22350848? ago

The owl is Minerva

22350645? ago

Obama's painting has Lily flowers doesnt it?

22350487? ago

Aquino's wife is called Lilith: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_of_Set

22347968? ago

It's a mistake to use wiki as a research source; it is beholden to the leftist/globalist agenda. Same for biblicalarcheology. Did you evaluate it for accuracy, citations, bias? Where or what is the source for its claim Jews in the 13th century identified Lilith as Adam's first wife? And so on and so on.

22393877? ago

You missed the point entirely...I left these links to show people that this is knowledge easily accessible. I can tell you where to find this info inside books I own. But unless you have the cash to pay 500$ for each of these books it is a waste of time for me to put these here. And if the bible is not a reliable source for you...I can't help you here.

22347814? ago

If the Owl is the symbol of the Roths, does that mean that the [bloodline] is the line of Lilith/Cain?

22345426? ago

The Owl, like all the other symbols they appropriate and try to ruin, is a symbol of knowledge.

This stuff is easy, they take good symbols and pervert them. Think rainbow. They push the 6 color version, its everywhere right now. Before fagoot mc commie boy "created" that flag, the rainbow was never presented without at least 7 stripes. Usually 8 or 9 or even more stripes were used. No need to believe me though, prove it to yourself. Pick up any book from the 40's 50's 60's 70's with a rainbow on it.

22345370? ago

Can I go off track here? I had this dream when I was 7 that a calf statue that represented evil followed me all over my house. I think about it every day.

22344778? ago

Follow the red hair in art, movies etc. It’s always symbolic. Mary of Magdalene is also portrayed this way by secret societies.

22344476? ago

A group of owls is called a parliament... the Houses of Parliament in Westminster London. Big Ben looks like an owl when viewed from the corner angle, two clock faces being the eyes!

22343856? ago

Youre6allw rong on Lilith.

22393940? ago

Yeah and the bible is wrong too and you are right, you really should write a book to give us your knowledge...moron.

22408178? ago

Fuck off, shill.

22393473? ago

Yeah the bible is wrong and you are right...moron.

22408192? ago

I see I stuck a nerve

22343805? ago

I know someone who can "talk" to animals. Owls are benevolent and represent wisdom.

Satanists don't have their own symbols, they steal and pervert others.

22343781? ago


When you quote the Bible, you should give reference to the verse and translation. In your version, which looks like you made up, you put a fictitious character name Lilith into it, as-if that was a direct copy/paste bible verse.

Educate yourself anons. This is nonsense.


22394012? ago

Another moron who doesn't even read Hebrew and think he knows it all. The word Lilith is right there in the Hebrew text I put in the OP. And if you knew how to read it, it is pronounced Lilith, ask any Jew who can read paleo-Hebrew, even if most of the translations translate it to ''screeching Owl''.

לִּילִ֔ית + Lilith

You can even see it on the dead sea scroll if you wanna have fun:


22393503? ago

You obviously know how to read Hebrew...it is written word for word in the quote I put there, and yes it is pronounced Lilith is Hebrew. And most of the translation translate it to Owl.

22343758? ago

The devil can transform himself into many forms. Don't believe (their) propaganda. Like another anon said in this thread, they want to demonize the feminine. The truth is we all have a feminine and a masculine side in our DNA. Males have XX chromosomes and females have XY chromosomes. They share the X in common.

22344515? ago

Reverse, XY is male

22344649? ago

Lol. I took my info from google, so maybe they have it wrong. Either way works for me. Both genders have the X in common.

22343560? ago

My dog’s name is Lilly. I call her Lilith when she’s being rude.

22343552? ago

The show true blood explains lilith. Lol only she was the first vampire.

22343525? ago

well thats interesting! "Owl logo lilith" also pulls up a lot of shit.

22394043? ago

Look at the grocery store Logo where I live. Trust me, after knowing this will see them everywhere:


22343364? ago

Theres this movie about people being abducted by aliens in Alaska and they are remebering through hypnotism and the movie is lathered with Owls for some reason. Okay maybe Owls dont mean Molech and some are misleading but for them surely it means something if hey are making a movie about this. Eisenhower made a treaty with Grays in 1950s allowing them to abduct people in exchange for tech.... i dont agree with OP with all the religious hogwash... these books were written by smart controller ETs. Jehovian Annunaki... the whlle thing is very complicated and cannot be explained in a paragraph but its hidden in all kjnds of popular culture... i.e. the truth. The fucking official website for Marvel comics has more true human history and earth history than all encyclofuckingpedias combined, goddamnit. bibliotecapleyades.net/esp_autor_lyssaroyal.htm 《 we are them

22343299? ago

if there are nuclei called “owl eyes” present in human blood, it typically means the presence of carcinoma, lymphoma, tumor or a viral infection such as the corona virus (bat/bird flu).

the sphenoid bone that sits behind your eyes is shaped like a winged owl (some say it looks like a bat).


barn owls weigh an avg of 474 grams.

zinc finger protein 474 [ Tyto alba (Barn owl) ]


The owl (sphenoid) in the mask (skull) of the dreamer (you), a collection of poems.

22343261? ago

from: doglegwarrior

the Stockholm syndrom white europeam christ cucks for their jewish overlords is fucking unbelieveble... they believe books written by the fucking non human parastie jew tribe as if it means anything. i wish the europeam druids that worshiped nature and wanted to live in harmony with the natural world would have won over the evil fucking jews and their infiltration of christianity to dominate the world to create tax cows for jews to never have to work a honest days work... an honest days work to a kike is like hell on earth.

22342860? ago

This is good stuff. Thank you.

22394054? ago

Thank you for not insulting me like some did here after I posted this. have a good day.

22394851? ago

Try not to let it get to you, there are more demoralizers and shills here than patriots. Every time I think I'm posting something good and informative I get hammered by idiots. It's rough, but they want our spirits crushed. Don't let them.

22342838? ago

Minerva was a Roman goddess & had an owl companion.

22394122? ago

Minerva is Lilith is another culture. Like Jove is the English name for Jupiter. Caelestis, Totans, Lucetius and Fulgurator are all titles of Jupiter. Lilith is called Ashtoreth, Astarte, Satrina, Ita, Kali, Batna, Talto. Abito, Amizo, Izorpo, Kokos, Odam, Podo, Eilo, Patrota, Abeko, Kea,Partash, etc ,etc

22342817? ago

Yeah and apparently Harvey Weinstein is the Baphomet Goat with news of his Mangina that came out yesterday (the news, not the Mangina thank fuck).

22342744? ago

I always wondered why those unwashed lesbian bands called their tour Lilith Faire. Holy tuck.

22342608? ago

Lilith was a Sumerian "god" which means she is/was a demon. She is associated with homosexuality and transgenderism.

22342582? ago

Does Jezebel connect with Lilith?

22342568? ago

Blizzard's Diablo franchise has replaced Diablo with Lilith as the main evil in the series.

22342457? ago

Oh my gosh, your English was perfect!! Absolutely perfect! But it isn’t what matters... what matters is your intention, which was to share something worthy of reading with the rest of us. Thank you, Anon!!😁😊👍❤️

22393791? ago

Thank for not insulting me like some did after I posted this. Have a good day.

22342379? ago

I'll remember next time I meet a girl with hairy armpits and a lilith fair t-shirt that she sucks Satan's cock.

22342287? ago

Good info and your English is better than many who ONLY speak English. I often wondered where the owl designation came from and the story of Lilith now makes a lot more sense too.

22342209? ago

The bull is Tanit, doesn't matter, all the names mean satan

22393540? ago


22342152? ago

An owl is an owl. Fuck their symbolism. It has no power.

22342120? ago

i'm not an owl, a bull, or a spider. i'm a sheep.

22342119? ago

Owls are cute <3

22342108? ago

The Old Testament (of Jesus Christ) speaks of the coming Messiah, which is confirmed as Jesus Christ in the New Testament of Jesus Christ.

Hebrew were NOT JEWS! Hebrews were Messianic Christians anticipating His first coming as we anticipate His second coming. The Messianic Hebrew tribe of Judah were nicknamed Jews, but they were Messianic Hebrews, until they rejected Christ as the Messiah their Hebrew prophets foretold of. Then they were scattered (Isaiah 11:12) Who are they then? Descendants of the deal brokered by King Bulan with the former Roman empire > that would become the Vatican. (Rev 2:9, 3:9)

22393814? ago

Even if the Jews where the real deal. When they killed the Mashiah they where rejected forever. Jesus said it himself word for word.

22342094? ago

woooow, good stuff. click, another piece of the puzzle. thank you for your hard work. i'm sure you've noticed the little owl peeking out from the American currency. I wonder when that started?

22393560? ago

Thank you for not insulting me like some others here.

22415374? ago

there are many people on voat with a vested interest in people not finding truth. they discourage it whenever possible. I don't know if what you assert is truth, but its more data for me to process, and I thank you for it.

22341840? ago

Thanks for the POST OP. God Bless for the light.

22341824? ago

You want to know where the pedophile SWIRL comes from? Incantation bowls used to trap demons. It attracts them and is supposed to be a method of containment, but they use it to attract.


22393571? ago

Highly disturbing. Thank you for the link.

22341718? ago

There are scholars who have learned the ancient languages, actually read the library materials from many cultures and have written books about what they and archaeologists have found and read about these subjects. It would be a starting place to gain knowledge on these subjects by starting with true scholars. Here is one - drmsh.com - he has spent his life studying and teaching these things. Brilliant!

22341707? ago

Finally someone is getting close. OP, this is the piece you are missing...


Lilith is a new name for an old God.

That relief is the Rosetta stone of occultism and the goddess of death is who the cabal worships in different forms

Notice the talons and the snake on the bottom... Then think of the flag of Mexico.

22342339? ago

The pic you just linked is one of the sub-links in OP's Post.

22341696? ago

I have never heard of the Owl = Molech.

The owl is associated with Athena/Minerva, giving them the ability to "see in the dark" the hidden wisdom.

In Anglo-American folklore, the owl is a professor (of knowledge).

In Native American lore, the owl is the spirit guide to keen observation.

For the Hindi, the owl is a vehicle of the Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth.

In Japan, owls bring luck and offer protection from suffering.

The ancient Chinese thought of owls as bravery in the face of death.

In Egyptian iconography, owls were night-birds, harbingers of death.

The Israelites considered the owl unclean and a bad omen.

The Lilith connection to owls is Sumerian/Babylonian.

♦ So some cultures saw the owl as good and others saw it as evil. Interestingly, dream interpretation books are rather... shall I say "flighty" as to the owl's meaning. Many say it means "take a close look." Or solitude. Or dark power. Or disease. Or healing. Or riches. Or financial distress. 🤔 And then you have to interpret whether it was flying (which direction and how fast?), sitting (where), and what color it is....

The Owl can be pretty much whatever I want it to be.

22393633? ago

Every children book they receive at school has somewhere a picture of an Owl sitting on books. In occultism there is an expression that is saying ''Lilith knowledge''. I know most of the belief system is based on Babylonian beliefs. But Lilith predates the flood. They believed in her long before the Babylonians came to existence. Go read the Epic of Gilgamesh.

22393699? ago

Sorry, reading it once was enough. Not gonna do it again. There was a lot of corruption before the flood. That is why God flooded the planet. Redemption happens.

22394578? ago

I am just saying that Lilith is as old as this world. I think we think exactly the same thing but saying differently. have a good day.

22343139? ago

The Owl is a predator. Enemy of crows. Given the mantle of wisdom but the crow is far smarter.

22342846? ago

This is the most informed post. The question though is what does it mean to the illuminati who put it in the bohemian grove and in statues etc. It seems they are occultists who combine the histories from different cultures into a meta-paganism. I would say they are combining the Sumerian Lilith with the Athena/Minerva and that the owl would represent generally the female goddess/demon. Bill Cooper gave the series about how they are all boiling down into the father, mother, and when the father dies the child who becomes the reincarnation of the father.

But for any individual occultist of course they will be interpreting signs according to their own beliefs, no reason to expect they are on the the same page any more than us. Which is your point I think.

22341663? ago

The owl is a familiar of ereshkigal

22341614? ago

Watchoo tawkin bout, Willis?! Haha

22341529? ago

Not once in your post did I see a reference to Owl = Minerva, you useless scatter brain nigger.

22393847? ago

Because nowhere they are using Minerva, Ishtar, Ashtoreth, Astarte, Semiramis, etc, in their culuture. They use Lilith. And they are all the same characters in different cultures. You wanted me to write a book? Because the OP could have last a lot longer than that. You missed entirely the meaning and the reason why I posted this. Maybe its because you are a moron or you did it on purpose. Its probably the latest. If you had any knowledge whatsoever you would know that every ancient demons have several names. Like Jupiter for example: Caelestis, Totans, Lucetius, Fulgurator, etc.

22398763? ago

cry more nigger.

22341415? ago

Yeah? Well, I kinda think owls are just a cool creature. I'm not a Satanist. I just like owls.

22341299? ago

I always thought the owl represented Minerva.

22393710? ago

Minerva, Ishtar, Ashtoreth, Astarte, Semiramis, etc, are all the same charachter in different cultures, but they are all Lilith. Like Juliter is Caelestis, Totans, Lucetius,Fulgurator, etc.

22394035? ago

So where does Pan fit in? I think they worship Pan above all else.

22394647? ago

If you can find online an old book called ''the Two Babylon'' written by a man called Alexander Hislop you will find a lot of information and proofs. He give a lot of resource material and old amnuscript where you can find all the ancient information on almost every belief coming mainly from old Babylon. Have a good day. Btw it is a book really hard to read but its worth it.

22341262? ago

Lilith, "Patient Zero"/Queen of all the Vampires in mythology too.


22341183? ago

Her star is an ill omen.

22341182? ago

Does this relate to the clockwork owl of Athena in clash of the titans?

22341008? ago

Spiders - Arachne (US)

Owls - Athena (Them)

22340998? ago

I think you are right.


I am pretty sure that Lucifer is female, but I do not know if Lucifer and Lilith are the same.

I am not sure of the relationship between Moloch and Baal.

Probably to explain the world we live in, we need to understand the Fallen Angels. People focus on Satan, Lucifer, etc.

Maybe Gadreel, Samael, etc. are the ones they worship.

22393784? ago

Baal mean Lord in Hebrew. If you translate Baal-Zebub litteraly you end up with Lord of the flies. But its not the real translation. A word in Hebrew most of the time mean an action. Zebub mean: ''the one who never stop'', like a fly. So Baal-Zebub, mean: The Lord who never stop. Aka Satan.

22342550? ago

Why do you think Lucifer is female? Honest question, no shill here? Just an inquiring mind.

22343235? ago

Because they keep depicting Lucifer as female. Like the Lady Gaga SB halftime show.

22343734? ago

Angels are neither male nor female. They are angel... a unique creation.

22340957? ago

I was just looking for an article about the name Hollywood. I recall there was a place in Italy with the same name. I think they performed their rituals there near a lake. Anyone know?

22342646? ago

A place in Rome where films were/are produced: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollywood_on_the_Tiber

22340902? ago

Another interesting note on owls is that baby owls look a lot like the depiction of the "Greys"

22340810? ago

The strange thing is that Abrahamic religions are patriarchal. Your view of demonizing the feminine comes from an imbalanced masculine. You see, in the ancient spiritual teachings, there must be a balance between divine feminine and divine masculine. The balanced feminine is a nurturer, a creator. The balanced masculine is a protector, a doer. The imbalanced feminine falls into the victim, the uncaring. And well, we see that the imbalanced masculine falls into the predator.

Many occultists today will tell you that the first religions, spiritual groups were worshiping the divine feminine. And the Abrahamic religions announced the fall of that divine feminine in favor of the divine masculine. For that to happen, they have to traumatize that Goddess. They put her effigy facing sacrifices, orgies and all kinds of depravities not to worship her, but to mock her, to degrade her, to rape her into a state of complete traumatized powerlessness. A loving mother watching the torture, rape and murder of her child enters into shock and full trauma.

You can make a parallel with the divine masculine as the conscious, and the divine feminine as the subconscious. Our subconscious has been raped and MK Ultra'd for millennia, leaving us as sheeple. Consciously, we live our lives but we are unconsciously sheeple. Subconsciously, we do things that are harmful. Do you hate your subconscious or do you want to understand how it works, how to protect it and even master it? Would you rather leave your subconscious at the mercy of cabal minions? You know, try to expand your thinking.

22341079? ago

Right! There is only balance between the divine feminine and divine masculine. There is never a balance between two males or two females. This is why evil pushes this. Same with an adult and a child. They energy is never balanced.

22341907? ago

stop being a retard. OP doesn't 'traumatize the feminine' or say that ALL FEMALE SYMBOLISM is evil. He is just elucidating the NEGATIVE POLARITY of the divine mother archetype, the demonic / terrible mother.

this is top tier posting because our primary goal here is transcendental operations. many anons here are psi gifted. our interactions and rebuke of the demonic realm are an essential aspect of this war

22342746? ago

The above posters never said he traumatized the feminine. Are you perhaps triggered? OP just posted info he collected and the comments below are just perceptions on the subject.

22344964? ago

that is true, but i read his intention as saying that OP threadstarter was off base in naming the feminine qualities of the devil. like he was saying OP was 'repressing his feminine' by sharing this info. OP is not telling anons to reject their feminine archetypes, he is warning anons about evil side of the mother archetype and how it is prominent in satanism

22345158? ago

Yes, we do need to be careful, but I did not see it that way myself. I just took it at face value. One thing I always rely on when I read anything is my ability to trust my self in determining what is truth and what is not. I spent years doubting my ability to discern but I am getting better at it. A whole dose of improvement in self esteem helped me a lot in this area. So if I think someone has an agenda or a hidden premise, as you suggest, I just write them off......follow my hunches and move on. Setting boundaries and calling people out when its obvious is important though. We have been blind for too long, so you make a good point. Was that OP's agenda? I am not sure.

22347392? ago

I don't know if you guys are talking about OP, or about the parent comment.

22348050? ago

Both, actually.

22340909? ago

You didn’t read. Lilith has a male version, Lilit. She’s primarily female because she’s associated with bearing lots of demon children and keeping them under her shadow, or wing, to carry out her wrath. The chief evil figure Satan is a dude so chill.

22347351? ago

Awkwardly phrased, but how 'chill' do you think Satan really is?

22342104? ago

anon tried, but failed to understand (or elucidate) basic occultism. every symbol has positive/negative polarity. "Unbalanced feminine" isn't the uncaring victim. It is the terrible night mother who eats her young and lives in seduction

22343533? ago

Like gloria vanderbilt...they use that mode of trauma as an initiatory experience

22344976? ago


22347598? ago

i see you are a fellow non-caps user, excellent.

22340804? ago

Don't forget the Lilith Fair they held some years ago, comprised of female music artists...

22341816? ago

Blah blah https://www.lilithfund.org/portfolio/about/ yeah whatever who gives a fuck

22340798? ago

Interesting. Thanks anon!

I don't believe any of that is literal, but probably allegory. There's deeper meaning for sure.

On another note, the Satyr is Saturn, Satan, Hasatan, Pan, etc. Half goat, half man. Living in duality is what satan represents.

Satan Iis not real, but an allegory for humans living in SIN(e). Sin is the sine wave. Dualism. Knowledge of God and evil. Trying to beat negative karma by doing good as well as evil, to balance the scales.

That's why Q asks:

Is satan real?

Is the THOUGHT of satan real?

Answer is no and yes. Thought is Thoth. Emerald tablets. I digress. Great thread thanks!

22342616? ago

Satan IS real, you have been deceived or are trying to deceive others.

22343769? ago

Have you SEEN this satan? I grew up in church, went to church my entire life. Still do on occasion.

I tell you, I see more satan in the modern church than anything else. Sly misdirection. Lies. Skipping truths. Preaching what they are authorized, only, for fear of losing that beast system 501c3. "Christians" treating others like garbage, judging, etc.

This every church I've been too.

22348377? ago

Have I met Satan himself? No, I don't think so - but many Satanists have. Demons? Yes, I am able to see and sense demons.

Christians are the most charitable and kindest people on the planet. And Christians have an OBLIGATION to judge righteously and help others overcome sin, by spreading Truth with love.

Also, even if 55-60% of Americans call themselves Christian, in reality about 6% actually are. About 1% of Catholics are Christian - probably because if you are Christian, the first thing you'd do is run FAR away from the Roman Catholic church.

22350394? ago

What if all you are sensing is an individuals bad karma? their bad 'energy' or bad 'vibes'? It isnt demons, its the person projecting outwardly their level of consciousness, which clashes with people who are of a higher 'vibe', like opposing magnetic forces.

And youre correct about the Christians and churches. Nearly ALL of the modern day churches are what the Bible calls the daughters of Babylon.

Babylon is a mystery, or occultic (hidden), behind the scenes with a fascade of normal churches.

However, GOD is ALSO a mystery, and the truth of God is ALSO Occultic, because it has been HIDDEN BY THE CHURCHES.

Even the meaning of the word 'CHURCH' has been hidden.

Church and Chakra are the same thing. Circle/wheel/vortex. The true church/temple fo God/kingdom of God is WITHIN you, physically, literally. Revelation is ALL about explaining this.

All the 7's? THe 7 churches (circles/vortexes/wheels/energy nodes), 7 lamps (see menorah), 7 seals, 7 trumps, 7 bowls, 7 stars, 7 this and that.... all about the activation of the Chakra system. WHen activated, a 'great awakening/resurrection' occurs and you are able to see God face to face, the temple of God (between your temples) is opened, your third eye (perception of reality) has its scales removes and you are given a crown of glory/tongue of fire on your forhead. Its the 'Seal of God'... juxtaposed to the seal/mark of the beast(worldly) 666, which is low vibration/vibe/energy and they are dense and heavy in sin/sine wave/duality/black and white/ KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL.

Its all about activating your 'rainbow body' lie Christ(the anointed) did in his transfiguration. Its all about raising your level of awareness to the true nature of reality. Then your face will glow as bright as the sun, and the stars for ever due to the true knowledge and descernment you have achieved. (see Daniel)

When the Bible says 'if 2 or more gather together in my name, there I will be with them', its not saying when 2 PEOPLE, like literal people. Because that would be pretty crappy if Christ was only there for you if you had someone else there, otherwise youd be alone. No, its meaning you will be Christened/anointed when you integrate duality and activate the top two chakras/churches, the throne of God.

Remember, Christ is the stone the 'builders' rejected. The builders are the Masons. The build up to 33 degrees. 33 is the number of vertebrae in the spine/serpent. The 7 chakras stem from the spine and the mind. 5 lower, 2 upper.

David and goliath? David defeated the giant by taking 5 SMOOTH (uncut) stones from the river (of life, the CSF) and struck goliath in the forehead, where the 3rd eye is represented. (think tongues/flames of fire/the mark of the beast and the mark of God)

It instantly killed him. David them cut off his head, symbolizing severing the top 2 chakras from the lower 5.

Think, Jacobs ladder, the angels walking up and down on stones of fire, the coat of many colors, the list goes on.

In the end, at the last trump (a trump is not a horn, its what the Jews called the bowls of oil in the menorah) sounds, or IGNITES with fire (the last chakra to activate, the CROWN) many will rise from spiritual death and the MYSTERY of GOD will be revealed.

Point being, Jesus was NOT a Christian, he was an ESSENE (Essence) and was taught these things in India, at the ONLY Spiritual School around back then. The course was an 18 year long dedication to spiritual growth. He was sent there and his uncle (Joseph of Arimethea) covered the costs, because he ( and others) saw great potential in him.

When Jesus returned at about 30 years old, he taught what was called 'the way'. The Jews HATED him for it, because he was teaching the occultic/hidden things that gave them power over the people. He was spreading truth of God within, the kingdom within and a way to escape duality of sin.

22341962? ago

its symbolic of the destructive potential of wanton sexual lust as an avenue to lose one's fertility and ability to have a family, or even deliberate miscarriage. takes the form of an extremely beautiful, lustful woman to show the danger of both a woman who is too vain and a man too obsessed with beauty. allegorical, deeply psychological, archetypal meaning

but also represents a spatial relationship of tightly grouped information in the collective subconscious. information that can lead and & override people's smaller ego with hypothalamic motivation circuits (basically being a slave to ones subconscious and the patterns hidden in it for millenia)

information & the realm of information (maybe we would call dreams and spirit) can take on its own independent life separate from biological and physical means

take this knowledge and kill the mindworms anon, recognize when your thoughts come from these ancient parasites and speak your own destiny in spite of them -- regain the psi energy for yourself and the collective.

22341373? ago

You can’t just conflate words like a five year old trying to write/rite a poem.

22340781? ago

Starbucks has lilith on their cups..that lady with the flowing hair.

22394240? ago

Look at the oldest Starbucks logo. She still have opened legs...they removed it because it was too offensive,

22340946? ago

That’s a mermaid.

22341057? ago

The Starbucks logo is actually neither a siren or a mermaid but a combination of the two. In mythology, this is called a Melusine. She is described often as being more serpentine than fish on her bottom half.


Submitted for your review.

22340771? ago

Lilith fair too..'rock' concert

22340710? ago


11:11 Song by Tiller Wills set to images

22394365? ago

I hate Rap music, but seriously this song is something I think everyone should hear and see. Thank you for the link. Have a good day.

22340691? ago

All this shit from a jew lie.....wow.

22340662? ago

Moloch has always been a BULL... with horns... Baphomet a transgender or intersex goat... and Owl is the vampire Lilith who convinces women to kill their children, be whores and makes men stray from their wives and family and want to molest the young...

I haven't figured out who the spider is... as the evil people seem not to like the spider and the Native Americans seem to love the spider...

Outside Bohemian Grove is the sign "Weaving spiders come not here."

22361034? ago

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22348333? ago

That explains why I love spiders.

22346768? ago

I th0ught the Owl was a symbol of the transitioning through the Stargate within our Sun to another place?

What did I miss?

22346281? ago

Spider possibly a classical allusion to the goddes of memory Memnosyne

22344117? ago

Baphomet was never a goat before Éliphas Lévi put the famous illustration in his book in 1856.

It is believed to be the skull of Hugues de Payens or Payns (c. 1070 – 24 May 1136). He was the co-founder and first Grand Master of the Knights Templar.

22343366? ago

Owl is the vampire Lilith who convinces women to kill their children, be whores and makes men stray from their wives and family and want to molest the young...

Oy Vey!

22343045? ago

The spider is Durga.

22342921? ago

The Spider is Arachne, the web crawler


22342881? ago

Not sure if it's true, but I've read that we are the Weaving Spiders. Their workers, their slaves.

22342615? ago

I think to understand is that spiders weave webs, and "weaving a web of lies" is a pretty common saying. So...that is the obvious clue.

22342344? ago

Honest question...does it make any difference which god or goddess we pray against or rebuke? Do we have to identify them by name to nullify their power? Is that why they hide their identities and deceive us, so they can stay in power?

22342885? ago

I believe “different gods” are simply way of identifying different aspects of human consciousness/emotions/personalities

22342183? ago

The vampires are a different species of fallen angelic than the ones represented by the owl. From what I have gathered, the owls represent the greys. Lilith is always depicted with the owls because the vampire race (Ashtaroth) is above them in the hierarchy, thus they are her bitches and follow her around.

22342100? ago

WOW!!! this is a good thread.

22347932? ago


22342026? ago

is the spider related to freemasonry?

22341833? ago

Indeed, this is a VERY pertinent post. It also fills in the blank that the child-sacrifice would be for a female polarity demon.

Lilith fulfills the archetype of the terrible, devouring mother who eats her young.

The spider is one who's web connects. Another symbol of divine love and UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS.

only a demon can segment and divide its soul into a hell to keep the suffering of its victims out of its conscious

22341227? ago

Nietzsche was a 32nd degree "hidden hand" Mason.

Nietzsche was losing is mind at the end of his career... or "losing his mind" because they didn't like what he said.

He wrote a lot in metaphors and concept, which appears to be challenging for a lot of people to decipher so they attack him at his word not his meaning.

I don't think it really matters. Occult groups require secrecy, which means people who keep their mouths shut. Nietzsche could not keep his mouth shut.

I don't think the spiders are on our side, I think the Spiders are SJWs. They don't want them at Bohemian Grove because of what they do there.

SJWs aren't evil, they're good people that have been greatly misguided.



Lo, this is the tarantula’s den! Wouldst thou see the tarantula itself? Here hangeth its web: touch this, so that it may tremble.

There cometh the tarantula willingly: Welcome, tarantula! Black on thy back is thy triangle and symbol; and I know also what is in thy soul.

Revenge is in thy soul: wherever thou bitest, there ariseth black scab; with revenge, thy poison maketh the soul giddy!

Thus do I speak unto you in parable, ye who make the soul giddy, ye preachers of EQUALITY! Tarantulas are ye unto me, and secretly revengeful ones!

But I will soon bring your hiding-places to the light: therefore do I laugh in your face my laughter of the height.

Therefore do I tear at your web, that your rage may lure you out of your den of lies, and that your revenge may leap forth from behind your word “justice.”

Because, FOR MAN TO BE REDEEMED FROM REVENGE—that is for me the bridge to the highest hope, and a rainbow after long storms.

Otherwise, however, would the tarantulas have it. “Let it be very justice for the world to become full of the storms of our vengeance”—thus do they talk to one another.

“Vengeance will we use, and insult, against all who are not like us”—thus do the tarantula-hearts pledge themselves.

“And ‘Will to Equality’—that itself shall henceforth be the name of virtue; and against all that hath power will we raise an outcry!”

Ye preachers of equality, the tyrant-frenzy of impotence crieth thus in you for “equality”: your most secret tyrant-longings disguise themselves thus in virtue-words!

Fretted conceit and suppressed envy—perhaps your fathers’ conceit and envy: in you break they forth as flame and frenzy of vengeance.

What the father hath hid cometh out in the son; and oft have I found in the son the father’s revealed secret.

Inspired ones they resemble: but it is not the heart that inspireth them—but vengeance. And when they become subtle and cold, it is not spirit, but envy, that maketh them so.

Their jealousy leadeth them also into thinkers’ paths; and this is the sign of their jealousy—they always go too far: so that their fatigue hath at last to go to sleep on the snow.

In all their lamentations soundeth vengeance, in all their eulogies is maleficence; and being judge seemeth to them bliss.

But thus do I counsel you, my friends: distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful!

They are people of bad race and lineage; out of their countenances peer the hangman and the sleuth-hound.

Distrust all those who talk much of their justice! Verily, in their souls not only honey is lacking.

And when they call themselves “the good and just,” forget not, that for them to be Pharisees, nothing is lacking but—power!

My friends, I will not be mixed up and confounded with others.

There are those who preach my doctrine of life, and are at the same time preachers of equality, and tarantulas.

That they speak in favour of life, though they sit in their den, these poison-spiders, and withdrawn from life—is because they would thereby do injury.

To those would they thereby do injury who have power at present: for with those the preaching of death is still most at home.

Were it otherwise, then would the tarantulas teach otherwise: and they themselves were formerly the best world-maligners and heretic-burners.

With these preachers of equality will I not be mixed up and confounded. For thus speaketh justice UNTO ME: “Men are not equal.”

And neither shall they become so! What would be my love to the Superman, if I spake otherwise?

On a thousand bridges and piers shall they throng to the future, and always shall there be more war and inequality among them: thus doth my great love make me speak!

Inventors of figures and phantoms shall they be in their hostilities; and with those figures and phantoms shall they yet fight with each other the supreme fight!

Good and evil, and rich and poor, and high and low, and all names of values: weapons shall they be, and sounding signs, that life must again and again surpass itself!

Aloft will it build itself with columns and stairs—life itself: into remote distances would it gaze, and out towards blissful beauties— THEREFORE doth it require elevation!

And because it requireth elevation, therefore doth it require steps, and variance of steps and climbers! To rise striveth life, and in rising to surpass itself.

And just behold, my friends! Here where the tarantula’s den is, riseth aloft an ancient temple’s ruins—just behold it with enlightened eyes!

Verily, he who here towered aloft his thoughts in stone, knew as well as the wisest ones about the secret of life!

That there is struggle and inequality even in beauty, and war for power and supremacy: that doth he here teach us in the plainest parable.

How divinely do vault and arch here contrast in the struggle: how with light and shade they strive against each other, the divinely striving ones.—

Thus, steadfast and beautiful, let us also be enemies, my friends! Divinely will we strive AGAINST one another!—

Alas! There hath the tarantula bit me myself, mine old enemy! Divinely steadfast and beautiful, it hath bit me on the finger!

“Punishment must there be, and justice”—so thinketh it: “not gratuitously shall he here sing songs in honour of enmity!”

Yea, it hath revenged itself! And alas! now will it make my soul also dizzy with revenge!

That I may NOT turn dizzy, however, bind me fast, my friends, to this pillar! Rather will I be a pillar-saint than a whirl of vengeance!

Verily, no cyclone or whirlwind is Zarathustra: and if he be a dancer, he is not at all a tarantula-dancer!—

Thus spake Zarathustra.

22346438? ago

Man this is great thanks! I was forced to read this book in a college course and I hated it lol. This context makes me think I was forced to read it for a reason.

22349611? ago

Lol I was listening to a twenty-one pilots song, and some line about a spider and I had one of those "where have I heard that before" and yeah that book I read 15 years ago.

"Fren" started on 4chan because of a very early twenty-one pilots song "coconut sharks in the water" where he said Fren not Friend.

The song was "Friend, please." or "Fren, please."

I recommend rereading Thus spake Zarathustra. It was an entirely different read after a year of Q (at that point).

22342939? ago


Arachne is the spider. Athena silenced her. Now, we too scour the web, looking for the guiding light.

We're the spiders.

22342067? ago

You make a good argument for spiders being SJW's, especially paired with the quoted text.

Thanks for contributing anon. Learned something.

22342755? ago

You're welcome!

Knowledge is power, so why not learn?

22341850? ago

this is surely how Neitzche used the imagery, but more generally speaking the weaving spider is more akin to the symbolism of Indra's 'Web of Pearls' - the connective and underlying field of divine consciousness that connects all experience and information in the universe

22342850? ago

Interesting thought, it links with what I said here: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3636765/22341893

I've had a theory I've been trying to prove, that there's two groups at work in the Shadow Societies. Q I think confirms this with White Hat and Black Hat.

As they all derive from the Hermetic works, which means they're all based on the Emerald Tablets of Thoth/Hermes/Enoch:

Now for a time I descend,

and the men of KHEM (Khem is alchemy in ancient Egypt)

shall know me no more.

But in a time yet unborn will I rise again,

mighty and potent, requiring an accounting

of those left behind me.

Then beware, O men of KHEM,

if ye have falsely betrayed my teaching,

for I shall cast ye down from your high estate

into the darkness of the caves from whence ye came.

Betray not my secrets

to the men of the North

or the men of the South

lest my curse fall upon ye.

Remember and heed my words,

for surely will I return again

and require of thee that which ye guard.

Aye, even from beyond time and

from beyond death will I return,

rewarding or punishing

as ye have requited your trust.

I wonder if the Weaving Spiders could be a name for the good guys.

Thanks for giving me something new to investigate!

22347882? ago

“The web of lies ends here” (weaving spiders come not here)

22341605? ago

The tarantula/sjw is evil because it is covetous in nature.

22347893? ago

There’s a little of cain in all of us, likely.

22341276? ago

Thank you for this... the misguided who multiply rapidly while spinning webs of lies... makes sense...

I do know Native American's refer to "spider grandmother" Particularly the Hopi...


22347852? ago

“Talk real shit past this point.” (weaving spiders come not here)

22341893? ago

That's interesting. Trickster God, apparently linked back to the Teotihuacan Spider Woman linked to the Quetzal.

That's really interesting, because Quetzalcoatl (whom the Quetzal is named for) is linked with Thoth/Hermes/Enoch.

I'm not sure exactly where this would originate from. Either this would make Spider Grandmother Maat or Sheshat who were associated with Thoth, or with a follower aka survivor of Atlantis.

22341862? ago

that's the negative side of the symbol. the positive one is about unity consciousness and transcendental experience / spiritual knowledge of divine ONE self

22341143? ago

Moses is depicted as having horns after he met with YHWH. I am trying to figure out if YHWH is the horned one.

Credo Mutwa says there is a reptilian who looks like Darth Maul. There is another who has horns coming out opposite sides of his head. The horns go out horizontal.

22341598? ago

This arose from a translation issue where a reference to rays of light emanating from Moses’s head (possibly figurative) were mistranslated as being horns.

22341759? ago

I have read that. Or, it could just be horns.

22341779? ago

You’re talking out of your overly stretched out asshole

22341099? ago

All I can think of is Arachne. Her and Athena had a spat of sorts.

22342950? ago

Athena disallowed Arcachne to continue spinning webs (like us, users of the WORLD WIDE WEB).

They plan to punish us too.

22340791? ago

I would love to learn more about this spider figure. Any anon have any leads or deities I can start with? I will try to search native american myth first. Thanks for showing me something new.

22344863? ago

To all the anons with the info drops, Thankyou so much!!! 👌

22344438? ago

Russian scientist Hadibov talked abput the spider and the moon.

22342051? ago

spider = weaver of divine web that connects all life

indra's web of pearls

unity consciousness

22341822? ago

Navajo Indians- Spider Woman myth.

22341275? ago

Illuminati: Owls and Spiders - Professor DoomII


22340935? ago

Anansi the trickster is a West African Spider God.

22340783? ago

Moloch was the Golden Calf they sacrificed children to.

22341740? ago

Moloch means king and they had a topheth right outside Jerusalem where they were sacrificing kids. They sacrificed kids to more than just one god. And the god of the bible is often referred to in the bible as a bull.

22341393? ago

That was Baal

22350166? ago

possible fun fact

canaanites worshipped baal

eat people



when someone says something deceptive, we call it BULL SHIT

get it?**

22341323? ago


22341181? ago

Yes, a baby bull is a calf... it starts to grow horns at three months of age.

22340649? ago

She is the one who first started occultism and Satanism

Then the Owl does represent Moloch, unless you believe the Adam and Eve / Lilith story is supposed to be taken literally.

22340643? ago

The owl used to be one of my favorite animals but now I just can't feel that way anymore :-/

22341864? ago

My m-i-l collected owls. Whenever I would see an owl, I would think of her. She was a wise, kind, loving, and Christian lady. She would be appalled at the thought of anything evil associated with it. I keep a small owl figure on my mantle to remind me of her. It is disgusting that it now has a negative connotation to it.

22340610? ago

If you believe in the Bible

The Old Testament has the Jew's sticky fingers all over it... and therefore can not be trusted.

No thanks - I'll stick to following the teachings and example of Jesus Christ.

22394448? ago

Look at the amount of times Jesus cite the old testament. I know what you mean, but I believe that God is powerful enough to protect is own word. Especially when we know the Catholic church tried to get rid of the book for a thousand year during the inquisition with no success. God protected His book.


22341511? ago

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2 The same was in the beginning with God.

3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

22345072? ago

That is not an argument.

22341819? ago

Sounds retarded.

22340520? ago

The Talmudists invented the Lilith story. And there is a giant owl around the Capitol building.

22394457? ago

Lilith is mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh...this book predates the flood.

22394490? ago

Thank you for doing your own research. The world needs more people like you. I got insulted many time after posting this and they didn't even check if it was true. have a good day.

22394619? ago

I had seen this presented elsewhere before and had validated it then as well. I've been on a dig in paganism lately. Apparently in paganism both female and male versions of the same deity are worshipped. I wonder if lillith is just the female version of Satan they worship?

22340477? ago

Firstly: Owls are fucking owls: do not blame the birds for their use as symbols, although you seem the type to see wolves as evil because the Jews say wolves are evil, because wolves were sacred to Romans, and are more human than Jews.

Secondly: Jewish oral tradition in bullshit, because Jews lie about everything, and claim that which is good is evil, and that what is evil is good. Jews claim Jesus is in Hell, boiling up side down in shit. Do you believe Jesus is in Hell, boiling upside down in shit?

Thirdly: Adam was not the first Human, but only the first Human genetically identified with by the Jews. The name Adam means “red clay;” and he was something more akin to a dildo than to a golem, yet more akin to a golem than to a Human. Eve was subjected to Adam in whatever Babylonian zoo they escaped from; yet, the name of Eve means Life. According to the books of Enoch, and other sources, Lilith came before Adam, yet was more Human than Adam, and saw him as being beneath her. Lilith means “She Who Is,” and is not etymologically dissimilar to “L’Illah,” the name of the Goddes the Arabs worshipped before they fell under the sway of Jewish bullshit, and began worshipping idols of wood and air, consisting of words written on paper, to serve the Jewish “god;” who is, this, a god of wood, who cannot save, but only destroy (an idol, like Adam, but less).

Fourthly: Stop listening to Jewish lies. We could tell you who Lilith truly is; but your ears are full of sawdust, and your brain is full of worms; and you would hear what we said in Jewish terms, and believe us a liar and evil, and would end up tearing out your eyes, cutting off your hands & feet, and run off into the thickets, and be damned.

Finally: Do not listen to the Enemies of All, who worship He Who Must Never Be Named for your list of enemies. They are enemies of everything holy & unholy, as well as false friends with everything holy & unholy, striving always to infiltrate and undermine all nations, in the name of opposition, whom they call Satan, whom they love a shitload more than you.

Peace, Love, Wisdom, Life.

22394511? ago

So in recap the bible is shit for you? Have a good day sir.

btw brace yourself because you are in for a big surprise because what Jesus called the Great tribulation is about to begin. Then you will realize that the bible was true but it will be too late for you.

22394930? ago

Have no doubt that enough members of our government and military are on the payroll of Israel, that they could attempt a final genocide of White Folks, while pretending they are enacting biblical bullshit. They may even succeed. Does not alter the established fact that the Bible is bullshit, and that anybody who believes the Jews are the Chosen People of God is a fool in for the exact sort of big surprise as Communists have waiting for them, once that Jew bullshit gets realized.

Ergo: You are either a Jew or a fool. Go fuck yerself.

22341443? ago

According to the books of Enoch, and other sources, Lilith came before Adam, yet was more Human than Adam, and saw him as being beneath her. Lilith means “She Who Is,”>

Interesting, could you post what books & chapters I could find this information in Enoch

22341739? ago

Dunno. Mostly in the Third Book of Enoch, methinks. Haven’t read them in many years.

22341334? ago

Owls will eat other baby owls. Child cannibalism.

Now you know why jews love owls.

22341748? ago

Ooh! Neat point!

Jays, too (((like Mockingbirds))).

22341232? ago

Read Book of Enoch

22341116? ago

Not all of us have our hearts and our minds clogged with Jewish bullshit. When you're ready to tell us more, we'll be waiting. Thank you.

22341766? ago

It moves my heart to hear this.

Must make certain those who hear shall be safe.

Thank you.

22341115? ago

No! Owls are not just fucking owls. They are demons.

22341802? ago

Oy Vey!


22340722? ago

Of course an owl is just an owl... but symbolism is VERY POWERFUL and can evoke intense emotion...

Red is just a color, but the color of blood... when you are driving and see FLASHING RED LIGHTS your heart rate INSTANTLY jumps up... but red is just a color...

A heart (which looks NOTHING like a human or animal heart) is the universal symbol of "Love." But what does it REALLY mean?

The cross represents Jesus and Christianity... but why would we wear the symbol on which Jesus was crucified upon? It's almost like they are laughing at us and reminding us what they did to Christ...


Have a blessed day.

22341281? ago

the heart you refer is a womans ass when she's presenting

22340637? ago

wtf is wrong with you? Nobody is attacking actual wildlife. Its symbols depicting owls that are meaningful. not even bothering to read your second through final points.

22340738? ago

Fine! Be done with ye then, ya wee monkey!

Our job is to make sure y’all no go stabby stabby!

Y’all kill enough wolves, still, to wake the dead!

If yer not all stabby stabby, then good on ya!

We’ll be taking our leave.

Not wanted: Not staying!

Ay Revoir at the Reservoir!


22349390? ago

hmmm.....who's "we"? got a turd in yer pocket?

22349395? ago


But that’s beside the point.

22349458? ago

i shanked a sauseege that was eyeballing me once. whatcha gonna do bout' it?

22349814? ago

Mr. Hankey says: “Sounds like you have an awful lot of issues about penis shaped objects!”

22352538? ago

that Mr. Hankey is a piece of shit.

22340390? ago

Thanks for that insight anon!

22340552? ago

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22340387? ago

This just makes it all the more hilarious that the writers of Cheers named Dr Frazier Crane's wife "Lilith".

22343505? ago

Also, David Lynch's 'Twin Peaks': "The owls are not what they seem"

Also, 'Millennium' had "Owls vs Roosters"

22342680? ago

If you look, western media in general has been trying to Normalize Satanism since the 1900's if not sooner. We are in the end stages where most of the population thinks that Satan is "cooler" than God. The majority of people are unsure and agnostic, fully atheist, or at least causal occutlists/satanism. What do you thing all of New Age is? Its re-branded occultism the "replacement" nonsense "religion" to overthrow Christianity in the West. Of course New Age has no defined dogma or even any agreement on anything. Its nothing but an endless series of liars and charlatanism writing books about nonsense and "good-vibrations" to take innocent people's money. Every year it kills thousands people who think that putting crystals on their nightstands, or eating random plants, or even iron ore (literally dirt) pills will cure their many medical conditions instead of seeking proper Medicine which is based on hard science.

22348034? ago

Note the logo under which your “scientific” doctor likely practices.

Which snake is it, do you think, all twirled up in that knowledgey lookin’ branch there?

Going to your doctor to get better is always a deal with the devil.

22349436? ago


Predates any concept of satanism by thousands of years.

I don't believe in satan, but I do fear people who claim to be satanists. They do evil stuff in the name of their make believe dark god. And so they must be stopped.

22353062? ago

It is supposed to be rod of aesclepius, but the US incorrectly uses the cauceus. Sorry to say.

Now go get some statins to reduce your blood cholesterol! ;)

22348020? ago

Of course New Age has no defined dogma or even any agreement on anything.

“Do as thou wilt shall be the full body of the law.”

Fucking degenerates.

22347745? ago

yeah. not quite as funny though, when you look at it like that.


also, lots of distractions simply for the sake of distracting....can't have people knowing their Bibles and recognizing the incredible accuracy of prophecy written 2000 years ago

22341737? ago

Oh that was very intentionally scripted! Given this discussion, you might even say, "It was a Hoot!"

22347992? ago

Sir: he who would pun would pick a pocket! Harumph!

22394548? ago

thanks for the videos, have a good day

22340325? ago

Right on anon. I had been thinking about Lilith and just saw an owl sticker moments before your post came up for me. I think this is spot on and ties in exactly with the whole agenda of putting nasty women in charge of everything. So many layers of deception, sometimes we think we’ve figured it out but there is a too obvious answer that has to seen past.

22340565? ago

It was named wrong on day one, misdirection? Alex Jones is a fuckup and he mixes real conspiracy with conspiracy lies / disinfo.

22340226? ago

more fluent in other languages

Tell us more

22394557? ago

About what?

22397895? ago

Tell us more about that languages you speak fluently