22284273? ago

Time to Blow your Minds... > POTUS Instagram Post days before Kobe Bryant's death > POTUS knew




22275267? ago

17 years ago.

22274903? ago

If so, he is facing justice now, but we must be cautious with these claims and wealthy celebrities. Sometimes, they are attempts to get some money out of them. Although I can't say one way or another about this case. I don't know enough about it.

22274807? ago

I am sure he is remembering now.

22274791? ago

You might try some of the threads that have actual info...Q/covered in gold....

22274446? ago

Nah. He had consensual sex with a whore with a history of mental illness. A few points of note:

1) The underwear that the whore brought to the rape test had another man's semen and public hair in it.

2) Her first interview with police had so many inconsistencies that she felt compelled to write the detective a letter apologizing for misleading them.

3) She was on anti-psychotic drugs for the treatment of schizophrenia at the time of the incident.

4) She was ultimately unwilling to testify in court, so the charges were dropped.

Kobe was sleazy for cheating on his wife, but no reasonable person would look at the evidence and conclude that he raped the girl. Settling out of court in a civil case is not an admission of guilt, and the settlement was likely less than it would have cost to win the case. I'm sure he was under tremendous pressure from the NBA and his sponsors to get things over with as soon as possible. It's wouldn't have been good for his brand for a civil case to drag on, even if he was ultimately exonerated at the end of it.

22277260? ago

Pretty sure when the girl said to stop trying to rape her asshole and he did anyway, that is rape.

22278200? ago

If that's what actually happened, I'd agree. There's literally no reason to believe a schizophrenic woman who lied to the police and likely had sex again the same day that she was supposedly raped. Kobe shouldn't have cheated on his wife, of course, but the supposed victim is not credible and anyone who looked at the case beyond the parameters of "believe women" knows it.

22278731? ago

Yes, Kobe tried to poke her dirtbox and that's when it wasn't consensual anymore. You can read the case notes. You can read the apology. Kobe Bryant spent his way out of it.

22274259? ago

The regular sex was consensual, it was the flip to assrape that she was injured from and did not want to do or have done to her. He ignored her and penetrated her anyway. It is rape and there is no time during sex that a woman has lost her right to stop a man from fucking her holes. He was and forever will be a teenage ass raper.

22278751? ago

This is what the coomers and niggers don't understand.

22273192? ago

So many teary eyed, limp wristed apologists on Twitter calling him great.

I refuse to mourn a cabal puppet & a rapist.

22272623? ago

'member that time he died in a fiery helicopter crash? I 'member. good times

22272588? ago

Too bad the coal burner didn't die

22272577? ago

That glorious nigger cock is rotting right now. Haahahahahahahahahah.

22272498? ago

Another dead nigger rapist. Big fucking deal.

22272392? ago

You forget how their control works. She was used to keep him in line.

22272309? ago

Get the whole story straight. Bryant admitted to an adulterous sexual encounter with his accuser, but denied the assault allegation. The case was dropped after Bryant's accuser refused to testify in the case. A separate civil suit was later filed against Bryant by the woman. This was settled out of court and included Bryant publicly apologizing to his accuser, though admitting no guilt on his part. Let it be. The man died a terrifying death. His wife and children should grieve without having old dirt dug up from 2003.

22271826? ago


If you were older than 16 when that case happened you’ll realize what went down. Don’t believe the interwebs. She was a groupie, stalked him to the hotel he was rehabbing. Her friends said how she was bragging she slept with an nba player. Then when the bragging got out of hand, the story turned to rape.

22274509? ago

Look at all these nigger lovers defending rapist niggers that openly hated our POTUS up until the Trump curse got him.

22272430? ago

I thought she was an employee at that resort.

22271805? ago


22275284? ago

White hats just took out a deep state predophile, cheer up.

22271787? ago

weird that they keep mentioning kobe being an oscar winner. curious

22271685? ago

Yup, sure do! He's no hero that's for sure, just one of the stars meant to hypnotize the sheep.

22271680? ago

how is it possible to settle a state or federal crime out of court , the state or feds can not just simply drop charges based on a victim's request , must only be for people with lots of money

22271945? ago

Exactly, a criminal case is considered a "crime against society."

22271690? ago

And lots of money was involved. Millions.

He even had to issue an apology and his wife was there to witness as well.

Don't forget about the million dollar diamond ring he bought for Vanessa!

22272477? ago

Personal dirty laundry made public. What Im reading here is like a bunch of sheep following each other to Lynch a dead man in the media. Let it be. She settled out of court for $$$. What was her motive for going to his room in the first place.

22272737? ago

Probably not to get gangraped

22271662? ago

Fuck basketball......squeaky niggers.

22272595? ago

hhahahahaha i love it

22271723? ago

All sports are stupid. Sports are to men what handbags are to women.

22271632? ago

ya she was a coal burning whore looking to get paid if you know much about the story.

22271668? ago

Once you go black, you're a single mother!

22272468? ago

Once you go black Biden you’re a single mother.

There, fixed it.

22271599? ago

I remember! He was a sack of shit! Probably fukn his own daughter since she was 2!

22271537? ago


22275294? ago

Kobe is anally raping QRV.

22271231? ago

Yeah but.....Fuck him he is gone without a Jesus

22271189? ago

I don't understand why everyone is gushing over him. Yes, he had a talent for basketball. Thousands of people die everyday. Many of them tragic. But, they're not plastered all over the news and gushed over. It's disgusting.

22272554? ago

Fuck that dead nigger and his family.

22271571? ago

For one, he’s not an asshat like Lebron.

22271633? ago

But he did gangrape a white women

22274005? ago

Didn't they all?

22272341? ago

She voluntarily went to his room. What was she looking for?

22276139? ago

Have you ever voluntarily gone into a room? Did you expect to be raped in those rooms?

22274784? ago

a 6-figure payday and a nondisclosure agreement

22275143? ago

She was the person who felt wronged. Correct? She decided to settle her claim by getting paid and therefore receive the justice she wanted. Who else should make that decision? She could have testified and maybe put Kobe in prison. She decided HER claim could be settled with money. Not your or my decision to make.

22276636? ago

I never said it was. I'm saying going to his room, she HAD to at least have an idea what MIGHT be in store so don't act so shocked and innocent. Her intention was money for her, as the outcome. Ever heard of the term, "Gold digger?" I don't think it was an accident that Kobe was the one it appears Q was referring to as "covered in gold" drop 195

22272367? ago

Don’t know. Why would you assume it’s to get gangraped?

22275122? ago

Does the fact she never claimed anyone other than Kobe bonked her get in the way of your gang raped story? Does the fact that none of the investigation never alluded to gang rape? Could it be the way her side was trying to get past the fact she had DNA from three men in her panties?

Maybe Adam Shifty is not the only one making up stuff to sell a story.

22272558? ago

i'm sure she was like, "well, that took a strange turn."

22272705? ago

I wonder if they bukkaked her?

22272731? ago

i mean, while you're there...

22271466? ago

If you're an overpaid nigger you get gushed over by idiots who worship overpaid niggers.

22271144? ago

Basketball American Naggers.

22271141? ago

Kobe Bryant sexual assault case

The Kobe Bryant sexual assault case began in July 2003 when the news media reported that the sheriff's office in Eagle, Colorado, had arrested professional basketball player Kobe Bryant in connection with an investigation of a sexual assault complaint filed by a 19-year-old hotel employee.[1] Bryant had checked into The Lodge and Spa at Cordillera, a hotel in Edwards, Colorado, on June 30 in advance of having surgery near there on July 2 under Richard Steadman. The woman accused Bryant of raping her in his hotel room on July 1, the night before the surgery.



22272382? ago

You forgot to post the rest of the Wikipedia article.

The woman accused Bryant of raping her in his hotel room on July 1, the night before the surgery. Bryant admitted to an adulterous sexual encounter with his accuser, but denied the assault allegation. The case was dropped after Bryant's accuser refused to testify in the case. A separate civil suit was later filed against Bryant by the woman. This was settled out of court and included Bryant publicly apologizing to his accuser, though admitting no guilt on his part.

22270936? ago

Two less niggers in the world today

22271714? ago

Amen brother 🙏🏾

22270934? ago

I remember the girls underwear testing positive for multiple men's cum loads. Did all the other men she fucked that night rape her too?

22271849? ago

It was semen stains drip drabbing out her cloaca, from her bf and some other friend.

22271929? ago

That was my point, she was a gangbang hoe. Kobe's was a piece of shit for a lot of reasons but he didn't rape this dirty bitch.

22272144? ago

A hoe can still be raked.

22272338? ago

Kobe was one of the biggest stars in America. There was probably over 50 million women that would have fucked him if he asked. But for some reason he had to ignore all of those women and rape this already cum filled bitch who fucked at least two other guys that night. It really doesn't make any sense. Why was she even hanging around him? Do you think she was hoping to have a wonderful conversation with him, maybe they did have a lot in common? Or just maybe she fucked him, then said it was rape so she can get a lot of money? I think that makes more sense.

22272617? ago

She worked at the hotel, front desk.

22270863? ago

Define “State Funeral”

22276724? ago

Also, Mr. Peanut dying recently in the news, and Kobe has a relation to peanuts (commercial link): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POgoJS4EzEo&feature=youtu.be

22271395? ago

CA state

22270760? ago

The evil ones all rape women and never get caught. If it comes out in the media it’s because you aren’t protected.

22270504? ago

i did hate kobe for all of the reasons. let's have some class. innocent people died, two teenage girls perished. let us pray & hug our loved ones

22271278? ago

They cared not once for you........

You worshiped them and now you want to pray for them?

Do tell ...... no not really.

Theres more......

22271658? ago

This is true. Kobe was cold as a snake. Kobe was Obama's favorite player.

22276717? ago

Kobe and his first born were sacrificed

Will Smith is just anyday now.......

22276703? ago

363 days ago Kobe was expensive asian beef.

22271169? ago

I don’t weep for rapists

22271152? ago

no... She wanted money and a big black dick... She got one.

22270918? ago

Why the fuck do I keep seeing people use the word "Perish" today for this situation? It was on the front page of Reddit too. I've never seen that word in a headline for this type of situation. Does not seem organic.

22270691? ago

I love Kobe and respect him greatly. Censor yourself if you'd like

22270467? ago

He did cheat on his wife. He didn't rape that woman. Kobe picked his favorite few woman who climbed over all the others to get picked. This bitch practiced having sex to cause trauma and bleeding to herself, and told a friend about it.

Kobe was a bad husband. Kobe did not rape that woman.

22273300? ago

She also falsely accused someone of rape in high school. Some of her classmates were going public to the newspapers. The longer it went on, her account of what happened was becoming less credible. That’s why she dropped the charges. If she didn’t drop the charges she probably would have lost in court. Kobe never had a bad incident happen to him again. There was no pattern of violence or sexual abuse, I tend to believe it was consensual.

22271556? ago

I believe he was setup. This ‘rape’ was his Epstein blackmail moment. He made a deal to not goto jail. She was probably sent in to frame him. Very unfortunate as I think he was a good guy that made a mistake.

22271410? ago

Why settle out of court then?

22275279? ago


22272139? ago

Why did Trump settle? When you rich as fuck you pay people off true or not as a cost of doing business. My dad got sued by a worthless nig for wrongful termination because he is black which absolutely nothing to do with it. The lawyer said just offer him what it's going to cost to pay me to fight it and what you value your time at and just move on. And my dad gave nig a big fat check.

22273256? ago

Exactly, court is fucking slow and it is NOT worth your time. Costs + time can be devastating to any small business

22271669? ago

Very good question.

22270984? ago

He and his friends gangraped her anally and vaginally

22272480? ago

Were you there?

22274498? ago

No he's clearly not a nigger.

22271051? ago

Why would a man of that status have to resort to gangrape?

22272910? ago

Ask Bill Clinton.

22271074? ago

The thrill of it. He’s a big black beast

22271441? ago

He’s a big black beast He was a big black beast

Now he's just another dead nigger.

22271087? ago

Fuck outta here.

22271098? ago

I bet you defend Epstein, Dersh, and Prince Andrew too

22271129? ago

Sure thing rabbi.

22271216? ago

Pedoshill confirmed 🚨

22270833? ago

Yep ... mommy jammed her with the Italian sausage from the fridge ... she posted a photo with him or something or a instaface tweet ... maybe with him in it ? Whatever it was, it wasn’t a post of a girl who got gang raped ... it was never gang raped anyway

22271120? ago

You’re disgusting.

22271687? ago

That’s funny, I’m just repeating what a top 5 US talk show host said. Sorry I upset your fragile sensisitivities ... pretty sure worse has been done to fuck over a rich man.

22270163? ago

Wasn't there loads of DNA evidence that he had raped her? This whole story just kinda slipped away. Probably some school shooting or something else in the news took everyone's minds off of it.

22273309? ago


22271796? ago

She had dna in her panties from at least 2 other guys that she fucked, day before and morning before she crept into his rm that night. They used the "she's a slut" defense, it worked.

22270408? ago

If I remember correctly, nobody in the case contested the fact that they had had sex, including up the pooper. The plaintiff alleged that the butt stuff was forced and the prosecution cited her busted o'ring as evidence of same. I don't remember anything about any settlement, but it would make sense to avoid a civil case for a lot of reasons. Also, he had ended up buying his fairly new and extremely pissed-off wife a ring worth millions to get out of the doghouse.

22286834? ago

This is the correct summary of that situation, from what I recall.

22272679? ago

Yeah, I remember the super expensive ring also. What a dumb bitch his wife is to stay with a person for money, fame and a stupid ring.

22270236? ago

Yeah, they found 4 other loads in her panties. Rocky Mountain trash

22271702? ago

Who is trashier? The woman or the 4 other men? It seems like a real contest, but you act like there's nothing to debate.

22270207? ago

I don't know the story but how would DNA evidence from consensual sex and rape differ?

22270267? ago

No, it wouldn't.

22269927? ago

Was he set up?

22269810? ago

Remember when Kavanaugh stuck his penis in the face of a young girl at a college party and you all still supported him?

Or when Trump cheated on his wife, and said how he grabs women by the pussy and how he was friends with Bill Clinton and Epstein?

22271285? ago

that was the problem.... NOBODY remembered it. Not even the accuser until Kav's name started coming up as a possible SCOTUS pick......

22270378? ago

1) Kav didnt you fucking idiot.

2) typical leftist BULLSHIT. But Orange Man Bad. Got it.

3) yep. He said they let you grab em.... why? Because women are whores and will doing anything for money. But fuck trump, right?

4) trump kicked epstein out of mara lago for being a fucking asshole. McCain's kid said everyone knew what Epstein was doing. The same way everyone knew Weinstein's MO.

BUT FUCK TRUMP, orange man bad, reeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

22270435? ago

Kav didnt you fucking idiot

The same standard of evidence presented for Kav was presented for Kobe.....but you are a dumb, biased, hypocrite

typical leftist BULLSHIT. But Orange Man Bad. Got it.

Not bullshit at all. It's the complete truth. Hell, Trump was proud of his philandering. How dumb do you have to be to believe that Trump is a real Christian KEK?

trump kicked epstein out of mara lago for being a fucking asshole

And proceeded to fly to his island, and continue to donate money to liberal causes, like Hilary's senatorial campaign.

BUT FUCK TRUMP, orange man bad, reeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

kek, you make fun of liberals thinking that they cant handle the truth....but look at how you behave, you can't handle the truth....you blind yourself in denial because some anonymous internet guy told you that Trump is saving Israel for last KEK

22270776? ago

And proceeded to fly to his island, and continue to donate money to liberal causes, like Hilary's senatorial campaign.

Liar and thief of human intelligence.

He has never been to Pedo-Island and was a milk run to NYC.

22270609? ago

Kobe had DNA evidence used against him. It's a huge difference troll.

What's your point about trump? Are you a practicing catholic that has a problem? You sound like some leftist idiot trying to make another useless point.

Story I heard, he went and left immediately. But you keep spinning.

No, its comical at this point listening to the ongoing bullshit by all the babies that wont admit, trump is your president. LOL!!!


22270734? ago

Kobe had DNA evidence used against him. It's a huge difference troll.

She had 2 other mens semen in her underwear, and they ended up settling out of court

What's your point about trump? trump is your president

Ya, and he's a sexual predator and shitty person. He is so insecure about his appearance he continues to wear a blond wig and orange face paint, rather than age gracefully like a real man.

He surrounds himself with sexual deviants like the Clintons (to whom he donated more money to than any of his supporters ironically). He took a known pedophile to defend his impeachment (Dershowitz).

Instead of draining the swamp, he brought more swamp people (Barr, Mnuchin, Elaine Chao, etc etc) to DC.

But you still believe in him because some anonymous Q guy posted a few times to "trust the plan" KEK

22270807? ago

The level of mind reading is off the charts!

You're an idiot.

Your hallucinations are noted.

22271327? ago

things are getting ugly for them....what this particular troll is doing is akin to cupping his balls while rocking back and forth on the floor

22271374? ago

Sounds right to me!

22270217? ago


22270200? ago

LUL If you had any actual balls youd post out of anon. You wont. I dont even like trumpfags or consider myself "conventionally" right but if there is one thing I fucking hate it is a coward leftist hiding because they are scared of being identified and called out. Your days are coming to an end. The pendulum is swinging hard the other way. :) You did this to yourself - remember that when the female members of your clan are being sold as war brides and you are being crucified along a highway of your fellow leftist cowards.

22270393? ago

Trump is a leftist, he's been one his whole life. He's spent more money donating to Democrats like the Clintons than you make in an entire year.

He treats his wives like whores, and he whored his daughter off to a Jew.

Your women literally whore themselves out to Jews for movie roles and roles in porno. Your entire race will meet a slow, burning demise, and you are too cowardly to do anything about it.

22270816? ago

LOL Your response is meaningless considering it is still anon. :)

22269592? ago

He used that girl as a toilet. There's a video of Shaq making fun of him and his fetish

22269615? ago

As a coalburner should be used. Cleatchasers gone git raped.

22271242? ago

She probably deserved to get gang raped. Women need to dress more modestly or expect to get raped.

22271671? ago

you're a sick fuck

22271492? ago

The above two shills are really on the ball! Good hustle guys!

22271512? ago

You’re right. We should be celebrating rape. Not trying to prevent it. Especially the black on white stuff

22271559? ago

Anon. Take the time to read the two post I'm replying to, celebrating rape, while simultaneously trying to stop us from preventing rape, by astroturfing bizarre racist posts in an attempt to make this community look like it's full of racists.

I'm not asking the shills to stop or mods to censor them. Only that you put some thought to the motives of each poster.

22271528? ago

That's not the point. The post is a Forum Sliding Post and is off topic of QRV

22271548? ago

QRV should be pro-Rapist and not make posts about any form of rape. Got it.

22269586? ago

They defend Dershowitz too

22269734? ago

When there's real evidence dersh did anything, maybe that will change.

Until then, he is innocent until proven guilty, soros bot.

22270312? ago

I am a Trump supporter all the way. He 100% has my vote. However, if Virginia Guiffre is telling the truth about Jeffery Epstein and Prince Andrew, why in the world would she lie about Dershowitz?

22271830? ago

Cause she's a whore?

22271031? ago


22269742? ago

He DID keep his underwear on

22272927? ago

Mormons are supposed to always keep theirs on.