22350806? ago

Time for everyone to leave leftist cummunist feminst shithole reddit and come to voat right now and leave the sjw alone at reddit where it will die a fast death.

22346397? ago

Pay attention to us while we ban and ignore you for making comments about us being retards. I wonder if they ever wonder?

22352611? ago

They have to go back .... anyone have screep caps from the time 4chan tried to raid voat and nobody even noticed the difference? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3638301/22352305

22352696? ago

Kek...that’s why I double nigger their posts. Rent free.

22345739? ago

Get ready for more immigrants

22361085? ago

reddit is gay

22345582? ago

Nobody cares about your abusive ex.

22352645? ago

Are these soap faggots for or against voat? These trannies seem to be the only community to have never got the ban?? https://old.reddit.com/r/SoapboxBanhammer/

22352757? ago

They’re all bots..nothing they say has any originality.

22352707? ago

Anybody on reddit can fuck off.

22345423? ago

Who cares, it’s reddit - a liberal shithole

22345361? ago

lol u faggots are MGTOW too hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

22345123? ago

Funny, I was just banned from r socialism for commenting on this post

https://www .reddit.com/r/socialism/comments/eww80c/mediareddit_isnt_helping_either/

I said they had to put a klan member up because a nazi was too ironic... because the concentration camps and murdering/torturing political dissent. Earned me a permanent ban from jump.

Gotta love the irony of being excluded from the socialism subfaggot

22344606? ago

Feminism is genocide

22345531? ago

Feminism is a jewish construct. Almost all feminist leaders since the beginning have been jewish women.

22344546? ago

But that will not stop MGTOW.

22346085? ago

That site is super AIDS .... I thought they already banned every sub for wrong think .... Did reddit just soap box ban nigger itself again!? @friendshipistragic @BrennKommando @SeanBox ?? https://voat.co/v/mgtow/3628909/22280056