22349755? ago

I'm more and more convinced that the Elites in the EU have been ballot stuffing for decades. There is no way the people there are actually voting for this shit.

22346676? ago

Cultural enrichment. Ethnic diversity.

22345452? ago

Has nothing to do with eu you fucking retard.

22347224? ago

Shit skin refugees doesnt?

22345778? ago

More to do with Nordic Stockholm global socialist mindset but yes Swedistan is part of the EU, however not in the Eurozone currency.

22345197? ago

Seriously you cannot make this shit up.

22344978? ago

New expression in the lexicon: 'Dumb as a Swede'.

22345759? ago

Its maybe inside their DNA or blood, the Law of Jante, Stockholm syndrome or Janteloven, their hive mind is worse than Korea, Chinese or Japanese.

22344935? ago

Here lazy commentators, and failure OP


Fuck these jews pushing mass immigration, they will pay a thousand fold.

My armor is contempt

My shield is disgust

My sword is hatred

In the emperors name, let none survive.

22346608? ago

muh joo??

22347397? ago


22344804? ago

Your welcome,


j E U s

22344790? ago

them old fuckers need to come back at night & burn the fuckers down.. families asleep, so probly during the day... like in prison is less of a deterent the older & more fucked up you become

22346525? ago

Seriously if that was my parents or grandparents being evicted for shitskin migrants, I’d burn that whole fucking building down.

22346550? ago

ya think?

22345726? ago

That's why I like America, I'm not for guns I prefer fists and boxing but I'm not against guns, in combat I like it old school , I feet and I like to swing a weapon, I like kendo, wrestling, kungfu, I like all un-armed combat training and sports ... but some day we will all get old and we will be out numbered, the US in its law has given its people, all its peoples the right to speak, America she also gave her people a right to defend themselves, no matter what age you are the gun levels the playing field, at age 70+ you can still defend yourself from violence. The Swedish are too easily taken by socialists perhaps they never knew what freedom ever was?

22346497? ago

aye. the dangling transparent carrot

22344409? ago

You mean thanks Jews

22346600? ago

muh joo ???

22347033? ago

Well it's not Europeans producing policy to replace themselves...

22344321? ago

Post articles not screencaps.

1) That way we know it's real.

2) That way we can read the whole thing.

3) That way, in this instance, we give traffic to a friendly source.

22345647? ago

To be Swedish, you must....

Be African



Not speak Swedish


22346616? ago

unless the media calls the corrupted clown world for what it is do not give them a single click

Yeah, but this is a Paul Joseph Watson article. He's alright.

22344690? ago

Agree. Even if OP is not a shill but just too lazy to provide a link they could include the address or the title and date of the publication in the screenshot.

22344305? ago

"Toilets 5cm too small". The king has so decreed!

22344280? ago


22345737? ago

Swedistan media