22254637? ago

And you are obsessed with Jews, why?

22253944? ago

Damn. Getting stepped on by a horse sucks. I can't imagine being trampled or stomped by one.

22253849? ago

American's fight each other all the time too.


22253437? ago

The great hope, making it great again. He is married into this? @chubsta @CluelessInTheDark ? @sane ? @Dirty_Money @burtzev

22253220? ago

when you forgot the bag of foreskins to pay-off the local cops

22253269? ago

We should be a space faring civilization, JFK and VonBraun opened space they beat the Soviets to the Moon, there were plans for colonies on Mars ... then years of political bullshit, assassinations and stagnation..... who runs the money supply, an old Babylon cult? the Kotel, this Hanukkah a lot of US political people are married into this wailing wall bullshit

22253288? ago

we are a space-faring civ. we just forgot.

22253165? ago

Left-winged jews VS right-winged jews

22253406? ago

The political show took over America, even Trick Dick called out Bohemian Grove there were stories of Nixon showing and bragging about exotic tech. A few yrs earlier plans for spaceships with nuclear reactors, exotic energies, there was a 'space Race' then people started dying, the 70s all that cool tech had a lid on it or became conspiracy theory.

22257685? ago

I know for a fact there are batteries that do not go dead because my granddad helped develop them.

22253311? ago

I don't think much will change in America, you had horrible years with Bush and Obama, there were 28 Saudi pages removed, a swamp of sorts could be drained, some corruption removed. But he will replace one old swamp with a very new hotel right inside the middle of another filthy swamp, Yael Kushner? his own daughter Ivanka converted to Judaism and he is good friends with her Jewish husband, Jared Kushner, next was all that Dershowitz sleaze criminal bullshit.

22253200? ago

now, they need the ethiopian jews in the mix!

22253144? ago

We've been at this for over three years and you still haven't figured out the deep state/cabal has infiltrated countries throughout the world. This is about good vs evil, nothing more, nothing less.

22253172? ago

No. Its YOU who doesn't get it. Its gentile VS jew and always has been

22257698? ago

SBBH is Illuminati

22253851? ago

The babylon cult, the all seeing eye ....Who said what now .... the stage show is controlled, not sure why he wants Dershowitz on the team @version7 @cT9NlRLhxlyr ? @luvgabe ? @Doglegwarrior @dingdong44 the corruption and religious links continue?

22253757? ago

The stage show continues, some day these guys will figure it out? @CaptnObvius @345345asdf ? @veteran88 ? @con77 @Honkpiller

22253880? ago

fucking negg

22253841? ago

Are you calling me a Jew sympathizer?

22253802? ago

Am I tagged and this because I got a hand job from a Jew

22254595? ago

No one cares about your hand jobs.

22253337? ago

Not best movie, I got a download and thought it a bit meh ... also they paid Pedo Garry Glitter a shit ton of money?

22253877? ago

The banker wars, the hollyweird messages, the flu and virus, not an organically occurring, the politics created and released into the world intentionally! @GuyIDisagreeWith ? @Mittermeyer ? @Miklo the Georgia guide stones?

22255461? ago

The fuck thread was I just tagged in. Something about kikes on QRV? Judging by this post its because I talked about the Wu Flu, and to be clear I think it was due to chink incompetence. However until there is a confirmed outbreak in Israel sure kikes could be involved somewhere.

22253095? ago

semites being semites.

22253201? ago

I can mix and converse with most people around the world, these guys betray and lie and shapeshift its simply going on hundreds of years, maybe thousands. I met a few Arabs, N.Afrcians, English French kike, the Eastern Euro Jew, the Americanized Jew, the Americanized raghead, the Paki Hindu Sikh types and Middle East Kikes many many type in my time, most seem kinda ok but I always had defenses up and many would give themselves away, given the opportunity. I now some who had some heritage and tried to return to their spiritual blood land of Israel but its not easy, a shit ton of exams, doing all this tax shit, religious tests, do you love the religion, love israel questions, the old Mizrahi basically inbred Arab types seem to have a lot of power and sit at the top, the Sephardic are your North Afro Spanish type, Ashkenazic were blasted out after the Rome invasion and mixed with people from Iran, Russia, Eastern Europe, India, there are other older maybe Yemen Egypt type of Mizrahi and some kind of Negroid Ethiopian Black Jews ... as a people who claim to fight racism these Jew tribes they are fucking obsessed with races and bloodlines and ethnicity, they have huge Labs tracking peoples DNA and heritage like the massive science biology laboratory you might find in a place like China or USA. I don't call them Semites because Semitic can mean almost anything, it was a bullshit political word used to try stop criticism of zionist extremists.

22253267? ago

i was just being facetious