22289859? ago

First award goes to...

Lewis Anselem!

He just lives sacrificing chickens for moloch.

22290112? ago

sure. add its name to the list of nominees.. but we need a lits of nominees, then some FB & twitter pols.. so what if the get black-listed or shoad.. its gets AWARENESS out there.. may get ppl digging... james? whats a ;moloch'?, gee, i dont know.. is it a indian dish? lets find out.. google it, alexa...

22285856? ago

There is, It is called the Gallows

22285580? ago

We could make a bunch of them, and maybe a device to award them semi-fully-automatically. You get a metal, and you get a metal, and you and you and you.

22283558? ago

from: doglegwarrior

average folk cant do anything almost everything you see is jew controlled leftist agenda... some one pointed out friends... seinfield sex and the city and some other shit jew show was all about highlighting single non family degenerate lifestyles and fuck did it do a number on millinials so many fucked up liberal 30 year olds its amazing well 30 to 45 id say.

22284102? ago

see, tho, thats it... its the ultimate joke. on (((them))).

22283543? ago

Sending out the official invites to all the nominees would be fun.

22284109? ago

Damn straight...

22283513? ago

Wouldn't Hillary be the reigning, defending, undisputed, undefeated champ champ of the infinite cosmos?

22284122? ago

yes. thats why she'd MC...

from a studio at gitmo

22283487? ago

Doubt it. Voatfags spend too much time on the Internet to get anything accomplished in real life.

22284133? ago

we could use the innernet to comple a list of candidates, then make poss on FB & twTTER...

22283552? ago

Have to agree. I spend way too much time looking at my personal selfspy device.

22283775? ago

selfie selfie let me take a selfie! https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=kdemFfbS5H0

22283641? ago

Detection of microexpressions recorded while consooming content has been a great source of data for mass emotional influence.

22283347? ago

Great idea!

22284142? ago

help make it happen.. even if its only a silly meme

22285099? ago

we can use this as the OSCAR.... the MOLOCH


22288130? ago


man, it wold be a bitch to carve a miniature for actually casting these

22283094? ago

They’d see it as an honor

22284150? ago

es. perhaps. it would also 'out' them

22283022? ago

Maybe a ‘here’s your sign’?

Bill engvall- signs for stupid people, starts at 50 secs:


22282989? ago

Let's call it...

The anti human Moloch award for depravity.

22284172? ago

i was thinking 'The Children of Moloch' award, or, the 'CHO-MO' for short

22282845? ago

Not elites = inbred degenerates who rule through nepotism and blackmail

22284186? ago

any one applies. CEOs with kiddie porn, ambasadors trafficking kids, dead celebities,... lawyers, judges, D.A.s....

22283723? ago

inbred degenerates, aka jews

22282843? ago

I prefer the T.U.R.D. award

Trump. Unacceptance. Resistance. Disorder.

22284203? ago

thats a different one all-toghether, but still BRILIANT!!!!!

22282834? ago

Secret award at gitmo...

Don’t normalize this Ancient nuff cult of buggery

22284208? ago

think 'mirror', dude..

22282750? ago

Israel wins the White Genocide award AGAIN with China closing fast due to their use of Bioweapons!

22282741? ago

Is this you Kobe? Sure do like giving yourselves awards. Since when did demonic become elite? FO

22282702? ago

No. Call them what they are: parasites; there are no elites. That is just what they call themselves. Begone.

22283728? ago

parasite, ie jews

22284528? ago

if you only look at it like that, then you will let a lot of parasites off the hook. or perhaps that is your intention.

22284833? ago

jews are the parasite elite....nice try though

22286901? ago

can't stop calling them elite, can you? my point is to stop using the term, elite. use the term, parasite. the fact you can't stop saying elite tells what a mindgame the parasites have played on you. also, there are many more parasites than just the jewish parasite. the old aristocracies of Europe and many of the nouveau riche of the Americas, Middle East, Asia, and Africa are also parasites gaining their wealth through illicit trafficking.

22292173? ago

any of them doing illicit trafficking is working for the fucking kikes.

it's the western elite that is jewish, by the way.

it's a statement of fact not opinion, since they are elite since they dominate the culture.

nice pro jew propaganda attempt though you kike shill

22292221? ago

why do you absolutely refuse to use the term, parasite?

22292351? ago

i use both, jews are the elite parasites

22294080? ago

fence-sitting, hedging bets.

22295355? ago

are you referring to jews because that is what jews do

22298546? ago

Are you following their lead or identifying yourself? Hope you break through the indoctrination and begin using the term, parasite, even if it means you are describing yourself. Accuracy over feels.

22298571? ago

i'm not a jewishelite person.

you're the one shilling for jews by saying they don't totally dominate the western world and demanding they not be named.

nice try kike shill

22282540? ago

The only awards of this type should be bullets, rope and lethal injection.

22285596? ago

Yes, we could award them metals. Several of them, if needed.

22284218? ago

thats the suprise vacation package dumb ass

22283136? ago

yes, but consider these awards as notice that precedes the longshanks award

22282401? ago

I love it!

could also do a or rotten tomatoes type site where each act of depravity/cabal members gets so many baphomets...

22282309? ago

Make playing cards. Like the military does. Sounds more fitting.


Just like this but for the major cabal factions and their notable minions.

22282297? ago

no, a 'sentence' for the most depraved acts against humanity is more fitting than an 'award.'

22282438? ago

correct. but it's kinda like, shit, they dont have to be there, could even be granted post-humously.. for the likes of no-name & bush.

ashaming & exposure factor, i guess..

22281963? ago

I like this type of meme warfare, it'll eat up space on SPLC's bullshit site. Other types of awards, loxism award, baal award? moloch award might have more to do with sacrificing babies to fire so, sure, what you said... it just makes people look up this stuff and cross-reference.

vampire award, for hypocrisy (not seeing your reflection)

keep them coming...

22285232? ago

I nominate Schiff

22284087? ago

I think we here at VOAT should be offering some Shill Awards as well.

The Porn Fag Shill Award

The FRENCH79 Fag Shill Award

The 3 Course Dinner Fag Shill Award

22285587? ago

3 course dinner?

22286821? ago

Yes he is out there. Watch the New tab and every once in a while you will see his posts

22284051? ago

After Bourdain, I think the vampire award can be more literal.

22282261? ago

Rapist award!

Pedo award!

Virtue signaling award!

Soros mouthpiece award!

Gaslighting award!

Projection award!

Cultural marxist award!

Racebaiting award!

This could be a whole night of awards.

22283529? ago

Nice work.

Where can we have the trophys made?

22283981? ago

Find a little trophy shop in Los Angeles and have them FedEx them to the Hollywood elites.

We just need a couple of grand, a voting system to select the categories, nominees and winners!

This could be done.

22284055? ago

Crowdfund perhaps.

An individual youtuber could pull this off.

22284098? ago

Could we convince pewdiepie?

22284153? ago

Oh shit that would be unreal. He's more well known than most Hollywood elites. He would be the best option by far.

Failing that, the queer kike nigger lover Milo would also do the trick. He'd do it just to be controversial. Especially since effectively getting no platformed. He'd do it just for the controversy.

We don't have to like the host.

22284169? ago

Yeh they didn't like Ricky.

22282161? ago

The Portrait of Dorian Gray. <

22282511? ago

22725991? ago

Weird just seeing this now. Hopefully you pinged me as the most racist. Jews, pedo's, POCs all need to be removed.

22282207? ago

To the family that created the opioid crisis

22282253? ago

Bring (((them))) down. Today.

22282416? ago

^^^ this please.

I just can't handle it anymore, need to start cleaning this place up.

the pedovore stench has got to go!

22284295? ago

Time to Blow your Minds... > POTUS Instagram Post days before Kobe Bryant's death > POTUS knew



22283722? ago

Get 'em outta here.

22281993? ago

i try, but im not just autistic, i am slightly retarded as well. some times im just like...... gbhanerghbKEHRGN;BAKJBKWEHRGK.BV LksMJBXVK<mjbsEOI8QH3t9p0h4w8thOEAHNBNZ B;eN sc wkeihtgoi8q3gtohwkegbtbvwo4h10935JWHNEGVNH'2Q183WBG;uekwb

22282003? ago

...uh, check your drinking water?

22282037? ago

that's a funny way to spell kentucky straight bourbon,,tee-hee, your silly

22282097? ago

Willful retardation isn't cute or funny. It is irritating and off-putting. Self deprecating comments purposely invalidating your experience for the appeasement of others is akin to an abused dog pissing itself and showing its belly. Get off of that poison and reclaim your mind. You are better than this.

22282451? ago

HAI!, Sensei!

22281849? ago

Prison award - and a sentence!

22281840? ago

Moloch did nothing wrong.

22282485? ago

Zhe did in this simulation...