23469963? ago

Zog box tells the wiggaz watz cool n Sheeeeit https://voat.co/v/whatever/3774342/23462298

23300179? ago

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22360992? ago

4th Wave Feminism will eat itself

22351786? ago

Repealing women's right to vote would solve most of societies ills. They would bitch more about being victims, but it's not like they don't do that constantly now anyway.

22351346? ago

My wife doesn't support any of this crap. I know a lot of women who don't want rampant immigration.

22350169? ago

Lol all the simps, boomers and roasties mad.

Women are not supposed to have any authority over men. They can't even rule their own household how you expect them to rule a country? Read the Bible. Women are children and can never make educated decisions, they are clay and if they don't submit to godly men, they submit to the world (Jews/Satanism) instead.

22349449? ago

Rejected again?

22351590? ago

When did the British paper 'the Guardian' jump the shark? https://voat.co/v/news/3636832/22341435

22349366? ago

We shouldn't allow them to vote...honestly...or there should be some kind of IQ test or voter knowledge test. They are way too emotional to vote logically in most cases. Another thing to remember is if it bleeds for a week once a month and doesn't die...it ain't human!

22348689? ago

This thread is filled with micropenises. Sad.

22348985? ago

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22348402? ago

Men have always been in charge and likely will always be in charge. If the world is not as perfect as you would like, you have only yourselves to thank for if. Women could rule for centuries and never come close to the destruction men have caused. There are millions of dead left in the wake of man’s pursuit of power & money.

Go fuck yourselves boys.

22348400? ago

That's why I went and make sure my wife's completely awake and knows the truth about everything I don't hold anything back and she's American Patriot

22348102? ago

They want you divided.

Divided by religion.

Divided by sex.

Divided by political affiliation.

Divided by class.


22348434? ago

We do not hate women, we want to protect them.

It's biologically how we got to where we are today. Please understand this isn't a "Manz superior to wamanz" argument.

Men have biologically been set up at some things. They are shitty at others. Order, for example, is not a strong suit. We kinda throw our shit all over the place and have a hard time sorting it out in the future.

Women are organized. This make sense, because as a man thinks about everything without involving emotion, women organize all that shit and bring another perspective.

Men are GREAT parents. But in a different way. We are the extreme to your stability. Just one recent example:

2 y/o wants Popsicle. I know he's perfectly capable of climbing a barstool, which would put him at the perfect height to get his own damn popsicle.

I tell him, "Well buddy, how about if you want a popsicle, you get it yourself?"

I lead him to a barstool, push it on to the hardwood, point at the freezer. He looks at me, I tell him, "What if you climbed that same chair, right next to the freezer?" We spent about 15 seconds staring at each other. He kinda nodded, like "Okay, copy that".

Pushed it to freezer, I was proud, and he knocked himself off the chair when opening it, which I didn't think of. Thankfully I dove and pushed his feet forward, he sorta landed on his back, on my back, no harm no foul. Kek. Kids are great.

Since them, I've caught him hanging from freezer door screaming HEEEELLLLLPPP MEEEE!!!!.. LOL.

And also when too quiet for too long, walked around the kitchen island to see he was juuust about to pull the scissors out to open his own damn popsicle (Would have been a trip to ER for sure).

Point of this all: I taught him to think for himself a bit more, and solve problems rather than ask others to fix them.

All went well while I was there, that time.

Went to shit when his mom, who is in tune with this type of shit, was working overnights as a nurse and I was busy with something, and he was utilizing my advice to make his dreams reality. She wouldn't have had to hear "HEEELLLLPPPPP MEEEE!!!!". Would have cut that off far sooner. She would never have let such a silence go unnoticed for so long as I did. Because SHE is BETTER at being a mom than I am.

Hope you understand what I'm saying. Being a mother is far more important than being an accountant.

22348692? ago

tldr: Divided by sex.

22348066? ago

Proof that division faggots are also incels.

22348045? ago

Be careful what you stick your penis into.

22347856? ago

Almost every woman is naturally cucked.

22347764? ago

The older I get and the more women I interact with on a number of levels (in relationships, friends, schoolmates, and coworkers), I'm getting more sexist than I ever was as a kid. They are just not made to be making decisions of importance with their emotional and irrational nature. Everything is about feelings and intuiting bullshit that isn't actually real. The men I know make decisions based in the reality of situations.

It isn't to say all women and all men are that way, but enough of a majority of each to make the generalized statement.

22347734? ago

What is this divisive shit? Stop attacking our mothers, wives, and daughters.

If you have a problem with how yours votes, get your house in order.

23483545? ago

and what of the Mudshark Madness? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3776996/23481613

22348565? ago

You are a fucking retard. I don't think most people here are worried about their 10,000 total wives (ish...16,000 members in QRV I think).

It's the millions of women who vote for hillary because shes a wamanz. It's the few million fat white chicks that fuck every black dude who will have them for that sweet, sweet welfare check. It's objective evidence with graphs showing trends from the very first year women were given a vote. It's the fact that other countries, despite our economy, are not dealing with trying to please everybody on every issue and having a magnified effect globally. (Think nigger muslims taking that soros train into Europe or US... In EURO, they are so aggressive as to say on camera to the whites that they are done. "We have 4 wives each, praise Allah! HAHA 3 of them are white!! PRAISE ALLAH. The fuck you going to do about it white boi? 1 or 2 kids with one of your own? You'll all be gone in 100 years AHAHAHA PRAAAAAISE ALLAH!!!"

That was literally on camera. Women voted those guys in. They vote against exposing their rape culture because its mean. They get raped and killed like its their job.

I suppose you HATE Hitler too. He did say he would be ashamed if he allowed German men to put women in this very position. It's not as easy for them to be mean, hateful people. So sometimes, men have to be alpha and fucking put their foot down.

22347704? ago

A tasty bait for adversarial distracting conversations to take place.

22347542? ago

Feminism did this.

Women had a given career: wife & mother.

Because a handful of women had eyes rolled at them by these women for working, they decided to infiltrate college campuses and high schools with pro-feminism propaganda. Shifting generations away from family values.

Now the handful of wife’s and mothers are getting public lashings from “career” woman.

All because a few woman couldn’t deal with criticism, they sunk humanity backwards. Now women are almost equally divided between humanity and inhumanity.

22348975? ago

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22347417? ago

...and it is certainly left wing women who are choosing to raise their male children as girls because they HATE males. The true face of radical feminism is boldly rebellious. AKA Jezebel spirit. Just sayin.

22347301? ago

Not this woman. Been awake for decades. You mean RETARDED LIBERAL dykes. They’re all dykes. FUCK THEM!!

22347219? ago

Its true. Sad but true.

Women are fucking impossible now.

22347171? ago

They want you DIVIDED.











22347124? ago

It's not so much that we need to prevent women from voting, we need to prevent the IDIOTS from voting.

22348280? ago

Nah. You're not right here.

The votes that lead to our shithole aren't by IDIOTS.

What are you going to do, make a test up? Probably 20% of conservative votes gone. These guys who just aren't book smart, never have been, but started a roofing business when they were in 10th grade and are millionaires now. They understand how things work, they just aren't going to pass a test written by Jews.

You know who will pass that test? All the left except for minorities. Then, minorities will be given an alternate test or just be given a pass, as it's racist to test them the same way we test white men. The rest of the left are "College Educated" booksmart retard faggots. They'll put the hours in to pass the test while the votes that matter put the hours in to work instead.

I'm not saying NO WAMANZ vote. Just people who own property and pay into the tax pool can vote.

22349012? ago

Being college educated does not mean one is not an idiot. Most of those I know who got an expensive college education are still idiots. Faggot soyboys and SJW's are idiots in my book. All the gimme's are idiots, because if they weren't idiots, they wouldn't be gimme's, they would be producers.

I would love for there to be a test before voting, but like you said, the left would be the only ones to pass whatever test the jews come up with. And all minorities would get a vote just because they can't help it. We'd be more fucked than we are now. But we really do need to find some way to get the gimme's away from the voting booth.

Overall, I do agree with you.

22349910? ago

Nice. You get it. Gas the kikes, repeal the 19th and start the fuck over!!!

kek. But fo real that would solve problems. Give it 10 years. What happened to Hitler's Germany in 10 years?

If that happened now???? With how fast info flies?

That spreads from here to Euro or visa versa and boom, the fucking Euro/American world makes sense again.

22353614? ago

I would love for the world to make sense again! It used to, until I woke up and now it sucks. Not much makes sense and what little does make sense isn't quite enough to make things bearable.

22347108? ago

Those aren't conservative women, those are the cum dumpsters.

22349011? ago

and modern society and education ... Harvard should no longer be considered an institute of higher learning or an esteemed university. It has turned into a cesspool of anti-Americans who don't buy into US values or Constitution. ... They say first was Phi Beta Kappa, which was founded hundreds of yrs ago, some have drugs alcohol, some have hazings sororities, frats have not been without their problems, including hazings-related problems, including deaths. Masonic, Shriners, Jewish and Roman and Scottish and York Rite symbols are still there but its become more Greek pagan faggotry these past years. Either stupid riding the goat type jackass shit or worse 'Every Rape Reported at Fraternities This Year' it leaks into the news, the posh college and uni get to cover some stuff up. ...

Tranny? http://college.usatoday.com/2016/07/08/chi-phi-transgender-pledges/ Real arrests and false arrest, do weird shit and sell it to some brayzzsers porno tube, Frat houses both good and bad? http://police.berkeley.edu/crimealerts/2014/14-101514-70.html , https://www.apnews.com/188d705724f049e59f1faaf2ce6572e4 ,http://henrymakow.com/upload_images/Frats.jpg , https://www.jta.org/2018/08/24/news-opinion/jewish-fraternity-ucla-sued-sexual-assault This Q thing is amazingly ignorant of how much the Masons are not our friends.This is the mother of all secret societies and their oaths make them protect each other and that's saying nothing about their occult religion based on the gnostic kabalah shit pile. https://i.imgur.com/SE9dUgw.jpg , https://voat.co/v/Wikipedia/3292557 , https://www.aepi.org/about/about-aepi/notable-alumni/ , http://viterbivoices.usc.edu/feature/sororities-and-fraternities-part-2/ Babylon became the norm?Party time, college people, cheerleading , alcohol, drugs, always an old camera man in those Glam metal and groupie party Dens?? today its even worse cameras and phones everywhere, even normalized. Georgia Tech Football Player Dies During Initiation Ritual Practice for Black Fraternity Omega Psi Phi. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/13/us/fraternity-death-penn-state.html it's PSU... "The events leading up to Piazza's death have come into clearer focus since the charges were filed.", "At about 9 p.m. on February 2, 19-year-old Timothy Piazza showed up for a pledge event at Penn State's Beta Theta Pi fraternity." https://archive.is/k9xog

at least they didn't fuck the corpse ... http://archive.is/rhNmM Jewish Frat

Boule – Skull and Bones Society https://secret--societies.blogspot.com/2013/12/the-boule-skull-and-bones-society.html Many coke heads, high on beer and eating mushrooms. You get celeb and political types the Comedians, Bush, Zuckerberg, Obama, Kerry ..... http://12160.info/profiles/blogs/alpha-delta-kappa-animal-house-fraternities , http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread3799/pg1 , https://www.conspirazzi.com/who-iz-da-boule/ , http://yournamesecretsocieties.iwarp.com/ , http://theuniversalseduction.com/articles/college-fraternities-linked-to-freemasonry , If one wants to examine the whole fabric of the elite's control, one must take note of college fraternities. Millions of Americans have been members of college fraternities and sororities, and many go on to prominence. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phi_Kappa_Sigma , https://forums.studentdoctor.net/threads/does-joining-a-fraternity-impact-my-application.445029/ , https://psychology.wikia.org/wiki/Fraternities_and_sororities , https://wikivisually.com/wiki/Sigma_Phi_Epsilon , step one to something more strange ... students act like kids and dont see the risks lost in a haze of drugs and booze and partying. You also have Coeducational fraternities, Acacia (fraternity) = Masons / Shriner then Delta Lambda Phi = faggot dykes trannies, Phi Kappa Theta Vatican Catholic, Sigma Alpha Mu = Jewish Moslem and British Royals, Gamma Rho Lambda = female lesbo dyke, Kappa Theta Epsilon lesbian gay dykes lesbo sjw antifa types

22354128? ago

Up is down, left is right, and Ivy League schools are garbage institutions of higher learning, nothing more than institutions of indoctrination in marxism.

22349032? ago

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22347059? ago

Should have never given them the right to vote. Been downward spiral ever since

22347357? ago

It's been a downward spiral since men discovered that their dicks respond to them.

22347763? ago

Why is it always about sex with you bitches? Oh I remember... cause that's your only skill in 2020

22347348? ago

Exactly this.

"Woe to the wicked! It shall be ill with him,

for what his hands have dealt out shall be done to him.

My people—infants are their oppressors,

and women rule over them." --Isaiah 3:11,12

It is a curse from God to have women rule over you either by having the vote or by leadership position. The people that push for this know it and they use woman's suffrage as a weapon against us.

22347732? ago

I believed the lies and let my wife run the show for a bit. I don't need to explain how much of a clusterfuck that turned into. I eventually had enough, said fuck this liberal bullshit, and took back the reins. Night and Day difference. I thought it was bullshit but my wife is MUCH happier with me standing up and being the Man. She is a good woman but DAMN shit fell apart quick when we did it "Her way".

22347038? ago

This is a dumb post. Nothing revelatory about women vs men, all it's showing is the effectiveness of targeted social engineering.


22347025? ago

There is too much nonsense in all these comments to address. I'm a phi beta kappa, Mensa AND Triple 9 female. I analyze. I do not go by my feelings. Truth is truth and facts are facts, at least until the facts change. And I see the horrendous mess the world is in today having been almost entirely caused by men. I don't hate men; God made them, and we need them. However, we need them to be real men. Real men are protectors and providers, not predators. They show respect; they do not denigrate women. Real Men raise their sons to be real men.

22347241? ago

Youre a phi beta dumb cunt.

22347007? ago

Where do the women get the STDs?

22347250? ago

By being skanks starting in fucking grade school. Most women in their early 20s have fucked 10+ men.

22347352? ago

So the men gave them the STDs?

22347407? ago

No, men are perfect

22347112? ago

Tyrone and Jamal. When women line up 400 at a time for the trash of society to pump and dump

22346979? ago

The Deep State is ruled by men... All the evil NWO plans have been made by men. Woman are just the useful idiots.

But in the end it does not matter...!

We have great female and male MAGA Anons and we have stupid idiots - male and female!

The reason that there are many women vothing forthe left, is, that in the past it was the left parties who were fighting for women's rights.And Women are tradionally always responsibel for the "social" issues, while men are traditionally earning the money.

So women are more caring for people, of which they think they need "help" in anyway.

... like refugees... or all those "minorities"...

So many women are still stuck with the left.

Just the same as with gays and Blacks.

But many are als waking up and are "walking away" .

So do not start another "divide et impera" shit.

We just need to go on with waking up the sheeple-

22405903? ago

The reason that there are many women vothing forthe left, is, that in the past it was the left parties who were fighting for women's rights.

They have been for voting for the left since 391 BC. (~2400 years ago)


Assemblywomen is a comedy written by the Greek playwright Aristophanes in 391 BC.[3] The play invents a scenario where the women of Athens assume control of the government and instate reforms that ban private wealth and enforce sexual equality for the old and unattractive.


In order to be more convincingly masculine, some women have developed tans and stopped shaving their armpits.


She proposes banning all ownership of private wealth and establishing equal pay for all and a unified standard of living. She further explains that people will no longer have a need for personal wealth as all basic needs will be met by the common fund. She further adds that men and women will be free to sleep with anyone they want, so long as they first sleep with the uglier members of the opposite sex.


Parental responsibilities will be shared by the community as children will no longer know their fathers.


Punishments for assault will come out of the offender's bread ration and theft will be obsolete as all men will be given their fair share.

Do you believe our ancestors had a good grasp on what would happen if women receive political power? Or do you believe they were completely wrong and that, now that they do have political power, we cannot observe any of this today?

22412584? ago

Guess you would get along with the Mullahs.

22412766? ago

No. There are many things I don't like about them. But I hope you are realizing that they are winning. Fastest growing religion.

Moslems are suppressing women - and they are winning. Winning in influence, power, birth rates.

And we, who gave women political power, are the ones losing all of it. And they aren't even hated for it outside of niche communities like voat. Everyone in the mainstream loves them. Even in this regard they're winning. Suppressing women is, evidently, a winning strategy.

22419552? ago

This it nothing I am fighting for: suppressing women.

I hate Islam becaus of the archaic structure and the suppressing of women.

We have better possibilities to fight against them. We do not need to become like them.

We just need to wake up and get rid of the globalists, islamists, "liberal" idiots (no matter if women or men).

22420882? ago

Won't happen until you may convince women to vote far right (not just conservative!) or abandon democracy (which in the end also means they no longer have a vote because no one has... I guess we can pretend that's gender equality).

Good luck with the former.

It doesn't matter if we have technological advantages when you rot in jail for trying.

22425465? ago

There are enough great women in the Trump movement..!

22425625? ago

And they fight Islam when?

Trump is a moderate.

22436904? ago

there are enough Women who hate Islam.

Especially in the US, many even are having guns.

Many even have joined the army.

22437112? ago

There are men shorter than most women. And many women higher than most men.

Yet usually women are half a head shorter, everywhere.

Stop prentending to be stupid or to not perceive reality. If women are right leaning they are almost never further right than moderate conservative. Exceptions exist. But they are just tgat. Averages matter.

22346838? ago

This is why Ann Coulter isn't bashful about saying giving women the vote was a mistake.

22346801? ago

I’m a woman and believe this statistic because in the big cities and those under 50 are prone to this mentality.

They like to be inclusive and caring even though what they believe is just the opposite. Sad but true.

22351562? ago

Happens over 50 also, look at Germany you have Merkel a childless woman brings in millions, some criminals of African illegals and jihad refugees. Perhaps the collapse of France and Germany was the test for what is planned for the United States?

22346677? ago

This is why only property-owning males were allowed to vote, for so much of America's history.

These men proved they had intelligence and skin in the game. When you own property and pay taxes on it youre likely to have a vested interest in society.

Women tend to act on feelings more than men do, especially if they're unmarried and childless. The cat lady's motherly instincts are hijacked and used against her. So she winds up treating refugees, gays, and minorities to be like children. Children for her to take care of via tax dollars.

22438609? ago

a young musical girl or a tranny for the entertainment industry, puppet for hte globalist or hangs out with the hoodrat doctor and scientist of wakanda? https://voat.co/v/pics/3647904/22427984

22352036? ago

Even Jordan Peterson agrees on this

22346663? ago

I've said it many times, when they let women vote the clock started ticking on the fall of western civilization.

22351532? ago

22352730? ago

Was never there fag so go suck a diseased cock.

22348188? ago


22348203? ago

Sorry, was being a troll. I'll look for your proof later if I get a chance, but there's a bunch of graphics that show exactly what happened when the 19th happened.

Spending went out of fucking control.

22347345? ago

2 women downvoated you

22346548? ago

Women aren't children, but they're not men either. Their brains are not as sophisticated (look it up. Women's brains are fully mature earlier than mens, and therefore men's brain become more sophisticated. IQ is similar at 23, but not at 33).

The buck stops with men. Men exist to protect women and children, and if men don't, they are poisoned, and worse.

22365218? ago

Men exist to protect women and children

Physically AND mentally. Women have a very poor ability to spot a scam.

22348682? ago

Yes, you’re so right! Porn and war are so sophisticated!

22352879? ago

Are you wearing panties?

22354833? ago

Are you, faggot?

22354923? ago


22349752? ago

How big are your tits?

22348877? ago

Both results of poison that fathers and husbands should protect their wives and children from.

By the way, see how women LARPing as leaders go to war more often than men?

22348227? ago

To say it less like a dickhead (If you're young and saying, "Wamaz stoopid", it'll make it tough to find a partner and make white kids with)...

Women's brains aren't wired the same as men. Thats it. Tell them, "I'm kind of a dickhead when people suggest everyone do things that might help others, when it comes as a total net loss to everyone else. You probably do believe that if a woman from Guatemala, her husband should be forced to live in the US, allowing her and fam to be safe, right?"

22348416? ago

The power of femininity is that women as teenagers turn all heads, and they're largely able to pick the most advantageous match. Women have the ability to marry men who are better than them, and create a family that has more advantages.

If a woman is poisoned, she will pick a poisoned "man" for whatever foolish reasons. If a woman is worth marrying (aka, her father insulated her from poison), she will understand that her husband is her captain. If she doesn't respect her husband enough to follow his lead, she shouldn't marry him, but find someone she does respect enough to follow.

In other words, don't placate the sick. There is absolutely no reason to be disrespectful to women (but by all means, if you feel otherwise, keep it up so quality women know to avoid you).

Men, be up fromt about what you want. A good wife and mother who will support you in your career to provide for the family, keep a healthy home, and educate and feed the children. You of course respect each other, but when you disagree, she defers to you... otherwise, move along, and find someone of like mind.

22350091? ago

I propose to my girl in June. Athlete, smart, secure family, very involved Dad.

I find what you say to be true. She's confident in me being her soulmate. I know in my heart it's because she's never dated anyone who knows what the fuck is going on in the world and can be a Captain unlike the soyboys out there.

22349728? ago


Look. I agree with you. It's just that I haven't found any good {available and interested) Women, like you are describing.

I am sure that they are out there, as I have met them, but dating has changed, and they seem distant and uninterested in real Men.

22350097? ago

The well is poisoned by social media and feminism. It's definitely tough to find someone sheltered from all that. Outdoorsy activities and sports are a great way to find someone not obsessed with the latest Vogue makeup or patriarchy crime. Good luck

22347176? ago

Most liberal men would need their wives to protect them. You should see some of these beta males I've been warring with on this FB group for my Meyers Briggs personality type. Smdh.

22350070? ago

INTJ discussion from last time? Took a look and I'm not surprised haha.

22352665? ago

From last time? No, I'm not INTJ

22347295? ago

Communists are losers who attempt to invert reality. They want to destroy those with merit and pretend they have merit.

Those women are poisoned, and they falsely believe these poisoned men are good matches for them, when "men" like that should not live long to see a vagina, never mind enter one.

22347663? ago

They all cannot handle someone disagreeing with them. They get triggered so quickly and resort to name calling off the bat.

Basically, everyone who disagrees with them is "uneducated" and an "evil person". Morons, all of them.

22347790? ago

Children can't either. We used to know that households shouldn't be democracies, where children outvote their parents to forego learning, hygene, eating nutritious meals rather than candy 24/7, etc.. It's almost like they need parents to be parents.

Females need men to be men and protect them from poison. Fathers should insulate them from poison before they're married, and then it becomes the husband's job.

We must accept that women and children aren't going to act like rational men on their own. We exist for the purpose of providing them with security.

Stop being cowards. Stop passing the buck. Literally, man up, or humanity continues its downward spiral into oblivion.

22349439? ago

This is exactly why we need to keep redpilling with memes. We need meme warfare to gain back the minds of our women. It's an uphill battle, but we can do it over time. May take awhile! Lol

22346962? ago

Women have less variability in terms of IQ ergo there are more male retards but also more male geniuses.

22347166? ago

That is what was always thought, but after 25, there is an IQ gap between men and women. The reasons for this are obvious.. women need to be on their toes earlier than men so they can pick a good mate, but their role is relatively simplestic (though completely critical), and they don't require greater sophistication.

Again, if you can find them, look at IQ statistics at 30 and beyond. Once fully mature, men are on average smarter.

22355970? ago

Interesting. Thanks. If you have links to any papers talking about this I'd like to see them, but otherwise I'll search around.

22346470? ago

Beta males

22346466? ago

Women cannot be trusted with the vote this is true.

22346036? ago

Why would anyone care if two men or two women get married.

22346754? ago

racial extinction aka genocide

22346303? ago

fuck offf faggot. back in the closet

22346191? ago

I'm not sure sodomy, dykes and faggotry is something that should be celebrated while openly attacking the tradiational American family, ask what do the merchants of smut have to gain from all this?

22346009? ago

All of these statistics are thrown out because of niggers.

Sheboons are filthy.

22345996? ago

abort 1,460,000,000

That's a good thing....can you imagine how much more the world would be overpopulated? Frankly, we need to abort more

22346232? ago

Why not tell India, Brazil, Asscrackistan, Vietnam, Iraq, Pakistan, Israel, Saudi, Iran, Africa to ABORT .... do you know where the next generations of millions upon millions will be coming from? Which countries have little or no population controls??

22346439? ago

They definitely need to abort too

22345973? ago

Women are retarded. We know this.

22349667? ago

Fun to fuck though, the cute ones anyway.

22346958? ago

(Most) women are children (at least in some realms). We let the Jews con us into not keeping them in check. Now we're paying the price. Repeal the 19th for starters.

22346179? ago

Some are child like dumb, others marry criminals and jihads come to America illegally and enter the welfare baby making business, others well that (((type))) they push the smut merchant propaganda? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3637397/22345474