22360785? ago

Logic of Poos

22345393? ago

Yet when Latter-day Saint announce the construction of a new temple, good “Christians” run the the zoning board and try to block it because the spire is too high, or the exterior lighting too bright, or the traffic will ruin the neighborhood, etc. You guys don’t have much room to complain. There was actually a Christian mission that hit me up online to solicit donations to help persecuted Christians in India. I checked out their web page and it had a section bashing Mormons. I thought that was pretty ironic.

22345524? ago

Mormons ain't Christian.

22345784? ago

So you don’t understand analogies. Let me help.

Christians in India feel persecuted because they are not the dominant religion.

They complain because Hindus don’t want a 100-foot cross in the neighborhood.

When Christians are the dominant religion, they persecute any religion they don’t agree with (Hindus, Muslims, Mormons, etc.)

Therefore, when the power to persecute others is removed, Christians become whiners.

Hence the irony.

Get it now?

22345070? ago

It’s because islam uses VIOLENCE.

Really. It’s that simple.

You people learning anything from this?

Where’s that fucking rope?

22345988? ago

@PuttitoutIsGone @Camulos How many Poo poos fought in the first world war? https://voat.co/v/movies/3636121/22335599

22346025? ago

Tree Fiddy?

22344864? ago

Study the history of Islam, Wikipedia has everything, they don't try to hide it.

They invaded India right off the bat, slaughtered 80,000 hindus in a day in some battles.

I don't think the Indians ever won a battle.