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22276868? ago


Literally in the middle of WW3, white race on the edge of extinction and there are motherfuckers posted retarded horoscope messages and then interpreting them to mean anything. All for no reason whatsoever because the interpretations require ZERO involvement in outcome and nobody knows what the fuck they mean until after they can be "interpreted" to be linked to some event after the fact.


22277098? ago

You make it sound like we're allowed one post per day on here and we've just spent our ammo unwisely. This is huge news, not sure if it's warranted or not, and whenever the media spends a lot of time focusing on something or someone, there's usually fuckery afoot...

22277219? ago

I can only read a couple "if wild association X is true, the world is on rails" posts before I tune out

22278771? ago

buh byeee

again - Why are you here?

22279425? ago

Were here trying to show you fucking idiots that Qew the Jew is a massive waste of fucking time. If his horoscope predictions come true regardless of your involvement, then it serves NO purpose whatsoever. We have a real fucking problem fren and we need more people to start to realize that it's going to take more than reading horoscopes and tea leaves. What, I have no idea, but at a minimum, wasting time on this only helps other morons to waste time on this instead of doing something useful.

22280036? ago

Then fuck off somewhere else.

22281247? ago

Deflection, a trick of the Jew. You don't even pretend to address the problems I bring to you. No mention of how this is useful or why anyone should waste 10 seconds on this nonsense, no you just want to deflect as quick as possible because YOU HAVE NO ARGUMENT.

Keep inbreeding Kikes, it honestly might be the only chance the goyim have at freeing themselves from slavery at this point.

22281284? ago


Using time dilating looking glass technology.

Q is confusing The Enemy, and terrifying them to say the least. Playing with (((them))) like a Cheshire Cat plays with a ball of string, or a stunned rodent. Demonrats.

The cryptic nature of Q, makes this deadly "Game" more appealing to Normies, as it creates curiosity.

The Plan is all ticking along nicely Fren, and I am feeling comfy as fuck frankly.

Pass me the Popcorn.

22281325? ago

The cryptic nature of Q, makes this deadly "Game" more appealing to Normies, as it creates curiosity.

It wastes people's time on something completely and utterly pointless that serves NO purpose, when people should be finding a purpose as we are reaching a critical point.

Does a tree falling in the woods make a sound if nobody hears it? Does knowing of the existence of Qew the Jew make any difference on the outcome of his horoscopes?

22281409? ago

So you admit it's a Fait Accompli?

An accomplished, presumably irreversible deed or fact.

A fact accomplished; a thing done; a scheme already carried into execution.


An accomplished fact, something that has already occurred; a done deal.


22282947? ago

For anyone still wasting time following this particular thread, you see that response? Yes, that is why you shouldn't inbreed.

22283711? ago

You are scared as fuck of me. <

22284504? ago

Truly, nail on the head.

Wait, nail could mean nale, which is a Egyption term for horse and head is another word for bathroom. Bathroom are were people take shits, OMG, "horse shit", I've deciphered the hidden code! Yay, all the worlds problems have been solved!