22311825? ago

🇺🇸 F E E D O M D A Y 🇺🇸

Than-Q for UK patriots and USA patriots in this fight it together 😎

22306726? ago

Anons, I'm just reporting that there's pretty much no way out of China right now. I have family who've had 2 flights cancelled. As of now, looks like all flights are cancelled from Jan 30 onwards. All airlines are saying they're just scaling back because of reduced demand for travel to China... but come on, demand is skyrocketing and people will pay any price.

Heard a rumour that the police are visiting people who book flights out. Of course, there's rumours to fit all fancies coming out of China right now, but that one stuck with me. I thought it was odd that the second flight I booked for my family was just normal price, and that there was availability on such short notice. I'm not worried, my family did nothing wrong and just don't want to be in China for the boogaloo.

Anyways, shadilay anons!

22297596? ago





Q upgraded!

22297503? ago

I feel like Hillary Clinton should be tried for her crimes, and then sentenced to death by drowning in a pool of deplorable bukake. Kek

22297429? ago

Say some prayers for thanks to the creator for defeating evil. Without some amazing help and the steadfastness of the Trump team this would all fall apart.

22296481? ago

You didn't think we highlighted 'Epstein' for no reason did you?

Those who were once protected are no longer.


Hunters become PREY.


22296134? ago

"THE BEST IS YET TO COME" said by President Trump today right before his closing of the rally

22295995? ago

Notice where he held this rally - at the mouth of the Delaware river! Hahahaaaaa

22295452? ago

658 and #3795

isn't possible, unless ...


Has POTUS ever made a statement that did not become proven as true/fact?

What is POTUS in control of?

22294549? ago

I understood the Durham boat reference back around Christmas, but I feel like I’missing something? Is this just a confirmation from that relation or is there a deeper meaning?

22299492? ago

Wait till you see what i found.


22300419? ago

Cool. I’ll give you my 2yo.

All she does is yell at you and break your shit.

22319326? ago


both are ship mates through time and space :)

the-durham-boat https://durhamhistoricalsociety.org/durham-history/the-durham-boat/  Testimony by some historians via their interviews (History of Bucks County, by W.W.H Davis, 1905 and J.H. Battle, 1887) indicate that the first Durham boat was built by Robert Durham on the river bank near the mouth of the cave at Durham, circa 1730

Rutherford-1183 https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Rutherford-1183

mother of robert durham^ the original buillder


boats were 66 feet long 6 feet wide :) 3 feet deep

follow the water the letter W^


family crest has a w under three crows or crows feet the W

the crest also has a rooster


also has a rooster^ cock of the walk

post 3813 leads to boomerac top comment goes to lisa



^MIRROR WW ONTO THE WATER SHOWS 3 WWW the portals through time and space

with the A mirrored as the triangle or doorway into the 3 holes left open the #1 is the splal


22325170? ago

you rang?!^

22325186? ago


I am wondering what is going down tomorrow, or at all [F]rankly?

I don't want to waste your time, but I didn't go to all this trouble to get your attention for nothing Mate.

This is on my mind >




22325225? ago

I had a dream !!

i was using a sleep machine and i was being monitored for like a minute. the guy stopped me and said hey come here. i took off the mask and he said to me, i heard something in your breathing i was like what ya mean ? he asked me if i had any religious connections? i said yes and he said well you kept saying the word Ankh https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ankh

and it means Iesus or of god in your breath, SENSE in my dream i was awake. HE sent me for a brief visit to a psycoholgist where he asked me the weirdest question if i was related to him?

This was two nights ago it was so profound when i looked up ANKH yesterday i was like EREKA!!!!!!!!!



i wrote it 5 years ago roughly.

22319457? ago

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22319425? ago

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22294509? ago

Q posts when the president travels.... interesting

22294333? ago

From 3796 Adam Schiff




Adam Schiff is the U.S. Representative for California's 28th congressional district. He is a member of the Democratic Party, Senate Intelligence Committee, and is very vocal against POTUS. Schiff is a suspected intel leaker with possible ties to child trafficking operations running in CA.

22299497? ago

28 th district includes hollyweird.

22294095? ago

Q certainly has the masses wound up in time for the rally... What a day... WHAT A NIGHT

WHAT A RIDE. No seat belt for this red neck hippy

22294075? ago

Peace in the Middle East? Now that's something I never thought I'd hear in my life time. That's pretty incredible to even have a plan let alone a workable one. Nope, I'm not tired of winning. I think we are just getting started.

22294074? ago

The future always happens in the past, only if you could see the signs.

How many times have you said to yourself,"I wish I would've seen this coming"...

Only later you realize you "did see it coming".

If only you had seen the signs.

They have eyes, and yet they cannot see..they have ears, and yet they cannot hear... - Iesous

22293767? ago

The cries du coeur in these tweets resonate - the loneliness of the Qtist

https://twitter.com/susiangelartist/status/1210088615373504512 https://archive.is/wip/zZt5g

I want to tell the people in my life this but no one gets it!

22293355? ago

My question is why would Q ask where the rally is tonight? How is that a coincidence unless the hammer is dropped tonight?

22293342? ago

One hour before sunrise on December 26th, 1776, George Washington crossed the Delaware River, using DURHAM boats, in a surprise attack against the Hessian forces, in a major turning point of the Revolutionary War.



Has Durham spent his time investigating Hussain (the Hessian forces)?

22295015? ago

The hessians were the hanovers, ancestors of saxe-coburg-gotha aka windsor

22295112? ago

So, in other words, he was investigating the British shenanigans interfering in American politics, elections, etc. This is probably why the Queen now practically bows to Trump and is going along with him. She has been removed from her power over America. Finally, I sure hope this correct.

22293212? ago

Lots of good Q discussion over in v/Niggers today.

22293199? ago

3798: [F]. Remember UK blaming Russia at a critical moment — for poisoning a Russian defector and his daughter, in a park near UK chem weapons offices? Tried to drag US in war against Russia over it?

The operation that does not yet have a name in public was for UK to influence US into war against Russia. If Ukraine captured St. Petersburg & Moscow, the Russian speaking Ukrainians would own most of the old Soviet Union — at least the most valuable parts of it. The US political leaders at the time had their families “invest” or “position” themselves in key positions within the Ukraine economy — to become the modern oligarchs of the new Ukrainian “Empire”. Commerce and trade with Iran would also come with the package, including transfer of Ukraine nuclear know-how to Iran. There are many more details, but this is the gist of the plan that Trump monkey-wrenched.

22294232? ago

ahh interesting, i was wondering why deep state was homed in on the Ukraine meddling there

22293152? ago

This is odd.

How is my RRSP (the Canadian equivalent of 401k) doing so well today (I shifted my entire portfolio to US companies that publicly stated they're shifting production back to the US some time ago)? Isn't there a pandemic going on?

I note Chinese stocks are in the shitter. Have the economies of the two countries diverged this much, already? I think not...

How about this?

1) US stocks are doing as they should be with a pro business president in place.

2) Chinese stocks have been doing very badly for a while now, but this has been papered over by the deceitful government

3) China is using the "pandemic" as an excuse to:

a) Tighten its grip over its population just as its papering-over of its completely failed economy fails to hide the truth, and

b) Hopefully trick its citizens into thinking the stock market plunge in China is a result of the pandemic, not the tariffs and their government's insane spending.

State funeral: did Q mean a funeral for the Communist Party of China? Chinese democracy incoming??


22332711? ago

USMC preplanned pLG we knew about the virus so it was of utter importance thats why trump got everyone onboard for USMC trade deal

22293286? ago

State funeral: did Q mean a funeral for the Communist Party of China? Chinese democracy incoming??


22294882? ago

Another poster pointed out that the breadbasket of the belt and road is presently experiencing biblical locust storms...


22294923? ago

No Coincidence. Biblical.

22296789? ago

God is smiting China

22299997? ago

But nothing to do with the imaginary "climate change".

22292936? ago

3796: how rich! Today we seek the missing, 179 page, “18th” transcript.

In Nixon’s day, it was the missing “18 minutes” of erased tape.

22292838? ago



22293321? ago


"How do you spell that?"

"Let's see... D... urham. That's it."

22292869? ago

kek, nice Digits fren!

22300242? ago


22292788? ago

“The best is yet to come” sums up the whole movement.

22293326? ago

Wistful kek.

22292645? ago

Q3798 addresses the doubters on this board. The ones casting seeds of doubt need to be called out....anons are just letting them do it. Fight, fight, fight..........the silent war needs to become The Revolution beginning tonight on the Delaware River. Will a Durham bomb be dropped in tonight's rally? Lets watch and see.....


Play a game of 'Where Are They Now?'.

Think CEOs.

Think FBI.

Think DOJ.

Think WH.

Think State.

Think C_A.

Think [F] intel.


Think Judge install.

Think SC install.

Think DOJ install.

Think FBI install.

Think C_A install.

Think PM UK install.




22293575? ago

Going to crosspost something here from the great awakening group on gab. It is highly relevant to this post.

I think I’ve isolated something meaningful in today’s batch of Q posts.

It has to do with the number 14.

The first instance is in Q3795, today’s first post which is a proof about Q predicting the day that Brexit would occur. The image is called “IMG_1414.jpg” which is not the usual format for Q’s image posts as far as I recall, and 14 doesn’t figure into the content of the image in any discernible way. I suppose it’s possible that by sheer coincidence it’s the 1,414th image in some folder somewhere, but…

Q3798 has some answers as well. This is the first post that made me contemplate the number 14. Q gives us a long list of things to “think” about, each line here beginning with the word “Think.” The last line in this list, “Think!” with no further specification, brings it to 14 total “Thinks” in the post. 14 Made me think of 14 days, or 2 weeks. Well, the list is divided into two parts, 7 “Thinks” each with a bunch of dots in between them. Now here’s where it gets more interesting. 2 Weeks from today would be the 11th of February. Well, if you count up the dots there are…yup, 11. Keep in mind, Q is responding to a frustrated anon saying “I’ll have fun when things start happening in OUR favor!!” and he closes with “THE BEST IS YET TO COME.” Perhaps this is an answer for those who would read between the lines?

Anyhow, I searched qmap.pub for posts made on 2/11 and…the first post..on 2/11/18 IS ABOUT THE PLANE CRASH IN RUSSIA THAT HAPPENED THAT DAY, killing the ‘source’ for both U1 and the dossier (Q718). Let me repeat: 2/11/20 will be the two year anniversary of the plane crash that took out the source for both the dossier and Uranium One, and we are in the beginning of an impeachment trial where these things have seemingly been established as fair game.

In addition to all of this, Q posted the pic of Washington crossing the Delaware, referencing “the subtle hint dropped in the beginning.” This refers to the “Durham Boat” featured in the painting, and the beginning in this case refers to the first time that this image was dropped…in Q14!

There’s alot more to this as there usually is, but I think this is pretty important info. Q is almost certainly trying to communicate something to us today regarding the number “14.” FWIW, there was an actual [14] marker on 2/10/18, one day before the crash on 2/11. Worth looking into.

22300232? ago

Getting to this. <

22299412? ago

Thanks. <

Thinking hard about 1414.

Will do the Gematria decode shortly.

Don't what to think anymore.

It's getting crazy now.

22299438? ago

Go away take 20 min find the center focus then reset and clear. Goto to place that makes you takes you to the place. Ie for me i swim it calms me.

22299317? ago

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22294004? ago

You make some sense. I checked a little and seems several Popes and Catholic related deaths occurred on Feb 11 throughout history. Feb 11 is 14 days exactly from today.

Particularly of note:


1979 – The Iranian Revolution establishes an Islamic theocracy under the leadership of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

Could a signed deal of peace and denuclearization be signed with Iran?



There is a lot more links and info to glean from Feb 11 on the web. No time here to do it.

22292442? ago

Wildwood NJ which is pretty much as far south east as you get in the Dirty Jerrzz which is located on a peninsula separating the Delaware bay from the Atlantic ocean which could be looked at as being the mouth of the Delaware river where it meets the Atlantic. Perhaps Durham will take POTUS to invade Rehoboth Beach at sunrise.

22293259? ago

Check Q posts referencing Lexington and/or Concord.

22293943? ago

992, 2436 Rehoboth Beach was just a joke about what's across the mouth of the river/bay from Wildwood nothing of known significance.

22292256? ago

Great more proof that Q is a person, and no proof that anything is actively being done against the deep state

22292875? ago

Run along and let the adults talk. Your antifa outfit is dry. Bike lock on the table. Meatloaf in moms arms.

22292233? ago

Seems like Q could just be some dude in the white house watching Trump tweet or reading speech drafts.

I've seen no reason to believe Q is a high ranking military official

22296584? ago

Yeah, because - you know - there are ALWAYS random dudes hanging out with the prezzy to type out via tweet the confidential happenings in the presence of his activities. Duuuude!


22293336? ago

You talk like a shill and your shit's all retarded.

22293274? ago

literally nobody cares what you think

22292321? ago

fail. NEXT!

22292313? ago

Invest in some brain food.

22292161? ago

This really finally seems like its happening soon, right? I know I know I say this all the time but today’s drops are shocking. Buckle up folks. I mean it this time.

22292138? ago

This realm we inhabit gets weirder and weirder by the day. WWG1WGA

22293041? ago

I've always wondered about animal life on this planet. How can Darwinism explain toucans? Elephants, giraffes - such strange exaggerated features. Do cats purr at a frequency that calms humans? We have so much to learn. I'm so excited!

22332751? ago

here or there we are everywhere


22292113? ago

Whoa! “Having fun yet!”

Daaaaaaaamn. YUUUUUUUUUUUGE!!! How did he know this?

22292100? ago

Think faggots

Think fucktards

Think mental illness

Think schizophrenia

Think LARP


22296601? ago

Uhhh, think moron - for hanging out in a place online (you Dope!) where you don't believe anything that is posted. You can go fuck yourself, now. Goodnight.

22299278? ago

awwww you’re triggered. Trust the plan ok FAGGOT hahahahaha.

22301416? ago

You're just a little bit of a Dick, yeah?

22292158? ago

Q3800 January 28th, 2020: Think Durham start. Think 'Q' start.

Durham's statement at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3630572/

22292042? ago

Q3800 January 28th, 2020: Think Durham start. Think 'Q' start.

Durham's statement at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3630572/

22299532? ago

3800 is three 888 search reveals.


After 4th meaning 17000 breaths.


22291942? ago

I encourage anyone who doubts Q to try and tweet/post here within a minute of Trump tweets. Even if you were allowed to tweet as many times as you like (Q usually posts no more than 6 or 7 times a day) you would find it nearly impossible.

Even though we get a whole variety of types of proofs, this is all the proof we really need. If it's a easy as some claim it is, then just try it, and link us when you can get 3 tweets/posts here the same as a Trump tweet. If this can be done, it will create reasonable doubt. If you want to stop this movement, you're going to have to work for it, instead of acting like babies.

22292560? ago

well said.

22292163? ago

Both Q and Trump have thousands of posts/tweets and Q can easily determine Trump's high volume time periods. I would be more surprised if this didn't happen

22299811? ago

What about R?

22299908? ago

R is on the back burner right now.

22299912? ago


22300215? ago


22292273? ago

K, then by all means, do it yourself, and show your results. Surely someone here has the time to post as much as much as Q and Trump.

I can't assume this can be done until I see someone else do it. It's ignorant to think otherwise.

22300212? ago

Surely someone here has the time to post as much as much as Q and Trump.

I sure do!

22292342? ago

You can't assume that people posting thousands of times over the same few hours will have some posts within a a minute of each other?

I'd be curious to see what time these deltas usually occur. I imagine Q and Trump do most of their posts within a 3-4 hour window.

22292521? ago

Trump and Q post at all times of the day.

Let's do some quick math: Q has posted 3800 times over 2 1/2 years. that's about 4 times a day. Hardly a large number. You (btw I know I'm not convincing you, but the people looking at this back and forth;) can't possibly think that it's possible to post within a minute of a Trump tweet. Q has done this over 20 times, and twice within the last week. There was even an occasion where Q posted, Trump tweeted within a minute, Q posted within a minute, then Trump tweeted within a minute. That's insane to think it's just a coincidence. Stop working so hard on this, it's working against you at this point lol!

22291923? ago

What date did Q post that pic of Washington's crossing originally? is that the date this shit busts wide open?

22292726? ago

Q #3801... Oct 31/2017. Twitter link.

22293695? ago

Thank you!

22291966? ago

Not going to have fun if you try and pin point a date, and the day comes and goes.

I'm seeing it may take over a year for this impeachment to wrap up in the supreme court. Don't hold your breathe.

22292848? ago

A year, really? This will be done in weeks, 2-3 month tops.

22296520? ago

The longer this takes, the moar information can be provided to the sleeping masses. The movie is getting exciting but has huge ramifications for the winning side. I am hopeful that it is our side. Q (Team) has done a remarkable job at getting many on board so as to not expect too many surprises. I agree that most would not be able to handle everything we know thus far in such a setting. It would be too much for everyone to handle. So the drip drip and puzzles have helped, IMHO. THINK Ted Cruz and the fact that his FISA shit has not been brought up...yet.

22300632? ago

Great point. When I said the impeachment would take a short while, I mean „there is no there there“. Regarding some of the large crimes, that is what the larger public trials will be for. But point taken - this farce of a trial can work to our advantage, but you have seen they are not showing it all on tv. E.g. nNo coverage of Pam B.‘s mentions of Biden.

22298665? ago

My spouse was really shocked, when hearing about Ted Cruz.

22291903? ago

Project Looking Glass?

22291718? ago

0 delta!

Fucking using everyone for the hardest to red-pill peoples

22291655? ago

Either the Patriots have planned this out long ago or we are living in a matrix simulation. Incredible and unbelievable at the same time! Project Looking Glass please Q us a hint.

22292742? ago

One or tuther. We will find out soon, I hope.

22292242? ago

Or it's bullshit

22300622? ago

That must be it. Everything you have no explanation for or understanding of is ALL bullshit.

22291615? ago

Magnificent! Just magnificent Q! Enjoying the show as always!!! WWG1WGA!

22332730? ago

sure IS how about something a little more LEGENDARY?

DO not look here!


22292752? ago

agree. Awesome drops and tonight before the rally. I am watching for sure.

22292542? ago

Amazing drops. Simply and absolutely breathtaking.

22291552? ago

OK, so what does [F] mean? I've seen it a couple of times lately but don't know what Q is referring to. FISA?

22291831? ago


22291889? ago

Yup, got it now, another anon reminded me. F&D back in 2019 was used and it meant "foreign and domestic." I just forgot, my bad. Thanks.

22291439? ago

https://archive.ph/TV9Oo :

MICHAEL SHERIDAN on Twitter: "🔵1⃣8⃣🔵

Watch @RepRatcliffe tell @MariaBartiromo why Schiff is hiding the eighteenth transcript.

I hope this comes out tomorrow, the American people need to know about the #AtkinsonTranscript!… t.co/WvJimt5foU"

This has been an automated message.

22291376? ago

I'm in the UK. How on earth could Q have predicted two years in advance to the day that we would leave the EU? The only answer is that they already knew. Which can only mean one thing.... my mind is blown.

22308505? ago

Remember Trumps Uncle was acscientific genius, John Trump, AND was one that examined Teslas papers when he died. How can that be a mere coincidence???

22296236? ago

Project Looking Glass is real!

22293715? ago

A coincidence Q is taking credit for is the most likely explanation, surely?

22293400? ago

Why the FUCK is the UK using its newfound freedom to install Chinese spy gear?

For the love of fuck, get your sorry excuse for "patriots" together and demand a domestic solution (or at least a solution from a friendly ally instead of a hostile adversary).

It's like, what is even the point in freeing you people? This is the third time, and you jump right back into the fucking pot!

Do you not recognize that China is a silk road away, and with world peace, that silk road is a LOT shorter than it is now? You people are to China what South America is to the US.

"Freedom day", the day you install Huawei gear. What a joke!!

22292797? ago

I'm blown away too and Trump basically installed Boris so it could happen. Congrats. Your new freedom is only a few days away. Probs project looking glass or VERY accurate planning.

22292288? ago

Curiouser and curiouser


22300201? ago


22293137? ago

That's a great meme

22291691? ago

Good question. I'm not saying this IS the case, but I have been reading on Project Looking Glass, and although I was skeptical at first, there are too many of these "future proves past" events to disregard Looking Glass entirely. It defies everything I know about Newtonian physics, but we may be dealing with something that would appear as "magical" to most people. It was one of your authors, Arthur C. Clarke, who said that any sufficiently advanced technology would appear as magic to primitive people. I wonder if that is the case here?

22308464? ago

I think most of these "looking glass" type things are easily explained by the notion that Q is actually an Army black operation. Q's purpose is to feel Trump's most loyal supporters real intel and information and help the morale of the Trump base while completely circumventing the 110% hostile media, who are actively pushing the boundary between fair reporting and naked sedition when it comes to attacking POTUS.

I think it also explains why Q hasn't been 100% infallible with everything said. They are using logic and intel to predict what will happen, and also planning things to happen on their terms instead of the democrat's. Thus Q's uncanny ability to predict things is because "patriots are in control" Not magical future-seeing spyglasses.

And yes, a black-op because that way the hostile House cannot question or touch the Q project. If it was run off government servers Nancy Pelosi would have shut the whole thing down a long time ago.

22295037? ago

If they knew the exact date of Brexit 2 years ago, they didn't guess that based on political trends of the time. They would have either had the ability to look into the future literally, or they have already planned the strategy out so precisely that they know the exact dates of the milestones in the Plan. Either one is amazing. Time travel would obviously be, but people with the ability to perceive the human condition that in depth to that level of detail, is in itself very amazing.

22294787? ago

Newton is a shill for them, don't be fooled

22293883? ago

Put all the stuff you've learnt aside. It's all misdirection.

This universe is not normal. Not in the sense of what you think of how it works.

22292849? ago

My research says this technology has been around for a very long time. The Nazi's had it and brought it to USA in project Paperclip. (((They))) just didn't think we could handle it to just keep us as sheep.

22299883? ago

The Nazi's had it

Plural of Nazi is Nazis. Just saying (for those who can't grasp basic English).

22304485? ago

Don't be a grammar Nazi, also don't forget that many of us are products of the public education system that our parents were led to believe to trust.

22292785? ago

Q told us already. This is a movie. They were just following the script.

Perhaps looking glass was of assistance in writing the script though ;-)

22292927? ago

This was my thinking too.

22292496? ago

They could have access to some sort of advanced quantum computing system that lets them feed information into it, run through trillions of scenarios and spit out a 5 sigma "answer" as to what will happen in the future based on the information entered.

22299894? ago

They could have access to some sort of advanced quantum computing system

The most advanced computer systems in the world can't even predict the weather accurately for next week - and there are far fewer variables involved.

22300199? ago

That's because (((they're))) lying Fren. <

22295536? ago

That is freaky stuff man. I just want to regress back to the 90's where we had just enough technology to live a comfortable life.

22295727? ago

Amen brother. They can keep this black mirror bullshit

22291521? ago

No kidding.

22291345? ago


Western Canada wants out! Ottawa has gone mad!

22291516? ago

Trudeau would love nothing more than to unleash the coronavirus in Western Canada where everyone sees him for who he is - a fraud globalist open borders socialist bought and paid for by Soros and the Bilderbergs.

22299804? ago

Trudeau is Fidel's biological kid. Looks just like him.

22292782? ago

Instead he's releasing it in southern Ontario. To make way for our new overlords?

22293258? ago

Fucking take southern Ontario, what a shithole.


22295091? ago

Ok boomer

22296782? ago

Ok Eastern dandy

22291184? ago

Afternoon, Q.