22286595? ago

They're fixing to annoint Kobe to Sainthood! I never knew dropping a ball through a hoop was such an earthshaking accomplishment.

22284241? ago

Time to Blow your Minds... > POTUS Instagram Post days before Kobe Bryant's death > POTUS knew


22284173? ago

But a millionaire nigger crashed his helicopter. The world must grind to a halt and mourn.

22280830? ago

Americans hate soccer anyways.

22280613? ago

Deep state ammo.

Seems ammo is not that hard to come by. Deep state have endless supply if ammo.

If Coby qualifies as ammo who doesn't.

Kill Oprah

Kill Eminem

Kill Jay Z

Kill Robert Di Niro

Kill any one of their thousands of household name ammo.

They will never run out of distraction fodder.

So why isn't our side going after the media? Why isn't the media able to be held accountable?

Until the media can no longer lie with impunity nothing will change.

22280530? ago

I'm generally not one to jump into conspiracy theories. But my phone started exploding with random updates the day Trump's team smacked down the Democrats arguments.

Then I noticed Hulu has a special on Kobe's life and death, the day off the accident.... That's awfully quick. I would have thought they'd need at least a day for some rushed editing.

22282503? ago

OP. I posted this because I noticed something similar on QRV. The photographs of Kobe wearing Hunt Become Hunted shirts, the helicopter cartoon, the ridiculous "Satanic" rumors: they all seemed pre-packaged and ready for the moment after he died. It occurred to me how easy it would be for someone to assemble a few of the thousand phrases that Q has dropped, and tailor a false story around them in order to manipulate those of us her on QRV.

22279658? ago

It's pretty sad, about his daughter. And the remaining family members who have to live with the loss. i don't have internet or TV so I actually found out recently and my first thought was to see if/how this is connected to Q haha

22279323? ago

Lol nobody cares anymore. The Jews overtook the trending on Twitter to remind us to remember and never forget!

Retards were given Coronachan AND Kobe's death, which could dominate headlines for a week so long as they let them keep being the talking point.

But forgetting that once people stop talking about them to talk about something else, they will not ever be a top headline again...They went all on "Muh Holocaust" which would have been available at any point in time. I love how they are outing themselves so hard that normal people are starting to question their veracity in shoving "Muh Holocaust" onto people 80 years later.

22279228? ago

Never did. He is just another athlete.

22278596? ago

Cant ignore. Red pilling many people today with this. Eye opener. The whole google assassination, Q 11/16 post along with the cartoon, Hunter/hunted shirt, jacket...

22278530? ago

And yet here you are bringing it up and sliding more relevant posts. Fuck off.

22278233? ago

Did the Deep State Satanists sacrifice Kobe in a desperate grasp for more power?

22277839? ago

Fuck off retard. I can pay attention to more than one thing at a time.

22277352? ago

Already on it op

22277340? ago

How is recognizing the words on his T-shirt a distraction? Can't you chew gum and breathe at the same time?

22277223? ago

He's going to be hard to ignore in Los Angeles because he is everywhere. I mean literally everywhere. Kabooom!

22276950? ago

How is me paying attention to the news going to do anything.

22277487? ago

Attention is love. Be careful what you send your love towards.

22276725? ago

It's a distraction as he was one of them [Y]

But that doesn't mean we shouldn't recognize it.

What's important is the senate this week. [TheY] sacrificed him and his daughter specifically for distraction from senate events.

22276704? ago


22276464? ago

nobody cares about Kobe lmao.

22278030? ago

The plan is to awake the sheep that do. Nobody cares about your opinion.

22277204? ago

No shit. I ignored him when he was alive, so, no problem.

22276306? ago

Not a problem for anyone here. Our media will ignore the Republican arguments over the next few days due to this event, and all will be surprised when the impeachment vote fails.

22278258? ago

Bolton's book just "blasted a hole in Trump's defense" is what they are reporting. The book hasn't even been published from what I can tell but somehow it's the headline impeachment news.

22276296? ago

Probably a deep state death, worth looking into.

22276278? ago

No shit. Voat isn’t the place that needs to be convinced of this. Tell everybody else on the planet.

22276220? ago

He died, we all die, everyone is acting like it is not going to happen to them.

We live our lives like we are not all walking in the shadow of death each and every day, yet death is one thing none of us can avoid, it is only a matter of time.

22276592? ago

wow thanks Captain Obvious.

22276469? ago

relax kanye.

22276137? ago

He flew in a negrochopper

22276062? ago

It will die its own natural death unlike the sacrificial Kobe.

22275991? ago

Way ahead of you haha

22275906? ago

One minute Q says this is not a game then says enjoy the show.....its all a game.


Kobe was a satanist and his daughter was a participant so they got what was coming!

So REST IN HELL KOBE!! I hope you and your daughter finally got where ya wanted to go!

22276038? ago

Trump spent more time with satanists than kobe ever did.

Ivanka literally married a guy who bought 666 5th ave in Manhattan, but you are going to accuse a 13yo girl of being a satanist and condemning her to hell.

Stay classy America

22279538? ago

Kobe played in 66 games his final season, and in his final game he scored 60 points......

His career scoring was 33k points......

He might have been recruited by the masons..... just saying.....

22276482? ago

Wow.....you really need to deep dive on your info before spouting crap.

Kushner didnt buy the building first of all...the white hats bought the building in a strategic takeover.

This Chess game has been going on since the assassination of JFK. If you look at the location of this building and what is was being used for and read the history of the purchase then youll understand.

As for his first born....his daughter she was in this with her father. It is known their children are broken at 2 or 3 and controlled as a future asset.

Kobe was a satanist its no secret he has the illuminatti pics the satanic jacket he always wore with the symbol of the goat etc.

He was a rapist satanist and his family knows and participate knowingly.

I do not wish harm on children and am sickened by all this crap about the satanist bullshit or the child trafficking or the child indoctrination of kids in a satanic occult and that goes for the jew christian occult too.

America isnt classy if you view it from the side of the left but as for the right we are making America great again slowly which doesnt include mourning the loss of satanist.

22276184? ago

"accuse a 13yo girl of being a satanist" -NObody has done this.

22276203? ago

besides, who tf cares if someone calls a 13 yr old a satanist. what, 13 yr olds can't be satanists now?

22276087? ago

'married a guy who bought 666 5th ave in Manhattan' - paid over market asking price to stop (((them))) from getting it.

22276239? ago

Kek, ya "we are saving israel for last"....glad you believe that kek

22275852? ago

OP is right, it's just a game and Kobe was an athlete. Not a politician, not a mover and shaker... just an athlete. In a game. Keep your priorities straight.

22276099? ago

MJ was but an artiest / musician, DS killed him too.

22276535? ago

He was a chomo. ^ A very mentally ill one.

22276025? ago

Nope, he inspired millions to be a better version of themselves. Was he perfect? Nope. But he was a hard worker, a competitor, who went out and made his dreams come true.

He spoke multiple languages, was a great father, helped mentor plenty of people worldwide, was an artist, etc.

It's ok for people to feel grief for people that made an impact in their life.

22276474? ago

and he hated white people. you stupid kike.

22276616? ago

WTF are you talking about?? He never hated white people, there were white people on the helicopter with him when he crashed.

Sensitive little white bitch arent you kek

22276641? ago


22276629? ago

so he had some slaves on board, still doesn't mean he didn't hate white people, Rabbi.

22276211? ago

No, it's what's wrong with America. everyone is jacking it to kobe today. idolatry is a major sin. any americans more concerned about kobe than the injustice being perpetrated on our constitution by the dems is a dimwit.

22276259? ago


22276235? ago

Everyone on this board is jacking it to Trump....idolatry is a major sin.

22276431? ago

You got that right. Especially because the hype is so real, the temptation is so strong to celebrate Trump, we should be cautious.

22276260? ago

That may be your interpretation, but no. No we aren't. Compare jacking it to a basketball player, to joyfully supporting the leader of a movement that actually impacts day to day life and roots out corruption. Get on my level, dumbass.

22276307? ago

Ya Trump is such a great role model in how he impacts day to day life, by chowing down on fast food and appointing guys like Barr and Dershowitz and Mnuchin who are as deep state as it gets

22276314? ago

let the salt flow minion. you just said exactly nothing.

22276080? ago

Fine, people can choose whomever they want as a "hero," but I still maintain that basketball is just a game and he was just a game player. I have NO idea how or why people lionize athletes. It's sort of like looking to Hollyweird celebrities for their political opinions, and they are among the dumbest people on the planet.

22276348? ago

Athletes touch our primal instincts, which let us detect strength, vitality and charisma. That's why athletes are also used to manipulate us in media, advertising and movies.

22276292? ago

Exactly. Regan, Trump, Schwartzenigger were all brain dead celebrities and conservatives were retarded enough to vote for them

22276254? ago

Lol your dumb and got rekt

22276246? ago

I mean, you literally look at a TV star who inherited a real estate empire and cheated on multiple wives while claiming bankruptcy 4 times for political opinions and to lead your country......talk about dumbest people on the planet

22277412? ago

It was actually 6 times. But he has in the neighborhood of 600 corps. Do the math. 1% fail rate. Unheard of in the business world. Like batting 1000.....for shit for brain sports faggots like yourself.

22277479? ago

Ya Trump University really did great, not to mention the childrens charity he siphoned funds off of....kek

22278373? ago

For TU...again..99% success across all corps (he is a business GENIUS...even someone as dumb as yourself can agree). As for him siphoning off from the child's charity...that was simply a rumor going around on social media. Still batting ZERO...kek

22277129? ago

Nice try, shilly....but hyperbole and bullshit left the station 3 years ago and you're all by yourself at this point on that train to nowhere...

22275841? ago

Kobe beef is the bomb. I will not ignore, screw you.

22275961? ago

It is.