22281556? ago

A lot of shills here attempting to discredit

22280644? ago

2 + 2 = 17

22280394? ago

Every person's death date is encoded in Pi.

Did you graduate high school?

22280622? ago

I'll get my GED.

22281132? ago

Good for you anon!

22280197? ago

E = mc2

22280158? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=QuugtWvJE6I :

Chamberlain Heights Cartoon Predicts Kobe Bryant's Helicopter Death - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

22280087? ago

2 upvotes, 6 downvotes

Silly Cabal, if you don't like these types of posts you shouldn't be murdering people in helicopter crashes and encoding the dates into your secret Pi code

22280041? ago


Posting time: 5 minutes ago on 1/27/2020 8:33:33 PM

digits confirm.

22280017? ago

Really indepth information. Now check yourself into a mental health facility ASAP. You are a danger to society and yourself.

22305363? ago

Haha, you're too stupid to follow along. Is it confusing? Haha, thanks for making my day low IQ shill.

22280002? ago

Don't forget one of the most important keys of all, mate: the number 666 itself is first in pi at end of 2442 dig...

12/21/2012 + 2442 days or 1221 * 2, is 8/29/2019, your starting date for the 1260 days