22325148? ago

Q . She's got legs >



'o-o' <

22324960? ago

Done in 30


Michael Flynn is Safe (Q Proof)



31 Jan 2020 - 7:54:37 AM


Today is January [30].

Coincidences are fun!

Thanks, DOJ.



'o-o' <

22323727? ago



Donald J. Trump



8:22 PM · Jan 30, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

Michael Flynn is Safe (Q Proof)



30 Jan 2020 - 12:54:37 PM


Today is January [30].

Coincidences are fun!

Thanks, DOJ.


22326437? ago

The best is yet to come - said by President Trump at Iowa rally right before his ending of the speech

22322234? ago

Delta Delta Delta coincidence coincidence look at the patriots with Q shirts Delta Delta coincidence Delta Delta Delta coincidence coincidence look at the patriots with Q shirts Delta Delta coincidence Delta Delta Delta coincidence coincidence look at the patriots with Q shirts Delta Delta coincidence Delta Delta Delta coincidence coincidence look at the patriots with Q shirts Delta Delta coincidence Delta Delta Delta coincidence coincidence look at the patriots with Q shirts Delta Delta coincidence

22320942? ago

How embarrassing for Q.

22325119? ago

Fuck off. <

22324579? ago

Run along.

22320136? ago

We are talking about this over in v/Niggers.

22319506? ago

probation for Flynn? no way. Total exoneration and then prosecution of those who railroaded him.

22324885? ago

Thank you.

The Voice of reason.


22322965? ago

1000% behind this

22319431? ago

so Flynn was part of the plan all along? he "lied" to be able to introduce evidence down the road, knowing he'll be off the hook?

I need the cliff's notes summary of how all this fits together.

22320456? ago

Yes looks that way.

Now truth coming out that he was forced to lie to protect his family.

evil cabal going to be taken accountable now.

22318826? ago

My opinion is by having a trial in the Senate with witnesses is to undermine the Senate candidates so Joe Biden would be the nominee with Hillary as his vice president. Biden would then step down for health reasons giving Hillary "her turn".

22322418? ago

Really really fucking stupid theory

22319255? ago

If the timing of the Senate trial was calculated, and I think it's very plausible that it was, then my thinking is that the motivation was more to get Bernie OFF the campaign trail. Biden is a Dunderhead Boob. I have always considered that the plan was for nobody to win the D caucuses, thereby opening the door to a Hillary nomination in a brokered convention.

22319449? ago

that fits with hildebeast, she's too lazy to actually campaign hard, wonder what her excuse will be in a general election. she probably thinks people will worship her just to beat Trump. Can the clintons be THAT dumb though? they have to KNOW the REAL polling behind the scenes. The have to know their cheating and propaganda media are largely neutralized by now.

22319532? ago

Same applies if one of the other potential 11th hour candidates shows up to the convention (Moochelle, Oprah, etc). They most certainly don't want to be exposed on the campaign trail.

Bloomberg's ad buys make him a player now too.

22319583? ago

you would think they HAVE to have an alternate at this point. The remaining are total losers. Or do they have some other sinister plan?

How many of the original and current DEM field ran for President for protection? Q has stated that a couple times. I wonder which ones are in big shit besides Biden?

22319635? ago

I wonder which ones are ARE NOT in big shit besides Biden?


It's fun to speculate. It might even be a Hillary/Romney "unity" ticket.

22318690? ago

heres a question i never heard and maybe it isnt important, but who took the pictures of the ukranian meeting? who else was in that room with them. was it a white hat? was it covert. i would think they would not have wanted a record of this treasonous activity.

22320431? ago

Its for blackmail I recken.

22319217? ago

Those people think everything's a photo opp.

22320241? ago

i doubt this had press there. i think this was a secret meeting

22320330? ago

Didn't we just learn that there were records of CIAmarello organizing the meeting and checking in the Ukrainians. That would nix the secret meeting theory. Back then, they were still operating in the sunlight as if they were untouchable.

22318575? ago



nice Q how long ya been sitting on this one?

God speed to you !&

Sincerely !^

22325108? ago


'o-o' <

22325175? ago

ITs a shift the key to afterlife.


22325181? ago

It's never been clearer Sir. I am little concerned to Say the least.

22325236? ago

for I walk though the valley of death thy rod and staff comfort me tis why i was shown this. did you receive the p_port? expedite<


22325252? ago

No I can't as I don't have the ability to sort things like that.

22325276? ago

wow !!!!

JJ 33

ALRIGHTY then stay put>

and nobody can help out either?

if i had the $ id be there in a pinch i still have .99 sheckles.

or i would sort it myself.

22325300? ago

No. I would not be humiliating myself otherwise.

I thought all this was clear, where I am at.

Sorry, I guess not.

I'm an idiot to be Sure. :(

I am making mistakes all over the place here, and it's a bit too much.

22325246? ago

Ezekiel 25:17

“And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the LORD, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them.”

Viper X

22325290? ago

SO SOTU tomorrow?

now i understand 3.14 am :)


22325338? ago

Yes SOTU is THE Big Day.


22325363? ago

Umm these tabs were open on y ipa d and i didnt do it.

Being recutted?



Idk right.

22325394? ago

I am here to [SEARCH AND DESTROY] The Enemy.

22325383? ago

75th Ranger Regiment

The Army's Premier Raid Force

75th Ranger Regiment

The 75th Ranger Regiment is a lethal, agile and flexible force, capable of executing a myriad of complex, joint special operations missions in support of U.S. policy and objectives. Today’s Ranger Regiment is the Army’s premier raid force. Each of the four geographically dispersed Ranger battalions are always combat ready, mentally and physically tough and prepared to fight the War on Terrorism. Their capabilities include air assault and direct action raids seizing key terrain such as airfields, destroying strategic facilities, and capturing or killing enemies of the Nation. Rangers are capable of conducting squad through regimental size operations using a variety of infiltration techniques including airborne, air assault and ground platforms. The Regiment remains an all-volunteer force with an intensive screening and selection process followed by combat-focused training. Rangers are resourced to maintain exceptional proficiency, experience and readiness. The 75th Ranger Regiment is a proud unit and a team of teams serving the Nation - Rangers Lead The Way!



Just put me to work please.

22332304? ago

the path is a perilous one im not sure which way to go but HE has shown me so much here and i believe my path is here. even tho it is still a test here.

i would surely include the pride in any such endevours.

as always


22337644? ago


[Q]uantico <

[V]irginia seems nice this time of year... <

22338349? ago

Section 508? Look at the logo if that aint digit friendly.


22338507? ago


22343008? ago

Q gave you a shout out! he posted {5:5?}


22343103? ago


22343171? ago

HES never used 5:5?

with a q mark untill you did the other day.

Heres looking at you kid. 0.o

22343193? ago

OK. Great!



22375199? ago

You collating again?

22375227? ago

Yes, I'm paying close attention.

I did a decode in a thread pertaining to the L missing in the word exacty Trump misspelled.

What's been happening?

Any good news?

22375342? ago

Getting organized getting supplies togther.

Doing well. Except shoulder is sore.

^> live free or die. Will have to roll,

Some uplifting stuff too, for we

Shall Remember grace.

No can you send me

The link to the L?

Please LLnPP

80% done

W mj12


22343723? ago

22343242? ago

my mistake he has posted it exactly 17 times


i wonder where this will lead im not sure anyone else has caught this yet

was it the first time you used it never seen it untill you did!

22338745? ago

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

Lost in space s2 e 3 last 30 sec ts.

Lost in space s2 e 4 first few min hmmmmmm.

Netflix unfunfortunately.

22342137? ago


That's OK. I'm not paying for the subscription ;)

22342990? ago

i spent 45 min looking for a video about the artist retreat the other day because i couldn't open the link ya showed me S4E7 master chef. finally found then watched the episode then dug all up 2.5 hrs.

22343083? ago

Love that show.

22338544? ago

And your reply is sequenced.

22325413? ago

and a strange game web site kept poping up on my screen today.


22325329? ago

Every Day.

And variations thereof.







Any Time Zone, as long as it is corresponds to Pi.

Don't [F]orget the [S]qaure Root of Pi is [P]hi >

[S] that's [B]oth [P]hi and [P]i.

Do you Real Eyez how [S]pecial that is?

22325381? ago


22325408? ago

If you think [P] is Serial Brain 2...

22325420? ago

not him any serial brain not necessarily the 2.

22325431? ago

What If God Was One Of Us


Just a [S]tranger on the bus? <

22325460? ago

WAY of the peacefull warrior dan millman.

line somewhere in the book sort of goes like this he is a janitor... ie maintenance man.

even was sitting on a chair near a doorway when she came out and we talked ^

i think she knew after 2 hours i told her i loved her and she cried on my shoulder never seen her again

she told me nobody ever told her that her hole life so i did, random love for a random moment ever so fleeting but ever so eternal.

22325492? ago

I don't know what to think anymore.

22325506? ago

get some sleep and it will be better i mean it.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

22325535? ago



22330145? ago

Good Day!


Dont worry be happy . With the happy shine about they will flock towards the the brightness. Keep being you !

Show the lions heart.

22330846? ago

I'm depressed.

22335556? ago

confirmation 1 zillion 1 min long title?



what do ya know?

its also on white house.gov :P

heres looking at !&

22337111? ago

Yes I saw that one.

Those little videos the WH puts out are great, and I watch them many times over, before I am satisfied I have got the message.


22325424? ago

Yes I know her.

Ain't seen her for 4.5 years. <


Got it?

22325433? ago



22325461? ago

From a personal perspective, and please don't take this the wrong way > Without that part of the [P]uzzle, apart from my work to help save Humanity, NOTHING else matters to me.

Do you understand Fren.

This is it. I am making a [S]tand now.

That which was broken MUST bhe restored, if the fight is to be waged successfulloy. <


My players received a sword that can see the future, but with it's power removed. Now they're determined to find out how to restore it, and I have no idea how they go about it or what exactly the sword will do, any suggestions?

22325498? ago

yes all will be revealed just like it has to me stand tall fren take a few minutes drink some catnip. and when you find that place it will come to you in a fleeting moment so profound in the night and the bus will stop and the ride will be over but the journey will just begin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCz3D4WgFUI

its in the song write it down so it becomes so. MAke it so capt/

engage shockra crystal drive


top hop



22318560? ago

Remember when Q told us to follow the name Joseph diGenova?

22318525? ago

3811 Trump should of done a clean sweep of all holdovers he still would of had leakers and the like But most of them would of been kept off kilter long enough to find dominate and control of or to FIre as to be marked as the targets they are.

22319212? ago

But then they wouldn't have exposed themselves.

22319343? ago

and wouldnt have had any power :)

deflower the power

22319730? ago

Shea is a senior counselor to the attorney general and was Barr's right-hand man, helping institute reforms at the federal Bureau of Prisons after Jeffrey Epstein's death at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York City.

22318363? ago

Shea, a close confidant and adviser of Barr, will lead the country's largest United States attorney’s office, which has been historically responsible for some of the most significant and politically sensitive cases the Justice Department brings. Q worthy

22317337? ago

who'd of thought. Jow Biden more evil than The Obama.

22322459? ago

The qanon flavor of the month is always the ringleader

22319195? ago

You don't think Obama had his finger in the Ukrainian pie? The house in Martha's Vineyard says otherwise.

22317813? ago

Bum Buddies. <

22317415? ago

idk, they all are equally corrupt imo, they all should have the hammer of justice squish them like a bug.

22319662? ago

cOOrrupt is only 10%. evil is 90%.

22317294? ago

No. Flynn must be totally acquitted and all of his money spent on lawyers paid for by the Govt. Or better yet by future criminals from Obama admin.

22324839? ago

Yes. Immediately. A Scam of Biblical Proportion, and NO ONE is Fooled anymore.

Talk about Angry.

22326700? ago


22324724? ago

I love Flynn and pray for him. However, no Dems ever get punished. Mid terms are safe. Remember that? Yeah. For Dems!

22320949? ago

IMO there will be a lawsuit over this.

22320414? ago

How about the corrupted prosecutors and their bosses

22317951? ago

And the same DOJ held responsible, as well as FBI, etc.

22317101? ago

Guys this seems big. I know I say this every time we get new drops but for real this time. I think it’s really actually happening soon! Are you ready!?

22324891? ago


Yes. "We" are ready.

22320964? ago

We need declas before arrests, which should be coming soon after scampeachment.

22324900? ago

I am waiting for The State of The Union address. <

22329675? ago

Should be interesting.

22330867? ago

It's going to YUGE!

I am expecting Big things from The SOTU Speech. The time for restraint has ended. The election is in November, and we need to get this right the first time.

22321056? ago

How soon do you think? Days? Weeks? Months? Years? Decades?

22324895? ago

Just do it Q.

IDGAF. Based.

22317965? ago

Well, we all see this quickening. It is getting closer to coming down.

Arrests seem imminent. Right after impeachment is my guess.

22320898? ago


22318731? ago

You’re stupid af. This helps how?

22319585? ago

IF its over your head just walk away. OR maybe your still asleep and can only see what your told.

22325123? ago


22318743? ago

You must be new here.

22318768? ago

Been here awhile. Still haven’t seen any valid connection between q and gematria bullshit so called “autists” post. Just garbage filling up the webpage.

22324521? ago


You Spin me Round. <


[F]-35 Strike Fighter IIA

Stealth Fighter. 'o-o' <

Shall We Play A Game?

22319576? ago

ARE you GAY?

22316766? ago

I may be slower than most on the uptake, but I clearly now believe that the impeachment is to make every effort to interrupt the Senate's business, including and most importantly their progress in seating conservative federal judges.

22322467? ago

Dem establishment is scared of Bernie going into Iowa. Or, rather, they're scared of the Bernie wing of the party.

If you can stomach it, swing by the big, traditional Dem forums and some of the smaller, rebel ones that don't follow the party line. MSM has been helping the DNC bait'n'switch between what small 'd' Dems ask for and what Dem pols do. The "left" is pretty far from monolithic. There's a shitload of the Dem base that's saying "Fuck this shit". The establishment thinks they can control it with Bernie, but, no, man.

The Dem base is a fucking tinderbox. Iowa is days away. If the Dem base perceives Bernie getting screwed outright by the DNC, the DNC burns. So the Dem establishment gets a two-fer with the impeachment. Trump's the primary target but the secondary explosions are the Bernie campaign schedule. Plausible deniability.

22325171? ago

It's TRUE. I'm registered dem still (for now) and many of my peers and friends are, to varying degreees.... I'm here, so obviously I'm a bit more center (which is a bad thing now according to the more left field dems)

I would guess about 30% of my friends, with out discussion needed, all despise what was done to bernie ... not cuz they all wanted him necessarily but cuz it broke trust. And since that trust has been broken not a single attempt had been made to repair it... seeing actual proof that the party operates like deep state (already chose their nominee and actively worked against any contenders.. within their own party) has turned many of us off. Only the extreme shills cling to the party still and they will belittle demean condescend or ignore u if u try to suggest any wrong was done. sad.

22324834? ago

Tulsi Gabbard. <

22323500? ago

Go back and learn your history about what the DNC AND Bernie did together. Bernie was, and is a willing part of the DNC open conspiracy to select their candidates regardless of how their brain-dead, ignorant constituents vote. Bernie is the classic definition of controlled opposition.

The DNC does not believe in democratic rule by the people. Of course, they can never publicly admit that except for in the fine print on their donor submission forms where they had to put it in writing, by rule of law, to keep from being sued- which is exactly what happened over the Bernie scandal. And the DNC won the case (dismissed) because of that fine print. They are all about authorization rule over the masses. That is the entire goal of their whole socialist schtick, just like all commie loving socialists.

22327755? ago

Bernie gets the money, somebody else runs.

22322937? ago


22319784? ago

More likely, no investigations by the committees is a more viable motive, 190+ judges already in place.

22324829? ago

19 <

22317929? ago

Q mentioned they are holding their own arrests up.

But sure, there is more.

House of cards about to come down.

The quickening.

22324817? ago

22324657? ago

House of cards about to come down.

Any day now!

22316666? ago

Don't forget to check out the Q discussion of the day over in v/Niggers.

22317438? ago

Not what were about.

22322474? ago

Virtue signaling faggot don't tell me what my beliefs are

22321355? ago

Speak for yourself nigger.

22316572? ago

https://archive.ph/ceEeu :

Karli ⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Text TRUMP to 88022 on Twitter: "This is quite a bombshell right before Iowa caucuses- Sorry #CreepyQuidProJoe… "

This has been an automated message.

22316565? ago

Mark > Pi 3.14 as time released. <

22319150? ago


22325127? ago

The Time has come to Say Fairs Fair"


A Facts A Fact.

It [SS] belongs to 'them'.

How can we Sleep while our Beds are Burning? <

22324916? ago

The Power and The Passion. <


"At least you won't have Time to Be Bored" <

22316505? ago

I'm so happy to see new "Q Proofs" and twitter links with catchy slogans and clues rather than ARRESTS of anyone high level:
















etc x infinity

April 19 2019 NYT headline "Barr Asserts Intelligence Agencies Spied on the Trump Campaign"


Not holding my breath anymore Q. Sorry.

22316711? ago

I like to see you hold you breath actually.

22317534? ago

not fair. i love Q and believe in the "plan" BUT he/they deserve some criticism too.

22317668? ago

Ok then, go ahead. I am all ears (and eyes).

22316522? ago

I'm so happy to see new "Q Proofs" and twitter links with catchy slogans and clues rather than ARRESTS of anyone high level

I disagree

Cleaning court

The Trump's administration successfully replaced 187+ Federal judges in preparation for the Storm. There are currently 49 more nominations awaiting Senate action. There are over 134,000+ sealed indictments ready to go. Compare to 1,000 a year before the Trump's administration.

Trump's Administration Successful Accomplishments 2017-2020 at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3538236/

22316763? ago

Which has nothing to do with a high ranking military official

22316498? ago

Here. <

22325000? ago

22316484? ago

Lol, Dems want more articles? These guys won't give up. But the end is near.

22329346? ago

That worked out real well for you! LOL

22324726? ago

So near. So many democrats have been arrested.........

22325286? ago

Yeah, around 8 or so in the last two months. But here are some direct links.





That is a start, many more listed from this Youtuber.

Thanks for the inspiration anon!

22336738? ago

How’s Pelosi, Schitt, Schumer, Clinton(s), the muzzie squad, Comey, McCabe, Romney, Kerry, Nadler, Warren, Sanders, Feinstein, Harris????

How about them? Where’s the links to them? Nothing? Only low level Dems that didn’t get shit for sentencing? Pathetic. Tell your boss at JDF or David Brock I said I hope Israel gets glassed.

Keep acting like we’re (not you. You’re weak) winning when yet last I checked none NONE of the traitors above have been arrested. Keep being a good little sheep though.

22359894? ago

You obviously use passive aggressiveness emoji as an argument. True to your being a giant faggot. Answer and show me ANY of the Dems I posted. Go on. Show me A TOP DEM ARRESTED YOU FUCKING KIKE.

YOU can’t. Go back to JDF, fucking jew.

22367253? ago

Lol, listen to the other guy, snuggling works to you big Teddy bear!

22375205? ago

English? Nice rebuttal. Keep ignoring that everyone I listed hasn’t been punished and be a good little sheep.

22380842? ago

Shhhh, run along.

22389662? ago

Wow. What a high energy reply and overall rebuttal throughout. Pathetic. I’d say run along, but your fat ass can barely get off the armchair.

22390728? ago

Let it go.

22404793? ago

Hey loser. Why Don’t you? I’m not low energy and handle weak low energy losers like you with ease.

Looking forward to your next all enlightening post.

22405689? ago

Shhhhhhh... (Go change your tampon, you'll find feeling fresher helps.)

22418362? ago

Wow how original. Just cause you have a pussy, doesn’t mean I do. Try again another swing and a miss. You’re insulin is probably running low.

22367192? ago

Yeah. Lot‘s of arrests starting. It is a bit tough to see starting.

Don‘t let it get to you though. Hugs can help in times like these.

22375214? ago

Imagine being this stupid. How’s your gender studies degree coming along? Keep being a good little boy and just follow the plan. Meanwhile, every one of the Dems I posted remains free and still has power. Nice try, faggot.

22380833? ago

Leftist? You are on the wrong forum. Lol


22389679? ago

Yes. You act like a leftist. Wether you are or aren’t, doesn't change that. You’re acting like a weak, apathetic, loser. Guess who else encompasses those qualities? The left. Go back to reddit.

MAGA (not a fan of KAG. Should have been Making America Great Again since we’re cleaning house a bit but not enough to call it great).

22391909? ago

The guy/gal gave you (I think it was him) a list of arrests and you change that or tried. No wonder the Democrat party is falling apart. The way you attack, it is written all over your post.

22404756? ago

The posted who posted links absolutely didn’t post one of the mentioned Dems I posted. You know how I know you’re a fucking retard? You accuse me of being a Dem when I’m literally arguing that NONE OF THE TOP DEMS HAVE FACED ANY JUSTICE.

You small brained fucking idiot. Legit go back to reddit.

22405692? ago

Ah, the reddit comment guy. I recommend you go find God. (But look inside, not out. ;-)


22418353? ago

ahhh I was called out for cherry picking and can’t handle getting wrecked in the comments so I’ll divert like a good little bitch.

Church every Sunday since childhood. How about you look into a mirror as see what a shill pussy really looks like ;^*}

22419466? ago

It doesn‘t appear to be working, unless it is Satan‘s church. Try harder.

22431492? ago

Try harder? Like regurgitate what I’ve replied with while pretending not to get BTFO like you?

Dude. You’re a loser. You can’t win. You lost a week ago yet you’re so addicted to loosing, you keep coming back for more. Enjoy your fantasy of satanism, loser.

22432558? ago

Go to church tomorrow. Bring love.

22442392? ago

I go on Sunday like every other god fearing Christian.

22445882? ago

But you speak like Satan has your attention. And if you give him your attention, we know how you live.

Going to church is NOT the point. It is living for God, which you don't do.

22470887? ago

So you decide who I live for? You sure you’re not a Jew? I call out BS where I see it. My faith in God doesn’t change that. You just don’t like it when your called out. Like I said before, get fucked, loser.

22471727? ago

Wow, you sound really religious, empowering all the things Jesus Christ said.

Hey bro, lead by example, not by saying your are religious.

22485165? ago

Two weeks of coming back to being called a faggot. Just because I’m a practicing Christian, doesn’t mean I’m a soft pussy like you. Stop trying to be Miss Moral High Ground about Christianity. You’re not. You’re like Pete Buttgig. Preaching Christianity while being a GIANT faggot.

Hey faggot. Get BTFO.

22487924? ago

Practicing Christian? LOL

Do you really think anyone here believes you?

if you are going to try to infiltrate a group, stop being a retard.


22499528? ago

Do you really think I give a shit what a pathetic fatty like you thinks?

Infiltrate? LMAO. How fucking pathetic are you, dude??? Seriously. You’re the kid on the block that had zero friends and would fantasize about not having a total pussy of a dad.

Legit, try harder. Your responses are such low energy it’s honestly sad, but expected. And that cringe level with that gay as fuck ending is what makes me not care about how pathetic you are.

Get owned again, shill. Back to media matters.

22503333? ago

You care so much you won't shut up. Less is MORE.

Fake Christians are the worst.

22513087? ago

Nice try at getting me to concede, loser. Guess what? I win. Always. And have. You lost after my first reply.

Christians like me are the reason shit skin muzzies didn’t take over Europe and sent them to the hell they spawned from. Meanwhile, weak ass so called Christians like you were too busy submitted to your new muzzie overlords because you are WEAK LOSERS.

You must be a lefty. I don’t know anyone else so addicted to getting cucked so hard they keep coming back for more.

I’m looking forward to curb stomping your reply yet again. Energized me to call out fake, weak Christians in support of actual Christians like me who fight.

22514354? ago

John 15:12

"This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you."

22525448? ago

Me 2:14


You’re a weak faggot who contributes nothing to society. Shame so many weak bloodlines survived WWII.

22579329? ago

Reading through these asinine comments, wow, someone quotes the Bible to you after you say you are a Christian and you reply with using a fake Bible quote in vain? True colours shine.

22588192? ago

Samefag. You’re the same poster who got BTFO for getting called out about cherry picking.

Your sentence structure and verbiage is the same too. No one. NO ONE is reading this stupid reply chain except the faggot who keeps getting OWNED and immediately reflects to bible verses in hopes it’d hide his losing (it doesn’t) and myself. I enjoy destroying these weak bitches hence why I keep replying after a week.

Imagine being so fucking pathetic you post on your own destruction pretending to be an object outsider trying to lend support. Is this Pierre Delecto??? Lmao. And if by the 0.01% chance you happened to stumble upon an over week old post and go down the chain, you’re a fucking loser too and honestly should go back to reddit. Or back here and get fucked.

22596075? ago

Lol, you are such a moron.

22603183? ago

Good rebuttal. Pathetic. Loser.

22604892? ago

Good, less is more moron.

22615124? ago

Another swing and a miss. Go back to sleep. You’re so low energy and honestly don’t have the smarts to keep up with me.

Go back to sleep little bitch. Shhhhhhh

22637424? ago

Holy fuck I knew it. I said go back to reddit and you literally post a reddit article. How’s it feel getting fucked for almost a month pretending like you’re not?

The fire rises kike.

22593189? ago

Yes, this is the same guy right now cause I am looking at the thread. But I didn't right the above. Work on your detective skills.


22603189? ago

Work on your ‘totally not a samefag’ skills. I’d say work on your faggotry skills, but you’re a pro already.

Lol fucking loser.

22527247? ago

Romans 13:8 Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.

22564173? ago

Burn Commies 2:17

Get off your fucking ass and stop believing fairy tales.

22564873? ago

Ecclesiastes 3:17

17 I said to myself, “God will bring into judgment both the righteous and the wicked, for there will be a time for every activity, a time to judge every deed.”

22577240? ago

Burn kikes 0:17

This kike above is a confirmed shill paid by Media matters. He made $0.10 for that comment. I like the new Christian angle though. At least your forced to read it. Or it’s a script.

22578033? ago

LOL, I wonder what kind of person just tries to create dissent, waste their time and fight something that is growing more beautiful every day.

Lot's of love to you and say hello To Soros.

22588286? ago

Lol at your fake hilarity. You people are such a lost cause. No different from the left. Blind faith followers of an all but confirmed Dem psyop because ‘muh happening!!!’ Never comes and it’s teased it will.

Hint. A Soros nigger shill wouldn’t ADVOCATE for the arrests of the top Dems and want to forcefully remove ALL non Whites from my country (USA. Not yours which is Israel), retard! Lmao. Pathetic.

Now you’re using my insult? I’ve already told you to go back to your boss David Brock at media matters, dumb ass. His boss is GS. Nice try, but yet again, you’re a weak ass faggot who can’t properly articulate a rebuttal and give some lame response.

22593177? ago

Less is more. Shhhhhhhh

Let it go...

22603200? ago

Another brilliant rebuttal. Do you even remember why you’re fucking retarded and have come back almost a month to get the ‘last word’ in an argument you LOST long ago?

Legit. Are you autistic or just a fucking loser retard? (All the above prob)

22604268? ago

Go to your quiet space.

22615260? ago

Wow. Samefag is back. Replying to me as though you’re two different accounts. Lmao fuckin A you’re so pathetic. You and both your replies can fuck off. Now go away, bitch. Bye bye. Or keep coming back to be reminded you’re a fucking failure.

22628795? ago

Morning! Hope you had a nice Saturday. Great question - What are your thoughts on Q, since you allude to you being on that team?

Or, are you just a shill then? LOL

22637331? ago

It’s so pathetic you’re so lonely. It’s actually sad. Am I the closest thing you have to a ‘friend’? Honestly. Q may or may not be a psyop created by Dems/foreign govt. the whole ‘sit back and enjoy the show/trust the plan’ and do nothing raises red flags.

22623790? ago

Just checking in on you. How you doing sleepy head?

Hope you are well.

22637341? ago

Why are you replying to me twice in different threads? Legit. I’m not your friend. I hate you. You’re weak.

22641563? ago

Let's be friends. You keep coming back. I understand. If you are this extreme on a forum, you must be incredible in life.

You are loved.

22652228? ago

I don’t befriend weak ass faggots. If you’re this soft on a forum, I can only imagine the faggotry you show in public.

You’re a pussy.

22672234? ago

I take it back, your my #1 shill. No one can shill like you shill, shill. If you were French, you'd be Jill the Shill. By by shill baby. Till your next romantic Shill.

22677640? ago

Rich getting called a shill from a pussy who can’t stop coming back after getting fucking owned. Please please please be on the west coast so we can just settle this in person. I’m game. Are you?

22669700? ago

Someone is not getting the love they need. You are not that good of a Shill. I think, yeah, I did, in another thread, found a shill I have strong feelings for. Goodbye Shill.

22677650? ago

Hey don’t you just respond to me in your initial reply instead of numerous ones samefag? I called you out. You’re butthurt and can’t handle when a man confronts you. Meet me anytime anyplace and let’s settle this in person bitch.

22683121? ago

Samefag say what?

22705292? ago

I am replying to a bot or shill. No one is that pathetic to constantly come back for a month without an agenda after getting fucked.

Do you even remember why you’re fat fucking ass got BTFO??? Doubt.

22618474? ago

Curious, are you a Q Anon researcher? I ask because I'm trying to understand why there are so many shills on here.

Reading through this thread (and others), I see the same behavior and it makes little sense.

Many people attack others but never take part in what the forum is about.

I guess I am trying to understand all the shills here.

22637381? ago

Honestly. You’re not fooling anyone. And you didn’t read shit. You’re deflecting yet again. If you actually saw my initial comment almost a month ago, your low IQ may notice I call into question the lunacy of blind faith by questioning how losing was winning.

Everyone who isnt a true believer is a shill? You’re no different than the left. Pathetic, weak, and disposable useful idiots.

Samefag faggot.

22619226? ago

I think it is gay. Zi sure mentions it a lot!

22637356? ago

You’re replying to yourself as someone else in this thread. Multiple times. It’s so fucking cringe I’ve already screen shot it and am posting it as how pathetic and lonely these cultists are on the Chan’s. Imagine being as big as a fucking loser as you lmao wow

22616427? ago

Hi Anderson, enjoyed your interview with Blago.

22637443? ago

Samefag again.

You’ve now commented on my reply pretending like they’re different users several times.

What shithole country is Bernie paying you from???

22639711? ago

LOL that wasn't really me. LOL

But I will ask again, this is a Q forum. What are your thoughts with Q?

Are you WWG1WGA or are you a shill?

Have a nice day sweetie.

22652303? ago

I honestly knew you were a faggot, but ending with ‘sweeite’ confirms it. If you’re a chick, (def possible. Middle aged women are the most susceptible to influence) then I guarantee you’re a fat sack of morbid obese dough.

Shill doesn’t equal someone who doesn’t blindly follow and questions all. Fucking sheep. Go baaaAAAAAaaaack to Reddit.

Get fucked, loser.

22668169? ago

You are the best Shill I have seen. I have been observing from the outside for the Shill Academy.

I just wanted to tell you, we can use people like you. We will even double your pay to .50 per post!

Please send us your resume [email protected]

22677681? ago

Again. Why are you responding to me in serval different replies?

Who’s the shill again???? And talking about getting paid per comment is fucking rich coming from the confirmed faggot responding to me in several different comment instead of just the initial.

Tell your boss mini mike he’s a kike. And I’ve already offered to meet up. Chose the place. I’m ready. Are you? (You’re not. You’re scared and think you’re safe behind your computer. You’re not).

22683070? ago

Please, tell us about Q, that is the board, after all!

You inspire!

22705302? ago

Kike shill confirmed ^^^

22653328? ago

Answer his Q Question Shill.

22666158? ago

I don’t take orders from faggots and if you weren’t a small brain nigger, you’d see above I already did.

Nice try samefag. Get fucked.

22693983? ago

Morning Shill. Make much money last shift?

22705274? ago

You’re just proving my point you’re a lonely faggot paid shill. I don’t mind. I give to charity so for every comment your fat fuck ass posts, I’m donating to your wealth.

Capitalism works. GTFO fatty

22667657? ago

Hey, different samefag here. Just wanted to say Thank You! Really, you are making me post on the forums more, talk about Q more, etc.

You Inspire!!!


22677763? ago

Go get your at levels checked. They’re legit non existent. How many soy lattes do you drink a day? Go ask your boss mini mike if he covers your medical so you can go get a T injection.

People like you aren’t deserving of being in this country. Pathetic and weak.

22683199? ago

22705279? ago

Imagine being that pathetic you keep posting to me a month later. Honestly, live stream your suicide.

22706781? ago

You can still be something in your life. It is not too late.

22715563? ago

Confirmed bot^^^

22718444? ago

No matter what happened between you and your father when you were little, you can overcome it. Love and forgiveness are on your side. :-)



22726546? ago

Nice projection. Honestly, kys. You’re that lonely and pathetic you aren’t even arguing the Initial argument. You’re lower than pathetic and I wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire. Also, pops is fine. He’s not a coward like your grandfather and dad who are guaranteed draft dodging faggots who shouldn’t have been able to pass on their weak bloodline to a fat fuck who has nothing.

How’s David Brock doing?

22730236? ago

Must have touched a sore spot.

Love is the answer.

22739217? ago

Nice try. Again, you’re a loser and can’t win.

22745095? ago


LOVE - Why so negative always? - LOVE


Never forget you are a beautiful person.

22754846? ago

I know I am. You still bore me. You also sound like left (which you are).

22756324? ago

Have a great day then! Take care. MAGA

22767378? ago

Honestly you need help.

22768288? ago

Nothing like seeing a tough guy change and warm up, care, show compassion.


22780250? ago

I have absolutely zero interest in your well being and could care less what happens to you. Fuck off, loser.

22781182? ago

Too late! You showed your heart! You said I need help.

You too! Big man hug bro!

22791875? ago

You’re pathetic. Kys.

22793874? ago

You are warming up as the days go on. You do know what pathetic means?

"Arousing or deserving of sympathetic sadness and compassion."

There you go again giving my compassion!

Love you bro!

Mission accomplished.

22812593? ago

You’re a worthless faggot who is so starving for attention, you just continually post because you know I gate you and wish the worst for you. Pathetic is your existence. You’re so fucking pathetic you literally see me as a point of connection.

Go back to your failure of a life and kys. No one will miss you.

22815825? ago

I was worried about you. I guess they give you Sundays off.

I'm almost in tears from the caring you now show me daily.

You have a point though, we should keep this Q focussed.

So, here are some arrests for you. Higher level ones coming.

Lots of Luv and Light to you!





Fun at Bidens - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuW0yDXhZK8

Obama’s friend - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dM15KH-pNnk



















22826754? ago


22827441? ago

Hey sleepy head, tough night?

Jesus saves. ;-)

PS - Looks like Biden is in the works. Kisses

22839139? ago

Stfu loser.

22840846? ago

Look at you trying to get close! Sneeky Booky!

I'm not gay. Can I call you Frisco Don?

Still love.

22853560? ago

Kys faggot.

22855174? ago

For the 2nd time, No!

22884897? ago

Kys faggot. No one will miss you. You’re a burden to everyone around you.

22903035? ago

Booky has Sundays off, regularly? Almost like a job Comrad!



22913041? ago

Today is Sunday, stupid fuck. Imagine documented my internet response activity. You’re so fucking stupid I honestly would love to smash your faggot face in. Please be on the west coast US and meet up. Legit I’m tired of you’re fucking faggotry. Come step up pussy. Let’s fucking go.

22918547? ago

Why do you keep talking about faggots Frisco Don?

Or do you prefer Sizzle Chest Pete?

God Loves you regardless.

Reply if you are gay.

22934234? ago

Nice try, nigger. You realize you’re going to hell, yeah?

22886922? ago

Morning Cisco Don! Don‘t give up. You R Loved. XXOO

22913069? ago

Are you paid for this?! Honestly. You’re so FUCKING pathetic you can’t win ever. You LOST the argument minus ago and still come back because you know I respond. You’re not priority. I already know your username. It’s so obvious in how you post.

Sincerely, let’s meet up. I’d LOOOOOOOVE seeing you in person. Lol holy shit you’re probably a paraplegic fat fuck lmao.

22918526? ago

Hey Frisco Don! Glad to see you're back on the cock, I mean clock.

22667092? ago

What are your thoughts on Q?

Are you allowed to say since you are a paid shill?


22677811? ago

Go back and read. You’re obviously a shill or a bot who’s here to make comments because if you weren’t, you’d have seen the reply.

Why don’t you just tell me where you’d like to meet so I can tell you in person?

22683057? ago

Don't be angry! You're a beautiful person! You're not just a shill!

22705311? ago

Confirmed kike shill ^^^

If you’re not, come meet up. Where are you located? Let’s meet up so I can see this embarrassing act of faggotry you’ve shown in person.

22390727? ago

You really project. We are not aggressive and demeaning like you. And I am in no group, as they limit. WWG1WGA!!!

22404808? ago

You really have no argument or rebuttal than to just say what I did about projection. Like that low IQ inbreed at school who does the rubber vs glue game.

we are not aggressive

Lmao no shit. You’re a fucking weak pussy. And you think you speak for more than yourself? Get fucked.

You’re out of your league.

Also, cringe city with that ending lol wow.

22405688? ago

Stop your whining. You remind me of my ex girlfriend. (Hey, is that you?)

Anyway, some more arrests for you.




22418382? ago

Yet again, you fail. Give me a top Dem being arrested. Go on little kike. I’m waiting. Or are you too busy fantasizing about your ex bf? Probably why you’re addicted to replying nothing to be with that cringe ending lol. You’re the ‘ITS HAPPENING BOOOOOM!!!!” poster lmao.

Imagine being that big of a faggot you type WWG1WGA unironically (you don’t have to imagine. You are)

GTFO loser. Go back to mommy. Unlike you, she’s voting for Trump!

22419457? ago

Eheh. You big bear you. Let it go.

Lot‘s of love.

22431505? ago

Listen fat, go collect your comment payment from your boss at media matters. Fuck Israel.

22432548? ago

Teddy Bear says whwt?

22442408? ago

Samefag. Same faggot with his bear fantasy. How much have you made from my comment replies? No way you’re doing this for free. No one is that pathetic. I guarantee your BMI is over 30.

22445870? ago

Snuggly Bear is grouchy today.

22470906? ago

How long are you and your double replies gonna keep coming back for more? Honestly, you’re the most pathetic faggot I’ve replied to here. And that’s saying something. Insulin still low, fatty?

22471726? ago

Shhhhh, go to that quiet place. Let it go.

22485174? ago

Two weeks of getting wrecked and still coming back for more. How’s that insulin reading, fatty???

22487906? ago

Been a rough week? You are still loved. Just let God fully into your heart. He forgives morons like you too!

22499539? ago

Been a great week. What’s with the fake Christians on here? How’s Tel Aviv, kike? Tell me you’re the other faggot who’s constantly trying to push that I’m not a Christian in the other thread LMAO!!!!! No way.

Gluttony is a deadly sin, fatty. Never forget. Now go dust off your dorito stained fingers and take your insulin.

22503095? ago


22513092? ago

Your best reply yet.

22422140? ago

I think he is a big TEDDY bear! Guys like that are a bit in that small room, know what I mean?


22431499? ago

Imagine posting a reply to your OWN comment lmao.

Fucking samefag. Same writing style. Same orientation. Same faggot.

22433069? ago

Could it be that good acts like? As does evil? lol

Why so much talk about faggots? Come out of the closet and face it.

Soap with no rope.

22442374? ago

Are you serious? How new are you? Everything on the Chan’s have been ended with fag. You’re not only a newfag, but a faggot in general. Bye bye. Go back to reeeeeedit.

22445877? ago

Hardest $1 you ever made, well, almost. (snickers at inside joke.)

22470895? ago

Are you even replying to the right person???? Honestly. These bots are shit now.

22322327? ago

Q gives plenty of articles from the msm

22320909? ago

But the end is near.

Soon! Any day now!

22330006? ago

Amazing!!! We took down the deep state. Wild! I can’t believe it happened.

22331402? ago

Just taking notes. So first you want arrests and then you want all arrests? Not sure how to fit this in the bullshit box. It's a tight fit.

22331419? ago

We got em!

22324941? ago

Come Said The Boy. <



22319090? ago

They can't give up. They know they hang if Trump wins.

22319952? ago

Für solche Strolche keine ehrlichen Flinten,

sondern den Strick und einen Tritt von hinten.

22321019? ago


No honest shotguns for such rascals,

but the rope and a kick from behind.

22316702? ago

Wouldn't be surprised if they impeached him during his second term as well.

22321866? ago

You’re assuming they will hold the House

22324753? ago

Everyone in this sub assumes that everything will be fine. Their mommy will tuck them in and the big bad world will just disappear. Ignorant man children.

22320403? ago

They won't make it. House will be taken over by R. demonrats will be pushed out of office.

22317893? ago

They will all be in prison or out of congress then.

22316867? ago

They will not control the House in 2020 and 2022, so no chance of impeachment after 2020.

22324741? ago


mid terms are safe

Republicans lose control of the House via massive voter fraud

actually lost the House

retard true believers think it’s a win

How’s the arrests coming for the voter fraud in 2016/2018? What measures have been taken for the even bigger fraud in 2020??? What excuse will you come up with when voter fraud wins the Senate for the Dems and they keep the house? What are you gonna day then? 2022/2024/2026/2028?


22322344? ago

How safe are we talkin

22322690? ago

After DECLAS, the unsealing of indictments, arrests and convictions the Dem party will be reduced to a coastal elite party with little power, their old power players removed and a very bad permanent stain on its integrity. Soros and his ilk gone from the scene. Marxism (hopefully) gets exposed for what it is and what it leads to. Dem party should not be popular for many years.

22322852? ago

So, like safe in the sort of way where only a few safe seats are kept in one house and getting obliterated in the other one sort of way?

22319299? ago

The house is safe.

22319096? ago

They won't have a party after 2020.

22317514? ago

let's hope so.

22317391? ago


22316418? ago

Twitter links are so much better than arrests and holding the deep state accountable.

22317368? ago

How about that San Fran dude who was in charge of cleaning the streets? Low level people are being arrested left and right. Or are you just here to lead people away from the movement?

22317524? ago

Low level arrest happen under every President, has nothing to do with Q's prediction of taking down a cabal of baby eating pedophiles.

22318502? ago

Low level arrest happen under every President

I love it when they halfway give in to the point I make.

So you can't deny arrests are happening lol!

22318599? ago

When did they stop? You really think Q came and get everyone wound up for normal everyday arrests or arrests of high profile government operatives?

22318623? ago

Might want to reread that nonsense you just typed up.

Yes? Is that the answer you were looking for?

22316468? ago

No, the best is when paid shills come here trying to distract people from all that has happened.

Play a game of 'Where Are They Now?'.

Think CEOs.

Think FBI.

Think DOJ.

Think WH.

Think State.

Think C_A.

Think [F] intel.


Think Judge install.

Think SC install.

Think DOJ install.

Think FBI install.

Think C_A install.

Think PM UK install.



22321519? ago

“Paid shills”? Someone has an elevated sense of self-importance.

22325296? ago

Who would waste time trying to discount something on a forum few know about? Why so many?

This has nothing to do with self importance, it is just reading the writing on the wall.

Logical thinking here.

22316455? ago

Twitter links are so much better than arrests and holding the deep state accountable.

I disagree

Cleaning court

The Trump's administration successfully replaced 187+ Federal judges in preparation for the Storm. There are currently 49 more nominations awaiting Senate action. There are over 134,000+ sealed indictments ready to go. Compare to 1,000 a year before the Trump's administration.

Trump's Administration Successful Accomplishments 2017-2020 at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3538236/

22316394? ago

@ 0:47 That will be pursued outside of impeachment

22317400? ago

LG trying not to get sucked into the Ukraine corruption vortex

22316619? ago

Seeing Joe Biden go down, as well as his shitbag kid, is going to be glorious

22318609? ago

there will be mass riots, good thing mostly liberals tearing down their own neighborhoods! hahaha

22321578? ago

The problem is that Jews will fund domestic terrorists like BLM and Anifa to do as much damage as possible, while our Jew owned MSM and Jew controlled social media will try to incite a civil war.

22317936? ago

On CNN no less.

22316949? ago

If anyone really wants to know the evidence against those two: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCO3nW3cnHM