22341721? ago

Nope. Do understand how net worth is calculated? Okay now go compare that to cash on hand. Then proceed to stop spouting lies.

22341561? ago

Imagine lying in bed at night knowing you have to power to personally end world poverty for ten fucking years but instead deciding nah fuck that I'll get another yacht or mansion or some other shit nobody needs ... stop defending the top of the pyramid in the name of free markets - you really believe that's how they acquired their vast fortunes?

22341506? ago

These faggots accumulated their wealth by being subversive thieving corrupt likes in bed with NGOs and intelligence agency's.

22341670? ago

yet here you are on the internet, on a computer or smart phone that is contributing to their wealth, These billionaires inventions/products have made possible so many things we are all benefitting from.

22342756? ago

How do you know his phone or computer wasn't salvaged from spare parts, running his own software, connected to some open network...you do have tech types here who build their own you know?

22341576? ago


22341458? ago

So what? It’s his to do with as he pleases. Make your own billions and give them away if that’s what you want, faggot.

22341377? ago

Capitalism is great, and Bezos and Gates deserve what they've earned. They have the right to choose to end world poverty with it, just as they have the right to choose to buy hundreds of mansions and then blow them up. It's their's, they've earned it.

Wanna be a billionaire? Do something that helps a billion people. Gates did that. Bezos did that. Fuck you if you're jealous.

22342698? ago

I dont know if Gates helped anyone but himself, hes part of a wider wars for the bankers system, he just got himself rich and made computers dumber and slower at the top a bunch of psycho narcissistic sociopaths. I was kinda of a linux steve jobs Mac Apple raspberry pi guy once, but as you get older its harder to keep up with the times and software devolpments and updates, you come across normies who cant open a documnet or jpeg and once in a while I will use an old Micrsoft PC the wider system you see, they made it impossible for each system to compliment and make it difficult for indie systems to talk to each other, its not really freedom or democracy more like a hegemony and monopoly? The guys building stuff in a back alley or a small warehouse, the hackers in Canada and indie software devolpers, the people who buy a bunch of parts from a place in China, Germany, India, Argentina get it shipped to their own homes and business and build their own tech and machines, these are the winners. Guys like Gates get to the top because the hung around with spooky faggots who took pix with other globalist faggotry sucked a lot of diseased dicks, they wear those spooky robes at a grove, why do you think their names featured on those Epstein books? The system is corrupted and controlled, yes there is an element of freedom and capital but its rigged and you are only a little pawn in it.

22344852? ago

I don't know if Gates helped anyone but himself

Dude founded Microsoft. Virtually every computer in virtually every bank, hospital, school and office building in the world was a Windows computer for 20 of the last 30 years.

22341317? ago

But but but capitalism is perfect

22357322? ago


capitalism isn't perfect it's mainly good for accelerating innovation in new or growing markets.

communism provides stability and social services where markets are not that important.

need best of each hybrid or totally new system to unlock full human potential

22341268? ago

On paper.

22341240? ago

The ultra rich having all that money and not distributing it to their employees is problematic enough, but the real problem is that you have Bill Gates making significant decisions on global public health. Bill Gates is not a doctor nor is he a Harvard educated public health expert, yet he is making judgements about world public health that he deems to be correct, and then using his money to do what he thinks is right.

And what qualifies Jeff Bezos or his ex-wife to know how to use their money for good?

22341128? ago

So are you proposing that their wealth be taken and redistributed, or are you suggesting that these two voluntarily distribute their wealth? Either way, spoken like a true Bernie supporter, or maybe AOC.

Personally, I love rich people, they provide jobs for all of us. I have NEVER been hired by a poor person, poor people contribute very little to our society. They mostly eat and breed and teach their children to do the same.

22345374? ago

Fake Capitalism, Fabian Socialism is the means by which the West is enslaved. It is a much more subtle and incremental form of Marxism.


22342376? ago

There was a Saturday morning toon Scrooge McDuck, he tossed the coins everywhere and suddenly things go Zimbabwe and Hyperinflation? That said Bezos is scum.

22341127? ago

Evil capitolosm... Quick let's all go commie! It's never been tried before! How about a literal interpretation of the original constitution.

22341238? ago

Resource based economy with technology catagorized as a resource. This would promote copies of our fore fathers idea for America (proven up through the 1950’s), and make for a very very powerful United States of America.

22341450? ago

Yeah The Constitution had most things nailed. They need way stronger wording on banking/usury/debt/central banking. Basically banning it all. Way stronger land ownership/allodial title laws. Parental rights over children and their education. Etc. The 'Ole broad interpretation of the commerce clause needs to be fixed as well but idk how to do that one.

22341124? ago

Lol at the socialist shill

22342954? ago

The thing about Western Democracy is it got corrupted, as a system today its very often not very free and not very democratic, this leads people to believe Capital is a failure or that something is 'wrong' with Democracy and idiots get manipulated they cry out for Joe Stalin and some Commie Deep State dictator. The thing about the USA and some other Western countries is in theory people do have freedom but you have to work every week to maintain that freedom, your rights, your free speech, whatever they must fight for it, they can not be sheep, they have to speak freely and choose, if you like shooting and hunting and whatever then you have to fight to protect those rights. You have the right to buy whatever part, whichever item in whatever place, in Delivery and Ordering Parts and Books, Clothing and DVD and Equipment you have Zappos, Jet, Target, AliExpress, Overstock although I would recommend people buy local as the money will circulate much better inside your local economy....if Amazon wants to sell you computer software you can go indie with some big global product and pick Fedora-based, XBian, Apple, Moebius, Debian-based.... if Amazon does a tv show you can chose to say NO I dont want to watch that hollywood bullshit and pick I don't know maybe Hulu or DC-comics Warner Bros or Nigga-Flix or the British BBC or Japan anime, you can drive to one of those inside film festivals in some city nearby. You need components you want a part on your bike or car you can choose any number of companies or manufacturing outlets or whatever else you choose, the only issue is you might pay a few cent or a dollar extra but that is the cost of keeping a healthy compeeting industry moving ...lower costs isnt always the right answer as it also can lead to lower quality... People have to be active, people have gone lazy they are not alert and this 'rotten' gets inside, if people are not active, journalists for example dont do their job it allows corruption and rot to come in and other idiots and manipulators want socialism and this stupid idea of Communism as an answer. Communism is never really an answer just look at the millions who died under Soviet rule.