22361236? ago

Fabian Socialism is the means by which the West is enslaved. It is a much more subtle and incremental form of Marxism https://voat.co/v/QRV/3637205/22345153

22265014? ago

Yes....AND ISN'T IT BEAUTIFUL?????!!!!!

22263189? ago

Over the years people in magazines have just become more skinny, disfunctional and angry looking. Like pissed off strays.

22254660? ago

Are you serious? lol Most of you have already been mixed like eons ago. Duh ... Do a genealogy test. 100% guarantee you are already mixed with other cultures. You have black and middle east genes already.

22253558? ago

In the last 20 years everything accelerated, we're on a logarithmic curve approached maximum overdrive now.

22254056? ago

Nice sublminaling there as well -- his elbow, looks like her nipple!

22252588? ago

I noticed there were no non-white people at all.

22252335? ago

In 1885, it was "scandalous" fiction for Huckleberry Finn to be friends with Jimbo.

If people could be true to themselves and not make decisions based on societal pressure from others who have their own selfish motives, I honestly don't think race would be a big issue. I think that in a mixed society many people would have a few casual interracial friendships that were based on Character and Interests, but that interracial marriage would be rare because no one would be marrying to Prove something, to to Rebel against something, or to seek Exotic-attraction fulfillment. But for that matter, I don't think there would be many mixed societies either. Without socially engineered societal pressures, people would naturally segregate back to places they can be happy and feel like they belong.

22252164? ago

It's a fairly recent thing as far as I remember.

22252047? ago

DS/NWO worked this into schools by touting the benefits of multiculturalism back in the 90s, or earlier?

22251984? ago

Notice that girl model is Lori Laughlin. Her start and then will we see her end as she models prison clothing?

22251948? ago

That's because back then niggers weren't allowed to read.

22251747? ago

That is a GOOD thing, since it's FORBIDDEN in the Bible.

22252540? ago

Where do you get that? Chapter and verse, please. And you cannot use the iron/clay don't mix of Daniel 2:43 because that is a specific political system in prophesy, not a marriage. Nor can you use Ezra 9:1-2 because that is the context of mixing religions, not races; they were all Semitic; Ruth was accepted by Boaz because she had converted to the jewish religion of her mother-in-law. Prohibitions of Deuteronomy 7:3-4, Nehemiah 13:23f, and Exodus 34:16 will be rejected for the same reason: They are religious/false god reasons, not racial ones.

And then explain Moses's Cushite (Ethiopian) wife Zipporah.

22269764? ago

Leviticus (and/or Deuteronomy) is where such laws are located. I am NOT here to spoon feed Bible to you. I KNOW it's there, I've READ it. YOU should read it as well. The Bible is NOT a bunch of independent sound bites and quotes.

I KNOW it happens MAMZARS. They will NOT participate (instead of see) in the kingdom of heaven. "they will not participate in the kingdom of heaven" is probably the BEST way to search (digital KJV) for what I'm talking about. MAMZARS (bastards in KJV) are half-breeds (Original Hebrew) NOT illegitimate (unwed) children.

Get back to me.

Moses wife? Not relevant. Like I said, shit happens. I have no knowledge of moses nigger wife. You talking about the daughter of the shepherd family he met after being cast out of Egypt before he freed the Israelites? Or some (multi) wife or what? I don't pay too much attention to historical trivia in the Bible. Who did what, was born of whom and whatnot, because it's not relevant to me. NOT can I REMEMBER it like I can remember DIRECTIVES. (laws, statutes and ordinances).

22289023? ago

I have been unable to find any support for your claim that Mamzars refers to half-breeds. Rabbi Naftali Silberberg, (Orthodox, Hasidic) scholar from Brooklyn NY defines the term like this:

A Mamzer (a.k.a. bastard) is the product of incestuous relations or adultery. A child born out of wedlock is not a mamzer. Besides for the fact that a mamzer may only marry a spouse of the same ilk, a mamzer is a full-fledged Jew in all respects.

Nothing there about mixing races. In fact, he refutes that definition by claiming that "a mamzer is a full-fledged Jew in all respects."

I cannot take some anonymous poster's word for something simply because he/she uses all caps.

In a Blue Letter Bible search, bastard occurs 2 times in 2 verses in the KJV. The one that fits best with what you think you know, but could be bothered to find the reference for, is in Deuteronomy. This matches the Hebrew מַמְזֵר (mamzer).

A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD. Deut 23:2

Strong's primary definition is "a child of incest," And although "mixed population" is listed as an alternative definition, it also specifies that would be mixed population in a figurative sense. So basically, Strong's Concordance is saying that the primary meaning of mamzer is exactly what Rabbi Silberberg describes, but also allows that sometimes it can mean the offspring of a Jewish father with a heathen mother. This is a mixing of religion, not race.

To put this plainly, the Talmud recognizes mamzar as denoting one begotten in adultery or incest, while a word-definition translation of the Torah could use mamzar as either the Talmudic definition, or it could allow the alternative one begotten of a Jewish father and a non-Jewish mother.

I agree with you that the Bible is interwoven and not a bunch of independent sound bites, so let's look at the context of this: "a mamzer shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD." In the wider context of the chapter, entering in to the congregation or assembly means they cannot be counted with or participate in the offices of the group. "'To enter into the congregation of the Lord' means either admission to public honors and offices in the Church and State of Israel," - Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary. This is obviously not the same as the Kingdom of Heaven.

In context, this rule was given so that the mamzars would not be in a place of authority where they could lead other Jews astray.

In the full context of this chapter, not only were the mamzars/bastards prohibited from church or public office, but so were three other groups, eunuchs, Ammonites, and Moabites.

Now here is something that you should not dismiss off-hand: Ruth, a Moabitess who converted to Judaism, was part of the genealogy leading up to Jesus. She was the great-grandmother of King David. It was not illegal for her to be part of her Jewish community, only that she could not have held an administrative position or been in charge of other women. Because Ruth had already converted to her former-husband's and mother-in law's religion, it was perfectly acceptable for Boaz to marry her. She could be accepted into the assembly, just not hold a place of authority over others.

The other time that mamzar/bastard is used, in Zechariah 9:6, it is clearly referring to bastard, heathen-mixed religion, not race.

What you think you know may not be so. If you believe that you read a prohibition against interracial marriage and want to convince me that it is in the Bible, you will have to do better. EVERY INSTANCE that I have found is talking about not mixing true religion with false, heathen, or pagan religion.

22357440? ago

Wrong. Mamzar is half breed. ORIGINAL manuscripts, ORIGINAL definition.

22358009? ago

Where do you get that? Cite your source, please. I don't even find that mamzar is a real word! The highly regarded Strong's Concordance with Hebrew and Greek Lexicon lists only mamzer, with an e. That word means mixed faiths/religions. All I am asking for is that you cite your original source. I'm not going to spend any more of my time hunting for you.

22934922? ago

MAMZER. Google is NOW that the shields are down. Otherwise use Wikipedia. MAMZER. sorry I spelled it rong. Don't play trivia on me.....MONGRELS...it's there. ORIGINALY Hebrew. ORIGINAL definition. MY original source is that.

Sorry for the time. I'm VERY busy, and this is NOT my vocation.

22309228? ago

No shit? NO support? Honestly? Not even the New English Bible, and the FACT that the ORIGINALY Hebrew for Mamzar DESPITE you pleading bout Rabbis IS "HALF-BREED". Literal translation. Just LOOK at ALL of the crap you wrote to refute what I have found EASILY.

True I MAY not know, But I KNOW what I've found, and I LIKE my sources, I think they are genuine, AND I think YOUR VOLUMINOUS retort is TYPICAL of what I find on the internet in refute. In fact, I DO NOT know, I just KNOW what I've found and what I DO know about obfuscators.

Show me a FACT. NOT a debate. Not a "ruling" by some group of Rabbis. TRUTH. NOT opinion. GET it? Do you KNOW?I think I DO. You know WHY? Because it's the OLDEST interpretation.

To put it planely... TELL me like I'm NOT cattle.

22252641? ago

Likely he's talking about the mixing of Kinds.

22269777? ago

You are to stick to your own kind. the 12 tribes were ALL Jews, NO niggers. There is NO Ethiopian tribe. Esau (Israel/Jacobs) brother whom god HATED in the womb, DID go to Africa I hear and fathered kids outside of his kind.

22251577? ago

I used to inspect the J.C. Penney catalog with great attention. You are right that most of the women's undergarment models were white, but every once in a while there would be an african-american.

Mostly I just looked at the tits.

22251560? ago

Once upon a time, there was an agenda.. And the rest was history..!

Hopefully history, and their agenda, is in the process of being re-written.

22251536? ago

Madison Ave.....dominated by Jews,,,,,,.and LGBT

22251388? ago

As if Europeans were one race.

22252758? ago

Originally, all Europa was descended from Noah's son Japheth. Probably assisted by a cooler climate where they had to hustle to find warmer clothing and provide year-round food with shorter growing seasons, natural selection killed off the lazy and stupid ones. The gene pool that was left was skewed toward those with an inventive ability and sharp wits to cope. The race did not start off especially superior, but the geography and climate bred it to a point of supremacy in those areas. They still sucked at playing basketball.

Meanwhile, the Africans, even with an abundant supply of superior jungle hardwoods, never thought to build solid structures and sailing ships since materials for thatched huts and reed river rafts were cheaper and a lot less work. They could have colonized the Western Continents first, but no, it took the Muslim slave traders to get them here.

22252821? ago

Approximately acceptable. Though others won't buy the implications of defining race by the sons or grandsons of Noah.

Were the pyramids of northern Africa designed by sons of Japheth. Were Phoenician boat builders?

Jumping forward within ancient times, Britain was a technological backwater till the Romans came along.

22259928? ago

... others won't buy the implications of defining race by the sons or grandsons of Noah.

They should, but even if they choose to be heathens, the evidence shows that humanity spread from the general area of a Levant-curving-into-Mesopotamia Fertile Crescent, so it still works,

Were the pyramids of northern Africa designed by sons of Japheth. Were Phoenician boat builders?

There's no consensus on how the pyramids got there. ¯ _(ツ)_/¯   ...   The Phoenician culture originated along the coast of present-day Lebanon, which was short on great farmland but the mountains were covered in cedar forests; yes, good wood for shipbuilding. They would eventually have small trading settlements around the Mediterranean.

Jumping forward within ancient times, Britain was a technological backwater till the Romans came along.

True enough; the Romans built great roads. Lots of influential things traveled Roman Roads, including priests. The enlightenment of the British Isles and Ireland and their agrarian development correlate nicely with conversion away from Druidism.

22261701? ago

I like the Sons of Noah scheme for mapping races , but it has some weaknesses, as do other categorization systems, including that somehow different races came from the same parents. Areas of the scheme remain blank-- in this case no one knows which Son of Noah spawned the high culture that built early ancient northern Africa. If Japheth is the sole progenitor of Europeans (doubt it) some of his people were s helluva lot more civilized than others. And meanwhile other Noachian branches like the Phoenicians were ahead of most all contemporary Europeans.

I think the uniqueness of Europeans is better explained by the culture of Christianity, inadvertantly assisted by Rome, than it is by any racial explanation. Although I don't expect it to be so simple -- all of the above and more can have stacked up.

22252476? ago

So genocide them all???

22251394? ago

You're right. They still are.

22251461? ago

Except for the Sami, and all the other exceptions, many of whom have mixed in by now, but you do see the occasional redhead.

22251204? ago

The Kalgeri plan personified.


22255279? ago

It's probably just a coincidence that after she changed her name she started supporting gun control, feminism, refugee resettlement and bombing Syria. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3563226

22251184? ago

Its kind of amusing to watch you people. Yah because the old books specifically excluded black people like they didn't exist, and everything was racist-motivated to make sure blacks felt unwelcome in America.

While I fully agree the new "diversity" system is little more than anti-white racism, the old system wasn't the glory rosy days either.

But I guess you guys are all to much of a group of bloody racists who want to never see another black again in your life.

22252483? ago

Blacks wrote their own book and stories for their own people. Why do Whites need to include them in theirs?

22251435? ago

The fact is America was a White nation and acted as such.

Blacks were always an aberration of a past situation, which was never dealt with properly. The two people shouldn't be together.

People have been brainwashed to become scandalized at the idea. But it is the natural way. Different people belong in different nations.

Thanks to the internet, people are waking up from the brainwashing.

You seem to still be beholden to it, by the way you lash out at others with the prescribed insults of "racist".

Please keep an open mind.

To see a white nation embrace itself and celebrate its identity is a beautiful thing, rarely seen today.

22251210? ago

you people

You sound like a bigot.

everything was racist-motivated to make sure blacks felt unwelcome in America.

Niggers back then were also animals who attacked, raped and killed white people daily. Something that YOU PEOPLE act like it doesn't happen. Faggot.

22251797? ago

You can't call someone a bigot for saying "you people" and then turn around and immediately use the term yourself.

22252512? ago

I can. I just did.

22253667? ago

You can't and also not be a hypocrite, obviously. Turd.

22251157? ago

love to watch all the racists when they find a deep dark corner of the internet like Voat where they can show the culture they wish upon the world. this makes me feel like an anthropologist that has discovered a tribe in the deepest darkest corner of Africa that has never met a white man before... the observations are great when some one refers to my opinions as being racist I have this place to point them to . I can genuinely show a libral what real racism looks like. I just have to say thankyou.

22252451? ago

When did promoting survival of every race become racist??

22252443? ago

It's not a deep dark corner, peoples and ethnicity and races exists you have Capoids, Negroids, Roman Latin peoples, Mongolid Yellow, Serb Slavic, Desi Indian and Paki peoples, you have Congoids ... all these people and ethnicity exist, there are blood markers, also is ethnic heritage and there are bone structure and DNA profiles .... Ask why has science become banned or taboo /v/ScienceAnon its now feels before facts?

22251206? ago

Q send you to voat to learn about the jews. Have you learned jews are behind white genocide yet? Have you learned that non whites commit 90% of the crime in the US?

22251299? ago

I come from a family of race mixers and my grand mother is Jewish so was I sent here to hate myself. I think not. do you want me here . my guess is no.

22252463? ago

And yet you think Whites should hate themselves into genocide?

The question is are you genetically predisposed to genociding White nations?

22251401? ago

You're a lost cause. Abstain from procreation, for the good of humanity.

22251285? ago

Q sent us here because this is a free speech platform …you guys are just the cockroaches that infest the place.

22251405? ago

For true free speech, you need an open mind.

22251095? ago

Are they mixing all the races into one?

22270418? ago

That's the plan

22274072? ago

Hm. Not good.

22253708? ago

Yes. "THEY" also control your mind, you haven't got a chance.

22254198? ago

Untill one sees the lie. After that, the game is up. 100th monkey awakened

22251418? ago

Seems like it might be enough to disrupt natural breeding patterns in White nations, and thereby lowering population numbers and destroying the institution of the family.

This seems to be their primary goal. It allows them to better control the resulting population of unattached degenerates.

22253455? ago

I see it in my small piece of the world. I'm Chinese/white married to Filipino/Mexican. At the NYE party we went to their were 2 mixed Black/white families (black dad's of course), a white/Hispanic family, an Asian/white family, a black/ASIAN family, etc.

I do feel like men of all cultures tend to reject black women. But white women caught up in propaganda seem to accept black men, could also be attraction to hyper-masculinity of black culture.

A part of me is sad that I've contributed to the white genetic pool decline, but Ive also found a great mother for my kids who I love, tough.

22255899? ago

You don't care because you're already mixed race, and you continue to carry on with the miscegenation.

What you should've done is either picked a side (Chinese or White), and tried to continue that lineage, or abstain from reproducing.

The idea that White women "seem to accept Black men" is propaganda.

Statistics bare out that people tend to prefer those of their same race, according to the now famous OkCupid summaries.

The exceptions seem to be that Asian women often prefer White men over Asian men; Black men don't prefer Black women over any others. In fact Black men prefer all women the same (will fuck anything).

Also, an additional survey asking respondents "Are You Interested?", based on race and sex, resulted in interesting, yet comparable results, with all women interested in White men (except Black women, who preferred Black). All men interested in Asian women (except Asians). All women being least interested in Black men (except Black women). And all men being least interested in Black women (including Black Men). See Results HERE.

22259293? ago

I can agree maybe on the Chinese/White or no reproducing from a conceptual point. But my partner and I are at least higher IQs so at least we're passing that on? Esp compared to the welfare couples popping out babies like rabbits

Overall I appreciate the comment friend, nice to see the facts of race interest plain and simple

22250986? ago

That model looks like Lori Laughlin.

22270413? ago

It is her...

22254929? ago

totally. that has to be her.

22261871? ago

Oh if she could go back in time.

22250985? ago

Makes me sick and angry.

22250797? ago

Too bad The Jetsons didn't come to pass....

No blacks in the future.

22252419? ago

Also original Star Trek no religious bullshit, why no religion crap because ITS THE FUTURE !! no Jews and their kike extremism, no islamic Kebabs .... although some fans of scifi have a theory old Trek was 'based' aliens might represent different human cultures, Ferengi are kinda Jewy.

22253102? ago

Ferengi are all bad jews.

22252612? ago

Yeah...Ferengi have that goblin look

22250735? ago

Yes the frogwater was much cooler back then.

22254720? ago


22250660? ago

That is before jews had total control over media.

22250944? ago

You mean 1913?

22252129? ago

Faggot, think

22250704? ago

... v/Wakanda

22250594? ago

It's common knowledge worldwide that procreating with blacks is taboo, a path to destruction. Everyone knows this. We just pretend we don't know that now.

22250927? ago

22250875? ago

Young people actually have no idea. They have been indoctrinated by the entire culture to believe in radical egalitarianism.

22252728? ago

Yep. Can confirm.

I informed my friends cousin just out of highschool, that riding around with a black kid at night smoking weed is incredibly dangerous, and ive never seen a more confused look from a person.

I knew it was a long shot when I said it. But had to test the reaction. She has no idea that niggers cause the majority if violent crimes and have low IQ. No idea. None.

She seemed to actually think that hanging out with a nigger was somehow virtuous.

Hope she survives

22257282? ago

It's the " see? I am not racist, I hang out with black people" thing. It all stems from white guilt propagandized by the (((media))).

22253671? ago

"...cause the majority if violent crimes and have low IQ"

Says the low IQ racist.

22257287? ago

I am sorry that statistics hurt your feelings.

22254382? ago

great ad hominoid, sure showed him!