22262910? ago

So Geffen is a bigger rat, an upper eschelon mason handler and controls Bathwater Barry, Springsteen, Schiff, and the satanic Hollywood gay mafia. Then to see in this thread more about Kurt Cobain - I just learned a lot more.

22261226? ago

Jewish pedophiles disgust me

22258292? ago

It was the corrupt Ukrainian oligarch that was related to Burissma that funded Adam Schiff‘s campaign in 2016. There is a scan of an invitation to the fundraiser.

22255009? ago

Geffen had John Lennon murdered after taking $1m insurance policy. One of his first moves as a young exec.

22254858? ago

But doesn't he represent their districts?

22254752? ago

Oy vey SHUT. IT. DOWN!


22254608? ago

(((Imagine))) (((that)))

22254426? ago

So David Geffen ordered a hit on Kurt Cobain cuz he wanted out. Decided Kurt was worth more dead than alive?

22259135? ago

I'm convinced Courtney Love was involved as well

22254713? ago

Michael Jackson? Prince?

22254296? ago

Doesn't matter. The Defense Team just slam baked Shifty Pencil Neck Schiff and his Loony Left cohorts through DEATH VALLEY

22254251? ago

Jew Jew Jew....

did you hear that? It sounded like a machine gun... I hope nobody got hurt.

22254193? ago

For reals?

Mr Poltergeist rapist sponsored him?

Along with one of the biggest music moguls? And propably with a hefty amount of degenerate behaviour in his track. Just guessing

22254263? ago

Schiff reunited with his ‘Walt Disney’ Jewish illuminati royal bloodline family...Adam Schiff was raised in a Jewish family from Massachusetts before moving to Danville, Commiefornia to attend High school near San FranShitisco.

22253533? ago


22253507? ago


Who funded Hastert?

22262235? ago

Who cares, Hastert isn’t trying to overthrow POTUS ffs

22253490? ago

Yep, all I have to know. Answers everything.

22253353? ago

My office is in his district. Most of the people in my office is gone and I've been redpilling for 15yrs there. I've always been opposed to demoncrats from day1. So I'm not confident things will change but Dr. Drew is considering running against him and a couple others. There have been and continue to have pretty intense convos about this stuff and some of the normies are questioning Schift and his motives. You can bet that I will instruct people to vote him out but it often falls oin deaf ears but l try for 15yrs now and 1-2 woke up.. we'll see what happens with this POSchiff... but his district is ground zero blue Democrat. I've been screaming at my office mates for 15yrs to wake up literally. I got a big voice in my office and they know I'm a Trump supporter... in fact when Trump announced his candidacy that week in our office meeting i let them know how wonderful that was and most people in my office started to voice up against me then when he said how horrible people from Mexico were coming through the border and i was trying to explain that his words were twisted most of them lost it... then when he won I collected my winnings of course then I must of gloated for over 3 years now and I make sure to remind these people every week how disgusting Cali is with Democrat leadership and some are seeing it... we'll see... I'm from the east coast living in L.A. for 30 years so I'm not shy HAHA

Im so fucking sick of the politics and lefties in L.A., i hate Hollywood and lived in/near for 25yrs and most of my pals are lefties. What you see on t.v. is real. These people just suck up the lies and bs and don't do shit butI let them know. Most times i just have to laugh and I laugh at them and let them know.... wish me luck with the redpilling! going on 16 years redpilling Hollywood as much as I can! oh and I've lost business cause people found out i support Trump... fuck em

22254619? ago

Out of curiosity, where did you stand on Bush II and Iraq invasion?

Are you a patriot or just a Republican partisan?

I am/was vocally anti Bush, anti Iraq, anti big govt. I use these facts as a starting ppint so people know I'm not a Republican stooge.

Then focus on values and principles you believe in that you think others will share in common, show how Trump and current patriots are working toward those things.

Do you believe in:

-property rights?

-freedom from being forced to buy things by govt mandate? (insurance)

-freedom to keep your property? (taxes)

-freedom of speech, press, expression?

-right to self defense?

22255521? ago

Great! You understand. And although I can be gruff I'm one of the ancient ones in my environment and have clout. I've been through the gamut with many of these folks and it just got more vocal about 3 years ago. But this is year after year of their complaints, not voting, still complaining but don't seek to learn or want to know. There's no amount of red pilling for these so now i just let it all out.

I was eligible to vote in late 80s, registered as independent, then Republican in mid 90s. Didn't vote for Bush Sr, voted Ross Perot twice, didn't vote for Bush jr twice. The bushes and Clintons were the same to me. And these people heard it. I'm an open book and a veteran so my voice is uncensored. I'm more libertarian than anything but California prevented me from voting for certain folks as an independent. I'm not tied to the Republican party for whoever as much as what they are talking about and who's running. But i do my research and have followed politics ands studied history since i was a kid. I saw through all this shit as a teenager 35 yrs ago. My closest friends and family know I've been talking about these players and the bullshit for decades. I was never redpilled because i never reached the level of self deception 50%+ of the population achieved. I was listening /reading about conspiracies, CIA,FBI, bushes, Clintons, Satanism, Rothschild, etc for 35 years and i was shocked reading about how the world works as very young man. Plus very personal things that were tied to good guys and bad guys that leant itself to my journey of questioning and accepting painful truths.

Im am intelligent guy and have intelligent convos with those that have even an iota of interest and it hasn't been until recently people are a wee bit curious.

We're in real estate so we are affected by many things in Washington and Sacramento.

I even told my story how the Cali DOJ has put my gun purchase on hold because there's some guy with my name and characteristics that has a gun felony so the retailer won't allow me to buy my gun.

My big mouth validates my freedom of speech and I'm sure to point that out to those who try to stifle it.

Some have come around and others are questioning but the politics in Cali have gotten worse in 30yrs. L.A. is not better off and I've been fighting against the Democrat leadership for 30yrs here. I've called the office of Feinstein, Boxer, Schiff to resign right in the middle of the day at my desk so everyone can hear.

If you have more tips and tricks I'm open.. hehe

22260048? ago

You seem like you are coming from an authentic point of view and concern for other citizens and own rights. Share that part of your journey and people will be interested to learn more...if they are not totally brainwashed.

22264497? ago

Thank you, anon. I do and those that care about the world and leadership listen in sincerity. I will never stop trying to disseminate info to all i meet. Thank you again, anon

22254182? ago

but l try for 15yrs now and 1-2 woke up..

You need to work on your delivery, man. I've woken up way more than that on 1 year my friend! You can do it!

22254541? ago

Do you live in Hollywood, Ca?

.... thought so

22255334? ago

I understand, but I live in an even more cucked place. I live in Canada. Trudeau???

I'd say we're on even ground. Not only to we grt blasted with Trudeau bought and paid for media, but we also get yours 24/7 too! It's annoying!

22255582? ago

Omg! I'm so sorry fren! Don't give info but stand strong!

22253297? ago

Well well well...

22253141? ago

Geffen is trouble

22256285? ago

Not a moment to soon!

22253634? ago

Right after the 2016 Election, Oprah, Bruce Springsteen, Tom Hanks and Bono met on David Geffen's Yacht for a week.


22254413? ago

Geffen's yacht was parked in the Barcelona harbor the day the "John of God" whistleblower was ''suicided' in Barcelona, per Enty of CrazyDaysandNights blog.

22253218? ago

Geffen is Hollywood mafia.

22253025? ago

Sauce: it was on last nights Hannity

22254630? ago

Jews rape kids.

Sauce: all of recorded history

22255374? ago

One can only imagine how many white goyim children have suffered under these two men. How many will be forever scared by these fucking monsters. They sit in mansions free and could swill like pigs in the all the wealth they have acquired. Us slave stock simply sit back and allow these vile creatures to prey upon our own.

22254780? ago

You are not wrong

22254458? ago

The Hollywood Gay Mafia has been whispered about for decades. SPY magazine wrote about them in the '90s. Here's another summary:


22255583? ago

The 2010 Documentary Shaky Town by the Gunn Brothers does a great job exposing the Gay Mafia in San Fran.

22255826? ago

Thanks for the recommendation!

22257983? ago

I used to have a copy I got for free from one of the Gun brothers. I didn’t realize how much these guys are charging for this video now. Seems a kinda fucked up to charge that much.

22254178? ago

The car crash victim Spacey accuser's death .... Arabia and Jew Occult rituals, Their Website for that is advertised as, "Love Shriners". Hoo boy! How many mason lodges are in the United States? Secret Society's are everywhere, they swear allegiance not to the Constitution. Enemy of the people. the symbols, babylon, egypt, rome, arabia, mardi gras.... Roughly:

90% of them have the kiddy cartoonish spiral, sometimes more than one.

60% of them have the butterfly

40% have the double heart thing ... Historical , technological , societal knowledge... Bread and Circuses, Porn and Sportsball https://endchan.net/qanonresearch/res/4289.html

22258072? ago

What is it with the flowers growing out of the head?

22257277? ago

Sweet Jesus, what a rabbit hole that link is.

TY, I think.