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22258660? ago

It's not destruction.

It's evolution.

22259849? ago

IQ has nothing to do with reproductive ability.

Inferior species go extinct

22259885? ago

people fucked like rabbits on Easter island that didnt stop them from dying out, tell me ... when the next super SARS or super AIDs hits, how are the nations with no technology going to fight it, will they fight a virus with sex voodoo magic or some other dumb shit?

22259971? ago

people fucked like rabbits on Easter island that didnt stop them from dying out

They lived on a tiny ass island and ran out of resources quickly.

will they fight a virus with sex voodoo magic or some other dumb shit

Mixed race offspring have stronger immune systems than white ones. Notice how the black plague killed off 1/3 of whites, while barely making a dent in Africa.

22260094? ago

The plague killed fuck all in Africa because Africa didnt even have cities or even roads, Africa had NOTIHNG just plains, huts and jungle, when White people went there Whites seen a bunch of naked negroids chucking spears, with Asians and Europes and the Natives of the Americas have already mixed, they have many other ethnicity and tribes for thousands of years they do have gene mixtures. It is Africa who has the both most and both the least diverse gene depending on which pool you examine, the African Genome Variation Project analysed this, some Negro and Congoid types are very inbred, others mixed with other tribes, a proportion introgressed genes they received by archaic admixture both inside and outside of Africa, its possible Jews or people from India or Egyptians have have been fucking around there in ancient times, Negroid tribes also attacked, raped, killed and bred with other Negros for thousands of years.