22284253? ago

Time to Blow your Minds... > POTUS Instagram Post days before Kobe Bryant's death > POTUS knew



22282529? ago

You worshipped the wrong magical sky god. We all know that if you choose the correct magical sky god, your soul wins the eternal jackpot. But out of the 10,000 religions, only 1 or zero are correct, so good luck choosing. Atheist is the logical choice.

22280324? ago

The being you refer to as Lucifer (the bringer/bearer of light) has gone by many names.






Yeshua (aka,Jesus)



just to name a few.

22280442? ago

Jesus? Really? I can see your giant nose from here, rabbi.

22280858? ago

The glow....it's almost overpowering.

22278454? ago

I mean do they spin a wheel, consult numerologists, make them draw straws, etc. The age old devils bargain - too tempting to turn down, sucks ass when your number is up way early. Live long, be average, be fully aware and appreciative of the present.

22286321? ago

they basically play out faggot ass roles and enforce the storyline along the way.. all the way to the end..

then they celebrate that faggotry.. of death and destruction along the way..

all the while their soul weeps.. but their hatred for themselves is so great..

that killing themselves is the only joy they can find.. until they finally wake up.

who can save such a wretched soul? bible says they are cast into the fire..

others think you simply return to source.. but those blinded by hatred remain in physical form to work out their karma.

that is why you don't hear much from india.. those folks are living it right.. even if it looks wrong.

it could be better.. always it could be better..

but they love themselves.

even if they don't feel it (as a guru)

it is the dominate attitude, idea.. goal.

22282484? ago




22278089? ago

Lucifer is not Satan. How many times do you people have to be told that?

22278969? ago

You're splitting hairs. Luciferians don't call him "Satan", fine, but from a Christian's perspective Lucifer is the adversary, i.e. satan.

And if you think there's more to it than this, why not explain it to us instead of being such a snide cunt about it?

22279144? ago

Nope. Lucifer is not Satan. Christians follow false teachers and false prophets who tell the CINO's what their itching ears want to hear and are bereft of the truth.

22281859? ago

Bring the light

22279208? ago

Great, why don't you elucidate instead of telling everyone how misguided they are? Why are you such a faggot?

22281460? ago

fallen prince -> Satan -> Lucifer. (the "fallen Prince" reports to Satan, Satan reports to Lucifer). it was Lucifer's Rebellion that's why all the followers of his iniquitous scheme are luciferians. Satan did Lucifer's bidding. further, the 'prince' of this planet who was in charge at the time of the Rebellion, he too followed Satan & Lucifer into darkness. that's why the cult goes back so far through family lines, a few humans long ago stayed loyal to the prince in spite of his corruption and betrayal of trust.

but Jesus defeated Lucifer, and Satan was subsequently bound along with Lucifer. that prince of darkness, though, still roams the earth and is accessible to those who seek him directly OR stumble into darkness by attempting to 'serve two masters.' he only has power by permission of those who allow him to work within their confused and darkened minds.

22279402? ago

If you were one scintilla of a true Believer you wouldn't call people names. lol More proof that you're a CINO. Study the Hebraic language. Get yourself a Strong's concordance. While you're at it Study the Koine Greek, Aramaic, Latin and Sumerian languages as well. Strong's has a Koine Greek concordance as well.

It isn't my job to enlighten you or to elucidate. That is up to you. I find it ironic that people that claim they know something but haven't even attempted to research and study what they allegedly say they know something about.

Technically Notice that there is nothing like the word Lucifer in the Hebrew. In the Greek translation known as the Septuagint, heilel is rendered eosphorus. So even in the Greek, there’s nothing like the word.

How then did "Lucifer" get into the Bible? The word is actually Latin. It comes from the words lux (light/fire) and ferre (to bear/to bring) and when put together means bearer of light or bringer of fire. Lucifer is also one the Latin names for the morning star, Venus. As it turns out, so is the Greek word Eosphorus.

So in conclusion, Lucifer is another name for Venus, Eosphorus, and Heilel. It describes the second planet, the morning star. While Yeshua is metaphorically likened to it in 2 Peter and Revelation, King Nebuchadnezzar receives this honor in Isaiah 14. Unfortunately, Satan is never given such distinction.


Strong, James, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, 1990, Hebrew concordance number 7837.


an early Messianic prophecy: A star shall shine forth out of Jacob and a scepter will rise out of Israel.


Strong, James, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, 1990, Greek concordance number 3720.

22279988? ago

PHREE MESSEN = Egyptian of “children of light”. The true mystical Freemasons . Now what we see is 33 degree Freemasons which have nothing to do with them. The degrees of initiation are actually 13. Thud with 33th degree freemasonry we are dealing with Cabal.

22279730? ago

Yes we've all heard the "light bringer" / Venus thing. Thanks for that, wow.

Entities are named after things. No shit, thanks for pointing that out.

How does the word "Lucifer" having this history/etymology make it NOT mean what everyone else thinks it means, i.e. that he is satan (who is specifically an entity, a fallen angel).

How is that false. That was the thesis.

You've read some books, clearly, but you aren't much of a thinker.

22279783? ago

Satan is not Lucifer. Lucifer opposed your false god. Your god is Satan. I mean really, what true God would have to ask Adam and Eve where they were in the garden. lol That should be your first clue. The true God knows all, sees all, is all and would never had to of asked where Adam and Eve were in the garden. Duh ...

8 And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden toward the cool of the day; and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden. 9And the LORD God called unto the man, and said unto him: ‘Where art thou?’

22279865? ago

You're being completely over-the-top literalist. God was asking a rhetorical question, prompting them to explain themselves. Come on.

Anyway I haven't even stated my personal beliefs here, only what I understand the prevailing definition of Lucifer to be.

Certainly we can agree that God is omniscient... why would you accuse me of having any other position when I've said nothing to the contrary. That's called a straw-man fallacy. This is what makes you a faggot, and when I say that I am not meaning it as idle name-calling, I am referring to your particular style of evasive non-argument (faggotry) and your prickish tone.

22279931? ago

The confusion between Lucifer and this invented Devil named Satan is one of the oldest religious conspiracies that is still in effect to this very day. This is no surprise being that most all Christians are simply not educated on the bible, its history, the languages or the true meanings behind many of the biblical passages and the words that are contained in this book of 66 books.

When we hear the word "Lucifer", what do we think of? Thanks to Milton’s "Paradise Lost," we usually think of the name the Satan bore previous to his fall from the throne of Yahweh. The word Lucifer appears in the Authorized Version, the King James, although virtually every translation since has removed it.

But where did the word "Lucifer" come from? Is it in the Hebrew manuscripts? Where the King James says "Lucifer, son of the morning," the Hebrew is heilel ben shakhar. Heilel is a shining thing or something that shows off brightness. Some other Biblical uses of the word (shown in all caps where translated) are as follows:

O that I could be as I was in the months now gone, in the days when God watched over me, when he caused his lamp TO SHINE upon my head, and by his light I walked through darkness.
Job 29:2-3

Its snorting THROWS OUT FLASHES of light; its eyes are like the red glow of dawn.
Job 41:18

Ben means son of and can mean direct descent from a person or relation to something. For instance, the ben of Israel would mean the sons or people that are the nation of Israel. Shakhar means morning, early, day, dawn, rising light.1 Some other Biblical uses of the word (shown in all caps where translated) are as follows:

Its snorting throws out flashes of light; its eyes are like the red glow of DAWN.
Job 41:18

So we labored in the work, with half holding spears, from the rising of THE MORNING till the stars appeared.
Nehemiah 4:21

Taken together, the Hebrew phrase in Isaiah 14:12 means the shining/brightness born of the morning/dawn. What is that shining brightness? It could be the rays of the sun but it could also be the day star or morning star, Venus, which is how some translations render it.

Notice that there is nothing like the word Lucifer in the Hebrew. In the Greek translation known as the Septuagint, heilel is rendered eosphorus. So even in the Greek, there’s nothing like the word.

How then did "Lucifer" get into the Bible? The word is actually Latin. It comes from the words lux (light/fire) and ferre (to bear/to bring) and when put together means bearer of light or bringer of fire. Lucifer is also one the Latin names for the morning star, Venus. As it turns out, so is the Greek word Eosphorus.

At length as the Morning Star (Eosphorus) was beginning to herald the light which saffron-mantled Dawn was soon to suffuse over the sea, the flames fell and the fire began to die.
Homer, The Iliad, Book 23

And after these Erigenia bare the star Eosphorus, and the gleaming stars with which heaven is crowned.
Hesiod, Theogony

When Jerome translated the biblical manuscripts in his Latin Vulgate, he believed the shining born of the dawn in Isaiah spoke of the morning star and so replaced the Hebrew and Greek meaning with the Latin name of the planet. If we were to do the same with our modern day translations, we would write "how you have fallen from heaven, O Venus, son of the morning."

Jerome actually used the word lucifer in several places in his translation. The following are a few examples of its occurrence as taken from the Clementine Vulgate. "Lucifer" appears in parentheses.

Et quasi meridianus fulgor consurget tibi ad vesperam; et cum te consumptum putaveris, orieris ut (lucifer).
Job 11:17

Quomodo cecidisti de cælo, (Lucifer), qui mane oriebaris ? corruisti in terram, qui vulnerabas gentes?
Isaiah 14:12

Et habemus firmiorem propheticum sermonem : cui benefacitis attendentes quasi lucernæ lucenti in caliginoso donec dies elucescat, et (lucifer) oriatur in cordibus vestries
2 Peter 1:19

Notice that Lucifer is used in 2 Peter 1:19 in Jerome’s Vulgate just as it is used in Isaiah 14:12 to replace the Hebrew heilel. Here is the English:

Moreover, we possess the prophetic word as an altogether reliable thing. You do well if you pay attention to this as you would to a light shining in a murky place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.
2 Peter 1:19

The morning star rising in the hearts of Yahweh’s people is a direct reference to Numbers 24:172 and describes the coming of Christ. The Greek word for morning star in 2 Peter 1:19 is eosphoros. If you recall, this is the same word used by the writers of the Septuagint to translate heilel in Isaiah 14:12 and is the name of the planet Venus in Greek. If "Lucifer" is a correct rendering in Isaiah 14:12, then it is correct in 2 Peter 1:19 also (just as Jerome translates it). And so we have the first place where scripture calls Yeshua Lucifer. But that is not the only place.

And to the one who conquers and who continues in my deeds until the end…I will give him the morning star.
Revelation 2:26a, 28b

I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star!
Revelation 22:16

A word for the morning star in Latin, as we have seen, is Lucifer. So according to Yeshua’s own words, not only will those who follow him receive Lucifer, but Lucifer is a name for Yeshua himself. There is even more reason to believe that Lucifer is an appropriate translation in Revelation 22:16 because the Greek in that verse is "orthrinos aster," which is a Greek epithet for Venus.3

So in conclusion, Lucifer is another name for Venus, Eosphorus, and Heilel. It describes the second planet, the morning star. While Yeshua is metaphorically likened to it in 2 Peter and Revelation, King Nebuchadnezzar receives this honor in Isaiah 14. Unfortunately, Satan is never given such distinction.


Strong, James, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, 1990, Hebrew concordance number 7837.


an early Messianic prophecy: A star shall shine forth out of Jacob and a scepter will rise out of Israel.


Strong, James, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, 1990, Greek concordance number 3720.

Never speak on something you do not know anything about. It makes you look very foolish and under-educated in all things Bible.

22280012? ago

Are you the author of this web site?: https://www.echoofeden.com/bias/lucifer/

If so I might be interested in discussing this with you. But I don't care to read plagiarized responses.

Are you willing to speak to your own personal understanding of this? That's what people come to a discussion forum for. To have discussions.

22280188? ago

Do you have 34 years? Because that is how long it would take bringing you up to speed.

22280253? ago

fuck off faggot, nobody has time for your stupid games

22280271? ago

So much for being a true follower of Yeshua. You just exposed yourself as an apostate CINO.

22278666? ago

Yes, the arch angel Lucifer is now know as Satan. Check it out for yourself. Don't take my word for and certainly do not take this retards as fact.

22278708? ago

If you're relating that to Isaiah you would be wrong again. Isaiah is referencing a Babylonian King. lol Do more study.

22279792? ago

I'm not specifically referencing Isaiah. More like the whole of the Bible. No question. I love to study.

22279888? ago

Not very good at it then. Anyone with a scintilla of study into Hebrew, Koine Greek, Aarmaic, Latin and Sumerian languages would know Lucifer isn't even a name in either Hebrew, Aramaic, Koine Greek.

The confusion between Lucifer and this invented Devil named Satan is one of the oldest religious conspiracies that is still in effect to this very day. This is no surprise being that most all Christians are simply not educated on the bible, its history or the true meanings behind many of the biblical passages and the words that are contained in this book of 66 books.

Notice that there is nothing like the word Lucifer in the Hebrew. In the Greek translation known as the Septuagint, heilel is rendered eosphorus. So even in the Greek, there’s nothing like the word.

Lucifer is another name for Venus, Eosphorus, and Heilel. It describes the second planet, the morning star. While Yeshua is metaphorically likened to it in 2 Peter and Revelation, King Nebuchadnezzar receives this honor in Isaiah 14. Unfortunately, Satan is never given such distinction.


Strong, James, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, 1990, Hebrew concordance number 7837.


an early Messianic prophecy: A star shall shine forth out of Jacob and a scepter will rise out of Israel.


Strong, James, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, 1990, Greek concordance number 3720.

22280122? ago

There is no way you'll convince me with that non-sense. I read English. And I've read enough of you.

22280136? ago

Hence you will forever walk in the darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.

22280529? ago

Wrong again.

22278603? ago

what is their relationship? Are the greek gods and various pantheons the fallen?

22279474? ago

yes. and YHVH was a foreign god who usurped the throne of Zeus/Jupiter/Ra

the old pantheons were made into demons, and the old ways were dubbed "devil worship"

christianity, islam, and judaism, are all part of the same machine.

22279571? ago

interesting. what is the relationship between satan and lucifer?

22280076? ago

You're wasting your time. This asshole doesn't understand anything, he is just posting copy-pasta from the web to anyone that questions him.

22281553? ago

I've heard/read the lucifier-satan thing before. Just hoped for some expansion on it. Ah well. Ya know though, this is the absolute best comment section ever. There is genuine intelligence and curiosity here.

22278602? ago

Don’t be deceived. Luciferianism is a diabolical belief system designed to entrap the ignorant into the service of evil.

22280198? ago

You pretty much described every religion going.

22278669? ago

In which mis-represents Lucifer.

22280250? ago

Use discernment. The devil is the father of lies and the author of confusion. That’s not enlightenment. It’s servitude and bondage. Ask God for guidance and beware the rules of the evil one

22280172? ago

Wrong. Sorry boomer.

22280199? ago

Right. Sorry boomer.

22277800? ago

Two gallons of gold paint and a nigger think he special.

22277672? ago


22277557? ago

Take your meds