Illuminati does NOT mean "enlightened" ones, it means Those without Light (QRV)
submitted 5.1 years ago by 3637290?
If something is not Legal what do we call it? Illegal.
If something is not Legitimate what do we call it? Illegitimate.
The word Lumin or Luminous means full of light..
And what is the cure for a room full of darkness? A little light.
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22816359? 5 years ago
Mass murdering Dutch Royalty and Agent Orange, the King of Netherlands Willem-Alexander. The Order of the Garter not only uses the EU but also the UN to enforce mass migration
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22816359? ago
Mass murdering Dutch Royalty and Agent Orange, the King of Netherlands Willem-Alexander. The Order of the Garter not only uses the EU but also the UN to enforce mass migration