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22253144? ago

We've been at this for over three years and you still haven't figured out the deep state/cabal has infiltrated countries throughout the world. This is about good vs evil, nothing more, nothing less.

22253172? ago

No. Its YOU who doesn't get it. Its gentile VS jew and always has been

22257698? ago

SBBH is Illuminati

22253851? ago

The babylon cult, the all seeing eye ....Who said what now .... the stage show is controlled, not sure why he wants Dershowitz on the team @version7 @cT9NlRLhxlyr ? @luvgabe ? @Doglegwarrior @dingdong44 the corruption and religious links continue?

22253757? ago

The stage show continues, some day these guys will figure it out? @CaptnObvius @345345asdf ? @veteran88 ? @con77 @Honkpiller

22253880? ago

fucking negg

22253841? ago

Are you calling me a Jew sympathizer?

22253802? ago

Am I tagged and this because I got a hand job from a Jew

22254595? ago

No one cares about your hand jobs.

22253337? ago

Not best movie, I got a download and thought it a bit meh ... also they paid Pedo Garry Glitter a shit ton of money?

22253877? ago

The banker wars, the hollyweird messages, the flu and virus, not an organically occurring, the politics created and released into the world intentionally! @GuyIDisagreeWith ? @Mittermeyer ? @Miklo the Georgia guide stones?

22255461? ago

The fuck thread was I just tagged in. Something about kikes on QRV? Judging by this post its because I talked about the Wu Flu, and to be clear I think it was due to chink incompetence. However until there is a confirmed outbreak in Israel sure kikes could be involved somewhere.