22339927? ago


22339905? ago

I’ve had so much shit stolen from me by black people. Not all of them are bad though. There’s just a hive mind collective of “we’re victims so we’re going to act retarded together” thinking unfortunately. Let’s wake them up and see if things can be better. Still hide ya kids and hide ya wife.

22339868? ago

Owen Benjamin approves of the first two pics.


22339822? ago

The whole history month BS is so racist it makes me sick. Once I see a white history month.... then maybe but that fact you put labels on these morons it becomes racist. Don’t people fuckin get that. They are to busy virtue signaling that it becomes racist. They just embarrass them selves.

22339931? ago

White history month is July.

22339768? ago

Ugh I hate all the fucking virtue signaling my job does around this.

22340100? ago

22339792? ago

Why I never wanted to work for a big corporation, and the couple of times I did I absolutely hated it.

Had one boss at a small biz who used to joke about handing out Milk Duds on MLK Day...

22339351? ago

If your people have no written language you have no history. Thus there is no nigger history month.

22340208? ago

Romans and Greeks had been to North Africa in ancient times but when the new Empires of Whites went to Africa in ships for the first time, they found groups of people the Negroe, the Congoid, there was a legend of sorts of the Black Israeli Hebrew? around Kenya, Usdan, Abyssinia, that land is now in Somalia, a shithole country. Negroids were characterized by a mesocephalic head shape, with receded zygomas and wide nasal aperture, they ran around naked, they could not read or write, most of their so called buildings were huts made of twigs and mud, some were tents of animal skin, they had no written langauge, they chucked weaopons at wild animals to catch or kill their food, that was the Negro history, in Zimbabwe there is a stone wall still standing, it is the only thing they might have built that stood the test of time. This bunch of rocks piled together which might be a wall, we cant even be sure a Nigger built the thing, it could have been a Jew or an Egypt or some Hindu who got lost on a boat, most ancient Nigger history you read on the interwebs is just we wuz kangz wakanda fantasy, Nigger history actually begins when some White dude from some White Empire finally wrote down their words and recorded what they said.

22340379? ago

I dont doubt you at all but, do we have any pictures of this wall? Im not sure why I want it other than to see it. And Im trending into Lost Civilizations who actually built that wall. Trump 00016bc

22340443? ago

I read about it before, its a mystery and It looks like something you would find in the American wild west or Middle-east ancient times, basically a fort type structure to keep invaders out. http://www.tripadvisor.fr/Attraction_Review-g316121-d1424573-Reviews-Great_Zimbabwe-Masvingo_Masvingo_Province.html

22339395? ago

Dat's raysis!

22339503? ago

I admit the SuperSoaker was a quantum leap in squirtgun technology. Buuut strapping a two liter soda bottle to a squirtgun is afroengineering at its finest.