22355650? ago

Downey's dad's half Jewish, but I don't think his mom is.

22352368? ago

Comics were created by jews to keep the dumb goy distracted.

If you are into any of these movies or comics you are a fucking golem jew worshiper.

The only way jews can be heros is through fiction.

22355794? ago

Jews understand that perception is reality to most people, ergo they use fiction - waking dreams - to create a "reality" that aligns with their agenda.

22355805? ago

Its called casting spells. Its what the children of satan do.

22355992? ago

Well put.

22354343? ago

First they were political commentary strips in print paper you would mock some King or President in print, then small superhero propaganda books made to entertain young men sent to War, these men were anywhere between the age of 15 and 19 yr of age sent to a land they did not know maybe to fight and die, in France and Germany the men got younger and younger almost child soldiers, 19 was the official age for a British soldier to be sent overseas to serve but many joined younger and lied about their ages. Nowdays its musical i-toys, dvds and war play video game gadgets used to entertain.

22351728? ago

Jewperhero narratives are to be subliminally projected as superior, how else will you never question their positions of authority far in excess of their demographic percentages?

22351328? ago

European men control nothing in America.

22355815? ago

We're Esau from the bible. Jacob exploited/conned us out of our birthright. Time to take it back.

22350720? ago

1: People who LOVE our country need to play the heroes.

2: The heroes "played" need to be real heroes like: TRUMP, Admiral Rogers, & General Flynn, etc.

22351772? ago

It started with John never-went-to-war Wayne also a Freemason .... https://voat.co/v/QRV/3503701/21229131

22350567? ago

Jews are disgusting, they also suck bloody baby dicks

22350243? ago

I went to the New York Motor Show when I was in NY a couple of years ago and discovered that pretty much every stand was run by Jews. They were everywhere trying to sell cars to passers by. Not to mention the rest of them hogging the display cars so you couldn't sit in them.

22350104? ago

Yes, lots of jews in hollywood. Got some real news?

22350088? ago

dont fucking say shit about gal gadot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

22350452? ago

She is a 6.4 out of 10 at best

22378340? ago

thats still very tall

22451023? ago

Ok that was clever

22350011? ago

wellll that's sure strange as fuck, eh? Never expected?

22349984? ago

Aren't most of them less than 50% Jewish? How does that work exactly? Obama half-white = not white. But anything with a single Jewish ancestor in 10 generations is Jewish to you? Downey for example, his dad is 1/4 jew, his mom is not, but to even be considered a jew your mom has to be Jewish.

22351012? ago

Downey is more than 1/4

22350314? ago

You mean his father is 3/4 Jewish, not 1/4. Plus, Downey's wife is Jewish, they married in a Jewish ceremony, their offspring are Jewish and he's religiously Jewish.

22349956? ago

why is Scarlet jewish ?

22355827? ago

Because some Jew bred with a goy.

22357129? ago

hot goy should be a meme now


22350478? ago

Because she's a Jew. that's why.

22352604? ago


I thought it is northern blond ,,,, surname


but they calculate only with mothers genes because it cant be corruptred and coockoed .......

22349952? ago

but but 99% of movie tv and internet industry is in Jewish hands

what do you mean 2% ... this is sooo antisemitic

also antisemitic to point that 28 main social media companies are led by Jews


22349702? ago

They are also trannies.

22349687? ago

Superman was made by Jews, and seems to be admired by them as well.

22349424? ago

John Wick is not.

22351315? ago

He's some half asian freak.

22349010? ago

We have a serious jewish infestation and it will no longer be ignored. We must start having serious discussions on how they are at the top of everything we have. Jews dont have any talent like white people do.

22355729? ago

I'm sure there are Jews with talent, but that's not why they run things. They run things because they're, as a community, sociopathic crooks.

22349445? ago

Jews dont have any talent like white people do.

This explains why movies are trash, why politics is corrupt, why crime exists, and why history class is boring. Imagine if white people had their own nation... There is a reason why the swastika strikes fear into the hearts of evil men.

22353497? ago

Jews have ruined our art and music

22349002? ago

Ummm ok poster. Whats your point if they are Jewish?

22355855? ago

Europeans were led away from the church and are now watching movies that depict Jews as heroes with god-like superpowers. This is normal to you? Cultural manipulation through propaganda funded by usury/crime is how Jews colonize nations.

22358924? ago

Growing up i read the marvel comics and the DC comics. To me i love seeing them come to the big screen. Aside from the SJW captain marvel movie i thought they were all good. So what if some of the actors may be Jewish. Robert Downey jr. Ironman Is not though. Chris Hemsworth thor is not. Paul rudd. Antman not. Jessica Biel the wasp is not. Spiderman is not. Hulk again not. Captain America also not. Captain Marvel again not Jewish. Chris pratt not Jewish. Pretty much the whole cast of Guardians of the Galaxy not Jewish. Black Panther cast also not Jewish. Hmmmm seems like not all the cast of the avengers is not all Jewish.

Pretty sure i just proved my poi t and debunked this post.

By the way i watch these movies to escape.

22361240? ago

Comics and comic book themed movies are for children.

22351323? ago

You wouldn't expect to go to japanese movie studio and see a bunch of jews.

This is a European nation, so why are jews running it?

22350787? ago

Gross overrepresentation by any group is rayciss.

22348939? ago

WHO THE FUCK CARES?? IF YOU DON'T WATCH ANY HOLLYWEIRD SHIT WTF DOES IT MATTER?!! I don't know, I don't care, if they are Jews, Scientologists or Atheists or Catholics!! Stop going to their fucking movies. No one cares about ANYONE in Hollyweird unless they are mental midgets. I see a future where patriots make movies that uplift not degrade and enlighten not dumb-down. Hollyweird should BURN.

22349040? ago


Okay, Hillary, get a grip! It matters. We have a rat infestation.

22348696? ago

I’ve noticed that every single show has at least one in it, and most are just filled to the brim with them not only the actors, but the directors, writers, producers, everyone. They just didn’t advertise it.

22348672? ago

Where's the white guy super rich club?

How do I join?

If there isn't one, why not? And let's build it.

22348668? ago

Jews being super heros is real in their mind.

22355756? ago

Jews consider themselves on par with, and part of, God so that makes sense. They consider themselves ubermen even though, as their own scripture shows, their main "superpower" is deceit and ruthlessness.

22356348? ago

we will see how that turns out for them


22348907? ago

Gertrude Yorkes and Harley Quinn now Jewish?

22348578? ago

It's just odd..

I'm a math kid... so

Must be that new nocommonsence core stuff.

22348608? ago

FUCK SOAP BOX ! discussions https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/3637828

22348626? ago


22348483? ago

So? Nobody cares.

22348551? ago

22348354? ago

Interesting coincidence.

22348431? ago

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22348244? ago

Must be sundown. Muh Joo shills are back

22348288? ago

Found the kike.

22348192? ago

Do you not put your own race first?

If you were running a job, would you choose a white Christian or a black muslim if they had the same qualifications?

22351310? ago

I don't understand why jews are there at all, this is not a jewish nation.

22352148? ago

Because this is America and our constitution allows people to believe whatever they want. We are here to MAGA and NOT to destroy the fundamental values that make us so great. Taking the easy route is not an option...we are better than that. Nobody said it was gonna be easy.

22358226? ago

Yeah, no, you can't come here and take over everything by deceit. lol

22354267? ago

Does the constitution allow jihads of people subverting America itself, tearing open its borders and screaming death to America? Does it believe what the old Aztec people wanted, building giant human blood pyramids and ripping peoples hearts out in some satanic ritual? What does the constitution say about people who want to destory the constitution and destroy America herself?

22348346? ago

Marvel is now doing gays, commies, jihads, lesbos, ragheads, ...eventually the tranny style social justice at Marvel might eat itself, they changed Miss Marvel to Miss jihad from Pakistan, also hired an artist who put islamist messages into comics. https://comicvine.gamespot.com/kamala-khan/4005-94118/

22348000? ago

Qanons: the cabal are raping babies, human trafficking, cannibals, selling out our country, have committed treason and should be held accountable.

Nazis: Jews are gasp hiring each other in the movie industry. Oh the humanity ...

22351203? ago

Thre cabal is extremely jewish even if not all bad actors are jewish. To deny this and call it nazism is to declare a low iq or that you've had a mental break from reality.

Not all jews are in the middle of this. But the majority of evil in this world is jewish. The pharisees still walk among us. Except today we call them the ashkenazi and talmudic jews.

22357523? ago

The cabal is extremely jewish even if not all bad actors are jewish.

Qanons: Bad actors such as the Clintons, Bushs, Obamas have killed and maimed countless millions of people, trafficked drugs and people, all for profit motives and should be held accountable for their actions.

Nazis: Bad actors such as Robert Downy Jr. and Scarlett Johansson were only hired because they're Jewish.

Sit down child, Qanons are saving the world and have no time for your petty arguments.

22348714? ago

Oh fuck off

22348282? ago

The cabal is the Jews you stupid nigger.

22348360? ago

Provably wrong. I could name dozens of non-Jew cabal members.

Though you're so wrapped up in your Nazifaggot bubble that you would summarily excuse every one of them because some unspecified Jew "made them do it".

22348460? ago

You are a lying kike.

22348217? ago

What religion was Weinstein or was he Atheist ?

22348332? ago

What religion were the Bushs? Clintons? Obamas? Lynch, Comey, Brennan, Clapper ...

Weinstein should be hung from the highest tree because he's a fucking rapist. Not because he's Jewish.

Trump's children are Jewish, grandchildren, half of his cabinet are Jewish. Enough with blaming innocent people because they happen to be genetically similar to someone else who fucked up.

22347873? ago

What is your point? Are you saying something here?

Dude, you must be new. It's always the juice.

22348507? ago

They wear a hat that was soaked in the blood of Christians, a Masonic rituals where they pray to a Moongod al Lah ... what was the original hollyweird occult religion? https://twitter.com/DavidRagan/status/930871120986804229 , http://summaphilosopiae40.blogspot.com/2012_04_21_archive.html

22348191? ago

Brazilians, Vietnamese and Indian spammers, Turks and Germans are all over voat, arabs and pakis come to vote and pretend to be Jews, Blacks post on voat and act White, crypto kikes post on voat.... and pot has made peoples brains paranoid and rotten

22349655? ago


Step outside once in a while. There's not a thing you can do to save he world from your chair.

Socialize have fun. Tomorrow isn't real.

22347821? ago

I swear, everyone's a jew according to these endless lists

22355774? ago

Jewish supremacism is a real thing.

22348459? ago

At one time it was a demonic religion of Shriners ... http://maxminimus.blogspot.com/2010/08/ottoman-headwear-and-decline-of-fez.html

22348207? ago

its pretty much well know that lots of Jews work in hollyweird.

22348206? ago

The only three non jews in hollywood i know of is Clint Eastwood Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn

22348990? ago

Kevin Sorbo

James Wood

Many others out there.

22351303? ago

No, not many, a few.

22348403? ago

Hollyweird is a leftist communist globalist shithole with poops all over its streets, many of its Rightwing Conservative Actors are either gangsters, drug addicts, porn stars or shemale dyke trannies, some actors are libertarian Indepedent type which freaks the industry out even more .

22347805? ago

A new breed of jewperheros.

22348634? ago

Hollywood is fag, its run by a secret gay mafia .... Who would win? Raptor Jesus vs the SpaceJews?? https://voat.co/v/HDLunited/3637339/22344652

22348467? ago

The Mason opened the door for the Occult Jew of Babylon? http://showbizshriners.blogspot.com/

22348236? ago

Robert Downey isnt a Jew but the rest of maybe them are ... maybe he got sick of those movies and asked to be blown up ... HA SPOILER for any of you who have not watch the batman wakanda super nigger mickey mouse movies.

22350630? ago

He is a jew. I was surprised too. His father was a leftist jew who made subversive films in the 60's and 70's. Downey is not their real last name.

22352700? ago

The father is meaningless. If the mother wasn't a jew, then Downey isn't.

22355682? ago

Sounds like he's got some cultural Jewish influence going on, via his half-Jew dad, but isn't actually a Jew.

22350621? ago

Hmmmm yeah his dad is 3/4 jew.....he's a jew

22355692? ago

Half Jew according to Wikipedia, but half or not sounds like his dad was a subversive kike.

22352690? ago

It doesn't work that way. If his mother isn't a Jew, then he isn't a Jew. The Jews made up that rule.

22347773? ago

Propaganda video with no sources.

22348359? ago

Their sources are at imdb, its a pity the message boards were closed before all this Epstein shit exploded.

22347633? ago

They can't be. They don't have big noses.

If I learned anything from Nazifaggots, Jews all have big noses.

22347891? ago

Hollywood is full of perverts, drug addicts, it has many Jews, it has many right wing Zionist types, and Leftist Jew types but not all of them are Jews, some are of Froggy Germanic or Scots background, some are Italians and Britbongs, some have yellow Asia, Arab or Pajeet poo ancestry, some might even be Native American, some of Afro Wakanda background, some are GAY JEW and NIGGER for example that Jussie hoaxer. Robert Downey is not a Jew but he is typical mixed euro mutt, Irish and half Hungarian half Jewish half Scottish ancestry, Robert Downey Jnr is so off the rails and so much Not a part of the mainstream he will walk out on interviews, people actuallyn thought he personally ran the CDAN gossip Epstein website and he will hang out on Joe Rogan, he is well educated in the arts and no a typcial hollyweird idiot but he did go out of his midn for a period on drugs, Sca' Jo is a funny odd one, a talented actress but maybe with weird shit in the closet, she spent time as a kid around Woody Allen which should ring alarm bells, Sca-Jo is an Ashkenazi Jewish family from Poland and Russia, originally surnamed Schlamberg or something they probably helped in the current wave of Liberalism sweeping Swedistan? Gal Gadot is a Jew she played Wonder Woman she looks pretty she sounded kinda exotic and amazon for that role, and she is a proud Israeli Jew, there is nothing hidden here she is upfront about who and what she is, again I could go on, some will Jew some will not be Jews, some might shapeshift, some might be even Arab actors, Negro actors or Japanese or German or Irish or British or Spanish whatever but not every super hero or scifi character is played by a Jew ... it should however be said that a big criminal name 'Epstein' who blackmailed a shit ton of elites, royals and other million celebs was a JEW, he had his own pedophile island, and Harvey Weinstein who started the whole METOO rape sexual assault speak out movement was also a Jew.

22347954? ago

What all Americans will accept:

Specific people doing specific things illegally will receive specific lawful punishments for their crimes.

What no Americans will ever accept:

Some people of a certain race did some vague things wrong and therefore we should punish their entire race.

You're nothing but a division faggot. That is an irrefutable truth. If some Jew touched you in the wrong place, tell the police and have them arrested. Don't whine about an entire race of people who are genetically predisposed to touching you. Nazifaggots and common sense don't go together.

22347630? ago

It's in their right, comics are Jewish mythology.

22349030? ago

Bullshit. Jews stole everything they have from whites and host nations. It is well known. The same way they hawk the patent offices.

22348154? ago

Marvel was originally a kind of old military propaganda comic book, with DC you had Batman, Superman the crime fighter and the magic moses in a basket story from outer space, a kind of reverse of the John Carter A Princess of Mars story...but rather than a man going to Mars it was an alien Superman getting powers by coming to Earth, 'Superman' was originally in the first pitch meant to be evil. an UBER-MAN and the good guy Lex who would outwit the big strong guy and DC had another famous story some sadomasochist freak who invented the first lie detector machine William Moulton Marston came up with this kinky Wonder Woman who would tie people up. A rival comic company in Marvel which wasnt really 'Marvel' yet you had guys like Namor the Submariner, the robotic Human Torch known as Jim Hammond and Captain America, there were also kind of copies or clones of DC or almost copies of other fictional and fantasy characters, Miss America almost looking like Wonder Woman. Marvel was WW2 propaganda, they could fight hand to hand with the Japanese and punch out Hitler, they were kind of morale boost comics during WW2, after the war the comics almost died out, Stan Lee born Stanley Martin Lieber came later, some of his politics in comics seemed kinda Left for example the Xmen and the Civil Rights movement although today he would be considered more centrist, there is nothing overly 'Jew' about his comics he might even be considered Libertarian and he would often make a mockery of religion in his comics, I dont think he was a globaist or a war monger, sometimes Stan Lee would come off as New Age or Pagan in his comics, it was the 60s and 70s so they were probably doing a lot of LSD. Jack Kirby from a family of Austrian Jews, Jack was from Brookly NYC, lived in Commiefornia, Jack did a shit ton of writer and artist and creative work that he did not get credit for, Stan was more of the media stage show guy smiling for credits, always selling in front of the cameras others called him the 'Funky Flash Man'. Stan Lee was one of the greats but he never owned Marvel in the overall picture, he was just one of many many writers including Frank Miller, Alan Moore, Grant Morrison, Joss Whedon, Alex Ross, Walt Simonson, Grant Morrison and a shit ton of other writers, pencillers, colorists, artists I can not name at this moment, that old dead guy Stan you could have seen footage of him in his old age and it was kinda sad, almost exploited, tired and wheeled out to sign pics and posters at random conventions, a smaller part working for the big machine.

22347782? ago


22347778? ago

Wait .....does that make Batman and Superman Jews too? SHIT

22348300? ago

Superman is space moses, planet Krypton went boom! Jewish roots of Superman's origin story were placed there by his Jewish style story ... his mother put him into a basket like Moses fleeing the Egyptians and floated him down the river, Kryptonian name I think is from kol-bat-ton, I'm not good at langauge so you will have to find someone else who speaks Jew means "Voice of God" in Hebrew, the writer of the comics Jerry Siegel was a Jew who lived in Ohio, NYC and Commiefornia

22347440? ago

What happened to Black Panther? Kind of used to pacify the minorities and then quickly forgotten.

22347520? ago

Wait till the sequel....then the chimpout will start again

22347940? ago

Never saw it, too unrealistic, a black superhero? Really?

22351117? ago

blankman was a superhero

22353950? ago

a parody with a 13% tomato meter rating.

"Meteor Man", a move that even Robert Townsend would like to forget, not sure if I've seen him since.

22349604? ago


22354047? ago

having said that, I can easily see a Violent Villain movie called "Baltimore Man". So much you could do with that; superhero power would be infinite stupidity with zero impulse control.

22354417? ago


22348566? ago

22347245? ago

6 jews...

2% muh joo?