22238481? ago


22233292? ago

This sounds like it was delivered into a telephone rather than a mic. Anything more to prove it was a speech he gave, presumably to a room full of people via a mic or simple speech?

22233336? ago

In 1991 recording was likely using small cassette recorders like may media used way back before iphones

22233356? ago

Well yes, but it still sounds muffled like the speakers mouth is up close.

22233493? ago

One must remember audio recording back in 91 was not that good.

Perhaps microphone under someones coat/collar standing near him?

22233570? ago


22231647? ago

audio sounds fake to me

22231057? ago

David Rockefeller has a really demonic face. You can tell he's pure evil just by looking at him.

22229940? ago

Trump is not going to destroy the NWO - Illuminati Globalists. lol

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Kushner Trump attended the May 2019 Secret Bilderberg meetings. Along with other Trump associates in his cabinet. Sauce - https://bilderbergmeetings.org/meetings/meeting-2019/participants-2019

Trump is playing a role. No more no less.

You are all hoodwinked, brainwashed and totally dumbed down SHEEPLE.

22230106? ago

Thanks for taking the time to explain all of that to us. I don't know what I would have done if I had to think for myself, but with oracles like you here to break it down for us, I don't have to worry about that anymore. I've now lost all hope as I guess we're truly fucked, aren't we...

Was that the outcome you were hoping for, shilly?

I can't even imagine being in your head right now....your side is going down, and hopefully you're on the ship ;) Toodles!

22230192? ago

My side? What side would that be exactly? Trump is playing a role Mr. Sheep. It is called Controlled Opposition. Get familiar with that term. Q Anon is a CIA/FBI/NSA COINTELPRO Deep State Wizard of Oz Operation to Obfuscate Truth and to collect information on further dissidents who are against the NWO agenda.

No Accountability is going to happen. Zero – Nada – Zilch. 100% guarantee. It is all a dog and pony show to keep you distracted from what is really going on behind the scenes. You're paying attention to only what is presented before you on the surface. You people are so dumbed down it is genuinely pathetic. Red Pilled you claim. lol Not even close.

All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances and we are but fools who believe the LIE. The rulers make it appear as though it is something that it is not. Our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing created by those Rulers.

All leaders in the position of power are playing a role. This is why many if not most people are still walking around in the dark and do not SEE that a Veil of deception has been pulled over our eyes. It is the same GAME that has been played since FOREVER. Different players but the same GAME and many people fall for it every single time.

It is the same GAME the Deceivers have been playing on many unaware [lost] souls since the beginning. Different players, same Divide and Conquer reality presented.

Evidently you do not know your real enemy and their Tactics, Motives and Agenda.

22230646? ago

Sure. Letting Epstein and his activities go mainstream is in their interest - just to capture a few internet investigators.

Allowing him to get arrested was fine with them - err, wait, they had to kill him in an obvious display of desperation and get the masses all stirred up. Now the fact that elites are preying on us is at least in the back of everyone’s minds. Yeah, they’re cool with that just so long as they nab the few folks who everyone dismissed as conspiracy theorists anyway.

You’re not very good at this.

22230716? ago

In a 2002 interview, Trump called him ‘a terrific guy,’ and noted a similarity: His penchant for young, beautiful women.

Trump: “He’s a lot of fun to be with,” Trump was quoted as saying. “He likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Trump also flew on the “Lolita Express,” from LaGuardia to Palm Beach. For the better part of two decades starting in the late 1980s, Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump swam in the same social pool. They were neighbors in Florida and friends for years. Photos and articles captured the men together over the years, Trump and his then-girlfriend, Melania Knauss, double dating at a celebrity tennis tournament at Mar-a-Lago. Partying with Britain's Prince Andrew. Hanging out with National Football League cheerleaders. Dancing, laughing, palling around at a party Trump threw to celebrate his "freedom" after he divorced his second wife, Marla Maples.

22231060? ago

Not sure what any of that has to do with the fact that events are not going the way the cabal would have them go. On all fronts their plan is being undone. You see the brexit news today?

Q is a backchannel for us and a psy op causing panic among your masters. It’s amazing and fun to watch. Good time for you to get a real job and switch sides.

22231139? ago

My Master is not of this realm. You have been deceived. It is that simple. You believe in a false hope, a false prophet and a demi-god whom thinks he is the chosen one.. I have a career not a job. I am not in debt up to my eye balls like you either. As a matter in fact I am quite wealthy thank you very much and will retire at the age of 55. Read the book: Rich Man Poor Man. Make money work for you, not you work for money. lol Q is a psy op algorithmic program created by the CIA. The very people you despise are leading you by the nose. It’s amazing and fun to watch. Good time for you to get a real job and switch sides to GOD.

Yeah, that is how dumbed down you are.

22235177? ago

If you think that, why are you here?

If Q is not real, then he's pointed millions of people to open source evidence of our completely corrupt system. That's done to control me? You make no sense. I'm powerless to change it, but at least now I have hope it'll get better. That's a lot more than we had before Q came along.

If you were wealthy, you wouldn't be here wasting your time shilling. I'm sure your mom is very proud.

22230579? ago

My side? What side would that be exactly?

Demoralization psy op on behalf of Talmudists who understand that belief creates reality, and optimistic people live much longer than nihilists.

22230641? ago


22230669? ago

All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances and we are but fools who believe the LIE.

How is that any different from the claim that we're watching a movie?

We're on a second timeline, perhaps even virtually uploaded into it, after these assholes blew everything up on the other one. It's you who doesn't understand what's going on and how humanity's BELIEF in their own future is key to having one.

22230702? ago

I've been exposing the NWO Globalist Agenda for 39 years now.

No Accountability is going to happen. Zero – Nada – Zilch. 100% guarantee.

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Kushner Trump attended the May 2019 Secret Bilderberg meetings. Along with other Trump associates in his cabinet. Sauce - https://bilderbergmeetings.org/meetings/meeting-2019/participants-2019

Trump is playing a role. No more no less.

You are all hoodwinked, brainwashed and totally dumbed down SHEEPLE.

22230847? ago

I've been exposing the NWO Globalist Agenda for 39 years now.

Aw, it must hurt that you were so ineffective that you're upset and JEALOUS that this Saturn-Pluto conjunction is actually bringing the truths to light that you were unable to do.

22230915? ago

No. Not at all. Many have known for a long time. There is no Saturn-Pluto conjunction. lol More false gobble gook.

22231650? ago

Yeah, time's not real but we still experience life as if it is. The clock isn't real. But it is. Life's ultimate paradox.

22230735? ago


Jared Kushner and Ivanka Kushner Trump attended the May 2019 Secret Bilderberg meetings. Along with other Trump associates in his cabinet. Sauce - https://bilderbergmeetings.org/meetings/meeting-2019/participants-2019

How else would they know what to prepare for? You're completely ignoring my point about optimism being necessary for humanity to have a future as you work to spread the black pill because YOU are brainwashed and ineffective in your efforts.

22230810? ago

REEEEEEEEEEEEE I understand you cannot possibly understand what is going on as you have been deceived by the false prophet Q who has never been right in his drops. lol

22230835? ago

So what are you doing wasting your time here?

22230925? ago

Revealing TRUTH. Why are you here?

22231123? ago

You’re very bad at it. What a sad life if you’re spending what time you have trying to demoralize people.

If this is just a conspiracy theory, there’s no reason for you to be here. You’re not trying to help anyone. All you have left is mockery. Time is getting short. Spend some of the time you’re wasting to rethink your life.

22231621? ago

Nailed it ^^ he's here for a desperate demoralization psy op.

22231183? ago

Ha! You attempt to condemn me for the very thing you are doing. ** What a sad life if you’re spending ....**

I am very happy and very blessed. Not sad at all. I have a good life filled with love, light and success.

22235120? ago

I'm not trolling forums trying to discourage hopeful people.

22231637? ago

I have a good life filled with love, light and success.

No doubt that fake light where the parasites plug in and drain your energy and get you to do their bidding in exchange for all the fake bliss of self righteousness they trigger through the pineal gland.

22231649? ago

“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.” -- Socrates

22231685? ago

The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes and then turns your arguments back on you. I didn't call you names, I nailed the mechanics you're living.

22229917? ago

One of the arguments fool use to dismiss "conspiracy theories" is that nobody can keep secrets.

22229907? ago

Ok, first...look at the nose on that guy. Fuck.

Second, I don’t doubt that’s his voice, but I can’t prove it is either. Guess I’ll take a spin on the interwebs to see if I can find any other recordings of this dude.

Third, I don’t like that the voice that’s not rockerfeller summarizes...just let the rockerfeller voice say it.

Fourth, holy fuck 1991? Imagine what these assbandits talk about now at their secret gatherings.


22229672? ago


22229658? ago

This is old news, but it worth spreading now that more people are proudly wearing the tin foil hats.

22234499? ago

The date Is clearly labeled in the title. Good post. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it...

22230410? ago

Chateau Marmont Hotel? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3622060

22229654? ago

David Rockefeller talks about population control in a C-span broadcast posted in 2008


22255040? ago

Looks interesting - can you recommend anything specific within that 180 page doc?

22255268? ago

Its does have a chapter guide. And i found it “their” hole master plan so i read the hole thing its a book. Population controll its highlghted so start with the highlights. And should only take you a few min,to find the dirt.

22230296? ago

You linked to Mr Burns from the Simpsons

22230334? ago


22229587? ago

https://archive.ph/wip/h0PwI :

💎𝔹𝕃𝕆ℕ𝔻𝕀𝔼💎 on Twitter: "Watch this is Rockefeller's leaked 1991 speech. The former second most powerfull man on earth explains the Deep State and the New World Order.

That’s why Trump is so hated he’s going to destroy what they’ve been planning for years!

Retweet this

Please follow @itsBlonde007… /YDWnGBcX4s"

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22229496? ago


22231041? ago

They did. By "Divine Right of Kings". The UK royal family is a good example.

22230623? ago


22230559? ago

Who chose these "elites" to rule the earth?

Molloch, Satan, Lucifer, some lesser types.