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22276613? ago

Were the other 9 something you could justify? Just collateral damage?

22278869? ago

DS doesn't care about collateral damage. Multiple people have been killed just because they were on the wrong plane with the wrong person. The Malaysian flight. Ron Brown's flight. many others. So this is a non sequiter. We aren't people to the DS. We are just "useless eaters" - so who cares how many get killed in a virus pandemic, on a plane, in a mall? The end goal is depopulation. You are just in the way.

22279890? ago

Any good speculation in that Malaysian flight? What did the anons come up with on that one?

22280210? ago

They stole it, repainted and repurposed it, to then be used in the Ukraine Plane crash.

Same plane. <

22280370? ago

What about the passengers?