22349217? ago

He did a follow up to this as well. Sorry could only find a youtube video:


Sounds like someone got to him

22348965? ago

This also reminds me of the girl on the street ranting about how she can still smell the dead and they were eating people. She is saying this is another language. The cops and take her away (again?). I’ll post the clip if anyone has not seen this as well.

22346319? ago

Sick fucks.

22345909? ago

Big surprise, elitist cabalists killing innocents...who would've thought? /s

22348864? ago

What the FUCK

22347269? ago

That can't be real.....someone tell me that's a fake.

22346369? ago

404 Not Found.

Which album cover?

22346158? ago

...how have I never seen this?

22346345? ago

Interesting information and links, thank you

22345275? ago

And now he will be found hanging on a door knob with a red scarf.

22344898? ago

They're all filthy, degenerate jews.

Now you know what Hitler was on about.

22348928? ago

hitler did nothing wrong

22344248? ago

Twice even, so good he had to go back.

22344155? ago


22344025? ago

I’ll only believe his story if he ends up dead in the two weeks. Suicidie, plane crash, drug overdose, whatever, the means don’t matter.

22344289? ago

He revealed this awhile ago when there wasn't as much heat on the pedo elite.

22344240? ago

This was from years ago.

22344273? ago

Then I don’t believe his story.

22347291? ago

Why not?

22344017? ago

Echoed by Dutch banker Ronald Bernard.

22343967? ago

Scorpions have had some of the greatest rock guitarists of all time in their lineup. Michael Schenker and Uli Jon Roth. So fucking good.

22343615? ago

Didn’t Katy perry say she attended a dinner where the host serves human flesh?

22348292? ago

She is a member of the Cannibal Club in LA. So are Hillary and Chelsea and many of the Hollywood elites. Katy says they have the “best meats”.

22345280? ago

She also did a video where she was cooked and served up as the main dish.

22346748? ago

Tom Petty had a similar one, featuring Alice.

22344440? ago

yep I think so and she said it tastes better than pork or chicken or something?

22345929? ago

Yes, she claimed they have "the best meat" in Hollywood.

22344101? ago

They get the meat from [donors].

22343633? ago

I'm not surprised, she's 100% MKUltra'd through and through

22343572? ago

Michael and Rudolph Schanker tell all kinds of stories about rituals and Pedophillia. They were boys when they were in bands together

22343522? ago

He was a member of the Scorpions for 12 years, ending in 2012. He found the movie industry a much more lucrative fit. By the looks of his IMDb page, he is probably very Hollyweird connected.

22343442? ago

That's risky business inviting a Z level Band's artist the elite of the elite's parties.

22343372? ago

Holy mother of God.

22343313? ago

Hilarious bullshit.

22343302? ago

Too bad. I loved the Scorpions' music.

Him admitting to this helps put things into perspective. In 1976 Scorpions released an album called Virgin Killer. It had very disturbing artwork to say the least. Don't know how that album cover was even legal.

22344722? ago

The names of some of their albums are quite revealing:

Virgin Killer

Taken by Force

In Trance

Animal Magnetism

Love at First Sting

Savage Amusement

Crazy World

Face the Heat

Pure Instinct


And their charity compilation album: Stairway to Heaven/Highway to Hell

They've been telling us all along.  We just haven't been paying attention.

22346260? ago

Sir I believe your are somewhat wrong, this is a very disturbing list of rock titles: Yes!

But their not from the same artist/band!

I count at least two errors, Starway To Heaven is Led Zeppelin and Highway To Hell is AC/DC...

22371547? ago

Stairway to Heaven/Highway to Hell was a 1989 compilation album featuring bands that performed at the Moscow Music Peace Festival. Each song is a cover of a famous solo artist or rock band who had suffered a drug- or alcohol-related death. The album title is a reference to the songs "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin and "Highway to Hell" by AC/DC. Although neither track appears on the album, both Led Zeppelin drummer John Bonham and AC/DC singer Bon Scott had alcohol-related deaths in 1980.

22346731? ago

I'm otheranon; however, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stairway_to_Heaven/Highway_to_Hell shows they did song 3. Just one song. But, they were on it, and it was an album with a long name, not two album names.

22344226? ago

I still have a vivid memory of seeing that album in a Tower Records or something as a little kid. Was frightening to me, it looked wicked and strange.

Crazy that a mainstream rock band could select that kind of image for the cover and society would just let it slide.

22344211? ago

In the 70s there was a big push for pedophilia and faggotry so a lot of stuff that wasn't legal was tolerated: Brooke Shields naked in Playboy at age 12, Throbbing Gristle putting a little girl showing her panties on an album cover, etc.

22345916? ago

I ain't clicking on that link!

22349593? ago

You better click that shit nigga!

22346716? ago

It is the Scorpions album cover that was banned.

22344158? ago

Holy fuck how is this even real. That is a little child

22344258? ago

Playboy showed Brooke Shields nude at age 12. After the "sexual revolution" of the 1960s I think there was a sort of attitude that sexuality and the human body were natural so maybe pedophilia also was natural too. A bunch of French leftists, including Foucault who inspired "queer theory", pushed to remove age of consent laws. Etc. etc. I think in the 80s there must have been a pushback against it by Christians.

22345111? ago

They make fun of the pushback today. It's called Satanic Panic.

22348247? ago

And Jerry OConnell and his wife Rebecca Romain made a movie with that very name “Satanic Panic”. I think they’re making a joke out of our concerns.

22346631? ago

Good observation.

22343942? ago

It wasn’t legal. It was banned all over the place. Youve got to remember, Europe has never been as uptight regarding sex whatsoever. That’s essentially an American trait because we were founded by a bunch of puritans and Quaker’s. Hell even up until the late 1980’s you never heard of pedophillia being viewed the way it’s viewed now. And that is not a defense whatsoever of it.

22344677? ago

Interesting perspective. I was a history major in college, I had an excellent professor who taught a class on the Spanish Conquistadors. I remember him one day making a comment about how among the royalty/elites of the time, girls between the age of 9-12 years old were considered a sexual delicacy.

22345836? ago

What I find funny, and you can call this sick, is that this is all man law. It varies from country to country ... state to state (sort of). If the girl bleeds, she can bear children ... it’s as simple as that. The elites in this country pass all these laws for the simple folk, and they keep all the “delicacy” to themselves. As someone who had kids later in life, there is something to be said for doing young, if you have the support network around you. I think it would make you a more humble, responsible person early in life. It’s not until you raise a kid you realize everything you cared about before or got mad about, doesn’t really matter. In no way do I condone grown men banging out 12yos ... but a bleeding 14yo and 16yo should be able to do what they want without being labeled sex criminals

22348195? ago

Any 14-16 year old females being banged by adult men should never be considered sex criminals. The adult men should be though.

22348339? ago

Why? Because you’re jealous of them? Dumbass.

22348392? ago

No, because I’ve been raped by them as a teenager, you dumbass.

22348414? ago

So what? A lot of teen girls are attracted to older men.

22348438? ago

Pick another subject and go to hell.

22348449? ago

Aww did I hurt the little pussy’s feelings with uncomfortable facts?

22348478? ago

You’re a small person of limited intellect. DONE.

22348511? ago

Fuck off Karen. That’s not how reality works. DONE.

22346064? ago

She can bear children but it isn’t ideal. It’s abnormal and uncommon for adult males to be attracted to immature females. That’s just statistics. An adult female just past sexual maturation is anatomically and physiologically suited to child birthing in ways that an immature one is not.

But yes I also think it’s silly to legally prohibit immature adolescents of the same age from doing things together. That seems like an area that parents need to moderate, not the law.

22345898? ago

Good luck with that conversation, you're gonna get attacked. I had the same conversation here awhile back and they attacked me too, called me a pedo.

I merely pointed out that not too far back in our past, human life expectancy was not much more than half of what it is today, and in that day if you weren't married and pregnant by the time you were 15-16 you were an old maid.

I also tried the whole menstruation argument, which to me holds true, but you're still gonna get flamed if you mention it, as I'm sure I will too again in 3, 2, 1...

And I agree - grown men should be attracted to grown women, and protective of young girls.

22346591? ago

Well, mine is 37 going on about 15 ? If your gonna have problems (a woman), may as well have tight skin problems

22344880? ago

Remember that most history professors are jews who hate the Spanish for expelling them.

The Conquistadors came directly after the edict of expulsion.

22343188? ago

Just told my hubby who knows the scorpions....

22343128? ago

Why would he admit to this?

22347284? ago

Maybe he's suicidal or terminal and doesn't care anymore, or wants to confess his sins? I'm amazed this doesn't happen more often...

22344145? ago

Don't know if it's the case here, but some people "admit" to things for attention. People even "confess" to horrific crimes that could put them in prison for decades. I mean actual crimes that happened, while police are looking for suspects. Human behavior at the edges can be very strange.

22343217? ago

Bc most people aren’t gonna believe him anyways.

22345763? ago

That's not a cause, that's an affect.

22345847? ago


22343061? ago

I heard this rumor years ago, about the Scorpions guy.

22346671? ago

Yes, I have seen this footage some time ago (2 years?)

22342983? ago

Just told hubby who is big fan of Scorps he just walked away sad.

22343263? ago

Go rock him like a hurricane and make him feel better.

22342427? ago

A big part of some artists is continuous marketing of themselves. Depravity has always been a stock item to attract attention, however I'm sure these events took place and had big money players attending.

22342316? ago

The final countdown?

22342909? ago

That was Europe not the Scorps, I bet you are thinking of 'Winds of Change.'

22342335? ago

That Bieb popstar is talking pizzagate stuff online https://voat.co/v/QRV/3635770

22342292? ago

They could kind of play a bit ... I dont really know them, ask our music people about their playing @TheBuddha @crazy_eyes ? @cynicaloldfart @JesusRules

22342926? ago

I like Ratt better, but Scorpions are cool by me too, plus they have funny German accents

22342406? ago

They were all right