

22351887? ago

Science has become a way to wow and deceive the people. It's mostly crap and as OP says, they are paid to imagine ideas. Its Pseudo Science.

22351623? ago

I have a somehwat scientific / technical background.

The beauty about physics is, that every claim you try to make can be easily tested by doing the maths behind it or even setting up a little experiment. When it comes to theoretical physics however it becomes very sketchy which is why I am highly sceptical regarding big bang / string theory / black holes and so on. Heck we do not even understand gravity (describing its effect is the best we can do so far) but we claim to know what has happened some billion years ago based on how bright the stars shine

22355010? ago

First time ever commenting on this board in spite of lurking since it's inception, but I thought I'd add my two cents on gravity:

Gravity is nothing more than incoherent dielectric acceleration!


What would happen if you smashed a giant magnet into little pieces in the vacuum of space--pulverized it into dust? What shape would the remains form?

THEY COALESCE INTO A SPHERE because each piece still has a small bit of polarity.

What would happen if you smashed a giant NON-magnet into little pieces in the vacuum of space--pulverized it into dust? What shape would the remains form?

THEY COALESCE INTO A SPHERE because of gravity.

So really, what's the functional and fundamental difference between gravity and magnetism?

Magnetism is related to gravity in the same way that a laser is related to a lightbulb. The laser and lightbulb both emit light, but the difference between the two is spacial coherency. That's it. Same for a magnet and gravity. They both induce dielectric acceleration, but one does so in a spatially coherent manner (e.g. a magnet with obvious dipoles) and one does so in a spatially incoherent manner (e.g. gravitational attraction).

Check out the YouTube channel 'Theoria Apophasis' or the free book written by the owner, Ken Wheeler, called 'Uncovering The Missing Secrets Of Magnetism'.

22361251? ago

Great first post anon! Nailed it.

Any additional insights to share?

22354797? ago

also engy, Software here, just my 2 cents... I share your skepticism of all things unprovable.

I've been following the hype on Quantum computing, and Quantum theory in general and I feel from my perspective that I have noticed a trend in the disclosure of these things to the public to simply state 'facts' about 'forces' and make what I would personally call 'outlandish claims' about the nature of things and then they simply drop the mic and walk away (metaphorically).

What I mean is, I've heard some super rad claims about the operational processes of Quantum computing, and then one exists, but I cant get anything more out of it than a few pictures of some sort of IC. Is this the level of informed decision making that is expected from the modern civilian in our 'space age' society? I know what's inside a normal IC, but I find no documents describing the die of this magical chip. I know I'm screwed when my questions dive farther than a normie's usually would. Why wont anyone tell me HOW these amazing chips do what they do? They keep telling me WHAT they do, but I see no proof that anything of the sort is even possible.

That's all I'm really asking for, tests and repeatable results, of operational capabilities. I want to know what physical conditions are present on the chip and why.

22354382? ago

I don’t know if this falls in the same category, but everything scientists/doctors have been telling us to eat for the past fifty years has made us sick. They force their positions/theories on the public and with the help of the government and media, people believe it. The same goes for Climate change.

22353158? ago

I remember a math teacher I had in grade school talking about everything in life is math based. Man, she wasn’t kidding...

22353152? ago

WRONG. You are such a dumb nigger its unreal.

TWO FOR ONE EXPERIMENTATION. You have a single observation and the jews make you think there are two results from it. You are all seriously fucking retarded.

22352250? ago

Im an engineer and can confirm. They act like they know a lot more than they actually do. Its like the impeachment logic holes they took us down 1000 times. Assumptions based on assumptions based on assumptions.

22353661? ago

Worse still, the slavish requirement to protect and defend the inaccurate conclusions of 18th century 'philosophers'who conjectured about the nature of reality.

New PARADIGMS await.

22352165? ago

Great post!

22351910? ago

It’s like a four-legged Ant trying time explain God to a Frog.

Any pretense of a valid periphery is self-righteous bullshit equivocation

22353634? ago

KEK. What you talking 'bout., Willis?

22354147? ago

Means it’s cocky to think you can have any periphery into God.

22355021? ago

Especially since God periphery is entirely NON-peripheral to things. God is INHERENT WITHIN all such creatures and things.

Or at least that what I am seeing.

22356463? ago

Bingo. I wasn’t religious - spiritual perhaps. Then I had a rough time and I decided not to talk to God but to listen. Now I see subtle reminders. God really is everywhere and I wouldn’t be here if that wasn’t the case.

22352063? ago

I'm a Frog and I talk with God every day, just FYI.

22352541? ago

Same here but I ain’t tellin’ The Big Gai what’s what

22351533? ago

Take any workplace environment. If the employee finds out what the employer is doing, what they are not doing and what could be done instead, in an honest way, what happens to the employee?

Workplace bulling, ostracized, lying etc. Then they are put the 'process' warned and then fired.

Think of the lies taught in major institutions and those teaching the lies. Do those teaching the lies know they are selling falsehoods, or do they too actually believe it because they've been fed the same lies themselves?

It's a Matrix alright. And endless people are stuck in it.

22358428? ago

I personally know a govt scientist who was fired because he refused to say rbST (cow hormone to produce more milk) is safe.

22353750? ago

Sciencefag here.

Endless people walk away from their own degrees where they dedicated their lives and formal education, not to mention dollars.

Yep. I am one. But many more don’t walk away precisely because they have dedicated their lives. Took 15 yrs for me to obtain all of my degrees. So one reason is simply that people have too much invested.

Follow the money. Who funds research? (Government and, to a lesser extent, industry). Scientists don’t get paid to sit around and imagine shit,as OP thinks. Scientists have to obtain funding for their projects. Then scientists publish results. Endless loop. More publications lead to ability to secure more research funding which leads to more publications etc. Getting into this loop is difficult and usually requires having a mentor. Because the guys who are reviewing the papers and research proposals are all in the club.

Once you’ve made it into the club, you start to notice some irregularity in your data and you start to wonder about some basic assumptions in a theory. You propose research to study further. Okay so long as it is minor irregularity or minor theory. But gravity? No way. Basic assumptions? No way. Free energy? You would be a laughing stock. Not be published, not get funding, embarrassment to your mentors and peers, career ruined.

This is how the narrative is controlled. When (((they))) noticed people were having more faith in science than religion, of course they had to coopt. Who do you think controls WHAT IS TAUGHT at universities?

So a scientist or medical dr spends invests much time and money to obtain degrees, you don’t think they are brainwashed too? They have more at stake in believing the bullshit than anyone else. They are human and most have egos so big they regularly trip over.

Another thing that has only tecently come to my attention is the number of prominent scientists aboard the Lolita Express. Think about Epstain funding research at Yale (or was it Harvard?). Q recently said, of politicians, the higher they rise, the more compromised they are. One of my buddies and I have always thought the system was rigged (who wins Nobel prizes and shit), I didn’t realize HOW rigged.

The people you trust most...,,

22353944? ago

Because the guys who are reviewing the papers and research proposals are all in the club.

This is why the peer review system is flawed, to say the least.

22353913? ago

You don't need funding to conduct research. You don't need funding to get published. I've done both without funding. You just need to do the leg work on your own, then find independent publications and conferences that allow for freedom. They exist, albeit few.

22354027? ago

I guess your research doesn’t require a lab or any facilities.

22354702? ago

Not dissecting things. Gathering human perceptions. But you’re right. The game is rigged. Things like that shouldn’t cost money, and if you don’t toe the line, you’re cast out.

22355421? ago

if you don’t toe the line, you’re cast out.

Exactly this.

22354013? ago

But no one in the club pays any attention. Conference proceedings don’t count for shit. You have to be published in the RIGHT places.

How do you eat? Second job?