22288863? ago

Good find

22288791? ago

Pen in the pooper is standard practice on 4chan. Just saying, its hard to say where those pens of have been. I hope Nancy stuck them all up her ass before signing the impeachment docs and handing them out.

22286497? ago

Le Pen?

22285957? ago

Q said "Follow the pen" several times...

I am gaping in amazement. Q said "follow the pen". Wow, just Wow. BTW, what's the rest of the word after the 'n'?

22287247? ago

The Pentagon?

22287705? ago

That was my guess, but it seems like an odd phrase to imprint on an umbrella.

22285642? ago

Duh fuk???

Is dis reel lifes????

22287160? ago

Is dis jus fantasy?

22285408? ago



Pen came up in the Gematria results here <

22284684? ago

Follow Bolton.



Learn how to archive offline.

The streets will not be safe for them.


22285034? ago

Remember guys order your ammunition now. Its going to be out of stock later when they get red pilled.

22284700? ago

I was just about to flame you big time for shilling. But that's an actual Q-drop! WOW


22284310? ago

i think this is more situational than anything, buuuuut, (finger snap) you son of a bitch i'm in.

22284062? ago

Man that is a long document with interdasting info.

22283653? ago

Did he really ever say that.

Follow the money - yes

Follow the guide - yes

Follow the pen - can't find it anywhere.

Can you post a link?

I f not I think I hav e to call BS.

22283712? ago

1182, 1381, 1415, 1421, 1422, and 1424.

Plus many more pen and watch references.

22283731? ago

Yep I found me one by searchin Google and found some preying medic posts.

I was searching on snap.pub for 'Follow the pen' and nothing was coming up. Once I found the posts through preying medic I just searched the specific post number to confirm.

22283799? ago

I just had to do the search, I knew there was some "follow the pen comments" new context though, was worried that my mind was playing tricks on me.

22283951? ago

That's my issue too. So many shills and disinfo agents these days and so many goats all too willing to upvoat content before checking if it's legit. I'm default skeptical these days.

Skeptism is good if it makes us check and double check the info we're spreading. Our credibility needs to be protected at all costs.

22284052? ago

Well I feel like my mind is going crazy, for instance the NoName Proof .. I thought it was one Q post that called NoNames Death, but after trying to find it again, I think it was two posts ... is there a infogoraphic on the NoName death proof ?

And if I am looking for a meme or graphic on a topic like that, where do I find it ... a Q wiki could be helpful

22284247? ago

+1 to the wiki. We had good searching and organization in the old great awakening reddit. Everyones working off their own research and this board is clearly not working for organization of anyones research

22286755? ago

Amen anon. I loved Reddit days ... all the fags here complain about it ... but I had all the important stuff marked and you could search to get back to something from last week ...

22287446? ago

Agreed. We desperately need a way to gater a searchable list ov research by topic

22283708? ago

Id already found one and apologised.

22283932? ago

For me it's no big deal, it's always ok the questions things.

22284024? ago

Absolutely my man. Thanks.

So many shills and disinfo agents these days it's best to question everything. I usually do a more thorough search before posting a comment. I was a bit too quick to confirm my scepticism this time but I'm always ready to admit when I'm wrong.

It's an intriguing photograph. Has to be some relevance. Do you have any opinion on the Bolton thing. Is he under white hat control?

22284107? ago

"Is he under white hat control?"

I think so, absolutetly. What's about him till now? Nothing more as some fake news pretending to know what's in his book - and the dims are flipping out about that. There's no way he's not part of a bigger picture.

IMO some kind of a stealth bomber!

22284390? ago

I hope you're right. I honestly believe nothing can stop the momentum we've created. I just can't wait for the dam to burst. So close now. Cracks appearing everywhere.

22284209? ago

IMO he's some kind of a stealth bomber!

That thought popped into my head as I was driving home today and then I come here and see this thread. lol.

22285222? ago

It seems you are guided then. "Thought Power - Your Thoughts Create Your Reality"


We have more than we are aware of!

22284359? ago

It would be hell of a coincidence his umbrella says out of all things "The Pen".

Q said about the peach mint trial: "Don't worry, it won't be boring forever."


22284272? ago

Same here

22283677? ago


22283222? ago

Follow the air!

22283138? ago

Q said lots of things. Almost none of them had any relevance to anything in the real world.

22283422? ago

why are you here you dumbass?

22283630? ago

Leave him alone. Why are you? Doesn't your mother's basement have cable?

22283886? ago


22284112? ago

I figured most posters are guys so I played the odds. Leave her alone.

22282866? ago

Bolton will surprise everyone.

22285935? ago

He's certainly an evil warmonger. But now it looks like he's a sleeper? That his whole feud with Trump was a show? But How could Q get someone like Bolton to play his part? If they knew they were all going down. Why would they co-operate? What difference does it make? That's what confuses me. Could it be that Bolton did this to throw us off? Surely the other side read the drops too. They know Q is real so they must be paying attention. If they did that, they could send false markers like this to throw us off? Idk anymore. I think the public can take more than Qteam realises. Honestly if you came out today and said aliens are real or showed a time travel video of Jesus giving a speech, the world would be over it come next week. Distracted by their daily lives and latest music videos. Most of you dont even deserve Q. I just want them to get on with things to validate my worldview tbh. Else i'm just a crazy person. An i'll probably off myself.

22287594? ago

I think The Plan is to keep us all confused. Fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

22286522? ago

Bolton's a warmonger? How so? Bolton only seems to give evil dictatorships a hard time. Bolton doesn't seem to have much problem with peaceful, normal countries. Is that a war monger ?

22286001? ago

There are deals been cut long time ago according to Q. Makes sense realizing how deep this shit goes.

Let's see how this plays out.

"Most of you dont even deserve Q"

There seem to be truth hidden in your statement though.

22286933? ago

Wait what

Q said no deals

22287522? ago

He said no deals as of a certain time. But not absolutely. Deals were cut, and were clearly necessary.

22283669? ago

I hope you are right. I'm hoping there is a trap of some kind behind this.

22286762? ago

Bolton was never going to assist the same Democrats who flew pallets of cash to Iran.

22282723? ago

Bolton is Q

22282963? ago

I still think it's FLOTUS

22283542? ago

You just wish Q had great titties.