It is women that are VOTING for gay marriage, women that are VOTING for 3rd world migration. have managed to abort 1,460,000,000 children in 2 decades, that are 4X more likely to have STDs than men. (
submitted 5.1 years ago by 3637528?
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22345973? 5.1 years ago
Women are retarded. We know this.
22346179? 5.1 years ago
Some are child like dumb, others marry criminals and jihads come to America illegally and enter the welfare baby making business, others well that (((type))) they push the smut merchant propaganda?
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22345973? ago
Women are retarded. We know this.
22346179? ago
Some are child like dumb, others marry criminals and jihads come to America illegally and enter the welfare baby making business, others well that (((type))) they push the smut merchant propaganda?