22789030? ago

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22298332? ago

Scummy little man

22298596? ago

Her never gives up though. What has he got hanging over his head?

22297792? ago

You have to give her a Thumbs Up!

22292925? ago

Mic Drop!

22291258? ago

WOW. Yes! That was epic...

22291483? ago

She tore him up like a Kleenex at a Snot Party.

22291201? ago

What's that? Oh, you haven't had enough?

Launches into Andrew McCabe and Jim Comey assault :)

22291489? ago


22290882? ago

Another day in Washed-Up-ton D.C.

22289985? ago

I will never understand how she can be married to George Conway.

22291496? ago

Me either. Maybe it's a set up?

22289683? ago

Much Love to this Goddess Warrior we know as Kellyanne. GOD BLESS Kellyanne....

22291504? ago

God Bless you Kellyanne.

22289676? ago

hahahahaha.... takes breath.... hahahahahaha!

22289347? ago

Damn it. We don't need more assholes.

22289317? ago

whose hand is that up in her chest???

22289252? ago

KC does NOT listen to Fake News Accosta

22291519? ago

She just pretended to check her Twitter account, and then told him she didn't listen to his question.

When I heard that I nearly died. :)

22289222? ago

Michael Savage could never understand why Trump liked Kelly Anne Conway. Somebody ought to show him this!

22291528? ago

I will find his email address.

22288817? ago

She is one step up from a street fighter and I love it!

22291541? ago

POTUS has some of the best people on the Planet.

22288757? ago

Hah! Burnnnnn!

22288441? ago

theyre two creatures from the same lifelong political operative class, if conway wasnt working for trump she'd happily be working for cnn...they can both f-k off

22291558? ago

Must you piss on everything. Go away.

22293381? ago

Must you hero-worship these political actors you know nothing about

22288401? ago

That was a fine piece of video!

22291549? ago

Perfect I say. It just fell into my lap as if by "magick"...

22288189? ago

Badass bitch right there!

22291565? ago

I like Bad Bitches, that's my fuckin' problem. Bwahaha!

Sensational. :)

22288188? ago

She is so good.

22288120? ago


22287675? ago

Bravo Kellyanne :))))

22287576? ago

"Go look in the mirror..." That's as close to a big "Go FUCK yourself" in the political world.

22291585? ago

She was blazing at the end. Flame thrower.

22287571? ago


22287107? ago

Then later her husband rips open her asshole while they laugh about what a mess Trump is.

22291646? ago

As if. Dreaming.

22287351? ago

Found the Jew faggot

22287395? ago

Typical, you know it's true that the Conways laugh at Trump in private so your only response is moronic attempts at insults.

22288983? ago

your only response is moronic attempts at insults.

Exactly what your previous comment was. Projection

22289596? ago

No, I made an actual point about how her husband is one of Trumps most prominent critics and threw in some wordplay. Unlike the dumbasses around here who just yell "faggot" when they hear facts they don't like.

22290680? ago

No, you projected your repulsive behavior on another couple whom you have no idea what goes on behind their closed doors. You are a disgusting person. At least KC is classy, and keeps her personal life personal.

22287488? ago

OY VEY Schlomo faggot

22287258? ago

sounds more like you and your husband

22287415? ago

Haha you know it's true and can't deny it so you just flail around with a joke a fourth grader would make.

For the record I'm a woman and I do let my husband tear up my juicy ass sometimes. We don't laugh at Trump during that though, we laugh when watching him on TV struggling to pronounce words like "origins" or close an umbrella like a dementia patient.

22290525? ago

thats where you really showed your ass....hate on Trump all you want, but he KEEPS BEATING YOUR ASSES. Blood red.


The guy is clearly a genius.

And his enemies continue to "Trump dumb, we smart".

Again, why? Continually underestimating the intelligence of others in relation to yourself is THE hallmark/marker of Criminal thinking. Ask any criminologist or psychologist. Another personality type similar to criminals? Trolls. Again, ask.

Continue to show that ass here. Nobody cares. We know you.

22290607? ago

Yes, I agree he is a genius...at being a corrupt shitbag. When it comes to pretty much anything else he's an idiot.

22287583? ago

As a woman I find your response repulsive. Your ass is only juicy because your husbands dick is wrestling with your most recent Big Mac combo meal. Pig.

22288105? ago

It's juicy because I don't eat fast food and I exercise. You should try it, then maybe your husband would be more interested in your butt and you wouldn't have to look to a Qult for fulfillment.

22288460? ago

Sweetheart. You have no idea how luscious my booty is. As a competitive figure skater my entire youth and my continuance as an athlete, my ass is a sight to behold. You could bounce a quarter off it.

My reply to you is in reference to your disgusting admittance of getting it up the ass. It’s VILE. And it’s all I need to know about your character within. Rotting and dark.

You log into our space to spew that you are a woman who hates Trump and Q, and likes to take it up the ass. Get the fuck out of here.

22287049? ago

I wish she had told him to "go eat a bag of dicks" instead of telling him to look in the mirror.

22291641? ago

Same thing in that setting. She's too Classy for that.

22288512? ago

Correction: “Eat a bag of commie dicks “

22289971? ago

Correction, eat another bag o dicks.

22288420? ago

I totally agree. Sometimes it sucks to be the good guys, damn civility, damn it to hell.

22287341? ago

Think mirror.

22287700? ago


22286957? ago

He is such a loser pile of shit

Needs face slapped to stfu

22286913? ago

Love it.

22286920? ago

She's been a favorite of mine since POTUS won the election. Super smart.

22286889? ago

I admire her restraint.

22286896? ago

She could have punched him in the face KEK!

22286665? ago

She said everything but "fuck you"! And it looked like she came close! Love it

22287134? ago

I do have to say she handled scum in a classy way.

“I heard you. I’m just not listening to you. You peddled lies for two years so I am standing in between you and national discourse that you want to shit on”

22286887? ago


22286644? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=0NUQoibTid0 :

HEATED: Kellyanne Conway RIPS Jim Acosta and the Liberal Media at Press Conference - YouTube

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